Number of People

Chapter 2305: The weak point of the Guizi scroll, the turning point (seek the first update)

  Chapter 2305 The weak point of the Guizi scroll, the turning point (the first update asks for a guaranteed monthly pass!)

Seeing that Father Khan was silent about the dispute between Bayara and He Heli, Huang Taiji cleared his throat and stood up: "Father Khan, what my son thinks Hehe Li and uncle are all reasonable, but at present, I don't care about it. When there is a big difference between the two, we must first win this battle before we can talk about what will happen in the future. Although the battle of Dazhou was unexpected, their losses were not small. There is still a long way to go if they want to break through Yilu , but here at Tieling Acropolis we can’t drag it on any longer.”

  Huang Taiji's mixed mud made Nurhachi barely find a way to go down the steps.

  Ba Yala's views were endorsed by many nobles within the Eight Banners. In fact, even Nurhachi himself was a little worried about this issue, but He Heli's opinions were just as reasonable.

   There are only so many Jurchens in Jianzhou. If they want to fight against the Great Zhou in the south and seize more land, population and wealth, they can only absorb more Han people.

However, the more they invaded the southern territory, the more they occupied, and the Han population became larger and larger, and the signs of the Jurchens being Sinicized became more and more obvious. Look at the Four Banners of the Han Army brought by Li Yongfang, which drove the life of the Manchus around them. The change in habits and diet is shocking.

Although I tried my best to bring out the savage Jurchen, but there are only so many savage Jurchen, Haixi Jurchen and Yehebu, the hard-boned stalks, did not give in there, making Nurhachi hate him to the bone, and Zai Sai, the scourge, unexpectedly It is intolerable to bring up the Nekhalka people and not allow the Horqin people to take refuge in themselves.

  Nurhaci is aware of the risks brought by the large number of Han Chinese, but the Jurchen population cannot grow rapidly, so what should we do?

   Perhaps it is an option to selectively expand the Mongols to join in, but unfortunately this was interrupted by the interference of the Nekalkas.

"What Lao Ba said is that now is not the time to discuss these things. We still have to think about how to win this battle and eliminate the Juniper tribe." Nurhachi pondered for a while, "E Yidu can still hold the Zhou army. attack?"

An Feiyanggu shook his head: "If we continue, it may be a bit difficult. Hu Erhan was held back by Cao Wenzhao and He Renlong, and Cao He's second division fought fiercely. Hu Erhan has no time to separate himself, unless Fei Yingdong wants to Lead the army to reinforce, otherwise it will be difficult to solve the problem with Mangurtai's cavalry alone."

"Where's Daishan?" Nurhachi didn't dare to mobilize Fei Yingdong's main force easily. The main force of You Shilu of the northern front army has not moved. Form a breakthrough.

   "Daishan was also attacked by You Shilu's corps, and fought in the Sanchaerbao area." An Feiyangu replied.

"Entangling the battle? You Shilu defeated Daishan's guts with one move?" Nurhachi asked dissatisfied: "Has he rested enough? Order Daishan to immediately defeat the Zhou army in front of him, and then move closer to the west To relieve Fei Yingdong's pressure, so that Fei Yingdong can deploy troops and reinforce the amount."

  The siege troops under the Tieling Guard City cannot be withdrawn. This is the main purpose of this battle, which is to completely swallow the Juniper Department. Now only the Daishan Department can move.

   It's just that they don't understand the difficult situation that the Daishan Department is facing now. Not only is Daishan unable to provide reinforcements, but they even need the support of Dongdong Feiying.

"What should I do?" Dai Shan never thought that this battle would turn out like this. Although he suffered losses in the previous battle, his vitality was not damaged. At least he still had more than 6,000 troops. Zhou Jun was forced to come to this point?

He had never dared to ask Fei Yingdong for help before, because the information Fei Yingdong gave him showed that the Zhou army on the opposite side only had more than 9,000 people. In Daishan's view, his 6,000 people were more than enough to deal with the 9,000 people of the Zhou army, but who? He had thought that this big Zhou army would be so difficult to deal with. From the field battle, he was forced to retreat to Sanchaer Fort, and then he was forced to withdraw from Sanchaer Fort, and hid in this Huabaochong Fort to defend.

  For the warriors in Jianzhou, this was a great shame and humiliation. Daishan could even think that after this battle, he might immediately become the laughing stock of Mang Gurtai and Huang Taiji.

   What made Daishan most unacceptable was still the field battle.

The encounter between the two sides was almost not well prepared, but the speed of response and the power of the firearms displayed by the opponent were far beyond our expectations, especially the speed of the opponent's firecrackers firing in bursts. Veteran of the battle.

It can be seen that the color of the other party's clothes is not the Liaodong Army and the Jizhen Army. The shoulder collar with red borders obviously belongs to the Beijing camp system. Daishan has seen this kind of clothing in the capital city of Dazhou. The Jingying army used red clothing.

But everyone knows that the combat effectiveness of the Great Zhou Jingying is not normal, otherwise it would not have been wiped out by the Nekalka people in one fell swoop, and even let Zai Sai make a fortune in this ransom business , Even the entire Eastern Mongolian grassland has spread, and Jianzhou Jurchen heard the same.

