Number of People

Chapter 2335: Where does the Guizi scroll go, the road of a powerful minister?

  Chapter 2335 Where does the Guizi scroll go, the road of a powerful minister?

  Of course Feng Ziying knew that King Zhonghui was an old fox.

  Although he doesn't know anything about military affairs, it doesn't mean that King Zhonghui's sense of smell is bad.

  As a member of the Zhang family, King Zhonghui must have felt the cabinet's intention to strengthen its control over the military power in Beijing, but he didn't care too much.

  He is very clear that although he is also from the Zhang family, he is far away from the throne. Whether it is Prince Yizhong or Emperor Yonglong, the two elder brothers who are in the same line of succession, it has nothing to do with him.

   On the contrary, if Prince Yizhong joins the Datong, it is very likely that in order to consolidate his own position, he will be more guarded and harsh on other brothers.

   King Zhonghui could probably guess what the court and cabinet were thinking, so he even agreed in his heart and was willing to cooperate in actions.

  Feng Ziying's special status makes it more effective for him to come and talk to King Zhonghui.

  A civil servant from Wu Xun’s family background and an imperial examination background, he is also the right servant of the Ministry of War, and his father is also the commander of the Northwest Army. It was also his idea to let King Zhonghui go back to Beijing to serve as the governor of the Beijing camp.

   Being able to obtain the status of a Jingying Jiedushi, even if it is only for two years, is a qualification, which can make King Zhonghui more respected in the Zhang family, just like King Zhongshun holds the title of patriarch.

  So this communication was very relaxed and pleasant.

Jingying Jiedushi can sit in this position for a while, but to bear the heavier burden, it would be too much pressure for King Zhonghui. If you are not careful, the accumulated qualifications will become a disaster, so early Some resignation is due meaning.

  After a few days of fermentation, the central capital became restless, and even a letter from the old man came.

   "Feng Zuo, what does this mean, Father?" Under the candlelight, Feng Ziying rested her chin in thought.

"The current situation of the Northwest Army is not very good. The imperial court is intermittent in terms of food and salaries, and it is difficult to continue, so now the master can only maintain a confrontation with Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu in Nanzhili, and cannot launch a large-scale attack. Morale is also lower than before. I have fallen a lot, and the master is also very anxious,..."

  Feng Zuo sighed, "The master said that the court might be suspicious of the master, or the Northwest Army, so let me come back and ask the young master."

   Seeing Feng Ziying's handsome and upright face under the candlelight a little more deep and sophisticated, Feng Zuo was also filled with emotion.

  He couldn't even believe that this was the kid who was running around behind him ten years ago, didn't understand anything, and asked him for advice.

  Since the age of six, the other party has been by the master's side. Although the wife is very reluctant, the master has always insisted on staying by her side, saying that if jade is not cut, it will not be useful. If it is raised by the woman in the deep house, it will only become a useless person.

   Now it seems that the master is wise.

  During those few years, he, Feng You, Feng Shou, and Feng Xi almost watched him grow up day by day.

  From a kid who didn't know anything, he gradually became a young man who can draw a bow, shoot an arrow, ride a horse and wield a knife. If he hadn't considered that the young master can study, he could try the imperial examination, and the master would not let him go back to Beijing to enter the Imperial College.

  Who would have thought that going back this time, he would actually read some teachings in the Imperial College, and finally entered Qingtan Academy, and after the Qiu Wei Chun Wei Competition, he would become a dragon.

  Feng Ziying rubbed her cheeks with her chin.

Father's worry was not without reason. Although Zhang Huaichang and Sun Chengzong never mentioned the matter of the Northwest Army to him, and Qi Shi and Qiao Shi did not show any tendency, Feng Ziying knew that the civil servants' attitude of suppressing and restraining the warriors was It is deeply rooted and will not change due to changes in internal and external situations.

   No matter how dangerous the situation is, at most, the restrictions on generals will be slightly relaxed. Once the situation improves slightly, they will be tightened again.

  Decentralization and cutting of power, shifting and adjusting, these methods are inevitable. Isn’t it the same as what I have done to the Beijing camp and the upper three pro-army?

However, the imperial court still has a slightly different attitude towards warriors. The four kings, eight lords and twelve lords are the most suppressed from Long Wuxun, followed by Borderland Wuxun. Wu Jinshi was born and grew up with military exploits. These warriors are the most trusted by the court.

The Feng family was classified into the category of Martial Arts in the Borderlands, and the father only had himself as the only son who had gone the way of a civil servant, so he let the court feel at ease, but he was only relieved of his father, and he was also very worried about his Northwest Army. fear.

So the children of the Four Kings, Eight Dukes and Twelve Marquises, as well as the children of the Li family and the Ma family, are not welcome by the imperial court. If it weren't for the tense situation in the northern border, Ma Chengxun would have strongly recommended him if he wanted to be the head of the Xuanfu. Bing, that is a dream.

However, the current situation has changed slightly. Because of the puppet dynasty in Nanjing, the imperial court launched a wave of purges of the old martial arts families in Beijing. For example, the four kings and eight princes have all withered, and the twelve princes have also been affected a lot. So in this case, the imperial court probably realized that some balance is needed, so the policy may be adjusted again.

   "So the Northwest Army and the Three Sides and Four Towns also have some ideas?" Feng Ziying smiled wryly.

