Number of People

Chapter 2336: The strange situation of the Guizi scroll is self-evident

  Chapter 2336 The weird situation of the Guizi scroll is self-evident

  Feng Ziying really didn’t really think about how she should go in the future, and which step would be the end.

  Before, I just subconsciously felt that since I was famous in the imperial examinations, I had a teacher to support me, my classmates assisted me, and the elders of the villagers supported me.

  Furthermore, the Feng family has a solid background in martial arts, Feng and Duan's family have rich contacts in Datong and the military, and the father has also laid a solid foundation for him. This is the road to success in all aspects.

  But now that I think about it carefully, it seems that it is not that simple.

  The current Dazhou is not quite the same as the previous Ming Dynasty.

Although the military is controlled by literature in name, it is different from when the civil servants and supervisors were in charge of the military in the late Ming Dynasty, and the warriors had no room to resist. Moderate, but still have considerable autonomy.

  Like my supervisor in Liaodong, I only determine the general direction, and I have the right to decide on personnel matters. The actual specific method of fighting and changing on the spot still have to be determined by the generals themselves.

  Even in terms of governorship, the former Ming Dynasty was all civil servants, but in the Great Zhou Dynasty, military generals also had the opportunity to serve as governor.

In other words, the current warriors still have considerable status and power, even if they are still restrained by civil servants, but as the current cabinet further strengthens the power of civil servants in charge of government affairs, and even deliberately suppresses the imperial power, will the power of warriors be further restricted? It will become stronger with the deterioration of the situation on the northern border, or the outbreak of the White Lotus Sect rebellion, it is hard to say now.

It seems that he can only follow the path of a civil servant, but Feng Ziying is clear that if he wants to be a powerful minister who orders and prohibits acting according to his own intentions, without strong and stable military power to support him, then the building on the beach may collapse at any time .

  Now the imperial court’s control over the army is more reflected in two aspects, one is the traditional system and habits, and the other is logistical support. What will change in the future? Feng Ziying is not sure, but he can be sure of one thing, if there are enough generals in the army who support him and are loyal to him, then it will be much easier for him to act according to his own intentions after becoming the chief assistant.

  That's why he has intentionally or unintentionally deployed in the army from the very beginning, including supporting his father's connections and influence in the army.

  But Feng Ziying, a civil servant, will not give up. If he wants to promote reforms according to his own intentions, it is impossible without a large group of like-minded people who accept his views to support and help.

   Both of these will be a long-term process, and Feng Ziying did not expect it to be realized in three to five years.

   Now Feng Ziying also has a general idea in mind. Her future goal is to be a powerful minister like Cao Cao and Sima Yi. Of course, if it really comes to the scene of Chen Qiaoyi, it seems that it is not unacceptable to have to wear a yellow robe.

  But how to achieve this goal requires a thorough and careful plan, and Feng Ziying knows that it needs to be carefully thought out and planned.

   But no matter what, it is essential to cultivate one's own power in the army, in the court, and in the local area.

   "Uncle Zuo, I understand my father's worries. As for what to do, I know what to do."

  Feng Ziying gave Feng Zuo a somewhat vague answer, but that was the only answer he could give.

  I am just the right servant of the Ministry of War. Even though the imperial court entrusts me with the responsibility of purging the military power in Beijing, I am not letting myself dominate alone. Not to mention myself, even Zhang Huaichang can't make the decision on important personnel rights, and he has to report to the cabinet for approval.

  Of course, there are a lot of room for manipulation here, and Feng Ziying will also consider it.


   "Chen Yejun has returned to Beijing?" Feng Ziying only got the news when Liu Xianglian came to visit.

   "Well, he should have returned to Beijing half a month ago, a few days later than you came back from Liaodong." Liu Xianglian took a sip of tea and nodded slightly: "I think he is with Wei Ruolan."

  Followed Feng Ziying for a trip to Shaanxi, but after arriving in Shaanxi, he did not follow Feng Ziying, but went straight to his trip to Kongtong.

  At that time, Liu Xianglian was going to go to Shaanxi with her, and Feng Ziying was also very happy.

Originally, I hoped that he could follow me, which was considered to protect me, but I thought that Third Sister You was always by my side. For this reason, he committed suicide for love, and felt that it should be done no matter what.

  So Liu Xianglian wanted to go to Kongtong by herself, and Feng Ziying didn't stop her. Anyway, Li Guibao and the others were protecting them along the way, so there was no danger.

  Liu Xianglian is an unrestrained personality. The description of her character in "A Dream of Red Mansions" is not very accurate, and only real contact can understand her.

But in terms of appearance, the description in "Dream of Red Mansions" is not fake at all. It is really handsome, handsome, suave and charming. The only thing that may be a little regrettable is that the feminine atmosphere is a little bit thicker. Only Wei Ruolan can be around Feng Ziying. However, this kind of femininity is more attractive to many people in this world. People like Jia Baoyu, Shui Rong, and Jia Lian especially admire this kind of appearance and temperament.

