Number of People

Chapter 2339: The interests of the Guizi scroll are divided, and the length is weighed

  Chapter 2339 The benefits of the Guizi scroll, weighing the length

"That's why we need to plan ahead." Feng Ziying waved his hand, "Prince Yizhong is not stupid, how could people like Tang Binyin and Miao Changqi not advise him? But how could Ye Xiang and the others not understand these principles? But having said that, After all, Tang Yao and the others are scholars, once they really want to join in, Wan Jun, do you think they will continue to be loyal to the imperial power represented by Prince Yizhong, or betray and defend the power represented by the scholars?"

Feng Ziying's question made Shen Yixiu fall into deep thought, and after a long time, he slowly said: "My husband asked this question too sharply and deeply, I didn't know how to answer it for a while, or couldn't make a conclusion, but I still felt afraid The latter is more likely, after all, it is too difficult to completely break away from the status of a scholar, and of course it is not ruled out that some people cooperate with the emperor for their own interests,..."

Feng Ziying glanced at his wife appreciatively, and nodded: "Mr. Wan is right. As for cooperating with someone for profit, that's quite normal. Even Ye Xiang and the others can sometimes cooperate with the emperor. That's not surprising. The key is what the general trend and the normal state are.”

  Shen Yixiu also nodded, "However, as Mr. Xiang said, Nanjing is currently in a weak position. I am afraid that the conditions proposed by the cabinet will be stronger and more beneficial to the cabinet?"

   "Theoretically so, but Wan Jun seems to have forgotten that there is such a variable as warriors." Feng Ziying said leisurely: "Chen Jixian, Niu Jizong, Wang Ziteng, and even my father, are they considered variables?"

  Shen Yixiu's expression changed slightly, and he bowed his head in thought.

Feng Ziying knew that her words worried her virtuous wife again, so she walked over and put Shen Yixiu's shoulders on her shoulders, "Don't worry too much, since you have already thought about it as a husband, there must be countermeasures. The Feng family is so special. I am a civil servant, but my father It’s a military commander again, it’s hard to make a choice, but it’s not necessarily impossible to strike a balance.”

Shen Yixiu sighed softly, stood up and put his face on her husband's shoulder, "It's good that Mr. Mrs. understands, you are not only you, but also my concubine, Tong Niang and other sisters, everything needs to be considered. comprehensive."

  Shen Yixiu also saw the hidden worries behind the prosperity of the Feng family.

  The husband is the leader of the younger generation of civil servants and scholars, but the father-in-law is the representative of the powerful faction among the warriors.

  From the husband’s point of view, it must be unswervingly taking the Shoufu Road.

  But from the perspective of the father-in-law, or the Feng family, it is also indispensable to maintain the status of the Feng family in the army and ensure that the children of the Feng family can inherit the influence of the Feng family in the army in the future.

  The two are somewhat contradictory.

  It is true that the husband became famous in the imperial examinations, was amazingly talented, and had smooth sailing on the road of civil servants, but what about his heirs?

  Who can guarantee that all the children and grandchildren can study well and continue to honor their ancestors on the road of civil servants?

   But it is relatively easier to follow the path of warriors.

  In the army, it is much easier for the influence of the Wu Xun family to continue, and this is the most difficult thing to give up.

  Feng Tang's idea at the beginning was that once Feng Ziying failed in her studies, she would immediately follow her to the military to hone her skills, and then gradually inherit the Feng family's connections and influence in the military, so that she could take over in the future and become a second generation of the military.

  But who would have thought that Feng Ziying could read so well, and even surpassed Feng Tang himself on the road of civil servants.

  My wife is very smart and has seen the conflicts inside. Of course Feng Ziying understands, but it is still too early to think about these things. Whether it is her father or herself, the step of talking about conflicts has not yet reached that stage.

"Don't worry, the car has its own way to the front of the mountain. My husband understands that now Wan Jun's priority is to hurry up and give birth to an heir for my husband." Feng Ziying lovingly kissed his wife's earlobe, "Tonight Jun Wan must serve her husband well, and as a husband, she must kill all directions and attack endlessly,..."

Being overwhelmed by her husband's frivolous words, her cheeks flushed, Shen Yixiu glanced at her husband coquettishly, but she just took her husband's arm and pressed her body tighter. Feng Ziying naturally understood, this is the wife's acceptance of " Invitation" and "Challenge".

"Sir, if we can solve the case of the Jia family's betrayal, then the four girls can marry into our house earlier." Shen Yixiu said softly, "Our eldest house is still a little thinner, Qingwen and Yunshang are two girls I'm not disappointed,..."

"There is no rush for the Jia family's affairs. We have to wait until the negotiation with Nanjing is over before we can have a unified solution. You don't need to worry about Wan Jun. You still have to work hard to get it right. Okay,..." Feng Ziying patted Shen Yixiu's belly lightly, "Tong Niang should have a younger brother too."

