Number of People

Chapter 2317: Guizi scroll draws together and divides, attacking the heart is the top priority

  Chapter 2317 Guizi scroll draws together and divides, attacking the heart first

  Feng Ziying didn't pay much attention to Busia Mara's proposal.

  History has already changed, and he can be sure that Jianzhou Jurchen will never enter the customs and rule the Han people like in the previous life.

  The battle of Sarhu has already been defeated by him. Feng Ziying can even be sure that maybe now is the time when Jianzhou Jurchen shines the brightest, and in the future Jianzhou Jurchen can only go downhill slowly.

Shenyang will not fall into the hands of Jianzhou Jurchen. The next step for Dazhou to consider is how to counterattack, whether it is from Pidao, Jiuliancheng and Dingliao Youwei, or from Tielingwei, Dazhou will not Give Jianzhou Jurchen another chance to annex Horqin and Mongolia.

   As for whether Zaisai will replace Nurhachi or Lin Dan Khan to control the entire Mongolia, Feng Ziying thinks that is not important. No matter how prosperous they are, they will still be ruled by the central government. Feng Ziying still has this confidence.

Of course, Feng Ziying won't be too fussy about the specific means, whether it's Jiji, Zhezhe, or even Hai Lanzhu and Da Yuer, everything will be logical when it gets to that point, it will come naturally, whether it's a beauty trick or a marriage. Well, Feng Ziying also felt indifferent.

  Feng Ziying stayed in Shenyang and Tieling Acropolis for a month.

   This month is very busy, but the mood is good.

  According to the information obtained by all parties, Nurhachi has given up his intention to fight again.

  It is now spring, and it is the most difficult time for the livestock on the grassland to lose weight. If there is another major war, it will be equally uncomfortable on both sides.

   It is also not easy for Liaodong. Huge casualties need to be digested, and the entire defense system needs to be readjusted, which needs to be slowly replenished.

   Fortunately, the general strategy has been determined, and the next step is the implementation. For Feng Ziying, he doesn't need to ask too much.

Cao Wenzhao and He Renlong were the first to evacuate. They originally planned to go directly to Dengzhou by boat from Niuzhuang, but now the Ministry of War ordered them to go to Dagu first. It is said that there are some problems in the defense line of Jizhen due to the harassment of the Chahar people. .

  However, Denglai’s supplementary soldiers will also be transported from Dengzhou to Dagu, and directly supplied to Cao Wenzhao and He Renlong’s Department, so that they can restore their combat effectiveness as soon as possible.

  The Northern Front Army cannot evacuate for the time being. If they want to evacuate, they will evacuate step by step in an orderly manner, so as to avoid too much impact on the entire defense system of Liaodong.

  Mao Wenlong's department is also going south, but the guards from Jin and Fu prefectures have directly added to the frontier army of Liaodong Town. With such a huge loss, the local guards can only be added first.

  Mao Wenlong will be the main general who will launch the first-line attack on Kuandian Six Forts and the Yalu River in Pidao and Jiulian City in the next step. It is expected that the appointment of the Liaodong Deputy Commander will come down soon.

  Feng Ziying took Busia Mara and Second Sister You to Yizhou Wei after another long talk with Zhao Ledjiao.

Yizhouwei is the current Yixian County. From here to the west and north, it is the Eastern Mongolian grassland. Weaving together, forming a situation where large communities live together and small settlements live together.

   The meeting was chosen on the grassland outside Dakang Fort.

  Before meeting Zai Sai, Feng Ziying first met the two brothers Amin and Zasaktu.

  Since the two brothers have come to Busia Mara, Feng Ziying has to show some face to her own woman no matter what.

   It was Delgler who accompanied Amin and Zasaktu.

   Now the Yehe tribe is also very interesting. Before taking in Buzhantai from the Ula tribe, and now they are taking in Amin and Zasaktu from the Jianzhou tribe. This is too obvious to oppose the Jianzhou Jurchen.

  Delgler looked at this man with an extraordinary bearing, and his mood was extremely complicated.

  Busia Mara is almost ten years older than this Han man, but she followed him and had a pair of children. Could it be that the saying "the world can be prosperous, but the world can be destroyed" really should be applied to this man?

  Busia Mara didn't care about these things, she seemed to be willing to follow this man willingly, and it seemed that she would not have too much time to return to Yehe in the future.

   But there is no doubt that with Feng Ziying's line, Ye Hebu's life will be much easier in the future. If he doesn't see Zai Sai, he will take the initiative to come to see him?

  The voice of this guy on the Eastern Mongolian Grassland seems to be growing, although this guy seems to be here for the first time.

   "I have met Mr. Feng." Delgler saluted first, and brothers Amin and Zasaktu also saluted.

   "Well, Delgler, long time no see, how are your father and Buyanguke?" Feng Ziying greeted with a smile, signaling the three to sit down.

