Number of People

Chapter 2304: Guizi Scroll Shockwave, Influence

  Chapter 2304 The Shockwave of the Guizi Scroll, Influence

   It can be said that this battle has far-reaching significance, even Feng Ziying never expected it.

   It had a great impact on the Great Zhou Army and the Jianzhou Army, so that all parties were thinking carefully about every detail of the resumption of the battle, and considering how to deal with the next battle.

The power of firearms has been proven in this battle. If we say that ordinary firecrackers have been understood by the Jianzhou army before, but the power of heavy firecrackers and tiger squat cannons has been solidly used by Jianzhou Jurchen One lesson, let them understand that firearms also have rich connotation levels, what type to use under what circumstances, and what effect can be achieved, which is also extraordinary.

   For the Da Zhou side, it is also necessary to consider how to enrich firearms tactics more effectively, and also consider the possible changes in the contingency strategies that the opponent may adopt after the end of this battle. So how should one's own side respond?

  The battle on the frontal battlefield was relatively peaceful, but the battle between Cao Wenzhao, He Renlong's tribe and Huerhan tribe on the west wing became more intense.

  Compared to the infantry battle on Eyidu's side, the battle between Cao Wenzhao, He Renlong and Hu Erhan was more about cavalry, supplemented by infantry.

From Shifang Temple Castle to Tingbo Fort, the two sides fought fiercely. The cavalry on both sides adopted the same countermeasures. The harassment gradually turned into a large-scale cavalry battle. Almost every day, dozens of large and small battles occurred. , From the expected hunting and killing battles since childhood, to the frontal charge battles of thousands of riders, they are constantly unfolding on this line.

In contrast, infantry battles were of secondary importance. Hu Erhan had only a small number of infantry, and most of them were archers. In this way, the war between the two sides gradually evolved into a kind of battle where you retreat and advance, and you advance and retreat. The tug-of-war is brutal and bloody, but it is difficult to decide the winner in a short time.

  Nurhachi's face was ashen, and his long and narrow cheeks twitched slightly. Eyidu's battle turned out to be like this, far beyond everyone's imagination, including him.

He also thought before that this battle might not be easy to fight. Da Zhou sent the elite reinforcements of the Northern Front Army, and even sent Feng Keng, the young right servant of the Ministry of War, to sit in the town. Neither Cao Wenzhao nor You Shilu dared not fight this battle with their lives.

  He Heli and An Fei Yanggu's faces were also ugly.

   It is true that Eyidu fought too badly in this battle, and the loss was so great that it can be said that it was the most painful time for Jianzhou Jurchen in these years.

  The amount has already written an apology, asking for punishment, but now is not the time to discuss this.

  Although the loss of more than 7,000 people was huge, and it could be called traumatic, it was not enough to seriously damage the vitality of the Jianzhou Jurchen.

With all the Han lands around Anle Prefecture and Tielingwei captured, the number of Han in this battle will increase by at least 50,000 to 60,000. In addition, the barbarian Jurchen has completely surrendered to the Jianzhou Jurchen, and the people from the Baishan Heishui Migrated out of the deep mountains and old forests to join the large group of Jurchen, so Nurhachi already has enough confidence to deal with the losses caused by this war.

He Heli and An Feiyanggu were a little annoyed and worried in their hearts. It's not that they can't afford to lose in this battle. The problem is that both of them are coaches with the greatest responsibility. .

  Like Chu Ying, although he was thrown into limbo by the Great Khan, he still refused to give in, and there are still people in the Eight Banners who recognize Chu Ying, thinking that as the eldest son, Chu Ying should inherit the position of the Great Khan in the future.

But E Yidu, Fei Yingdong, An Feiyanggu and even He Heli all hated Chu Ying. Except for Hu Erhan who was not willing to express his attitude, Mang Gurtai was inclined to Chu Ying, and the other descendants of the Great Khan I don't like Chu Ying either.

  The question is now that this incident has happened, will E Yidu's status be affected, and will Chu Ying take the opportunity to jump out again?

  Although Chu Ying is hated by others, he is quite brave in battle, and he is also proficient in the art of war. Otherwise, Hu Erhan and Mang Gurtai would not be inclined to Chu Ying.

"Tell me, why did this battle come to be like this? Hu Erhan didn't participate. I heard that he and Cao Wenzhao were still in an inseparable fight. I didn't expect that Cao Wenzhao would be kicked out of Liaodong. He was dragged back by Feng to fight this battle, and according to the news from Hu Erhan, Cao Wenzhao and He Renlong fought very hard, and his loss was not small."

  Nurhachi calmed down for a while before speaking.

"I didn't expect the development and popularization of firearms in the Great Zhou Dynasty to be so fast. Big Khan, I thought it was because of firearms." He Heli continued: "E also is no stranger to firearms, but according to his letter, the firearms in the Dazhou Army The number of soldiers has exceeded that of spearmen and sword and shield soldiers, and there are also heavy firecrackers that can penetrate wooden shields, as well as a one-hundred-stone cannon, which I am afraid we have never mastered before."

