Number of People

Chapter 2321: The people from the south of the Yangtze River, the hearts of the people are slightly

  Chapter 2321 Guizi Juan The people from the south of the Yangtze River, the people's hearts are slightly moved

   Various complicated affairs flooded into her mind, making Feng Ziying a little dazed.

  As soon as he got home, Wang Wenyan came and used an hour to report the situation inside and out in the past few months, and poured it into Feng Ziying's head, making Feng Ziying a little dizzy.

  It was a day and a night boat trip, and after the bumpy journey back, I was extremely tired, so I simply fell asleep after listening to it, and didn’t bother to think about anything.

   This sleep was exceptionally clear, and now that I lie on the bed, I can think aimlessly.

Feng Ziying is not sure whether the current situation of the court is good or bad. It seems that the situation in Shaanxi and Liaodong has been cleared up by himself. Although there are still some hidden dangers in Liaodong, Feng Ziying feels that Nurhachi has to go back in a short time. Just lick the wound.

The overall situation in Sichuan has been settled, and it seems that Yuan Keli can barely control the situation in Shanxi. The Chahar attack on the Xuanfu side does not seem to have achieved the desired effect. Ma Chengxun's performance is passable, but Feng Ziying is always worried. If this line is too tight, once the White Lotus Sect rises in the mainland, the Chahar people who have been harassing constantly will be a serious problem that may be stabbed in the waist and let blood at any time.

  Speaking of which, the soldiers came to cover the water and the earth, and the strength of the Great Zhou Dynasty still seemed to be abundant, but Feng Ziying also knew that the financial resources of the court were no longer able to support such a large-scale war.

I was still in Liaodong, and I received letters from the cabinet, the Ministry of War, and the Qi Division. There was only one implication, to end the war as soon as possible and stabilize the situation. The Nanjing issue must be resolved first, and the situation in Liaodong should not be turned into a crisis or a quagmire. There are opportunities to take advantage of.

  Master Qi also anxiously mentioned in his letter that the financial resources of the imperial court might not be able to bear it.

   What makes Feng Ziying a little strange is that she seems to have suggested to Master Qi about the sale of national bonds, but it seems that Master Qi may have understood it, but Ye Fang and others still find it difficult to accept it.

   But is it true that Dad can't break through the defense line of Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu? Wang Ziteng's 30,000 Denglai Army who went north and crossed the river had such a big diversion effect?

  Does Dad have other ideas? Or what tacit understanding does Chen Jixian have with his father?

But the old man didn't seem to mention this in the letter to himself, which made Feng Ziying very puzzled. He couldn't understand the old man's operation more and more. Maybe the old man deliberately kept himself from knowing, so as not to reveal it. whereabouts?

   While Feng Ziying was lying on the bed, thinking hard, the door creaked, and a candle came in, "Master, are you awake?"

"How long have I been sleeping? What time is it now?" Feng Ziying entered the city at Maoshi, and was delayed by Wang Wenyan for another hour. She didn't even eat lunch, so she went to sleep alone. It was dark outside, so I guessed at least I slept for more than three or four hours.

   "It's Xu time now." It was the voice of a mandarin duck.

  Feng Ziying didn't move, and looked at the duck-egg face by the candlelight, his tender eyes melted on her body, then put the candlestick in a corner, and then came over to tuck the quilt for herself.

"Grandpa went to bed after lunch was useless, his face was full of tiredness, and he slept until now. Several grandmas came to see him. Seeing that he was sleeping so soundly, they couldn't bear to disturb him. They told the servants to take good care of him. Let them know when you wake up."

   Only then did Feng Ziying realize that she was sleeping in the study room. No wonder Shen Yixiu and the others ran over to sleep in the study room on the first day back home. They probably found it hard to accept.

   At this time, Feng Ziying felt empty in her stomach and extremely hungry and thirsty.

"Not to mention, I'm really hungry, but I don't want to get up, Yuanyang, what should I do?" Feng Ziying propped herself up, leaned against the head of the bed, and stretched, "I won't go to their place tonight, It’s good to have a rest here for the night, and go get some food and drink, and I’ll eat here.”

  Yuanyang was stunned for a moment, "Master eats here? Grandma and the others..."

  Feng Ziying laughed, "Where do you think I'm going? Today is the tenth day of the lunar new year, so it's not suitable to go anywhere, so it's best for you to accompany me, Yuanyang."

   Yuanyang blushed all of a sudden, glared at Feng Ziying, and went out pouted.

A bowl of green japonica porridge, a plate of lotus root powder and cinnamon sugar cake, a plate of steamed dumplings with crab meat, a plate of chicken oil rolls, a plate of pigeon eggs in broth, four slices of smoked venison meat, and a bottle of phoenix milk to relieve fatigue and help sleep Fairy mash.

   In the past few months in Liaodong, I am used to eating simple food, and today I am already very hungry. Looking at this table with all kinds of colors and fragrances, Feng Ziying felt that her mouth could not help but salivate.

   It’s hard to go out for a day, but it’s better to stay at home for a thousand days. Compared with the two, it’s no wonder everyone wants to stay at home, and no one wants to travel far away on business.

  Watching Feng Ziying gobbled up all the food, Yuanyang was dumbfounded: "What's the matter, sir? Didn't you have enough to eat when you went out?"

Satisfied, Feng Ziying took the hot towel and wiped her face and mouth before leaning comfortably on the head of the bed. "Drinking ice and sleeping in the snow, forgetting to eat and sleep, I am exhausted. How can I think about other things?" Sleeping on God Dadan, swords and soldiers meet anytime and anywhere, even if it is dragon liver and phoenix marrow, it can't be eaten. After the battle, you have to clean up the aftermath and deploy defenses. ..."

Looking at Feng Ziying's thin face price with some distress, Yuanyang packed up the things first, and handed them to the little maid outside the door to take away, and then came in with a lame body, leaned against Kang Yan'er and sat down, " I have lost a lot of weight, I should take care of my body, there is no one suitable to take care of me outside,..."

"Master, this is going to fight, it's not like going to Shaanxi. This is going directly to the battlefield to command the army. Could it be possible to take you, Jin Chuan'er and the others?" Feng Ziying laughed, "But I finally won this battle." Battle, I have an explanation to the imperial court."

"By the way, Lord, a few groups of people came this afternoon, all from the imperial court. I said that Lord was still asleep and was going to wake him up, but they all said no, they just said that they would go directly to the cabinet tomorrow. The old man wants to see the master..." Yuanyang passed on the words from the doorman at the front door, "There are also a few people from the south of the Yangtze River..."

   "Where in the south of the Yangtze River?" Feng Ziying was surprised, "Where in the south of the Yangtze River?"

Yuanyang was also confused by Feng Ziying's question, and blinked, "This servant doesn't know, and the concierge only knows that the other party claims to be from Jiangnan, and he thought it was from a chamber of commerce in Jiangnan, but the other party is vague, so... "

  Feng Ziying's heart moved slightly, someone from Jiangnan? Nanjing, or Yangzhou, or some people can't sit still?

   It’s a little less today, I just sorted out the clues, and I will resume tomorrow.



  (end of this chapter)

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