Number of People

Chapter 2338: Guizi Juan's small words and great righteousness, a good wife and a good compani

  Chapter 2338 Guizi Juan speaks in a small way, a good wife and a good companion

  Liu Xianglian was right, the direction of the imperial court was indeed undergoing subtle changes, and the attitude towards Nanjing became more and more ambiguous.

  Especially seeing that the negotiations seem to be on the right track, avoiding the expansion of the war and ensuring that Jiangnan will not be poisoned by the flames of war seem to have become a tacit consensus.

   What makes Feng Ziying feel irritated is that the progress of this negotiation with Nanjing depends on the speed of the purge of military power in Beijing and China.

That is to say, only when the imperial court feels that it has obtained absolute control over the Beijing camp and the upper three-parent army, and has also established from the system system, I am afraid that the final compromise can only be reached with Nanjing.

Of course, negotiating with Nanjing does not depend entirely on the control of the military power in Beijing. This is only one aspect, and there are many other conditions that need to be agreed upon. However, Feng Ziying thinks that both the cabinet and Prince Yizhong have already done a good job. Ready to compromise.

Once an agreement is reached with Prince Yizhong, if Prince Yizhong wants to join the Datong, then an amnesty is essential, and the targets will definitely be those military nobles who were involved in the North-South War, but will the court cabinet In this way, without any resistance, these Jiangnan scholars and military nobles who were about to overthrow them to the ground were allowed to do whatever they wanted?

  There must be a lot of games to be played here, to compromise, to give up, both sides are the same, and whoever is weaker, the strength of the compromise will be greater.

  Maybe it’s time for Dad to launch another wave of offensive. At least it can win a good name for the Northwest Army. Even if the Northwest Army may face dismemberment, at least it can get a better place.

  Then there is Chen Jixian, Feng Ziying always felt that this guy must have some kind of plot, and he would definitely take action before the negotiation between the imperial court and Nanjing is over, but he is still not sure yet.

In fact, I don’t blame Feng Ziying. The distribution of power and the game in the military system of the Great Zhou Dynasty are too complicated. In many cases, there is no customization. Using literature to control martial arts is a large-scale guiding opinion, but in actual operations, due to the prestige of civil servants and generals, The history and fighting will of an army, the situation around the place, the source of support in the later period and many other factors are all different, so Chen Jixian's Huaiyang army is really an outlier.

Chen Jixian’s Huaiyang Army’s basic department was derived from the Fifth Army Battalion of the Beijing Camp, and it has basically remained unchanged. The Fifth Army Battalion has always been the strongest in the Beijing Camp. When the Beijing camp went out to fight in Beijing, Chen Jixian did not send out a single soldier of his own basic troops, but all of them were miscellaneous troops, so this was also the main reason for the defeat of Santunying in the first battle.

From the Fifth Army Battalion to Huaiyang Town, Chen Jixian almost emptied the Fifth Army Battalion. Huaiyang Town was also established on the basis of the main force of the Fifth Army Battalion, especially the Xuzhou Guards. Its combat effectiveness is not easy to estimate now, but Feng Ziying judged It shouldn't be too bad, after all, this is the basis for Chen Jixian's survival.

  Feng Ziying suspected that Chen Jixian might have something big to do, maybe he had something to do with his father, such as suddenly going south to occupy Nanjing?

   But what does he want by doing this?

  The imperial court's promise to "never cut down the vassal" and let him stay in Yangzhou or Jiangnan? Is this possible? useful?

   Or dragging Dad's Northwest Army together, plus Niu Jizong's Xuanfu Army and Sun Shaozu's Datong Army will have stronger convincing power?

   Otherwise, the whole Jiangnan will be smashed to pieces, looted and looted? To threaten the court with this?

   It’s really hard to say now.

  How determined and courageous is the imperial court to bear the loss of this catastrophe?

  How much control does Prince Yizhong have over Chen Jixian, Niu Jizong, Sun Shaozu and Wang Ziteng?

Especially after learning that Prince Yizhong wants to compromise with the imperial court in order to succeed him, it is still unknown whether they will betray the martial arts who worked for him before, and how much they will sell. I am afraid that even Prince Yizhong himself can’t tell. .

  Feng Ziying realizes that she still has not been able to enter the most core level of pain in the imperial court. For example, she has no idea what key conditions were specifically mentioned in the negotiations between the imperial court and Nanjing. Even Zhang Huaichang probably only vaguely knows some, and the specifics may not be clear.

  Master Qi didn't tell himself either, it was obvious that the cabinet had an agreement not to disclose it to the outside world if the conditions were not ripe.

Thinking of this, Feng Ziying could only sigh secretly. All she could do was to determine the control of the Beijing Camp and the Shangsanqin Army as soon as possible. In addition, on her father's side, she had to remind her that a fight was still necessary. Don't slack off because of the negotiations between the DPRK and China. Sometimes you can earn more for yourself by fighting.

  Shen Yixiu noticed that her husband was preoccupied when he came back, so she didn't ask directly.

   Instead, she called her daughter to play and talk with her husband.

  Three-year-old Tongniang is undoubtedly the best pistachio in the family. Every time Feng Ziying sees her daughter beside her lap, she is filled with joy and all troubles are put aside.

