Number of People

Chapter 2314: When the cannon of the guizi scroll is fired, the golden ten thousand taels

  Chapter 2314 The cannon shot of the guizi scroll, golden ten thousand taels

   "Daily News" was the first to publish this shocking news. Dazhou defeated Jianzhou Jurchen in Liaodong, beheaded 100,000 enemies and captured thousands of prisoners.

   This news immediately became the hottest topic in the entire capital city. Whether it was a tea house, a brothel, or a street corner, this news has always been the hottest topic for discussion.

In fact, since Yonglong ascended the throne, it seems that Dazhou has never achieved any comforting results in the Liaodong war. Every time there is news related to the Liaodong war, the enemy is increasing, harassing the frontier, and taking my people away. Anyway There is no good news.

   Later, even the newspapers in central Beijing seldom mentioned the situation in Liaodong, and the only way to find out was to read the imperial court newspaper.

But this time the most authoritative "Daily News" proclaimed the causes and consequences of the Liaodong Campaign and the changes in the entire battle situation at length, and even briefly reviewed the unfavorable court battles in the early stage, but all of this was also for the later period. Supervisor Xiao Feng laid the groundwork after taking over the battle in Liaodong.

  Mobilizing troops and generals, strategizing, sitting in the army, and lashing out at Fang Qiu, the vivid scenes are even more vivid in the pens of literati with brilliant pens, and the scholars and people in Beijing are mesmerized.

Zhao Ledjiao, Cao Wenzhao, You Shilu, and Juniper, especially Mao Wenlong, who sneaked hundreds of miles away and made great contributions in the First World War, became heroes praised by both Beijing and China. After being processed, under the wise leadership of Supervisor Xiao Feng, he finally conquered a powerful enemy and made extraordinary achievements.

Even the "little people" such as He Renlong, He Huchen, Yang Zhaoji, and Mao Chenglu shined brilliantly in literati's writing, and became household names, especially Mao Chenglu became the second most popular storyteller in Beijing after Feng Ziying. By.

  Dropping the "Daily News" in his hand, Qi Yongtai couldn't help shaking his head, "How can this "Daily News" be reduced to such a style, how is it different from those other street tabloids?"

Li Sancai laughed, "Brother Chengfeng, are you reading the supplement? Now that the content of "Daily News" is getting more and more extensive, there is a supplement. The main issue is still about current affairs and business, but the supplement is not It’s the same, it’s specially stripped out, and all kinds of strange things, as well as the creations of literati can be placed on it, it’s also very popular for novelty hunting,…”

  Qi Yongtai turned the newspaper over for a look, only to find that it was really a supplement.

Its special edition is to create stories similar to legendary stories, but they are well combined with current events. For example, this story about Mao Chenglu's decisive decision to burn the forage yard is undoubtedly a very good artistic process. The soldiers of the Liaodong Army are portrayed very well, which greatly boosts the morale of the civilians, and the effect is very good.

   "Daofu, I didn't expect you to be so familiar with this. Why, you have to read the story in the supplement if you have nothing to do?" Qi Yongtai asked in surprise.

"Well, brother Chengfeng, now this "Daily News" has a big article every day. It's really interesting to read it when you have nothing to do. It can gain a lot of knowledge. Compared with other newspapers, it's even better. The reliability and interestingness are much stronger, and this is a good way for me to be improved.” Li Sancai was full of praise for the "Daily News", "And this kind of newspaper has a great effect on stabilizing people's hearts and boosting morale. The Ministry of Rites should strongly support such newspapers.”

"I've exaggerated the Liaodong War, and I'm afraid that something will go wrong, so how can I save face?" Qi Yongtai's brows were a little more worried, "It's hard to take back Liaohaiwei, the Jianzhou Jurchen control line It has been pushed to the line of Qingheguan-Zhonggucheng-Songshan Fort. Tens of thousands of people in Anlezhou have been captured by Jianzhou Jurchen. Now Tielingwei is not safe. We still lose more and lose less in this battle. .”

Li Sancai's face also became gloomy, and after pondering for a long time, he said: "This is already a blessing in misfortune. Originally, I only hoped that the entire army of Juniper would not be wiped out. Let's take a step back, as long as Juniper survives and is not captured." , even if there is one confession, but now there are more than 6,000 people who have returned from more than 10,000 people, and the Tieling Acropolis has also been defended. people, but the Jianzhou Jurchen also suffered huge losses. It is an exaggeration to kill 100,000 people, but as far as I know, the loss of the Jianzhou Army will not be less than 20,000. The casualties of the Eight Banners in the state will not be less than 15,000, which is unprecedented in the past ten years or since Jianzhou Jurchen became a serious problem for the court."

  Qi Yongtai smiled wryly.

  Li Sancai is right. The Jianzhou Jurchens are different from the Mongols. In the past ten years in Liaodong, let alone tens of thousands, even three to five thousand casualties have never been heard.

   Every time you can kill three or five hundred people, you have to double it several times. If thousands of people win, then you will immediately blow it up and go straight to tens of thousands.

  But this time, the imperial court sent people from all ministries to observe, and there were also people from Long Jinwei to supervise each other.

