Number of People

Chapter 2320: The fate of Zhezhe in the Guizi scroll, returning to Beijing

  Chapter 2320 The fate of Zhezhe in the Guizi scroll, returning to Beijing

   Zhezhe followed Busia Mara almost in a daze and embarked on the journey southward.

For her, fate has never been in her own hands. Ever since her father and uncle proposed that she and her cousin marry to Jianzhou Jurchen, she knew that her fate had already been arranged by her father and the others. , I can only accept it passively.

I may be better off, I heard that he is the son of the leader of the Jianzhou Jurchen, only 20 years old, but my cousin is miserable. She is going to marry Nurhachi, the leader of the Jianzhou Jurchen, who is already in her fifties. According to the custom on the grassland, once Nurhachi passes away , the son who inherits his status can also marry his cousin.

   But no one could change the ending, she and her cousin could only accept it silently.

   But the situation is always changing. At the end of the year, I heard some news that the situation on the grassland had changed a lot. It was rumored that the Neikha people did not allow the Horqin people to marry the Jianzhou Jurchen.

  But when will it be the turn of the Nekalkas to speak again on the grassland?

   Either the Jianzhou Jurchen or the Chahar people have the loudest voices. Over the years, this has always been the case on the grasslands, but now something seems to have changed.

The    clan seems to have been waiting for something, so the marriage between myself and my cousin was put on hold, and I don't know what happened.

Later, the direction of the wind changed completely, and the Nekalka army entered Horqin’s territory. Uncle and father went to talk with the Nekalka for a long time. All in all, when they came back, my father was very silent, and the atmosphere in the tribe was not very good. .

   Later, news came that Jianzhou Jurchen was defeated by Da Zhou and retreated back. Then the marriage between myself and my cousin and Jianzhou Jurchen would naturally be invalidated, and a new marriage contract would be replaced.

  My cousin was going to be the concubine of the leader of the Nekhka people, but she was going to be given to a big Zhou Han official as a concubine.

   Zhezhe was sent to the Nekhalka people by the clan in such a muddleheaded way, and the Nekhalka people have now sent themselves here.

   After seeing Busia Mara, Zhezhe finally understood what was going on.

Busia Mara didn't hide from herself, and told the whole situation very frankly. It's fine that the Nekalka people gave themselves to this Lord Feng. I didn't expect that the Haixi Jurchen, or the Jurchens, were also on the grassland. The most famous prairie pearl, Busia Mara, has been with this man for a long time, and even gave birth to a son and daughter for this man.

   This news stunned Zhe Zhe.

Everyone said that he was the second Busia Mara on the grassland. More than ten years ago, Busia Mara was said by the shaman that "the world can be prosperous and the world can be destroyed", which attracted countless people's attention, but after more than ten years, he himself He was also said by the shaman that "he has the aura of great wealth and nobility in the future", which made the people in the clan look at him with admiration, but Zhezhe had no idea what his future fate would be.

Looking at the little girl's bewildered and bewildered appearance, Busia Mara saw in a daze that she was arranged by her father and brother on the grassland in the same way more than ten years ago. One marriage contract ended, another marriage contract was concluded, and then it was cancelled. All in all, welcome and send, affect the hearts of Mongolian and Jurchen ministries on the grassland.

   Now that she has faded out of this marriage war, it's the turn of the little girl Zhe Zhe again.

  For a while, Busia Mara felt a little more pity for this little girl who was only less than fourteen years old.

   "Zhe Zhe, are you a little at a loss?" Sitting in the carriage all the way south, two women were riding together.

Busia Mara actually doesn't like riding in this kind of carriage, even though this kind of carriage has been improved, something called a spring plate is used on the upper end of the axle to reduce the vibration of the carriage, making the carriage much more comfortable to ride. But she still prefers riding.

   It's just that her identity is not suitable for riding a horse now, because her image on the grassland is too ostentatious, and many people on the grassland know her, but Third Sister You can ostentatiously change into men's clothing and ride horses with Feng Ziying.

"Brother Dong and sister, I don't know, my father just told me to be obedient all the way, saying that my daughter's parents will always promise others when they grow up, and let me obey the arrangement and respect Wenggu..." Zhezhe used some Chinese words bluntly. In terms of words, Busia Mara was a bit uncomfortable to hear.

She doesn’t know such words as filial piety to Wenggu, and of course she has never honored Wenggu, and Manggus actually taught his own daughter this. I have to say that Horqin people have the highest degree of sinicization among Mongolians, and many Horqin people will say Chinese, and Han merchants also like to do business on Horqin land.

   "Honor Wenggu?" Busia Mara smiled half-smile, "Manggus knows that you said that you are going to Han to be a concubine for Han people?"

   "Father knows." Zhezhe nodded, "It was said earlier that it would be given to the Nekhka people, but later it was said that it was Han people..."

   "Then do you think it's better to marry to the Nekhka people, or marry to Han?" Busia Mara deliberately teased the little girl.

