Number of People

Chapter 2318: Guizi Juan is treacherous and deceitful, and heroes are alike

  Chapter 2318 Guizi Juan is cunning and cunning, heroes are alike

Amin and Zasaktu exchanged glances, and it was Amin who answered: "My lord, besides Chu Ying, Daishan should have the greatest opportunity in Jianzhou. Mangurtai is not liked by Nurhachi, and Abai is too low-key. Although Huang Taiji is said to be loved by Nurhachi, several important ministers are more optimistic about Daishan."

   "Not necessarily?" Feng Ziying shook her head, looked at Amin and Zasaktu, "Didn't Huang Taiji marry E Yidu's daughter? E Yidu will not support his son-in-law?"

Amin and Zasaktu didn't expect that Feng Ziying even knew about these internal affairs of Jianzhou. They were slightly surprised. After thinking for a while, Amin said: "Er Yi is definitely willing to support Huang Taiji, but He Heli, Fei Yingdong, An Fei Yang Gu and Hu Erhan are more optimistic about Daishan. In fact, although Nurhachi likes Huang Taiji, he still prefers Daishan. After all, Daishan has made great contributions and is more convincing in Jianzhou. He is not yet fourteen years old, but he is brave and brave, and Nurhachi likes him very much."

  Feng Ziying smiled slightly, "It seems that as long as Chu Ying is removed, Jianzhou's interior will be impeccable? I don't think so. I heard that Daishan has an affair with Mantai's daughter, but is it true?"

   Both Amin and Zasaktu were taken aback. They suddenly raised their heads and looked at Feng Ziying: "Where did the news come from, my lord? Abahai just gave birth to Nurhachi's son. How could he have an affair with Daishan?"

  Feng Ziying was a little surprised to see Amin and Zasaktu so surprised.

In the memory of the previous life, Daishan was abandoned by Nurhachi because of his affair with Abahai, and lost the opportunity to directly take over the position of Khan. No matter how you look at the appearance of Amin and Zasaktu, they seem to know nothing about it. It shouldn't be.

   "No? But as far as I know, Abahai has been in contact with Daishan and often sends food to Daishan. Isn't there such a thing?" Feng Ziying asked.

Amin and Zasaktu hesitated for a moment, and finally Zasaktu answered: "Your Excellency, I don't know that the customs of our state building are somewhat different from your Han customs. A son who inherits his father's business can marry his stepmother. Nurhachi is more than 30 years older than Abahai. Now Abahai is only in his early twenties and ten years younger than Daishan. Her two sons, Azig and Dorgon, are still young. Nurhachi is also considering his death. How to deal with Abahai's meaning when Daishan inherits his position in the future, so there is nothing wrong with Abahai showing his favor to Daishan, even Nurhachi will agree,..."

"So, how old are Azig and Dorgon?" Feng Ziying suddenly realized, he didn't know the way here, he only knew that in history, Daishan had a somersault because of this, and lost the chance to inherit the Khan throne. It is said that Nurhachi can kill Chu Ying and Shuerhaqi, and he has no reason to spare Daishan. I didn't expect this reason to be in it.

   "Azig is only seven or eight years old, and Dorgon is less than one year old..." Zasaktu replied.

  Feng Ziying nodded, which means that at this time Abahai and Duoduo have not yet given birth.

"Forget it, whether Daishan or Huang Taiji, you can ignore it for now, but I think Chu Ying and your brothers can still be connected. If you brothers can find a way to get them out, then you can get them out. Chu Ying By the way, I think you should also have a channel to contact, of course, this is not in a hurry, take your time." Feng Ziying said frankly.

"I will save this Jianzhou Right Guard Commander for your brothers. After this battle, you should also know that Jianzhou does not actually have the strength to challenge Dazhou. Maybe Jianzhou can take advantage of some internal problems in Dazhou. I was lucky enough to get it once or twice, but as long as Da Zhou is free, Jianzhou will have no chance. It's a pity that some people always think that they are the destiny, and they are arrogant. If this is the case, I still think that I am the destiny, hahahaha... "

  Delgler, Amin, and Zasaktu subconsciously glanced at Busia Mara, who was sitting by the side without saying a word, thoughtfully.

  Wait until everyone retreated, Busia Mara blamed: "Why do you say those words?"

   "What words?" Feng Ziying pretended to be stupid and asked.

"Hmph!" Busia Mara stomped her feet, her face flushed slightly, "The rumors on the grasslands are nonsense, but there will always be people who make random assumptions. I can't get married at the age of thirty because I was harmed by them. Now you Saying this in front of Delgler and Amin, isn't it just giving someone a handle?"

"Hehe, is that the phrase 'this woman can prosper the world but perish the world'?" Feng Ziying laughed, "Then I really like this sentence. If you follow me and have children, doesn't that mean that I Is there also great wealth?"

   "Great wealth refers to Zhe Zhe, not me." Busia Mara said angrily: "My prophecy is that misfortune and fortune are unpredictable."

