Number of People

Chapter 2326: Guizi Juan yangmou, lure

  Chapter 2326 Guizi Juan Yangmou, Lure

After pondering for a while, Feng Ziying said slowly: "The Jingying side is easier to handle. Although King Zhonghui is serving as the Jiedushi now, in fact he doesn't have much control, and he himself has no intention of being the Jiedushi. At that time, the imperial court can take the opportunity to take back the right to appoint the chief officers of the Beijing Camp Jiedu Envoy and even the Five Army Battalion, Shenshu Camp, and Shenji Battalion, but the Shang Sanqin Army may have to think carefully about it."

  Zhang Huaichang nodded in satisfaction. Feng Ziying is growing up very fast, and will soon enter the state of the right servant of the Ministry of War.

  The military power in Beijing is only three yuan, the Beijing camp, the upper three relatives, the five city soldiers and horses, and of course a patrol battalion.

  The Wucheng Bingma Division is under the jurisdiction of the Xuncheng Procuratorate directly under the Metropolitan Procuratorate. The patrolling battalion is nominally under the direct management of the Ministry of War, but in fact the right to appoint and remove the chief officer belongs to the Ministry of War, and the daily affairs are entrusted to the Xuncheng Procuratorate.

   Needless to say, the Beijing camp, according to the usual practice, the emperor appoints the chief general, and the Ministry of War just writes. However, generally speaking, the emperor will also seek the opinions of the cabinet and the Ministry of War, but the emperor occupies a dominant position in this appointment and dismissal power.

It’s different for the three pro-armies. The chief general and even the deputy generals are directly appointed by the emperor. They only need to report to the Ministry of War for filing and filing, and they don’t even need to consult the cabinet and the Ministry of War. This is the prerogative of the emperor. Need to find a reason.

  Of course, there is already a pretext now. Emperor Yonglong was assassinated, and the truth has not been found out yet, but there is no doubt that the dereliction of duty of the three relatives led to the occurrence of this evil result.

"Long Jinwei and the Ministry of Criminal Investigation have achieved some results in the investigation of the assassination case of Tienwangshan Qiuxiu. In other words, in any case, the three relatives are responsible, so on this point, Long Jinwei and the Ministry of Criminal Justice will cooperate. The Ministry of War’s purge of the Shang San Qin Army has dragged on for so long, and there should be a result.” Zhang Huaichang stroked his gray beard under his chin, “Do you plan to start with the Beijing camp first, or the Shang San Qin Army first? "

"Easy first, then difficult. Let's start with the Beijing Camp. I'm familiar with King Zhonghui, and I'll also go to King Zhongshun to say hello, so that it can be taken over peacefully and smoothly. Feng Ziying thought for a while, "However, there may be some problems with the Commander of the Shenshu Battalion, Envoy Shiben, and I'm thinking about moving him. "

   "Oh?" Zhang Huaichang was surprised, "What's wrong with Qiu Shiben?"

   "Chou Shi was originally promoted by the emperor himself, but later on, he changed a little bit, and has a lot to do with the palace,..." Feng Ziying said flatly.

   "In the palace?" Zhang Huaichang frowned, "Which prince?"

  If the chief general of the Beijing camp has an affair with the prince, like the three relatives, it will be really troublesome, and it will never be allowed.

"Qiu Shiben's tactics are brilliant, it's hard to say now, I just learned about it in Shuntian Mansion, and Long Jinwei probably also noticed it, and I may have to negotiate with Long Jinwei at that time, the specific situation will come after the communication Sure."

  Feng Ziying will not make it clear for the time being, it is not easy to provoke an enemy, and it has to be determined according to the situation and choose the right time.

Enemies were not good at it. When the main force of the Old Fifth Army Battalion was taken away by Chen Jixian, and the main force of the New Fifth Army Battalion joined the Northern Front Army and was still in Liaodong, the Shenshu Camp was now considered to be the most powerful part of the Beijing Camp, while the Shenji Battalion was It's a mess of loose sand, and the chief and deputy generals are at odds.

Zhang Huaichang nodded. Since Feng Ziying said so, there must be a basis and a way, "Okay, Ziying, you can decide for yourself. If you want to make a move, you have to tell the Ministry first. The cabinet ministers are very concerned about this matter." Take it seriously, you also know that no matter what the outcome of the negotiation is, the Beijing camp and the upper three pro-military forces need to strengthen their control so that the situation in the court can be stabilized, whether Prince Yizhong succeeds to the throne or which prince succeeds, this is the case."

Speaking so bluntly, Feng Ziying's heart was also moved. It seems that the opinions of the cabinet ministers and even the seven important ministers have tended to be unified, that is, the existing structure is very in line with the tastes of civil servants, and should be maintained or even strengthened. , and this requires stronger means and methods to ensure it, such as strengthening the control over the Beijing camp and the upper three pro-military forces.

   After talking about the next step, Zhang Huaichang began to ask about the specific situation in Liaodong.

Although the Liaodong battle report came back almost the next day during that time, it was only a few words, and it could only tell a general process. The real and specific details of the battle had to be known by Feng Ziying, the supervisor who came to the battle in person. Even Liaodong people are naturally concerned about the details of the Liaodong battle.

Feng Ziying also introduced in detail the whole story of the Liaodong battle, including the mobilization of Jinzhou Wei and Fuzhou Wei and Mao Wenlong's troops to attack from the east wing through the Jurchen-controlled area of ​​Jianzhou, Cao Wenzhao and He Renlong's troops stormed to contain them on the west wing, In the end, the Liaodong Army and the Northern Front Army were used to attack, and finally defeated the Jianzhou Jurchen's interception and rescued the Juniper Department.

