Number of People

Chapter 2329: All kinds of methods in the Guizi scroll are at your fingertips

  Chapter 2329 Guizi Juan with various methods at your fingertips

  Feng Ziying did not look at the investigation file handed over by Long Jinwei, and skimmed it. Naturally, the people below will read it slowly. He only needs Lu Song to give an attitude.

"It should be said that the three relatives have some responsibilities. The standard bearer guards have made some omissions in the in-depth investigation and clearing of all relevant personnel in the entire Iron Net Mountain Villa. According to the investigation, the horse the emperor rode was given a special drug. , Now the Tai Hospital has not been able to come up with a specific statement about this drug, but according to our understanding, it should be a special herbal preparation from the southwest region, which is extremely rare, and the refining requirements are also quite high,..."

   "Is there any doubt about who gave the medicine?" Feng Ziying asked in a deep voice.

   "Yes, but the subject is already dead. It seems that he committed suicide by taking poison, but he should have been murdered to silence him. He was quoted as red medicinal wine from the palace..." Lu Song couldn't help rubbing his temples.

"Oh?" Feng Ziying wasn't surprised by this. Since he dared to attack, he must have already made a thorough arrangement. "The person who can get in touch with the horses that the emperor usually rides is probably not unusual." People, right? Captain Long should have investigated his origins, sponsors, and who he has been in contact with every day, right?"

  Lu Song nodded, "He is a professional horse breeder inside the Iron Net Mountain Royal Hunting Estate. He has raised horses in the hunting estate for many years and is responsible for raising horses for the emperor. There is nothing unusual at ordinary times..."

"Years?" Feng Ziying nodded slightly, and the water was deep here. "There is no abnormality in the past, what about his family? Who are they in daily contact with, and who have they been in contact with in the period before the incident, especially abnormal people? There is his daily life and source, whether there is any abnormality in the family,..."

  A series of detailed questions made Lu Song also realize that the right servant of the Ministry of War looked more like the right servant of the Ministry of Punishment, but he also knew that the other party did not intend to provoke, and both Long Jinwei and the Ministry of Punishment would definitely investigate.

"All of these have been investigated, but the situation is a bit complicated, or confusing, some seem to have clues, but the direction is unknown, or there are motives to deliberately divert our investigation direction, or they are annihilated by external forces. end,…"

  Lu Song calmed down and dealt with it seriously.

  The other party is negotiating on behalf of the Ministry of War or the cabinet, so they must ask clearly, or it may be related to their next countermeasures.

"Oh?" Feng Ziying wanted to ask more questions, but thinking that the other party must have listed them in detail in the file, she felt a little picky when she asked again, so she nodded: "It seems that this case is really a bit difficult to solve. Conclusion, Captain Long and the Ministry of Punishment need to settle down and have the determination to fight a protracted war, Lord Lu, you should understand that if there is no satisfactory account of this case, there is no way for the court to hand over the matter."

  Lu Song said calmly: "I will go all out, but because of Jiangnan, some of them pointed to Jiangnan. Now Captain Long's investigation is restricted. If we negotiate with Nanjing..."

Before Lu Song finished speaking, Feng Ziying waved his hand to stop and interrupted the other party: "Master Lu, don't get involved with Nanjing, you have to follow your investigation first, of course, if there is any doubt pointing to the south, first Put it aside, when the time is right, it will happen naturally."

  Lu Song took a deep look at Feng Ziying, "But Mr. Feng, what if it points to Nanjing?"

  Feng Ziying also looked back at the other party: "That also needs to be investigated. As for the final handling method, the cabinet must have a strategy."

   Lu Song sneered in his heart. I am afraid that even if there is evidence pointing to it, it will only be reduced to a condition for negotiations between the court and Nanjing, or even become a threat?

   It's just that I want to think about this kind of thing, but I can only swallow it.


"The Four Guards Battalion is in charge of the outer guards, but their security arrangements are superficial, especially in the mountains where they did not carry out search and defense in advance. According to our investigation, the assassins should have sneaked into the mountain forest five days in advance. If the Four Guards If the battalion can earnestly conduct a pull-net investigation in all the mountainous forests, it should be possible to find some clues..."

Lu Song's introduction did not satisfy Feng Ziying, "Lord Lu, the guards on the perimeter know this is a common practice, especially in the mountains and forests, where they are easily threatened by bows, crossbows and firearms. The four guards are all veterans, don't they have any Precautions and premonitions? This seems unreasonable, right? Is it laziness, negligence, or intentional indulgence? On this point, Captain Long should at least have a tendentious opinion, right?"

  Lu Song's scalp is numb. Is this guy going to wipe out the three relatives?

  I have already said it so bluntly, and admitted that all parties are responsible, but judging from the other party's meaning, I obviously think it is too light. Is this going to attack the Four Guards?

