Number of People

Chapter 2330: Guizi scroll waste utilization, longing day and night

  Chapter 2330 Guizi scroll waste utilization, longing day and night

   "Ziying, the cabinet's opinion has been determined, and the Ministry of War also has the same intention. As for how to operate, you can decide for yourself." Zhang Huaichang felt at ease after hearing Feng Ziying's few words.

  Before, I was a little worried that this guy was too aggressive, or that his methods were not subtle enough, but now it seems that I was too worried. This guy is more sophisticated and ruthless than I imagined, and he already has a plan on how to dismember and divide the three relatives.

He has a large group of staff under his command, and it seems that they are not ordinary people. It is said that most of them come from the shogunate of his deceased Yue Zhang, the former inspector of salt and censor Lin Ruhai, and Lin Ruhai is the emperor's confidant. The relationship here is complicated. It's really intriguing, but Zhang Huaichang believes that Feng Ziying can handle the subtle entanglements inside.

"My lord, I'm not too worried on the side of the Sanqin Army, but on the side of the Beijing Camp, Qiu Shiben's Shenshu Camp also needs some means, but they can use the Fifth Army Battalion to lure them. I mean, there are also seven arches in the Shenji Camp. Baqiao can just be brought in together to carry out unified deployment and purge." Feng Ziying said confidently: "I contacted King Zhonghui, and he was also exhausted. He wanted to unload this burden a long time ago, and he also I am dissatisfied with the layout of the Beijing camp,..."

  Zhang Huaichang understood what he meant, thought for a while and said, "You mean to take the opportunity to use the gang of the Five Armies Commander's Mansion?"

  The Fifth Army Commander's Mansion is a nursing home, but it doesn't mean that all the people in it are trash. On the contrary, many of them are senior generals who used to be high-ranking and powerful but not easy to arrange.

Feng Ziying sorted it out roughly, and there are a large group of so-called Dudu Tongzhi, Dudu Qianshi, Commander Tongzhi, and Commander Qianshi. Most of them were resettled in the late Yuanxi period, and they came in one after another around Yonglong five years ago. There are a large number of people, depending on the age, many people are not too big, ranging from their thirties to their fifties, and most of them are still in their prime.

  However, their acquaintances and official identities are all false titles, and they can only get some salary. When they go out, their power is not as good as that of an old official in Wanping County.

There are naturally various reasons why these people were thrown into the cold palace. Either they were corrupted and smuggled in the army and were investigated by the censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, or they violated military orders and violated Shangguan’s wishes. Either the factional strife was sent out and it was not easy to arrange, or the court felt that Wu Xun's background was too big to lose. In short, there were people from all towns, the capitals and guards in the interior.

  After entering the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion, he can be promoted to the second and third ranks, which is also a consolation, and it also prevents these senior generals from becoming ashamed and angry, fighting to the death and breaking the net.

   "What do you think?" Feng Ziying looked at Zhang Huaichang with a smile.

  Zhang Huaichang thought for a while, "It's okay, but you have to carefully screen Ziying, there are mixed fish and dragons in it, and there are many people with unruly ambitions..."

Feng Ziying laughed lightly, "My lord, our Ministry of War itself is to lead the Beijing Central Army from the standpoint of regulations. Restraining, restricting, and even balancing all parties in the army are indispensable. Naturally, we must choose unruly and ambitious people. If one or two are rebellious or ambitious, that is naturally bad, but if they are all like this, I don’t think it is necessarily a bad thing.”

After Zhang Huaichang was taken aback, he glanced at the confident guy, sighed, shook his head, but finally said: "Ziying, don't be too confident, and don't stir up the smog in Beijing, the specific strategy , you can decide for yourself."

"Don't worry, my lord. Of course I will report the specific strategy to my lord before I can implement it." Feng Ziying said with a smile: "But we have only one goal. First, military power must be controlled by the Ministry of War to ensure loyalty; second, combat power must be It has to be completely changed, the former is the primary goal, the premise and guarantee, and the latter is the vision.”

  Whether combat power is important or not is important, but compared with who owns the military power, it will be put in second place. Seeing that the other party understands the importance, Zhang Huaichang nodded and stopped talking.

  Next, Zhang Huaichang and Feng Ziying talked about the military situation in Shanxi and the situation of the guards in the Beizhi prefectures that Sun Chengzong had returned.

  The situation in Shanxi is still chaotic, but overall it is good, but the situation passed by Sun Chengzong is not optimistic.

  The spread of the White Lotus Sect is becoming more and more serious. It is shocking. The local government taboos diseases and avoids medical treatment.

  Although it is not helpless, what Sun Chengzong can do now is to clean up the guards and quickly strengthen the strength of the guards in various places, so as to prevent the White Lotus Sect from being unable to deal with the wars everywhere.

The Ministry of War here has written to the Ministry of Punishment, and at the same time reported to the cabinet, requesting that the cabinet write a large-scale purge of the White Lotus Sect throughout Beizhi, Shandong, and Henan. However, this request has been temporarily shelved for a very simple reason. Now It is a critical moment. Once a large-scale White Lotus Sect rebellion is triggered in the North, it will seriously affect the negotiations with Nanjing.

