Number of People

Chapter 2316: Guizi scrolls are combined vertically and horizontally, and marriage is the best

  Chapter 2316 Guizi scrolls are combined vertically and horizontally, and marriage is the best

   "Okay, okay, you didn't fall into disrepair..." Feng Ziying smiled, "Then I always let you fall into disrepair just now, right?"

"You..." Busia Mara glared at Feng Ziying's sudden words, making him laugh and a little ashamed, "I don't know who just said that I need to recharge my energy, I dare not War of words,..."

Feng Ziying let out a chuckle, and couldn't help hugging Busia Mara tightly, "Brother Dong, who did you learn to be bad, and you don't even like talking like tigers and wolves? This is the euphemism of us Han people." If you don't believe me, wait for me to fight and leap for another three hundred rounds..."

Hearing Feng Ziying tease herself with such opera accents, Busia Mara was not afraid at all. She raised her chest and abdomen, shook her hips and swayed her waist, bit her plump lips lightly with her white teeth, and her eyes were like flames. who?"

Feng Ziying really loves the current Busia Mara, she has the demeanor of a modern woman in her previous life. If it were someone else, even Wang Xifeng would not dare to be so vegan, and only Busia Mara would dare to be so unscrupulous scruples.

   It was another storm, before the clouds collected and the rain rested.

"There is interest in Zai Sai. The Horqin people are now honest, but Zai Sai's mind is getting bigger and bigger, thinking about wanting to replace the Chahar people." After a long time, Busia Mara said quietly: "I don't know. Is it a blessing or a curse for Zai Sai to have such thoughts?"

Feng Ziying knew that this was testing herself, and shook her head: "The strength of the Neikalka people is much worse than that of the Chahar people. Lindan Batuer is ambitious and talented, and there will definitely be a lot of troubles in the past few years. , It is indeed an opportunity for the Nekhalka people. It depends on whether Zai Sai can seize it. Our Dazhou has no intention of doing anything on the grassland for the time being. In a sense, the Nekhalka people are growing stronger, and the Chahar people Weakening is a good thing for us. At least for a period of time, we can be more stable in the north. Lindan Batur is going to meet the challenge of Zai Sai. As for the Nekhka people, they will grow stronger in the future, even reaching the level of the current Chahar people. At this point, when the soldiers come to block the water and cover them with soil, there are naturally countermeasures, so don't worry too much."

"Then Zaisai wants to see you, when are you going to meet?" Busia Mara thought for a while, "I guess he definitely wants you to support his expansion on the Eastern Mongolian grasslands, especially for the Horqin people, He is afraid that he intends to make the Horqin people completely submit to him."

   "Oh? He wants to marry Ming An and Mang Gusi's daughter?" Feng Ziying laughed all of a sudden, "If he does this, he won't be afraid of Nurhachi's fury, and he will never end with him?"

   "Didn't you give me to..., I have given birth to you for you, and I am not afraid of you?" Busia Mara asked back.

"Hehe, Nurhachi is only afraid of me. Why am I afraid of him?" Feng Ziying laughed loudly, "After this battle, Nurhachi will probably remember it more deeply. This is exactly the effect I want. As for Zai Sai, he now Do you have the strength to do so?"

"So he needs your support." Busia Mara has now become Feng Ziying's right-hand man on the grassland. Busia Mara seems to be able to get along with the intricate relationship, "The two brothers Amin and Zasaktu have taken a group of people to hide in the area of ​​​​Santa Valley and Jianshanmen. What are you going to do?"

   "Did you meet them?" Feng Ziying turned her head and asked in surprise, "How did they find you?"

The two brothers Amin and Zasaktu are the two adult sons of Shuerhaqi. After their father and elder brother were imprisoned and killed, the two brothers escaped like bereaved dogs with a group of people. They ran to the border between Haixi Jurchen and Horqin.

However, it is normal for them to visit Jintaishi and Buyangu, and it is reasonable to seek Ming An and Mang Gusi, and it is even reasonable to go to see Zai Sai. After all, apart from Jianzhou Jurchen, these three departments are influential in this area. Not to be tolerated in Nurhachi, if you want to find a backer, except for Dazhou, there are only these three. Horqin can rule it out, and that is Neikalka and Yehe.

  But Busia Mara hasn’t returned to the Yehe tribe for two or three years. Now the Yehe tribe is in charge of Jintaishi and Buyangu’s uncle and nephew, as well as the brothers Delgler, Burhangu, and Niyahan.

As Jintaishi got older and less energetic, the Jintaishi branch in the west city of Yehe was gradually handed over to his eldest son Delgler, and the branch in the east city was naturally Busia Mara's elder brother Buyangu. Xiyamala also has a younger brother Burhangu, and Niyahan is the second son of Jintaishi and Delgler's younger brother.

  Even if Jintaishi doesn’t care much now, but no matter how you look for it, you should look for Buyangu and Delger. How can you get Busia Mara?

  Bushiya Mara blushed slightly, and said coyly: "Maybe Amin and Zasaktu knew about my relationship with you..."