Feng Ziying didn't care too much about this. Liu Xianglian didn't intend to get married until now. Anyway, the two families are family friends. Feng Ziying also asked him and wanted to find a marriage for him, but Liu Xianglian always refused to agree. Feng Ziying I can only give up.

However, it is not consistent with the close relationship between Liu Xianglian and Jia Baoyu written in the book "Dream of Red Mansions". In this life, Liu Xianglian has a closer relationship with herself, but her relationship with Jia Baoyu is not. Although Jia Baoyu has always admired Liu Xianglian's free and easy , especially Liu Xianglian's exquisite performance in the play, made Jia Baoyu mesmerized.

"With Ruolan? What about Ziqi?" Feng Ziying knew that Chen Yejun, Wei Ruolan, and Han Qi, together with herself, were an unshakable four-person team when they were studying in the Imperial College, but Chen Yejun was the most closely related in terms of usual times. Ye Jun, Wei Ruolan and Han Qi, who joined later, are not as good.

   "I didn't see Ziqi." Liu Xianglian shook her head, "The two of them came to the Daguanlou to listen to the opera, and there seemed to be two other people I didn't know.

Chen Jixian is now holding a heavy army in Yangzhou and standing still. Feng Ziying thinks that this guy must have some kind of plan with Nanjing, or he is worried that the imperial court will be a dead dog and wants to find an opportunity to separate the regime. Feng Ziying even suspects that Chen Jixian and his father are also secretly colluding. , reached a tacit understanding.

   Now that Chen Jixian sent his son back to Beijing to contact Wei Ruolan, is it simply to restore the old friendship, or does he have other plans? Who are the other two people?

  If Chen Jixian went south to cross the river to control Nanjing, what kind of result would it be?

  Prince Yizhong has lost his foundation, so what qualifications do he have to negotiate with the court? The situation became clear immediately, and it was the Emperor Yonglong and the princes who benefited.

  Prince Yizhong has no chance of succeeding to the unification anymore, and the throne will definitely fall to the kings of Shou, Fu, Li, Lu and Gong, among whom Lu Wang has the greatest hope.

  Feng Ziying has never believed that the imperial court has no influence on Chen Jixian.

  Chen Jixian’s reasons for refusing to go south are a bit far-fetched. Why worry about the navy in Nanjing is pure bullshit.

  The navy hastily assembled by the Nanjing side is not worth mentioning at all. Feng Ziying can even ask the Denglai Navy to march in from the mouth of the Yangtze River to assist.

   As for the fear of smashing Jiangnan, or arousing the anger and resistance of the people in Jiangnan, that is even more of a joke. Is this something you, Chen Jixian, the general of Huaiyang, should consider?

  You are a warrior, as long as the court gives an order, shouldn't you go south like a wolf like a tiger to invade the fertile land in the south of the Yangtze River?

   Even if there is no order from the imperial court, you should rush to create opportunities and take the initiative to go south. Which warrior does not desire war? Especially this kind of war that can obviously make a lot of money.

  Feng Ziying also consulted the order given by the Ministry of War to Huaiyang Town, and chose the opportunity to go south when ensuring the livelihood of the people in the south of the Yangtze River.

   What kind of **** command is this?

  This order is very good. If you use this order to Wufu, will Wufu listen?

   But what is even more strange is that Chen Jixian actually implemented it to the letter, and even carried it too far, so he simply stopped going south, so as not to hinder the livelihood of the people in the south of the Yangtze River.

   It seems that one hundred reasons can be found. For example, what if the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River make noise? What if the Jiangnan merchants went on strike? What if the local guards in the south of the Yangtze River resisted?

   Then Jiangnan must be smashed, what if the court wants to hold Chen Jixian accountable?

   These reasons made Feng Ziying want to spit on Chen Jixian.

   All in all, the court’s attitude is weird, Chen Jixian’s attitude is weird, and the Nanjing Puppet Dynasty’s attitude is equally weird. All three aspects are weird, and the Northwest Army, which is focused on fighting the old man who wants to cross the Yangtze River, is left there lukewarm.

   It's no wonder that the old man feels that the situation is wrong, and he needs to let himself think about the situation.

Judging from the current situation, there is a high probability that the imperial court will push Prince Yizhong to take over the position. That should be more favorable to the cabinet and the imperial court. Controlling the military power in Beijing should be a means of protection. In addition, the cabinet and Prince Yizhong should Some secret agreement conditions are being negotiated or are about to be reached.

In order to ensure that his own lineage will inherit the great unification, Prince Yizhong may also make concessions on many issues. After all, the current situation is not good for him. If the court really hits the Yangtze River, then he will kill everyone. .

  From the perspective of the imperial court, it can not only allow the cabinet to obtain more favorable conditions for the imperial power, but also avoid military disasters in Jiangnan, so that the hen that lays golden eggs in Jiangnan can return to her bosom flawlessly. This should be the best of both worlds.

  Feng Ziying is really curious about what clauses will be used to restrict the imperial power, and what other checks and balances and guarantees are there. After all, some of these are invisible.

  (end of this chapter)

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