  Dakang Fort is a small fort, not far from the Daling River, and very close to Yizhouwei, only a few tens of miles away.

  Feng Ziying chose this place as the meeting place because the distance from several parties is not too far, and Zai Sai can accept it.

   "Father and elder brother are both in good health, but they are not as brave as your lord. This battle has at least established peace for Liaodong for three years."

  Dergler is becoming more and more able to speak now, at least Feng Ziying didn't think that this guy had a high EQ before, and even Buyangu couldn't match it.

"Hehe, three years of peace, Nurhachi wants three years of peace, and Da Zhou may not agree." Feng Ziying said indifferently: "Amin, Zasaktu, what are your two brothers' plans now? I heard that Nurhachi, apart from your father, What do you guys think of Tulun, Zhaisangwu, and Jierhalang who have grown up and raised them without killing them after they were killed?"

  Amin and Zasaktu didn't know what Feng Ziying meant for a while.

"Don't worry too much, I'm also thinking about it. Although Nurhachi is your uncle, he is considered a hero. Since he is a hero, he certainly doesn't care too much about family affection, so killing your father and elder brother is nothing. Those of you brothers may think that they can be used in the future, but he also has a dozen sons, right? Chu Ying, Dai Shan, Abai, Mang Gurtai, Huang Taiji, I heard that the fight is fierce now, Chu Ying Now that you are also under confinement, it seems that if there are no accidents, you will probably follow in the footsteps of your father and brother..."

Feng Ziying paused, "My father asked the court to appoint your father as the commander of the Jianzhou right guard, but it brought disaster to your father and brother. I did not kill Boren, but Boren died because of me. My father and I still feel a little guilty, so I also thought about giving you brothers an explanation,..."

   Both Amin and Zasaktu were shocked, their eyes widened.

Of course, their father was awarded the commander of the right guard of the feudal state, which aroused great dissatisfaction with their uncle Nurhachi. After execution.

  But people die for money, birds die for food, neither his late father nor brother or the two brothers now think there is any problem with this.

The reason why my father was defeated was not because he accepted the commander of Jianzhou Youwei, but because of his lack of strength. The law of the jungle always insists on the strong eating the grassland, even brothers are the same. Not soft hands, winners and losers, there is nothing to say, just accept your fate.

   Now as a compensation, this Lord Feng intends to let himself take over as the commander of Jianzhou Right Guard, this is simply a windfall and a pleasant surprise.

   But there is also a problem. I only have a few hundred people in my hands now, so why should I be the commander of the Jianzhou Right Guard? Who will serve themselves?

"Amin, Zasaktu, I can give you the commander of Jianzhou Youwei, but how to make this commander of Jianzhou Youwei a veritable commander of Jianzhou Youwei, not just a title, is still a question. You have to work **** your own, do you understand what I mean?"

  Amin and Zasaktu turned over and worshiped without saying a word, "My lord's kindness, we brothers will keep it in mind, please teach us how to do it."

"Nurhachi is not young, how many years can he live? It seems that most of your brothers have chosen Nurhachi's sons to serve. If this continues, it is inevitable that we will have to fight each other in the future, so I am thinking about how you can go. Pull you out. In addition, Nurhachi is still wearing the Jianzhou Zuowei Commander on his head. I don’t know if the court forgot about it. As for the name of Commander of the Guards, as for who will be given this name in the future, whether it is Chu Ying, Dai Shan, or Mang Gurtai, it depends on their performance."

   Delgler, who was sitting by the side, also trembled in his heart.

   This move is powerful enough. Now that Da Zhou has set his sights on the Jianzhou Jurchen after Nurhachi, how many years can Nurhachi live?

  According to the lifespan of the Jurchens in this era, Nurhachi is now in his fifties, and he is considered a long life if he can live to sixty years old, but this one is only in his early twenties.

  Furthermore, Feng Ziying also unscrupulously mentioned Chu Ying who was under house arrest, obviously to stir up discord among Nurhachi's inner circle.

Chu Ying is the eldest son, but now he is under confinement. Dai Shan and Chu Ying are siblings of the same mother. It is reasonable to say that Chu Ying is lost, and Dai Shan should be the most hopeful. But I heard that Nurhachi prefers Huang Taiji, and there is another Mang Gurtai also seemed unwilling to withdraw from this battle, and estimated that there would be another battle within the Jianzhou Jurchens in the future.

   Now Da Zhou is also going to intervene, and he also has to intervene through Brother A Min, which is getting more and more chaotic.

Amin and Zasaktu also understood that Master Feng wanted his brother to contact the internal affairs of Jianzhou Jurchen, and there is no doubt that the goal was to choose the loser in the competition, because the winner must inherit Nurhachi's mantle, but the loser is what Da Zhou needs. Now it is Chu Ying, and in the future it may be Daishan or Mang Gurtai, or Huang Taiji.

  (end of this chapter)

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