   "Hey, you should know something about the master's thoughts, young master." Feng Zuo smiled.

The current situation of the Northwest Army is not very good. It is obvious that the imperial court intends to resolve this stalemate with Nanjing through negotiations, so naturally it is not so active in terms of food and salaries. In addition, Chen Jixian's attitude is ambiguous, so no matter Feng Tang himself , or the generals under his command began to consider finding another way out.

  Feng Tang, as the commander of the Three Sides and Four Towns and the Northwest Army, must give priority to the group of people who followed him into China and worked hard.

The way out for the Northwest Army is also there, either to go back to the Northwest, but now He Shixian, Xiao Ruxun, and Qi Bingzhong occupy the three towns of Yulin, Gansu, and Ningxia respectively. How did you play.

It can be said that there is no suitable location for the three towns and four towns now, and the gang of Liu Dongyang, Liu Baichuan, and Tu Wenxiu must not be allowed to work hard in Shandong and Nanzhi for more than a year, and then return to the poor countryside in the northwest in despair , continue to be their deputy commander-in-chief and general, and live a life of lack of food and clothing, then Feng Tang really can't explain to his brothers.

  That's why Feng Tang wrote to Feng Ziying after he got the news, asking Feng Ziying to consider planning for his loyal subordinates in the Beijing Camp and the Shangsanqin Army. At worst, Xuanfu Town can also be considered.

  Although the Jingying and the Shangsanqin Army are far inferior to the border towns in terms of strength, their status is not inferior to the border towns. Otherwise, even Chen Jingxuan, who has been the governor of the three sides, would want to seek the general of the Fifth Army Battalion.

   It can be said that the generals of the Fifth Army Battalion are not inferior to the generals of the five border towns of Xuanda and Jiliao, and they are deeper than the generals of the three borders and four towns in remote areas.

  Even the commanders of the Shenshu Camp, Shenji Camp, and even the Shangsanqin Army are comparable to the commanders of Guyuan, Gansu, and Yulin.

Moreover, Beijing officials themselves are superior to military generals from other places, and they will have more opportunities to be sent out in the future. It is difficult for the General Soldier of Gansu to be transferred to the General Soldier of Liaodong and Datong, unless you can catch up with the opportunity and make great contributions, such as Feng Tang It's like putting down the Ningxia rebellion.

  But if you are the commander of the three major battalions of the Beijing Camp or the Shang Sanqin Army, it will be much easier as long as you walk through the door.

   Commanders like the Beijing Camp and the Three Great Battalions are much better than the Kuhaha Deputy Commanders of the Three Sides and Four Towns, and the commanding affairs are also much more than those poor generals and guerrilla opportunities.

Of course, border towns such as Xuanfu, Datong, and Jizhen, which are located on the edge of the capital, are different. Being a deputy commander in these border towns has much more power, benefits, and connections, so you may not be willing to go to Beijing. The battalion and the Shangsanqin army came to be the commander and acquaintance.

   All in all, compared with the border towns, the Jingying and Shangsanqin Army in central Beijing cannot be compared only in terms of official status. This involves closeness to the imperial court and even broader and more affluent development opportunities, so different people have different opinions.

  Feng Ziying roughly understood what Dad was thinking, and how to deal with it was actually simple.

  Since he is in charge of the purge of the Beijing Central Army, and the Shangsanqin Army and even the Beijing Camp obviously need large-scale adjustments, it is somewhat difficult to give some opportunities to the generals under Dad's command, but it is not impossible.

  Even if the chief officers of the Shang Sanqin Army and the Three Great Battalions of the Beijing Camp are too sensitive to make arrangements, at least one or two can be placed in Xuanfu Town.

   What Feng Ziying needs to consider is that this arrangement is only a stopgap measure, and what she needs to consider is a longer-term plan.

  I need to sort out or determine what my future goals are.

   Is the Feng family the main one, or is it about your own official career?

  For the Feng family, of course, the family is long-lasting, and it is best to pass on the mantle and wealth from generation to generation. For me, that is to go straight to the position of chief assistant.

   But there are some contradictions between the two, and there are many things to pay attention to just being the chief assistant.

  Being a weak chief assistant who was suppressed by a powerful emperor, such as Emperor Yuanxi thirty-five years before Yuanxi, who was restrained by unruly cabinet ministers, then being the first assistant is also very boring.

   If you want to hold an emperor in the air and subdue the lower cabinet ministers, the chief assistant must have enough political resources to operate.

  On the one hand, there must be enough courtiers to stand unswervingly on their side in the court, on the other hand, they must have strong allies or loyal subordinates in the army to support themselves, and in addition, they must maintain absolute control in Beijing.

   Judging from the current trend of the government, at least the cabinet headed by Ye Xianggao is thinking about this way. Of course, Ye Xianggao may not be doing what he wants to do, but more because he wants to achieve this goal through the group of civil servants.

  What about yourself? Feng Ziying asked herself.

   Also like Ye Xianggao, a chief assistant who reaches an agreement through compromise and balance? It doesn't seem to make much sense.

   Also, even if you are the chief assistant, how long can you be the chief assistant? How long can the Feng family's wealth last? Like Zhang Juzheng, when he was the first assistant, he had a great reputation, but when he closed his eyes, it would be a disaster of ransacking his family and exterminating his family. I knew that this possibility was very high, so I still wanted to go this way?

  (end of this chapter)

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