What Feng Ziying said about this situation is naturally much more detailed and true than the cloudy and exaggerated words in "Today's News". Breathtaking.

"Ziying, I didn't expect this battle to be so twists and turns. The armored soldiers of Jianzhou Jurchen are so powerful. If the firearms are not too strong, I am afraid that we will really lose the army and even lose Shenyang." Zhang Huaichang sighed with emotion. Zhong also became a little more worried, "But it is difficult for us to keep this firearm secret. You also said that Jianzhou Jurchen also began to obtain firearms and firearm production technology through North Korea and Japan, and iron smelting technology has also developed greatly. If things go on like this, our advantage Isn't it going to be weakened, and the situation in Liaodong will be even worse?"

"My lord, there is no need to be so pessimistic. The Jianzhou Jurchens are indeed in the ascendant stage. It is true that it is not easy to keep firearm technology completely secret. However, even if they know how to make firecrackers and cannons, the principle is easy to understand, but it is difficult to master it. , but in the production of firearms, a slight difference will lead to a huge difference. The manufacture of the gun barrel, the quality of the gunpowder, the firing device, the casting and forging of the cannon bore, and the adjustment of the angle design are all quite a set of sophisticated technologies. Therefore, we have such a vast manpower in Dazhou, so many years of deliberate learning and imitation, and now we are still in the ignorant stage of exploration, so as long as we restrain ourselves a little, it will be difficult for them to catch up with us, or almost impossible. possible."

   On this point, Feng Ziying is quite confident.

This is also an important factor why he must promote the control of Phi Island-Jiuliancheng-Kuandian Six Forts. As long as this area is controlled, the Jianzhou Jurchen can only be blocked on land, and then the North Koreans will be firmly locked up. Reining in, relying on the advantages of firearms and manpower, Feng Ziying is confident that he will drag the Jianzhou Jurchen to death on the land of Liaodong.

The future Dongjiang Town will come out sooner or later, and now I want to promote the emergence of this prototype. Mao Wenlong is the best candidate for the general. Control of North Korea, Japan, and even the Ezo and Whale Sea areas further north.

"But Jianzhou Jurchens are learning very fast. Now they have even learned the technology of cannon manufacturing. This poses a great threat to our defense of Jiancheng. We are still on the defensive in Liaodong, but if they really build ten statues and two Ten Xiyi cannons, can the Tieling Acropolis and the Shenyang Acropolis be defended?"

  Zhang Huaichang was not so easily impressed by Feng Ziying's self-confidence, especially the Jianzhou Jurchen built the Xiyi cannon so quickly, which made him unacceptable. It has only been a few years since Da Zhou's cannon-casting technology breakthrough.

   Zhang Huaichang's worries are not unreasonable, and Feng Ziying also knows that Zhang Huaichang cannot be relieved now, but this is a good thing, and he can just put forward his Dongjiang strategy.

Taking this opportunity, Feng Ziying brought up the Dongjiang strategy and introduced in detail the strategic considerations for the line of Liaonan-Phi Island-Jiuliancheng-Kuandian Liubao. This really moved Zhang Huaichang and blocked Jianzhou from the perspective of technological improvement. Jurchen, controlling North Korea from the perspective of strategic deterrence, no matter which factor is worthwhile.

  However, it is not that simple to establish a new border town. No matter how necessary, no matter how much Zhang Huaichang supports it, the court must have sufficient financial resources. But for now, it is very difficult.

  But Feng Ziying is already very satisfied to be able to register with Zhang Huaichang first. Once the negotiations with Nanjing are successful and Dazhou is reunified, then this Dongjiang Town can be considered for establishment.

   This day is not far away.

  After talking with Zhang Huaichang, Feng Ziying returned to her office and residence, and immediately recruited Wang Wenyan and Wu Yaoqing.

"The intention of the imperial court is very simple. Taking advantage of the current favorable situation, to take back the control of the Beijing camp and the Shangsanqin army, not only to take back the control right now, but also to re-establish a system, that is to say In the future, the chief officers and deputies of the Shangsanqin Army and the Beijing Camp will all be appointed by the Ministry of War, otherwise they will be invalid.” Feng Ziying said indifferently: “There is no need to mention the Fifth Army Battalion here in the Beijing Camp. It's Qiu Shiben's Shenshu camp, and the Shenji camp has one officer and two mates, and it's easy to handle, but Qiu Shiben, how to deal with it, you guys have a plan."

"How about being transferred to the general of the Fifth Army Battalion?" Wu Yaoqing pondered and said: "Although the Fifth Army Battalion is an empty shell now, the general of the Fifth Army Battalion is a real deal, second only to the position of Jiedushi in the Beijing Camp. King Zhonghui is unavoidable for the time being. A hope, let him feel that he has a chance to take over the Fifth Army Battalion and then become the governor of the Beijing Camp, so he made a move here and immediately appointed his deputy as the commander of the Shenshu Battalion,..."

  Wang Wenyan thought silently, and pursed his lips and said: "I'm afraid he wants to take the confidant of Shenshuying to take office. Now the Fifth Army Battalion is an empty shell. If he proposes it, the Ministry of War will not refuse."

"Don't be afraid, the Shenshu Battalion has much fewer troops, and it is impossible for him to take them all away. Let him take them over, but if you don't rush to replenish him, this will be regarded as dividing the troops directly under his control. Wait until the Fifth Army Battalion of the Northern Front Army It will be easy to handle a few parts of the building.”

  Feng Ziying smiled, Wu Yaoqing's idea was just right, when He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji came back to build the Fifth Army Battalion, the enemies would have nothing to worry about.

  (end of this chapter)

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