"I don't know." Zhezhe looked at this "senior", and suddenly summoned up his courage to say: "But Brother Dong and Sister, you are married to this man, so the man who can make even Brother Dong and Sister fall in love with him must be A great hero, so Zhezhe is naturally willing."

Being rebelled by Zhe Zhe, Busia Mara felt that she had underestimated this little girl. After all, she came from a wealthy family. Some understanding.

   "So you know who you are going to marry?" Busia Mara laughed.

"I heard that he is a high-ranking Han official, and even the Han generals in Liaodong must obey his orders." Zhezhe gradually regained his composure from the nervousness and worry at the beginning, especially since she also felt that Busia Mara had no malice towards her, even though It's a joke, and it's also a kind of teasing.

   "Well, it's about the same, but can you adapt to marrying in Han?" Busia Mara asked: "Also, do you understand the meaning of your marrying in Han?"

   Zhezhe was taken aback, looked at Busia Mara, and slowly shook his head: "Brother Dong, I don't quite understand."

  Busia Mara sighed, and wanted to say something, but in the end she turned it into a sentence: "I'm afraid you won't understand some things just by me. You can only understand them slowly after you arrive in Handi."

   A group of people boarded the boat from Niuzhuang, returned to Dagu by water, and then returned to Beijing by boat from Dagu.

  Of course Busia Mara and Zhezhe stayed in Tianjin Wei.

  Feng Ziying, Xue Bian, and Jia Huan’s trip to Liaodong can be said to have been frozen for thousands of miles, and it was already Xiaoyangchun in March when they came back.

   It took four months to go, and Feng Ziying was a little overwhelmed by the intense and heavy fighting.

   It's not about how tired the body is, but worrying.

From Mao Wenlong's raid for hundreds of miles to Zhao Ledjiao, You Shilu's fierce battle with Eyidu and Fei Yingdong's two tribes, to Cao Wenzhao and He Renlong's fierce battle with Hu Erhan's tribe from the flanks, to the end Regaining control of the Acropolis of Tieling and rescuing the Juniper Department made Feng Ziying exhausted in every battle and dared not slack off in the slightest.

   It can be said that this battle is a series of links, as long as there is a slight mistake in one of them, I dare not say that it will lead to the defeat of the entire army, but the Juniper Department is really likely to be destroyed.

   Now the best result has been achieved. The Acropolis of Tieling was saved. Although the Juniper Department suffered huge losses, they managed to rescue 7,000 to 8,000 people, which is quite rare.

The most important thing is to break the strategic intention of the Jianzhou Jurchen, and severely damage the Jianzhou Jurchen. Feng Ziying believes that within a year or two, Nurhachi may only be able to slowly lick his wounds. It may not be three or five years before another war of this scale is launched. Years off can't do it.

However, Feng Ziying does not intend to give Jianzhou Jurchen three to five years of rest and respite. The front line from Jiulian City to Pidao must be opened up as soon as possible. taste.

  This time, Feng Ziying, Wei of Tianjin, did not stay any longer, but returned directly to the capital city.

   In the past four months, whether it is the court or the family, it is already hopeless.

  Miaoyu and Xiuyan have both given birth. Miaoyu gave birth to a daughter, and Xiuyan gave birth to a son. Feng Ziying is also eagerly looking forward to going back to have a look.

  As for Tianjin Wei, they can come over at any time, but there is no rush at this moment.


   When I woke up, it was already dark.

  Feng Ziying rubbed her sleepy eyes, and lay on the bed, not wanting to get up.

  Four months of fighting can be described as mentally exhausted, and the follow-up arrangements are also painstaking. On the contrary, although the body is exhausted on the way back, the spirit has relaxed a lot.

  But he also knew that once he came back, he would have to devote himself to all kinds of complicated affairs.

  In Huguang, Xiong Tingbi has officially put an end to the Bozhou Rebellion, Yang Yinglong and his son were put to death, and the Anshe family is also at the end of the road, and their collapse is imminent. The war in the Southwest that has lasted for several years has finally seen the dawn of an end.

The situation in Shanxi is a bit more complicated. Yuan Keli played smoothly there, and basically controlled the situation in the north. After experiencing the fierce and ferocious attack in the early stage, the Fengzhou Bailian and Tumed people gradually fell into trouble. , was limited to a small range, but the entire White Lotus Sect began to set off one after another rebellion in Shanxi. Although the scale was not too large, a single spark could start a prairie fire. Control, the situation in the south is still chaotic.

However, as the situation in the north gradually reversed, the Tumed people had lost their original momentum and began to retreat gradually. Fengzhou Bailian also intended to contact the Han believers of the White Lotus Sect in Shanxi to gather together to revolt, but because Yuan Keli firmly controlled Fengzhou The main force of Bailian was compressed in the north, and the guards from Shaanxi also won consecutive victories in the south, forcing the rebel army from Shaanxi to be suppressed to several corners, but their strength still remained and they still caused great damage sex.

  (end of this chapter)

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