  Tongniang is innocent and innocent, a child carefree, as long as those black and clear pupils look at Feng Ziying's face, Feng Ziying will have no troubles or fears in her heart.

   Seeing her husband holding her daughter in various ways to please and tease her, Shen Yixiu was also happy in his heart, but he was still a little dissatisfied.

  It is self-evident that the husband loves his daughter, but after all, he has not yet given birth to a male heir, and in the whole three houses, the second and third houses have male heirs, but the eldest house has not yet.

  Second Sister You and Third Sister You should look fertile, but why there is no movement for a long time, and the same is true of her own stomach, which makes Shen Yixiu a little busy.

Fortunately, the second and third bedrooms are all concubines, and Xue Baochai and Lin Daiyu have not moved, but perhaps the matter of Xichun should have been considered earlier. The only obstacle is that the Jia family's crime of possessing treason has not been completely lifted. Maybe it will not be until the new emperor ascends the throne to amnesty the world. solve.

   "Does your husband have something on his mind?" Shen Yixiu asked softly, sitting next to her husband on the spring bench beside her husband as he watched his daughter staggering out.

"Well, it's something on my mind. The court situation is chaotic and I can't understand it." Feng Ziying said lightly: "I am afraid that Jun Wan also knows about the negotiations between the imperial court and Nanjing. Although I don't know the details of the specific conditions, it is nothing more than Restricting imperial power, Prince Yizhong seems to want to compromise in order to allow his lineage to inherit the great unification, and the imperial court wants to control the military power in Beijing and China in order to guarantee it, but the specific conditions of the negotiation between the two sides are not clear."

  The wife is also from an official background, and the father-in-law is also the backbone of the Jiangnan scholars, and his wife is also very keen on observing the current situation, so he doesn't mind discussing it with his wife.

"Well, my concubine has also heard a little bit about it. I guess it might be who will dominate the power to dismiss the prime minister or dismiss the cabinet, or there are cabinet ministers to set up?" Shen Yixiu is very smart, and he is aware of these situations in the DPRK and China. very clear.

"Well, dismissing the prime minister, who can dismiss the prime minister? It is theoretically possible for the emperor to dismiss the prime minister directly, but after the thirty-fifth year of Yuanxi, it has never happened. Opposite, it is difficult to continue, and I voluntarily resigned, but what if the chief minister is not willing to accept it? If the cabinet ministers support the chief minister, what should the emperor do? Is it just to hold his nose? Other cabinet ministers object, plus the emperor No trust? How many cabinet ministers do you need to object? Among the five cabinet ministers, the chief minister himself is not counted. Does it mean that only two cabinet ministers are needed for the emperor to dismiss him?"

   Feng Ziying's series of questions made it difficult for Shen Yixiu to answer.

  The emperor’s resignation is more of an empty statement, but if it is to be implemented in practice, there is no rule, let alone a clear system to regulate it.

  In addition to dismissing the chief assistant position, the emperor is dissatisfied with the cabinet ministers, what should I do? Do you have the right to contact cabinet ministers?

According to the usual practice, the cabinet ministers are basically determined by the original cabinet ministers including the chief assistant, and the emperor approves them, and then orders them to enter the cabinet to become cabinet ministers. Once they enter the cabinet and become cabinet ministers, it seems that there is no way for the emperor to dismiss them. Regulations, in the past, there have been emperors who were dissatisfied with a certain cabinet minister, but they also forced him to resign voluntarily through hints. There has never been a precedent for direct dismissal, that is to say, there is no clear statement on whether there is such a power.

Even the entry of the entire cabinet is still achieved by some unremarkable conventions. The recommendation of the important ministers, the approval of the emperor, and then joining the cabinet, if you are not satisfied, then hint, or criticize, then the cabinet ministers can also choose Resign, but if you get the support of your colleagues, whether you can continue to persist without resigning depends on the outcome of the game between the two sides.

"Master, you mean that the court will discuss these issues with Prince Yizhong this time? Impossible?" Shen Yixiu was a little surprised, "It seems that since the founding of this dynasty, no, even since Song and Ming Dynasties, there has never been a clear Shall we agree on the customization of cabinet ministers by standard?"

Feng Ziying smiled, "This is just my guess, but I think the court should have some ideas in this regard, otherwise once Prince Yizhong ascends the throne, he will have to settle the matter and replace all the cabinet ministers and ministers at once. Tang Binyin, Miao Changqi, Gu Tianjun, and Jia Jing are all brought back as cabinet ministers. What about Ye Xiangqi and the others? Rebellion? You set up the emperor yourself, and then overthrow it? Is it possible? Isn’t it a slap in the face? Let’s be moral, I don’t think Ye Xiang and the others can’t even think of this.”

"So, the imperial court should first firmly grasp the military power in Beijing?" Shen Yixiu heard the elegant meaning of Xiange, and laughed, "It seems that the cabinet ministers are not unprepared, but I still feel that if you choose Taiming, will it be difficult for everyone to accept? Then Prince Yizhong will go back on his word in the future, or tear his face apart?"

  (end of this chapter)

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