   "Oh?" Feng Ziying was even more surprised, "How did they know?"

  Busia Mara bit her lip and said hesitantly: "I'm afraid that Delgler knew that I followed you and gave birth to a child, so my brother and uncle would know too..."

  Feng Ziying suddenly realized.

  Delgler met Busia Mara when she was pregnant, but at that time Busia Mara was not pregnant, and Delgler probably just suspected it.

But now that Busia Mara has returned to Yehe, any fool can see the changes in Busia Mara's body, so it is natural that Busia Mara has followed Feng Ziying, and will not come back for a year or two. Nothing at all, naturally because of the birth of a child.

"Then what did your brother and uncle say?" Seeing Busia Mara's expression, Feng Ziying seemed to be secretly delighted, probably because the veil had been pierced, and Busia Mara didn't have to hide. Tucked in.

"Well, my brother came to ask, and I didn't hide it. He just sighed when he told me about the matter between you and me, but he was helpless. I also said that my matter has nothing to do with Ye Hebu. What can I do for you?" Ye Hebu has done everything, and I am worthy of Ye Hebu. Am I already thirty, and I can't make decisions for myself? My brother didn't say anything, just said when to take the child back to see Take a look and recognize relatives."

Busia Mara's brows were full of joy, obviously very satisfied with such a result, everyone in the clan knew about it, and there was not much objection, such an ending is happy for everyone, and she can live her life with peace of mind .

Feng Ziying couldn't help but embraced the other party lovingly, and said in a low voice: "It's not a bad thing for them that you followed me, and your uncle, brother, and Delgler are not stupid, so they naturally understand that you followed me, at least in the future." Da Zhou has set up a line, and if there is any benefit, I will naturally not forget them, and those who can support Zai Sai will naturally support Ye Hebu."

  Feng Ziying's words can be regarded as speaking of Busia Mara's heart. Her eyes were full of affection and affection, and she offered a passionate kiss, which almost caused thunder and fire. It was Feng Ziying who took the initiative to brake, which was really too much to bear.

"By the way, Zaisai wants Namin'an's daughter, but Mangus' daughter he wants to give to you." Busia Mara seemed to remember something, but there was no jealousy in her eyes, and there was even a bit of encouragement It means, "That Zhezhe is actually more beautiful than Ming An's daughter Jiji,..."

  Feng Ziying was delighted, "Why, Zai Sai wants to be my brother-in-law?"

Busia Mara was already familiar with these customary appellations of the Han people, so she also laughed, "What's wrong with that? Zhezhe has been smart since he was a child, with a full sky, plump cheeks, and an aura of great wealth. People say it's very similar to when I was a kid."

Feng Ziying doesn't know much about Ming An's daughter Jiji, but she has heard about Mang Gusi's daughter Zhe Zhe, because in history Huang Taiji first married Zhe Zhe, and later took in Zhe Zhe's two nieces, Bumbutai and Hailanzhu.

  Who is Bumbutai? Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang, the famous Da Yuer in history, Hai Lanzhu was Da Yuer's sister, Concubine Chen, and was brought into the harem by Huang Taiji a few years later.

  In history, Bumbutai, that is, Da Yuer, gave birth to Fulin, and then supported Xuanye to ascend the throne, and achieved a firm foothold after the entry of the Qing Dynasty.

  However, this history seems to have been blown in the wrong direction. Feng Ziying herself doesn't know where it will go now.

  Feng Ziying couldn't help but asked again, "Zhezhe is the daughter of Manggus, and she also has an older brother, Buhe?"

   "Yes." Busia Mara didn't know how Feng Ziying knew about Buhe again.

  Feng Ziying didn't ask again, Bu and his two daughters, Hai Lanzhu and Bumu Butai, were big figures in history in their previous lives, but they are still babies now.

   Seeing Feng Ziying's pensive look, Busia Mara asked curiously: "Why, what happened to Bu He? Bu He is a child, how do you know?"

   "It's not considered a child, is it?" Feng Ziying shook her head, "The Horqin people are an unstable factor. If Zaisai wants to capture the Horqin people, marriage alone is not enough."

"You are too naive to talk about Zai Sai. How could he trust the Horqin people just because of a marriage? This is just an auxiliary means. In the final analysis, it still depends on the future development and strength of the Neikalka people." Bushi Yamala laughed, "In this way, if he accepts Jiji and you accept Zhezhe, we can just build a relationship, help each other, and complement each other."

Feng Ziying glanced at Busia Mara. Of course he knew what Busia Mara was thinking. He wanted to join hands with Zai Sai to prevent Horqin from falling to Jianzhou Jurchen, and at the same time indirectly supported Yehe tribe, " Busia Mara, how old is Zhezhe, twelve or thirteen years old?"

"Zhe Zhe is already thirteen, not too young, isn't your Da Zhou also able to marry at the age of fourteen?" Busia Mara disagrees, "Zai Sai also has a purpose for doing this, I guess this meeting , he will bring it up, you have to think about it carefully."

  (end of this chapter)

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