He Heli must defend E Yidu. Among them, E Yidu is the most trusted by the Great Khan. Once E Yidu loses power, they will also be affected. Although An Feiyanggu also hates it Chu Ying, but not enough, has already been at odds with Chu Yingshi like himself, so He Heli will never allow Chu Ying to gain power again.

"Well, I know, it's because of the firearms, but our Jianzhou Army also has firearms, but we have all tested them. The power and operation of the firearms are not satisfactory, far inferior to our crossbowmen. Of course, I admit that the firearms The operation of the gun is relatively easy, as long as you are willing to practice, you can become a good crossbowman in a year or so, but this is not suitable for us."

  Nurhachi glanced at He Heli and said patiently.

"Profuse sweating, maybe not." He Heli shook his head, "If it was before, maybe it really wasn't suitable for us. After all, we Jurchen were born good hunters, and when we grow up, we are proficient in bows and horses. With our Jurchens removed, Anle Prefecture will be in our hands again in this battle, and tens of thousands more Han people will be added. If we still focus on our traditional bow horses, I am afraid it will be a bit narrow."

The forehead refers to Li Yongfang. Nurhachi married the daughter of the Shuerhaqi Shufu Jin Guerjia family to Li Yongfang, which completely tied Li Yongfang and the Aixinjueluo family together, so Li Yongfang can also be regarded as a family up.

After Shuerhaqi was beheaded, Nurhachi did not embarrass his family too much. He knew very well that this was a disaster caused by his brother's over-ambitious ambition. It can't be done anymore.

  However, there is also a hidden danger. Although Shuerhaqi and Altong'a father and son were captured and killed, the brothers Amin and Zasaktu escaped and fled into the territory of Liaodong, where they obtained asylum in Liaodong.

   Nurhachi raised the rest of Shuerhaqi's youngest sons, Tulun and Jierhalang, Nuomudai and Fei Yangwu, and several daughters, and now they are raised under Nurhachi's knees.

"He Heli's words are wrong." Bayara objected: "My Jurchen tradition is to bow horse and shoot. Changed our customs to adapt to the Han people? Do we want our Jurchen descendants to read the poems and books instead of learning bows and horses in the future, and become as weak as the Han people? From then on, the Han land we captured will become more and more Do we still have to learn the Han Chinese's clothes and characters, and completely become Han Chinese? I don't think it's appropriate. The forehead has also been battled for a long time, and this battle is just careless. The Han Chinese's firearms are powerful, but we have all seen it , it is not as good as our bows and arrows, now that the savage Jurchens are coming to vote in large numbers, we should still select the best ones to recruit, and we can quickly replenish them."

Bayara is the younger brother of Nurhachi and Shuerhaqi. He is in his prime and has always been on good terms with Chu Ying. However, Chu Ying lost power, and he dared not go against his elder brother's decision. He didn't like Dong's group very much.

  Ba Yala's words immediately won the approval of some Eight Banners dignitaries in the hall.

He Heli, Fei Yingdong, E Yidu, and Huang Taiji all supported learning the advanced production and cultural experience of the Han people, especially in iron smelting and writing books. He Heli, Fei Yingdong and others spared no effort, and Huang Taiji also I very much agree, but this was opposed by Chu Ying, Mang Gurtai, Bayara and others, and Hu Erhan and others also did not support it, thinking that this would make the Jianzhou Jurchens as weak as the Han people, without the Jurchens bravery.

In fact, Nurhachi is also aware of this contradiction. There are only so many Jurchens. Even if the Jianzhou Jurchens unified the entire Haixi Jurchen and the barbarian Jurchens, they are far from being able to compare with the Han people. Look at the Han people brought by Li Yongfang during the battle of Fushun Pass The number immediately increased the strength of one's own side, and now that Anle Prefecture has started, and tens of thousands of Han people have come in, it is understandable for Bayara and the others to worry about the growing influence of Han people in Jurchen.

  Nurhachi is also full of contradictions in his heart.

Reason tells him that the Jurchen has to learn more from the Han people now, but his intuition tells him that if this continues, everything about the Han people will gradually replace everything about the Jurchen that he has painstakingly managed and shaped. What is the difference between the Jurchen and the Han people in the future? ? I am afraid that my descendants will gradually become like the Han people, and the term Jurchen may only exist in history.

The hall fell silent for a while, and it was no secret that Bayara and He Heli were at odds, but Bayara was not Shuerhaqi or Chu Ying, he was loyal to the Great Khan, and the questions he raised were also those of the nobles of the Eight Banners. People's doubts and worries in their hearts, they all learn from the Han people, so what is the difference from the Han people?

  In the future, will the name, clothing, and customs be changed to be the same as those of the Han people?

   Is this a good thing or a bad thing for the entire Jurchen clan?

   There is still twelve o'clock tonight, continue to play the list, and ask the brothers to guarantee the monthly pass next month!



  (end of this chapter)

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