Number of People

Chapter 2315: Fiscal Expansion in Kui Zi Scroll, Jian Feng Points to

  Chapter 2315 The financial expansion of the Guizi scroll, pointed by Jianfeng

   Qi Yongtai has pondered Feng Ziying's point of view for a long time, but he has never figured it out.

According to Feng Ziying's point of view, it is to encourage the imperial court to borrow money. As long as the money is spent and spent in the territory of Dazhou, whether it is obtained by merchants or ordinary people, it is a good thing, but it is a bad thing if it exists in the bank or the treasury. , this makes Qi Yongtai very incomprehensible.

   It is reasonable for the common people to get it, so why is it a good thing for businessmen to get it?

Feng Ziying explained that it is a bad thing if the merchants are going to use the money to buy familiar land in Dazhou, especially Jiangnan, Huguang and Beidi, but if they go overseas such as Dongfan, Nanyang, and Liaodong to buy land for development , that's a good thing.

There are advantages and disadvantages to storing the money earned by merchants in the bank, but if it is used to expand the workshop, or buy vehicles, ships and various equipment, and recruit more workers, that is the greatest good thing, even if it is used to buy houses. It's not a bad thing for enjoyment.

The same is true for the imperial court. It is of course not a good thing if the treasury is empty, but it is not a good thing if there is too much silver stored. The best result is a slight surplus. Use it as much as possible instead of storing it in a bank or hiding it in the treasury.

It should be said that Feng Ziying's most simple "fiscal expansion" policy is unacceptable to the current head of the court. In their minds, the more money in the Chinese treasury, the better, and the more grain in the granary, the better. , If all the silver is spent, what should we do when it is needed?

Feng Ziying’s response is that they can borrow money and issue national debt. As long as the court can firmly maintain its own reputation, as long as the financial system of Dazhou does not collapse, and as long as Dazhou’s military strength can still protect its own security, then borrowing and issuing national debt will not be a problem. , the key is that the proceeds from the loan should be used wisely.

  This kind of view has a great impact on the cabinet ministers. Qi Yongtai is better. After all, he often discusses and communicates with Feng Ziying, but people like Ye Fangli and others cannot accept it.

  For this reason, this issue has been discussed many times, and sometimes I feel that there is some truth, but the original concept is deeply rooted, and it is always difficult to accept.

As soon as Qi Yongtai mentioned this point of view, the three of Ye Fang and Li frowned again. After a long time, Ye Xianggao said slowly: "The household department has borrowed more than ten million taels, how can I repay it? Is it really going to be bad in the future? The Ministry’s annual tax revenue is basically fixed,…”

"No, Jinqing, wealth and income should increase. Of course, it is unrealistic and inappropriate to pin all your hopes on Jiangnan's land tax. However, the industrial and commercial tax has been increasing steadily and substantially, but now It seems that the proportion of industrial and commercial taxation in our wealth is too low, but we can compare the situation in Beidi, especially the northern Zhili prefectures. The industrial and commercial taxation and customs duties in Yongping Prefecture have increased by 32 times in three years , the overall taxation has increased by 5.6 times, the industrial and commercial tax and customs duties in Shuntianfu have also increased by 6.8 times, and the overall taxation has increased by 3.4 times. What is the reason for such an unimaginable growth rate? Isn’t it iron smelting, The rapid development of industries such as coal, ordnance, shipbuilding, and cement, as well as the skyrocketing port trade?"

  Qi Yongtai's words surprised both Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe, and asked quickly, "The growth is so big?"

"Well, the industrial and commercial tax and customs duties have increased a lot, but the land tax has not changed much. The newly reclaimed land is almost non-existent, so naturally there is no increase." Qi Yongtai nodded and said: "If Dongfan is under the jurisdiction, the land tax can increase, but at the beginning Xu Anfu businessman, exempt from land tax for 20 years,..."

"Where does Xintian come from in the north? Unless it is Liaodong, or the second town of Ganning." Fang Congzhe sneered, "But there is probably a limit to the increase in industrial and commercial taxes and tariffs. The growth has been rapid in the past two years, but if it continues, How much more can Shun Tien and Yong Peng grow?"

"It will continue to grow. The sea trade in Yuguan and Dagu is still growing at a high speed, and the demand for cement, coal, and steel continues to expand. Now a large amount of cement in Yuguan and Tianjin Wei is sold to the south. This is also a good sign, at least in the north. There are also things that can be sold in the south, instead of just bringing food, silk, and porcelain from the south,..."

Qi Yongtai is particularly satisfied with this point. The Northland has always been suppressed by the South, especially Jiangnan relied on water transport supplies to the north to supply the capital, which made the Jiangnan scholars have a higher status in the court and overwhelmed the scholars who have always been dominant in the Northland. The status has been like this for so many years, and the gap is getting bigger and bigger, and now there is finally a turning point.

   Qi Yongtai may not understand the saying that the economic base determines the superstructure, but it is an indisputable fact that the huge disparity in economic strength between the North and the South of the Yangtze River makes the scholars in the South of the Yangtze River more confident.

   Jiangnan, which is generally more affluent, can support more people and allow more people to study and study. Naturally, it also performs better in the imperial examination.