"Like Yuanyang, Ping'er, and Jin Chuan'er, what does Mr. Xiang plan? It seems that the identities of the three of them are somewhat inexplicable in the three rooms, and they feel that they seem to be nondescript. ,..."

  Shen Yixiu finally asked a key question. Both Baochai and Daiyu might have doubts about this question, but due to their sympathy, it is not easy to ask it directly. Instead, it is most appropriate for Shen Yixiu to ask.

  Feng Ziying also knows that this problem cannot be circumvented.

The Feng family is nominally a family, and it seems that they are all attached to him, but from the perspective of the clan, it is an out-and-out three-family house. Concurrently means that the three houses stand side by side and are independent of each other. The descendants also inherit the incense of each family.

  Then the family property of the three bedrooms will be clearly distinguished in the future. Of course, even the father is still there at the moment, and I am still in the prime of life.

"I'm afraid Wanjun asked this question for many people. I guess that even Yuanyang, Ping'er and Jin Chuan'er themselves are uneasy and feel uneasy. I said they just followed me, as if they were alone. Independent, but it seems a bit contradictory now, what good idea do you have, Mr. Wan?" Feng Ziying asked in a rambunctious voice.

  Shen Yixiu shook his head, "I haven't thought about it myself, it should be Xianggong's own decision."


  Feng Ziying raised her head and thought for a while, but didn't speak, just nodded to show that she understood. "Is this an idle general in the Five Armies Commander's Mansion?"

  Looking at the thick stack of rosters and files, Feng Ziying couldn't help but gasp, "How many are there?"

"Hehe, my lord may not have imagined that since the 30th year of Yuanxi, there were no less than 80 people from various border towns, capitals, and guards who entered the five-army military governor's mansion, except for some older people who were in poor health. There are also some who are obviously weak in military management and are not suitable, and there are probably more than 30 people who meet the conditions,..."

Wang Wenyan said casually while introducing: "This is not counting those who are still in the border towns and local capitals intending to come to Beijing to seek these positions. It can be said that this is a stone that caused a thousand waves. Countless people stretched their necks to see this. It's a big adjustment."

  Feng Ziying flipped through briefly, then closed the roster and files, "These people's origins, resumes, origins, and classical Chinese, have you carefully screened them?"

"Well, I have screened and listed them all in different categories. Considering that your proposal has no boundaries for the time being, the scope of coverage is relatively large. It is mainly based on ability, prestige and connections. Of course, in the last In the column, I also indicated their attitude tendency, which may be the key to the final choice."

  Feng Ziying is also very satisfied that Wang Wenyan understands her heart so well.

  Selection will be a major event, and the position is the most critical, but several other elements are also indispensable. For each position, several candidates need to be listed and selected from the best.

  In addition, even the re-appointed officials of the three major battalions of the Beijing camp and the upper three pro-armies are not necessarily excluded, and it is not impossible to be promoted and reused. Everything is determined according to needs.

   "Classical, Miao Zhuang, Liao Junxiong and Du Keli, do you understand these three people?" Feng Ziying finally got to the point, "You should know that the fate of the three of them is the most important thing."

"My lord, before you went to Liaodong, I mentioned that the imperial court might take over the military power in Beijing. Of course, the collection of information on these three people did not start now. Since you brought us into Beijing, This work has been done all the time. When you served as Shuntian Fucheng, we got more resources and did more detailed work. I can say responsibly that our understanding of these three people is no less than that of Long Jinwei. How much, perhaps each has its own emphasis."

Hearing Wang Wenyan's determination made Feng Ziying feel more at ease. These three people must move, but how to move can satisfy all parties. It is the most test of human ability and means.

  Wang Wenyan's words undoubtedly contain some secrets of these three guys. It doesn't sound very bright, but these dark things are often the most real and effective.

  Just like myself, dare to say that Long Jinwei didn't know about his affair with Wang Xifeng and even had an illegitimate child? Didn't know that he slept with a woman from Wang Shui's family in Beijing County in Shaanxi?

  As for Wang Xifeng operating cement business with his own support, it is probably not a secret to Captain Long and even the court.

  Perhaps it was just that the affair between himself and Yuan Chun and Guo Qinyun hadn't been discovered yet, but as long as it continued like this, it would be a matter of time before Captain Long found out, Feng Ziying knew this in her heart.

However, Long Jinwei realizes that he also has to look at the situation and treat people, especially now that the power of the cabinet is expanding day by day when there is no leader among the dragons. As for himself as a leader of young civil servants, Long Jinwei also has to consider their own Benefit.

Especially when the interests of their small group are no longer so integrated with the emperor, whether they are still willing to tear their faces for some "insignificant" "small things", I am afraid they have to think carefully .

  (end of this chapter)

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