   Judging from the information obtained by both sides, the combat exploits reported this time are basically reliable.

It is said that Zhao Ledjiao, You Shilu, and even Mao Wenlong wanted to report and kill more than 50,000 enemy troops, but they were reprimanded by Feng Ziying, saying that this is how the atmosphere in Liaodong was ruined. Always give enough without compromise.

"But Jianzhou Jurchen took Anlezhou, and its Han army flag can grow rapidly immediately. Li Yongfang, a traitor, is now determined to betray his ancestors and follow Nurhachi all the way to the dark. Now the defense system of the Tieling Guard line is dilapidated. Jianzhou Jurchen can cross Qinghe Pass-Zhonggu City-Songshan Fort at any time and break into the hinterland of Liaodong to plunder people and property. Without the defense of the side wall, Liaodong's defensive situation will be even worse,..."

  Qi Yongtai obviously studied the current situation in Liaodong specifically, and the problem he mentioned is what worries Li Sancai and the Ministry of War the most.

Without the side wall, the entire hinterland of Eastern Liaodong, from Tielingwei to Shenyang Zhongwei, even including Fushun Pass to Yahu Pass in the east, and Xin'an Pass to Zhenxi Fort in the west, lacked systematic defenses, and could easily be attacked by Jianzhou Jurchen. Look for an opportunity to break through, and the Liaodong Army will fall into a situation where they are passively beaten everywhere, loopholes everywhere, and hard to defend against.

It can even be said that Tieling Guard may now become a burden of Liaodong Town, and it is difficult to give up to the court to explain it to the court, but to defend it, one needs to bear a lot of risk and pressure, and it is easy to make the entire Liaodong Town behind it fall into a siege at any time The dangerous situation of fighting aid.

   But now can we say that we have given up Tieling Acropolis?

   It cost so much to hold on to it, but now it’s just a matter of giving up?

Also, once abandoned, the Jurchens of Jianzhou will be stationed in Tieling Guard, and they will directly face the three original critical passes of Fanhe, Yilu and even Puhe. , Yilu, and Puhe, the Shenyang Zhongwei had to face the risk of the Jianzhou army approaching the city.

"Whether to defend Tieling Acropolis or not, we need to discuss it carefully. We will discuss it again when Ziying comes back from Liaodong, but Ziying gave me a suggestion before leaving, saying that I will go to Pidao in Jiulian City (Zhenjiang Fort) I think it is very innovative to form a sufficient army on this line." Li Sancai said slowly: "The North Koreans and the Jianzhou Jurchen are getting closer and closer. If we don't give some pressure, this trend will continue. Liaoyouwei and even Liaonan will be in danger."

   "What is the danger in southern Liaoning?" Ye Xianggao who walked in asked as he walked, "Isn't the situation just getting better?"

   "No, it was a suggestion made by Ziying before she left. I think it is very innovative, and it can also give Jianzhou Jurchens a bottom line." Li Sancai explained.

Fang Congzhe also came in. Hearing Li Sancai's words, he couldn't help frowning: "Daofu, silver, silver, where did the silver come from? The battle in Liaodong has been rumored outside, and everyone feels elated and elated. Don't you know that the money spent is like running water? You will be forced to hang yourself tomorrow, and you need to form a new army, where will the money come from?"

   When it comes to spending money, it is not a pleasant topic.

"Then negotiate with Nanjing as soon as possible, and let the taxes in Jiangnan be delivered immediately!" Li Sancai was also a little angry, "I know that the Ministry of Household Affairs is difficult, but where is it not difficult? It is hard for Shanxi to be considered stable. Li Qing is said to have lost ten catties, isn't it difficult? What if Shenyang is lost? Abandon Liaodong? Once Liaonan is lost, Jianzhou Jurchen will face us across the sea in Denglai, and we can land at any time Shandong,..."

Fang Congzhe was also a little angry, "Daofu, you know that Shanxi is the only way to stabilize the situation? But the Ministry of War came to ask for money again. Where can Ming Qi and I get money? On the Jiangnan side, to put it lightly, Prince Yizhong is so Is it a good match? Do you think you can accept the conditions they are asking for?"

  One sentence choked Li Sancai back again, and fell silent.

Of course, Nanjing is aware of the current difficulties of the imperial court, so they are so tough. If Ma Chengxun hadn't won the first battle of Liaodong, and Ma Chengxun had resisted the attack of the Chahar people in Xuanfu Town, I am afraid that Nanjing would still The asking price is higher.

   But even so, the Ministry of Household Affairs couldn’t bear it anymore. Haitong Yinzhuang borrowed another two million taels of silver.

"If you can't, continue to borrow from Haitong Yinzhuang." Qi Yongtai said indifferently: "As long as you can borrow it, as long as you can win, the court's reputation is still there, so don't be afraid. Ziying and I also talked about this matter. His The point of view is different from ours. It is said that the borrowed money is also spent within ourselves. The military workshop made guns, smelted iron, made gunpowder, bought grain, made clothes, made carriages, carts and ships. I bought the horses, and all the money went back to the common people and merchants, so don’t be afraid,..."

   Continue three shifts, ask for a monthly pass!



  (end of this chapter)

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