   This also left the scholars in the North with nothing to say. They can only reluctantly explain it by saying that the North shoulders a heavier pressure to resist foreign invasions, but this seems a bit lacking in confidence anyway.

  The topic of the cabinet has shifted from military affairs to finance, and discussions are also in full swing.

"Okay, let's not talk too far, there will be a long time in the future, and there will be some time to discuss and research, so let's get down to business now." Ye Xianggao sighed, "The crisis in Liaodong is temporarily resolved, how to maintain the status quo, I think we should wait until Zi Let’s talk after Ying comes back to listen to his opinion, in a short time, I reckon that we and the Jurchens need to take a breather.”

Everyone agrees with this point of view, but Li Sancai is still a little worried: "Jinqing, the Chahar people are still harassing. Although Ma Chengxun barely blocked the Chahar people's attack, he still relied on the support from Ji Town. In this way, Ji Town will be a bit empty, should you consider withdrawing part of the Northern Front Legion first?"

  Ye Xianggao shook his head resolutely: "This will not work, Liaodong has lost too much. Isn't the withdrawal of troops at this time to shake the morale of the army? At least it will take a few months to wait."

   "But Jizhen is very weak. From Taolinkou to Jiangjunshi, the troops have been weakened to the lowest point. Once the Chahar people suddenly turn to the east, something will happen again in Gyeonggi!"

  Li Sancai had no choice but to issue a warning.

   This is his opinion after unanimous discussion with Zhang Huaichang and Sun Chengzong.

  The Chahar people seemed to be aggressive in Xuanfu Town, but they always felt a little bit of bluff.

Moreover, they also estimated that Xuanfu Town would not be able to withstand the offensive of the Chahar people, and they might even need to trade space for time, prolong the offensive line of the Chahar people, adopt a strategy of strengthening the wall and clearing the field, and then harass the back road to force them not to fight Self-defeating.

   But this trick doesn't seem to come in handy.

The Chahar people did not go as deep as they wished, but adopted a strategy of multiple breakthroughs, but they tried to stop at a few points. This certainly relieved the pressure on the Gyeonggi area, but it made the entire border full of wars, and the extra passes were all destroyed. Breaking through made Ma Chengxun exhausted.

   This also led to a strange phenomenon. The Chahar people did not go deep into the people and looting people and materials as before, but harassed on the long border. This is obviously a move that is not worth the candle, and there must be a conspiracy inside.

Before, everyone suspected that Lindan Batur was cooperating with Nurhachi, hoping that Jianzhou Jurchen would defeat Liaodong, force the imperial court to shift its defense focus to Liaodong, restrain the imperial court's heavy troops, and win opportunities for the Chahar people, but now Jianzhou Jurchen has lost , the Bailian and Tumed people in Fengzhou, Shanxi are also on the offensive. What are the Chahar people waiting for?

   "Or call Cao Wenzhao and He Renlong back first?" Qi Yongtai frowned and suggested.

   "Qi Yongtai and He Renlong have suffered a lot, so it might not be meaningful to transfer them back, right? Without half a year of replenishment, I'm afraid they won't be able to go to the battlefield." Li Sancai shook his head.

   "But the large-scale deployment of troops back now will cause the Liaodong army to be unstable and unable to move. If they move, the ground will shake." Qi Yongtai explained: "Daofu, don't you understand this truth?"

  Li Sancai had to settle for the next best thing and accepted the compromise.

But he had a premonition that the actions of the Chahar people would make the entire frontier area from Xuanfu to Jizhen bloom more, and the pressure was huge. Once he looked for an opportunity to break through, it would be dangerous. Now the only thing he can pray for is Yuan Keli It can quickly resolve the war in Shanxi and free up hands to prevent emergencies.

  The next step is to reward meritorious deeds.

  Liaodong fought such a beautiful "victory", which completely covered up all the previous losses, not to mention that Cao Wenzhao should be responsible for the previous blame.

   Fortunately, Cao Wenzhao made amends in the second half. He played very well and made up for his previous sins.

  Turning the golden mountain and the jade pillar, Feng Ziying rolled over from the beautiful woman, panting like a cow.

The warmth of the kang made the two of them sweat profusely, especially Busia Mara, who had a plump body like suet jade. After giving birth, her **** and buttocks were even more amazing. It made Feng Ziying unable to put it down.

"Take it easy, don't you Han people say that there are only exhausted cows and no plowed fields? The future will be long, how can you be like this?" Busia Mara also hugged Feng Ziying panting, letting love Lang Mopa lingered on his body, "I'm afraid that this battle in Jianzhou will be painful, and our Yehe tribe also celebrated with carnival all night. It is said that Horqin is in panic all day long. Originally, they were counting on Jianzhou Jurchen to support them and fight hard." A dozen Neikalkhas, and now they are fine, and all of them died down in one fell swoop,..."

"Don't be so optimistic. If Nurhachi is so easily defeated, then he won't be able to recover the savage Jurchen, and beat the Haixi women to pieces..." Feng Ziying shook her head, but Busia Mara was very upset. Happy, "You just humiliate our Haixi Jurchen like this? What do you mean by falling flowers and flowing water?"

  (end of this chapter)

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