"The Four Guards Camp must have been cleaned up and searched more than once, but adults should be aware of the situation in Iron Net Mountain. The vegetation is lush and the terrain in the mountain is rugged. It will take a day or two to clean up, and even if it is cleaned up in advance, the Iron Net Mountain The surrounding area of ​​the mountain is vast, and there is no way to block it. If the assassins and killers infiltrate later, it is also very easy,..."

   "When was the last cleanup, and what preventive measures did the Four Guards take after the cleanup? If they didn't do it, or were perfunctory, leading to the assassins sneaking in, this might be a big problem." Feng Ziying insisted.

  Lu Song must have some friendship with the three relatives of the army, and he must put enough pressure first, so that these people have a premonition, which is conducive to the next step of cleaning up.

  Feng Ziying thinks that this is actually a way of carrying letters, let Lu Song pass the news out, first let the internal turmoil of the upper three pro-army, this is conducive to the next step in the next step to divide and disintegrate the upper three pro-army and buy and win.

   Lu Song couldn't answer Feng Ziying's question. There must be some problems here, but the responsibility depends on how you look at it.

"Warrior Battalion is in charge of personal protection, but they failed to keep up with the emperor's ride in time. At the same time, they were negligent in the process of personal protection, or their long-term paralysis prevented them from formulating a strict and reasonable personal protection plan. During the process of personal protection, the old casual strategy is still followed,..."

"So the Warriors Camp is even suspected of deliberately indulging?" Feng Ziying said coldly: "I know that the roads I took during the course of the autumn are all in the mountains, and there are dangers inside and outside, but a group of guards from the Warriors Camp are unexpectedly Followed behind, defenseless, this kind of behavior can almost be described as contemptuous dereliction of duty, it is hard to believe that this is the work of a warrior battalion specializing in body guards,..."

Feng Ziying's sharp questioning also made it difficult to answer. Lu Song also knew the intention of the cabinet, so he simply didn't explain much, and gave up the whole case on his own. As for the specific details, he just It may be that the officials and staff of the Ministry of War came to study carefully.

  Who is the murderer, or who is the force behind the murderer, Long Jinwei did not draw a direct conclusion.

The conclusion needs to be supported by evidence, especially for this kind of thing, you can push it to Nanjing, or Jianzhou Jurchen, or even Bozhou chieftain, but you have to have evidence, or you have to be able to convince the cabinet to approve it. He will let Long Jinwei speak nonsense here, just like Long Jinwei will not easily agree with the investigation results of the Ministry of Punishment.

  The contact with Long Jinwei was not very smooth, but Feng Ziying can also understand Lu Song's confusion and hesitation.

The long-term absence of the emperor has made the cabinet begin to take over the overall responsibility, and the position of King Lu's supervisor is more like a decoration, not even a decoration, and the cabinet is still negotiating with Prince Yizhong of Nanjing. For Long Jinwei, Lu Song has no direction at all as to which side he should be loyal to.

  Theoretically, it should be allegiance to King Lu who is the supervisor of the country, but is the current King Lu worthy of allegiance? A young boy who is still immature, and a concubine who is not worry-free, once he loses power and Prince Yizhong succeeds, then the senior officers of Long Jinwei, including himself, will probably be wiped out, and they can go to be loyal to Prince Yizhong what? That's even more unimaginable, now Nanjing is still confronting the imperial court as an enemy, and the imperial court even asked Long Jinwei to spy on Nanjing's intelligence.

   It is also not advisable to please both ends. Long Jinwei is also full of uncertainties. Perhaps the only choice now is to follow the cabinet's command closely and wait until the new emperor succeeds to the throne before making a decision.

  However, this will cause great psychological confusion for Long Jinwei, and once a certain habit is formed, the strength of allegiance to the new emperor may be compromised.

  Feng Ziying was sitting in the carriage with a smile on her lips. This was indeed too embarrassing for the helm of Captain Long.

  Back to the Ministry of War, Wang Wenyan led a group of officials to start studying the relevant case files. From it, we should not only analyze the investigation of the case by Lieutenant Xu Longjin, but also find out the culpability of the three relatives as needed.

"No hurry." Zhang Huaichang waved his hand, "If the wind is released, there will be chaos inside the Shangsanqin army. On the surface, Miao Zhuang, Liao Junxiong and Du Keli have strong control over the Shangsanqin army, but in fact this is There is a loyalist built on them, but now they have become headless chickens, and Ziying, what are your plans in the palace?"

Feng Ziying picked up the teacup and took a sip, "As your lord said, don't worry, as soon as the news of our side is released, someone in the palace will naturally come to the door. Except for Dai Quan, everyone else can cooperate. In fact, even Dai Quan Quan, we can also cooperate, but it depends on the situation at Renshou Palace."

Zhang Huaichang couldn't help but cast a glance at this guy, saying that this guy is a genius. You said that you have excellent military strategy, which can be said to be from a family background. You said that you can handle government affairs with ease. Fang, but such insidious tricks cannot be achieved by old officials, why is this guy so easy to use all sorts of tricks, he is really a monster.

  (end of this chapter)

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