  However, the cabinet has also written to all localities, requiring all localities to start targeted investigations of the White Lotus Sect, and advance it in both light and dark ways, so as to prepare for the next step of the clean-up after the negotiation with Nanjing has a result.

  Out of the public house, as soon as he got into the carriage, he heard Baoxiang shouting: "The girl holding the piano is here."

  Feng Ziying had a headache.

   After coming back for a few days, he didn't think about anything else at all.

  Li Wan came to the mansion once, but he didn't see him. Wang Xifeng sent Lin Hongyu to Beijing, but he ignored him. Now it seems that Yuanchun can't sit still.

  I have been away for more than four months and have not heard from him, so many people are naturally worried, but I have only been back for a few days, and I have a lot of debts.

In the third room, I need a good life to comfort the three daughters Yixiu, Daiyu, and Baochai, as well as Baoqin, Yingchun, and Youer. This kind of comfort is not just a few words of comfort, it has to be in bed. Fortunately, Miaoyu and Xiuyan had just given birth and their bodies hadn't recovered yet, so they could leave it alone for now, otherwise it would be too much to bear.

Also, the mandarin ducks have yet to accept the house, and the two big girls Zijuan and Yinger are also watching eagerly. Baochai and Daiyu have told themselves several times that they should give the two girls Zijuan and Yinger an explanation as soon as possible. , Feng Ziying can only agree.

Baoqin also implicitly mentioned the matter of senior officials, Feng Ziying did not let go, of course, from the bottom of her heart, Feng Ziying did not refuse, this kind of soft and charming little opera singer is comparable to Yangzhou skinny horse, maybe there is something really wrong same taste.

Qingwen, Jin Chuaner, Siqi, Xiangling and other girls are also looking forward to it. Thinking of these, Feng Ziying can't wait to become superhuman. You can prioritize, but you have to give others thoughts and at least comfort. .

  What is the best comfort for a woman is to sleep, this is the truth summed up by Feng Ziying.

Look at that day after Ping'er was happy with herself, her energy was suddenly different. The little maids were all surprised at how sister Ping'er suddenly became radiant. She became soft and lovely, instead of the gloomy and gloomy before.

   "Let her get in the carriage and tell." Feng Ziying hesitated for a moment, it was not easy to stay outside the gate of the office, so she simply asked Baoqin to come in the carriage, anyway, there was nothing wrong with it.

Holding the piano and climbing into the carriage, looking at the plump figure of the other party, Feng Ziying found that there are some similarities between this maid and the girl, like Yingchun is plump, Siqi is more plump, Daiyu is thin, Zijuan is also slender, Baochai The figure is graceful, Yinger is not bad, and Yuanchun and Baoqin are the same.

Baoqin can't stand or sit upright in front of Feng Ziying, but can only kneel and kneel, her round buttocks show a beautiful arc because of kneeling, and the lake green dress wraps the girl's round yet upright body, no, Baoqin is no longer a girl, she is comparable to Yuanyang and Pinger in terms of age, she is already over twenty, a ripe fruit.

   "What's the matter? I said I'm very busy these days, so please take care of your girl." Feng Ziying asked lightly.

  Bao Qin was also shocked and dared not look up.

  She found that the man in front of her made her feel more and more in awe and admiration, and even the words and deeds of the man made her feel coercive.

And she also knew that the empress was becoming more and more concerned about Mr. Feng, and even reached a state of almost morbid infatuation. She always hoped that Uncle Feng would come back from Liaodong earlier, but after returning from Liaodong, Uncle Feng was busy again. He was so busy that he didn't have time to contact him at all, so he let himself go out of the palace alone to see Uncle Feng.

   "The empress remembers the uncle, and asked the slaves to bring the imperial palace tortoise jelly to the uncle. In spring, the dryness is very strong. This tortoise jelly is a secret recipe in the palace. The empress chooses the medicine and refines it by herself. It is very good for the body."

  Feng Ziying was suffocated when he hugged the piano. He was very impatient with the kindness of others. Compared with himself, it was too cruel.

  The tone softened, and Feng Ziying sighed: "Your girl has a heart. I have been busy recently, and the past few days have passed..."

Baoqin heard Feng Ziying's breath slow down, seemed a little softer, his heart moved slightly, and he raised his eyes: "My lady misses you very much, I can't sleep well these days, I look forward to seeing you soon ,so…"

  Feng Ziying smiled wryly, rubbed her cheeks, raised her head and thought for a while, and then said: "Today is the ninth day of the lunar new year, let's go to the sixteenth. I will go to Chongxuan Temple on the sixteenth. Go back and tell your girl..."

   Baoqin was overjoyed. Before she came, she was worried that if the master suddenly turned his back on him and refused to contact the empress again, then the empress might really lose the courage to live.

Looking at the posture of the empress who is thinking day and night, holding the piano is full of gratitude, so this time she has made up her mind to let Uncle Feng make a sure letter, so that she can go back and forgive the empress, and now she can finally have One confessed.

  (end of this chapter)

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