Number of People

Chapter 2325: Gui Zijuan joined the Forbidden Army and controlled the military power

  Chapter 2325 Guizijuan intervenes in the forbidden army and controls the military power

  The carriage rattled, accompanied by the slight shaking of the wheels against the bluestone slab, bringing a strange feeling.

Feng Ziying raised her head and thought for a long time before slowly saying: "If the cabinet can remain as strong as it is now, especially if the Ministry of War can further strengthen its control over the frontier and guard troops, and the domestic situation does not change much, then Shou Whether it is Wang Lu Wang or Prince Yizhong, whoever succeeds the Datong does not affect the overall situation. However, in classical Chinese, Ye Xiang, Fang Xiang and Qi Shi are all in their fifties, and Daofu is in his sixties. How long can such a situation be maintained? Mr. Zhang is now sick and has to retire, and the cabinet has not had time to fill the vacancy, so ah, this situation is really hard to say."

  Feng Ziying's words can be called heartbreaking, but Wang Wenyan knows that this is the truth.

  Whether the disciples of the Tian family admit it or not, since the later period of Emperor Yuanxi, the power of civil servants has continued to expand. In a sense, Emperor Yuanxi's inner Zen was also forced to give way to Emperor Yonglong.

At the beginning of Emperor Yuanxi's later period, due to many matters and the attitude of the cabinet were very different, resulting in several stalemates, which attracted secret resistance from the cabinet, and even brought the court to a standstill. Even if Emperor Yuanxi wanted to hand over the throne to Prince Yizhong, it was still very difficult. , So in the end, Emperor Yonglong had to be allowed to succeed, which was also a disguised compromise.

  Of course, it is not impossible for Prince Yizhong to come to power now, but the situation is completely different.

At that time, Shen Yiguan was the chief assistant, which was considered polite, because the relationship between the northern scholars and the Jiangnan scholars was very stiff, but now the Jiangnan scholars headed by Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe and the northern scholars represented by Qi Yongtai have become increasingly tacit. Coupled with Li Sancai who lubricated and coordinated from it, it can be said that the current cabinet has the strongest control.

  Whether it is in the army or in the local area, they are all under the strong control of the cabinet. At this time, no matter who is a great treasure, he has to submit to the cabinet.

  How long can this situation last? Once one of the four cabinet ministers dies or retires, it will definitely lead to turmoil. Whoever succeeds in the cabinet may not have the prestige and control ability of the four of them now. Bit by chance.

Of course, as far as the current situation is concerned, the health of the four members of the cabinet is not bad, so there is no fear in choosing Prince Yizhong. Prince Yizhong may not consume the four cabinet ministers, and the cabinet is now actively cultivating the next A scholar leader who can be admitted to the cabinet to maintain a stable situation.

"My lord, then I think the cabinet can negotiate with Nanjing calmly. Even if the household department is in a difficult situation, the whole situation is under control. According to your lord's idea, Haitong Yinzhuang can continue to borrow from the imperial court. In this case , the imperial court may not be so urgent,..."

  Wang Wenyan is also thinking, if Prince Yizhong is the same as King Shouwang Luwang who ascended to the Great Treasure, then the court really is not in a hurry.

   "Wenyan, you just said that the Ministry of Finance can't support it, but now your attitude has changed drastically. Why?" Feng Ziying laughed.

"My lord, what I was worried about just now was that the political situation was turbulent due to lack of financial resources, but now it seems that the cabinet is controlling the situation very stably. On the contrary, the Nanjing side may be a little anxious. This is because the imperial court has the upper hand." Wang Wenyan said with a smile. .

Feng Ziying nodded, "Well, in fact, there is no need to be too anxious. Shaanxi is pacified, Liaodong is settled, the chaos in Bozhou has been settled, and the situation in Sichuan has ushered in the dawn. Now it is Shanxi and Xuanfu. Of course, the White Lotus Sect is still in serious trouble, but Seeing this situation in Nanjing, Prince Yizhong probably became anxious himself, and if Shanxi and Xuanfu are settled down, then the imperial court will only have one attitude towards Nanjing, which is to surrender unconditionally."

  The two discussed all the way until they arrived at the official office of the Ministry of War.

  Feng Ziying is the right servant of the Ministry of War, so he naturally has his own office area. Wang Wenyan and Wu Yaoqing also work in this area with several officials of the Ministry of War.

  However, Wang Wenyan and Wu Yaoqing are private staff, just like Baoxiang and Ruixiang, their salaries are paid by Feng Ziying privately, and the imperial court does not bear it.

  Office together, but pay their own salaries, this unique model is also unique to Dazhou.

  Of course, as the private chief of staff, follow this type of people. Once the master Dongweng leaves office, they will also follow him. The rest of the officials do not need to continue to serve the next official.

You Shilang has his own small courtyard. In addition to the main room, study room and rest room, there are also side rooms and side rooms on both sides. It is owned by the staff, the five rooms on the right are used by officials, and the other side room is the residence of the easy-going personal guards.

The main room is mainly used for receiving, meeting and discussing with guests, while the study room is used for office work, and the rest room can be used for taking a nap at noon. Of course, you can also rest here if you work too late at night. Rest here.

  Haven't arrived at You Shilang's small courtyard, a small official over there has come to urge Feng Ziying to hurry to Shangshu's side.

  Feng Ziying changed into an official robe, and then walked towards Zhang Huaichang's office and residence in a leisurely manner.