"It doesn't matter whether it's rich or not, or whether it's unpredictable or not, I don't care." Feng Ziying shook her head: "Amin and Zasaktu are not that stupid. They still rely on me. Will Delgler talk too much? I That said, it is actually to strengthen their confidence, people, as long as they have some kind of sustenance or thoughts, their motivation to fight will be even greater, who wants to follow a guy with no future?"

  Feng Ziying's words left Busia Mara speechless, this guy is always right.

  Zai Sai arrived two days later.

  The two met on the grassland a few miles outside Dakang Fort.

  Although it was still freezing outside, the tent that was set up and the hot dried cow dung kept the whole tent as warm as spring.

   "It's been a few years, how is Master Zai Sai?" Feng Ziying stepped into the tent, and the heat that hit his face made his cheeks that were about to freeze itchy.

   "Okay, very good, it was good before, but now I hear that Da Zhou beat Nurhachi to the ground, I'm even better." Zai Sai laughed loudly, came up to him, and gave Feng Ziying a hug.

  The two people behind Zai Sai were killed by Bo Hong Dahe.

Feng Ziying knew that Zaisai had already established enough authority among the five divisions of Neikha, with consecutive victories, coupled with the growing strength of the Hongji Division, the other four divisions no longer had the strength to challenge the Hongji Division, so Zaisai now He didn't dare to say a single word in the five departments of Neikarka, but basically everything he decided could be implemented.

In Hongji's assassination tribe, brothers like Bilingtu, Bo Hongda, and Suzai were his trusted confidants in the past. Now the fourth, fifth, Labashi and Labatai, as well as the old Qisebeng, have all pledged their allegiance to Zaisai. Except for Mang Guda who was a little unconvinced, the other six brothers had already convinced Zai Sai wholeheartedly.

   "You have met Suzai, this is Bo Hongda." Zai Sai introduced the two to Feng Ziying, and Feng Ziying also greeted them with a smile.

  After sitting down, someone immediately made hot tea with milk and brought it up. Feng Ziying didn't refuse and took a big gulp.

"I heard that E Yidu was reprimanded by Nurhachi, which is rare. Fei Yingdong was also scolded by Nurhachi. Nurhachi was about to get sick from anger during this period." Zai Sai spoke casually, "Right now, there is a lot of trouble in Jianzhou, and fortunately Nurhachi can still hold back the battle. But even so, I guess Jianzhou will not be peaceful this year."

"Everyone is happy when they win a battle, and they blame each other when they lose a battle. Nurhachi doesn't check himself carefully. Whose responsibility is this?" Feng Ziying said indifferently: "Isn't it that Nurhachi and Lindan Batur felt that the court and Nanjing had decided to fight this battle?" Do you think you can take advantage of the conflict over there? So I want to teach Nurhachi a lesson and tell him that even if there is something wrong with Da Zhou, as long as Da Zhou can spare a little bit of energy, he can still be taught a lesson! You can challenge Da Zhou if you get back cheap, that's because Da Zhou didn't intend to deal with him!"

  Although what Feng Ziying said was a bit arrogant, Zai Sai didn't feel that there was anything wrong. He also lost tens of thousands of people. Da Zhou didn't care, and he could immediately replenish from the Central Plains.

   But what about your Jianzhou Jurchen? It was painful to the bone, and I don't know how much effort it will take to slowly make up for these tens of thousands of people.

   This is all due to the capture of Anle Prefecture. The Han army flag must be replenished from the Han people in Anle Prefecture. Otherwise, it will only be filled from the inside of the Savage Jurchen and Jianzhou Jurchen. It will not be until the Year of the Monkey.

This is the confidence of the Great Zhou. Of course, there are indeed many internal problems in the Great Zhou. It is impossible to use all your strength to deal with the Jianzhou Jurchen. On the battlefield of Liaodong, you cannot support such a large force to invest. The logistical supplies alone can drag people down, so Feng Ziying's remarks are a bit exaggerated.

"Master Feng, Jianzhou Jurchen has always been a serious problem. Although I also hate Nurhachi, I have to admit that Nurhachi still has some skills, and he has given birth to several good sons, Chu Ying, Daishan, Mangguertai, all of them They are all good fighters, and fortunately Shuerhaqi and his son were beheaded by him, otherwise he would have more helpers."

Zai Sai pondered and said: "As for the Chahar people, I agree with your original opinion. Lindanbatur is an idiot. He cooperates with Nurhachi and will only make wedding clothes for Nurhachi for nothing. Look at the few times Lindanbatur How much manpower and material resources of the Chahar people were wasted, what good did the Chahar people get except for fighting against the Great Zhou? I don’t know what Lin Danbatur thinks,..."

  Feng Ziying glanced at Zai Sai, and said bluntly: "Master Zai Sai, if Lindan Batuer is really as cunning and cunning as you, then I don't think you may be able to have what you are today in the five parts of the Kalka."

When Zai Sai heard it, he was not angry but happy, and laughed: "Master Feng, your compliment really touched my heart. If the leader of a party is not cunning and deceitful, wouldn't he be deceived by others? Then how do you protect the interests of the whole family? Speaking of which, you are not the same, but you are more powerful, you are also cunning and cunning, but you can treat people with the appearance of sincerity and make people trust you. I am ashamed of that. Fru."

  (end of this chapter)

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