  Because of this, Daishan felt that he had underestimated the enemy.

In the encounter battle, the opponent relied on the ferocious firepower of the firecrackers to beat the unprepared side into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. More than a thousand sons were killed in the middle of the attack before they could even react. This made Daishan almost Be crazy.

Babutai's eyes were bloodshot, and his lips were dry and cracked. He licked it, looked at the Zhou army outside the fort in a daze, and said, "Second brother, I'm afraid I have to ask Master Fei Yingdong for help." , If we continue like this, we may be trapped here to death, even if we can hold on, but the dried meat and food of the boys can only last for two days."

  If I knew it earlier, I should stick to Sanchaer Fort. At least there is no shortage of water and food in Sanchaer Fort.

  But how could he have thought that after that battle, the Great Zhou army would dare to hold on to it and rush into Sanchaer Fort.

  The two sides fought another fierce battle in Sanchaer Fort. Daishan really didn't want to fight this kind of melee with the opponent in the fortress, so he withdrew, intending to fight the opponent to the death in the field battle outside the city.

  Who would have thought that the opponent would occupy the Sanchaer Fort but could not come out, and would sneak attack on his camp at night, forcing himself to retreat to Huabaochong.

Well now, Huabaochong Fort is nominally a fort, but in fact it is less important than Sanchaer Fort, and it is not too far from Fanhesuo. It turned out that the Liaodong Army used this place as a transit point and did not It is specially built, so the fortress is low and narrow and has no food, which can be said to be very unfavorable for defense.

But now the Great Zhou army is relying on the superiority of firearms to encircle the three buildings, only exposing the west side, obviously trying to force their own side to flee from the west side, so that they can take advantage of the situation to cover up and kill them, and they may even take advantage of the situation to fight all the way to Fanhe , maybe that is their real purpose.

   But their thousands of troops are enough to beat themselves, and dare to fight Fanhe Station?

  Daishan was puzzled, but it was not time to think so far. He needed to solve the problem he was facing.

"Let's write for help. It depends on how Fei Yingdong and the others are playing. I have a bad feeling. Although Father Khan's design is comprehensive this time, there is always a feeling that some accidents will happen. We may not be able to follow the rules. Our plan has achieved its goal." Daishan lowered his head in frustration and helplessness.

Asking Fei Yingdong for help means that he has lost this battle, and Mang Gurtai can be proud again, but Daishan is not afraid of Mang Gurtai, he is more worried about Huang Taiji, and now he It is the most favored in Father Khan's mind.

"Second brother, I'm afraid you are thinking too much. Our side can only be regarded as a partial teacher at most. There are only a few thousand people, and they are not the best. The elite are also led by Father Khan, E Yidu, Fei Yingdong and Hu Erhan. So, even if we all die in battle, it won’t affect Eyidu and Fei Yingdong’s side.” Babutai shook his head, he felt that his second brother, who had always been brave, seemed to be frightened by the Han people this time, and he was very angry. All have changed.

"Old Jiu, I always think it's not that simple. Don't you think that the Zhou Jun Jingying firearm in front of you is a little too strong?" Dai Shan shook his head again and again, "It's not that I let the enemy's prestige destroy my ambition. In that encounter, We didn't make too many mistakes, but the speed of their formation and the frequency of firing firearms didn't give us much chance at all. Our cavalry just started, and we were hundreds of steps away, when we were hit by the opponent's firecrackers. A big hole was punched in Ergen's head, as you can see, the horse team exploded all at once,..."

  Daishan couldn't help shivering when he thought of the situation that day.

   It’s unbelievable. Originally, the 500 cavalry was used as a trump card to break through the enemy, but before the cavalry could charge up, they were fired from a long distance by the opponent’s firecrackers. Dozens of cavalry, including the leader of the cavalry, Thorgen, were knocked off their horses.

  The cavalry was also startled. They were defeated and failed to play a role at all. Instead, they dragged down the infantry.

  Babtai was also silent. He couldn't refute his brother's opinion, because he also saw with his own eyes the huge damage caused by the opponent's firearms.

  The former Liaodong Army Firearms Battalion was not like this. The firing of firecrackers was messy, and the range was uneven, which was not as good as that of our own crossbowmen. If they were armored, the damage would be smaller, but this time it is different.

  Sorgen and the others were beaten to death abruptly, especially the helmet on Thorgen’s forehead was punched with a hole. You must know that it was an iron-leather helmet, which was impenetrable, but was pierced by a firecracker.

In addition to the ferocious firearms of the Zhou army, the opponent's will to fight is much stronger than expected. It can be seen in the melee in Sancha'er Fort. Babutai himself killed several Zhou soldiers, but he still He rushed forward bravely and dared to fight himself with swords and spears. If he hadn't escaped quickly, he would have been beaten to death by the opponent's firecrackers under the fort wall.

  In this situation, how to fight?

   Lao Rui is still working hard, brothers, here are some monthly passes to stimulate!



  (end of this chapter)

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