Number of People

Chapter 2319: Guizijuan marriage and marriage, far-reaching plans

  Chapter 2319 Guizijuan marriage and marriage, far-reaching schemes

  Both looked at each other and laughed, thinking it was very funny.

  The views on Lindan Batur, both of them are relatively consistent, with great ambition and few talents.

Feng Ziying's view is not only based on real understanding and observation, but also the impression from the original history of the previous life. In the last ten years, Lindan Batuer's policies have changed, and his internal control has declined sharply. , In the end, it led to internal disintegration, not only losing control of Khalkha inside and outside, but also difficult to control the Chahar people. In the end, they were easily defeated by Nurhachi and Huang Taiji and fled westward, dying of illness on the way.

  Zai Sai’s opinion on Lindan Batur comes from many exchanges and contacts. In addition, both belong to Mongolia, and the two sides have very close exchanges, which are obtained from daily observations.

   "Lord Zaisai, this is a hero who sees the same thing. It seems that we are not optimistic about the future fate of the Chahar people. The Mongolian grassland needs a strong leader." Feng Ziying laughed.

   "Master Feng, are you insincere in your words? Da Zhou never wanted a strong leader to appear on the Mongolian grasslands, right? Aren't you most afraid of another Temujin?" Zai Sai looked directly at Feng Ziying and asked back.

Feng Ziying looked at Zai Sai's sharp gaze, and said calmly: "Master Zai Sai, the times have changed. Hundreds of years have passed, and society is developing. If you still think about the glory of the past, the result will only be worse than that of Lin Dan Batu in the future." Er's fate is even worse. The era when the Mongols wanted to rely on horseback to conquer the world has long passed. The current Mongolian riding and archery is slightly inferior to that of the Jurchens, but you can also see that the Jurchens are proud of it. The cavalry and shooting, um, and their armored soldiers on the grasslands of Eastern Mongolia, are still defeated in front of firearms, this is the result of the development of the times.”

Zai Sai's face changed slightly, and he pressed his hands on the armrest of the chair: "Master Feng, are you so confident? It's just one battle, and you're so sure that Dazhou can win such a victory against Jianzhou Jurchen in the future? If so, Why do you have to be so kind to me and make friends with us Nekhka people?"

Feng Ziying didn't care about the other party's dissatisfaction and provocation, "Master Zai Sai, this is indeed the first time, but you will soon find out that there will be a second and a third time. As for why I show favor to you, it is because I I feel that your strength on the eastern Mongolian grassland will not have much impact on Dazhou. The grasslands in the south and north of the desert are thousands of miles away. Now Dazhou has no intention of extending his hand there. As long as the Mongols are willing to live in harmony with the Han people, they are willing to Accepting the identity of our Han emperor, Tian Khan, is not a problem."

"Tian Khan?" Zaisai obviously couldn't accept this title, "Does this title still exist now? It has been a thousand years since you Han people were able to control the grasslands, right? The result is definitely not going to be good.”

"Hehe, the history of our Han people is more than a thousand years?" Feng Ziying smiled, "In the past, the status of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty was not granted by anyone, but came from the heartfelt approval of all ethnic groups, so Lord Zai Sai doesn't have to I don’t feel comfortable with this, and maybe it will be a matter of course when history has reached that point.”

  Zai Sai looked at Feng Ziying, the other party's self-confidence made him feel a little uncomfortable, but he couldn't refute the other party.

  The reality is in front of us, Da Zhou has won a big victory against Jianzhou Jurchen, even though Jianzhou Jurchen is still strong, even Da Zhou lost even more in this battle.

But he has a feeling that this is a weather vane, a turning point. After this battle, the Jianzhou Jurchen may no longer think that they can do whatever they want with Liaodong as they used to. What kind of impact will come, Zai Sai has been thinking.

   But one thing is certain, Jianzhou Jurchen's aggressive influence on the Eastern Mongolian grasslands has suffered a serious setback, otherwise the Horqin people would not be able to obey their bossy orders.

Similarly, the Chahar people who are allied with Jianzhou Jurchen will also be aware of the changes in the situation. This is a good time for me to further increase my influence on the entire Mongolian grassland. The purpose of my visit this time is The support of Da Zhou was requested to further consolidate and expand the discourse power in left-wing Mongolia, and gradually replace Lindan Batuer's position.

  Zai Sai also knew that the Han people would definitely not be happy to see a leader like Temujin appear on the grassland, but in fact their main enemy now is the Jianzhou Jurchen, so this is their opportunity.

You need to be more careful when dealing with this guy in front of you, but I have to say that dealing with him is also very comfortable. He knows exactly what you want and think, and you don’t need to go around like negotiating with other Han people. It’s too brain-intensive, and Extremely inefficient.