   No matter how urgent it is, that’s the case. The sky will fall, even if there is a tall person holding it up, the sky will not fall.

  After experiencing the battle in Liaodong, Feng Ziying felt that her attitude became calmer and calmer, and she was no longer as anxious as she was in Shaanxi. This kind of thing happens far away, and there is no use in rushing for a while.

  Seeing Feng Ziying stepping in gracefully, Zhang Huaichang also showed a look of appreciation on his face.

   This trip, Feng Ziying has changed a lot. It was not obvious when she came back from Shaanxi before, but this trip to Liaodong, drinking ice and lying on snow, strategizing, Feng Ziying has grown rapidly.

  As the minister of the Ministry of War, he can't know the situation in Liaodong very well, but he is basically in control.

  As a supervisor, Feng Ziying did not take the lead and go to the front line in person. Instead, she sat in the city and was only responsible for stabilizing the morale of the army and making decisions. But this is exactly what a civil servant and supervisor should do.

  Although he also won a big victory in Shaanxi, Zhang Huaichang felt that Feng Ziying still had the demeanor of a military general, but this time in Liaodong, Feng Ziying truly embodies the demeanor of a military commander.

Also, when I returned to Beijing yesterday, the Ministry also sent someone to the door, and the other party was able to sleep peacefully all night before coming to the court. This made Zhang Huaichang a little unhappy, but I also felt that Feng Ziying had a bit of a bearing that did not change his face. .

   "I have met Master Shangshu." After Feng Ziying saluted, Zhang Huaichang signaled to take a seat.

   "Where is Brother Sheng Sheng?" Feng Ziying was a little surprised that he didn't see Sun Chengzong.

"Zhensheng went to Baoding and Hejian to check the reorganization of the guard army. It is not very optimistic. The White Lotus Sect is also spreading in the guard army." Zhang Huaichang frowned and said: "In addition, there are more and more signs of the White Lotus Sect in the Jizhen Army. Obviously, this is what Zhisheng is most worried about."

   "Oh?" Feng Ziying shuddered, "What are the signs?"

"There are more and more fugitives from Jizhen, and most of them are from the four prefectures of Baoding, Hejian, Zhending and Shuntian. According to the investigation by Long Jinwei and the Ministry of Criminal Justice, most of them are related to the White Lotus Sect." Zhang Huaichang rubbed his temples , "This trend seems to be getting stronger and stronger."

  Feng Ziying suddenly became nervous, "When did the desertion trend start?"

Zhang Huaichang thought for a while, "It started at the end of last year. At first there were not many people, that is, a few dozen or so people sporadically. But after the new year, it began to increase gradually. There were more than 400 fugitives in Jizhen in February alone." People, there were more than 300 people in March, and the suspected White Lotus believers in the Baoding Guards also showed signs of instability, gathering secretly, making connections everywhere,..."

Feng Ziying couldn't help smacking her lips. There must be hundreds of fleeing soldiers, not just a fortress post, but the entire Jizhen army must have such signs of flooding. These believers have been in the frontier army for many years, and they are basically able to fight. Once the old soldier returns to his hometown, he may immediately become the military backbone of the uprising.

  Speaking of it, the hundreds of fugitives are nothing compared to the 100,000-level Jizhen army, but these people are "fire seeds".

   "What do you think, Brother Sheng Sheng?" Feng Ziying asked again.

"Zhisheng feels that we need to be highly vigilant. He is worried that before the situation in Shanxi is completely under control, our negotiations with Nanjing have not yet been finalized. The incident of the White Lotus Sect will disrupt our negotiations with Nanjing, and even put the negotiations at a disadvantage." Zhang Huai Chang didn't hide anything anymore, "The negotiation between the imperial court and Nanjing has entered the final stage, and it is estimated that there will be a result within a month or two. It all depends on your good battle in Liaodong."

  Feng Ziying shook her head, "Your Excellency thinks that Nanjing and the White Lotus Sect are suddenly so active, is there anything to do with it?"

Zhang Huaichang nodded slightly, "It's hard to say, even though Prince Yizhong himself may not know it clearly, but the people below have no bottom line in doing things, maybe there is contact, at least this kind of pressure is beneficial to him, as for after the negotiation, it's okay to turn your face and deny it It's normal."

Feng Ziying thought for a while before saying: "Then it will be clear in two or three months. Regardless of whether the White Lotus Sect makes trouble or not, we must resolutely and thoroughly eradicate it. Young Master Sheng has gone well this time. It is very necessary, as for Nanjing, it will not affect the overall situation, as long as the military power of the Beijing camp and the upper three relatives are returned to the Ministry of War, and there are five cities of soldiers and horses,..."

  Zhang Huaichang glanced at Feng Ziying. This guy had the same thoughts as Ye Xianggao and the others. As long as the Beijing camp and the Shangsan pro-army were under control, it didn't matter that Prince Yizhong would succeed him.

"Ziying, today I just want to talk to you about this matter. The military power of the Beijing camp and the upper three relatives needs to be taken back to the Ministry of War. The Wucheng Bingma Division can let the Patrol City Procuratorate continue to control it. Anyway, it is controlled by the imperial court. Zhang Huaichang let out a sigh of relief, "It should have been started a long time ago, but you left and dragged it down. What are your plans?"

  Feng Ziying knew that this matter had to be left in his own hands again, but he was very willing.

  (end of this chapter)

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