  Although it can’t be said that they are honest and honest with each other, at least they are clear about their needs.

   After entering the substantive topic, it is much simpler.

The Nekhka people have basically controlled Horqin now. Of course, this kind of control is not complete, but the Jurchen in Jianzhou was defeated. In the case of an alliance already formed, the Horqin people caught in the middle actually have little room for maneuver.

   Zaisai's next goal is to continue to strengthen and consolidate the control over the Horqin people on the one hand, and start to compete for influence and voice from the Chahar people on the other hand.

   To compete with the Chahar people, it will definitely not be completed in a year or a half. This requires a long-term and continuous process, which also requires the full support of Da Zhou.

  For Dazhou, when the Jianzhou Jurchen and Chahar people are still a serious problem on the northern border, supporting the Neikha people to contain and weaken the Chahar people and Jianzhou Jurchen is still the same policy.

The current Innerkarka people are only capable of challenging the Chahar people, and it is still too early to completely overthrow the Chahar people's dominance on the Mongolian grasslands, so the strength of the Nekarka people has not yet Until the balance of power with the Chahar people is reached, Dazhou's policy will not change.

   What we need to talk about is nothing more than the specific details and conditions. Of course, Da Zhou can’t just pay, and the Neikha people also have to make relevant specific performances, and Da Zhou will support it at the node time.

  Of course, Feng Ziying will not discuss the specific conditions and details with Zai Sai, just determine a big strategic framework.

   The specific details of the negotiation will be carried out by relevant personnel. The purpose of Zai Sai bringing Bo Hongda and Zai Zai is to let these two have a lot of knowledge and experience the game beyond the battlefield.

   "I have carried out the words that Zai Zai brought back to the letter. Ming An's daughter Ji Ji and Mang Guda's daughter Zhe Zhe have already been sent here."

Only Zai Sai, Feng Ziying and Busia Mara were left in the tent. Zai Sai looked at Feng Ziying with a smile: "I told Busia Mara, Gigi, I plan to take Jiji as a concubine, and Zhe Zhe will leave it to you. The two of us Can it be considered a kiss?"

  Feng Ziying raised her eyebrows, then looked at Busia Mara next to her, "Why, Busia Mara decided for me?"

"Hehe, it's a good thing that Busia Mara followed you. I heard that she gave birth to all your sons?" Zai Sai looked at Busia Mara, who had been silent for a while but had a ruddy face. Li felt a little more melancholy, "I think Busia Mara was the girl of heaven on our grassland back then, and countless people wanted to marry her, but everyone was afraid that this marriage would bring some unbearable love to them. Prediction, this kind of tangled and unspeakable mentality haunts many people, including me, but she followed you after she didn't want to take it,..."

Feng Ziying's eyes also fell on Busia Mara, who was a little shy but still calm, and said thoughtfully: "He followed me, so I will naturally give her a different life. It belongs to Buyangu and Delgler. She will leave sooner or later. If she is not suitable on the grassland, then I will go back to Handi and the Central Plains with me. Pull happiness and beauty."

"Then I want to bless Busia Mara." Zai Sai quickly put away the inexplicable melancholy and regret. Jiji and Zhezhe can only be a weight in the interests of the family.

   "Come on, go and bring Jiji and Zhezhe here." Zaisai suddenly raised his voice.

  Feng Ziying was surprised and looked at Zai Sai.

"I brought both Ming'an and Mangguda's daughter, which one do you like, take her back." Zaisai's tone was a little more indisputable, "The Horqin people are just bowing to our pressure now. If we accept them, we may not be able to make them accept us, but at least it will make them realize that since they are married, of course they should choose the strongest one. Now that Jianzhou Jurchen has lost, they no longer belong to the strong , they should accept the new strong man."

   Before Feng Ziying could speak, Busia Mara nodded in favor of Feng Ziying: "Zai Sai, I agreed for him."

  Feng Ziying looked at Busia Mara's serious face, frowned, and lowered her voice: "I will follow you in the future?"

  Busia Mara smiled calmly, "You can also follow me. They are all women from the grasslands, so they can just be a companion."

   Soon the two girls were brought over.

I have to say that worthy of the name of the flower of the grasslands of Eastern Mongolia, she is indeed quite pretty. Jiji is a little older, about fourteen or fifteen years old, with fair skin, round face and big eyes, while Zhezhe is younger. Two years old, only thirteen years old, beautiful and dignified.

Busia Mara naturally chose Zhe Zhe. Hearing that she was going to Handi with Busia Mara, Zhe Zhe was also surprised and confused. At first, she thought that she was going to marry her sister The leader of the Nekalka people did not expect to follow Busia Mara to the Great Zhou Capital City, and such a sudden change also made her a little confused.

  (end of this chapter)

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