Number of People

Chapter 2343: Gui character volume pull, pull

  Chapter 2343 Gui character roll, pull

   His face was slightly sullen, and he was ashamed and angry in his heart, but Zheng Zhiying couldn't express it easily, or rather subconsciously didn't dare to do that.

  The young man in front of him is not a servant in the palace or a pro-military officer on the palace gate. He is a dignified third-rank official of the Zhou Dynasty, the right servant of the Ministry of War, and Xiao Feng, the governor who just won the Liaodong Battle!

  Even if Mei Yuexi, Su Lingyao and others saw him and talked to him, they would probably have to think twice.

  I and the Zheng family are asking for something from him now, if the collision offends the other party, it will be counterproductive.

  But the other party's almost contemptuous attitude made Zheng Zhiying, who had always been self-confident, unbearable.

The Zheng family is also a family of martial arts, and the father is also a veteran general who has guarded the border for many years for the Great Zhou Dynasty. It is also well-known in the Great Zhou army.

To say that the number one scholar in martial arts and the number one scholar in martial arts are definitely not comparable to the number one scholar in the qiuwei spring contest, but over the years, more and more officers have passed the Chinese style of martial arts, and they have gradually become a force that cannot be ignored in the Zhou army. .

Although it can't be compared with the veteran Conglong Wuxun and the martial arts nobles everywhere, there is already some atmosphere among the middle-level military officers. In time, this force will continue to grow. Even Feng Ziying is very clear about this. , so this is also the reason why he is more friendly to Zheng Chongjun and even willing to make friends.

Of course, this does not mean that he has to be nice to this woman. From Feng Ziying's point of view, the Zheng family took the initiative to move closer to him, and they have already understood the future trend of the court. It doesn't affect the other party's sincerity show.

The reason why Feng Ziying wants to be cold or put it aside now is that on the one hand, there are too many forces that have swarmed in recently and want to get closer, and they need to be carefully screened; on the other hand, pressing it can also help in future cooperation. Take the initiative and push for better terms.

  Now, this Concubine Zheng's abrupt behavior by Meng Lang makes Feng Ziying feel that the Zheng family seems to be a little unstable. The overly impatient attitude only shows that the Zheng family's background is not enough.

   "Hmph, adults are concerned with state affairs, and what this palace entrusts is only trivial matters, so it is naturally difficult for adults to understand." Zheng Zhiying bit her lip with hatred and snorted softly, she really couldn't bear it.

In the palace, she had to submit to Xu, Su, Mei, and Guo Zhunv, but in front of other people, Zheng Zhiying felt that she could still be superior to others, but when she met this person in front of her, she was so contemptuous and indifferent to herself, it was indeed a little bit hurt her self-esteem.

  Feng Ziying couldn't help laughing when she heard the other party's angry words.

  This concubine Xianxi looks not only from Wu Xun's background and straightforward temper, but also really immature. She can still say these sour words in front of him, which makes him feel a little interesting.

"Your Majesty seems to have some opinion on this lower official?" Feng Ziying had a half-hearted smile on her face, "Your Highness is an honest person, he always speaks straight to the point, and he doesn't like to play tricks or make excuses. Seeing what your Majesty is feeling, he lost his mind. ..."

  Being teased by Feng Ziying casually, Zheng Zhiying's heart skipped a beat. What does Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan mean? His mind was distracted when he saw himself, could it be that his appearance made him...?

  Pink cheeks flushed, Zheng Zhiying's mood seemed to improve a lot, glanced at Feng Ziying, Zheng Zhiying shrugged her delicate nose, and said angrily: "Are you always so rude when you see guests?"

  Feng Ziying spread her hands, "That's not necessarily true, it depends on each person, this kind of situation is rare,..."

   "Your Excellency is at least one of the handsome young civil servants of the Great Zhou Dynasty. If you behave like this, you will be a little disappointed..." Zheng Zhiying said softly, her hands wringing a sweat towel, biting her lip.

  Feng Ziying suddenly realized why the conversation between herself and this woman had somehow become somewhat ambiguous. What were she talking about?

  Oh, it’s about his father and brother’s future, but this topic has turned to the story of how he lost his mind. It’s a bit embarrassing, King Zhongshun is still wandering there.

   "The lower official said, it varies from person to person, and today I'm a bit rude." Feng Ziying resolutely reined in her thoughts, "What the empress said earlier, the lower official also wrote down."

  Why did I feel a little wild and uninhibited after entering the palace? Facing these women who could only lower their eyebrows and be pleasing to the eye in the past, did they have the urge to provoke and test them?

   Could it be that Yuan Chun and Guo Qinyun evoked some special and evil desires in him, so that he would subconsciously tease these people when he saw them?

  Thinking of this, Feng Ziying also feels that there is a possibility in that aspect, challenging the impossible or taboo, it seems that she has already done it, and there is even a tendency to go further and further.

  It's dangerous, but more exciting.

"My lord has made a note of it now, but I can't forget it as soon as I leave the palace. I also know that people who have come to my lord's door during this period of time have behaved like crucian carp, but I can say responsibly that my father He has been a veteran for many years, and he has never been a successor in battle and charge. My brother and Bengong's martial arts were all taught by my father,..."

  It seemed that it was a bit of a slip of the tongue when the words came out. Zheng Zhiying revealed all her martial arts skills, so she quickly shut up. It is not a good thing to be a concubine with martial arts skills, and it is also a taboo.

  Feng Ziying also found it interesting, this woman was really a bit mad, she laughed: "Your Majesty is also proficient in martial arts?"

   "Hmph, that's not a big deal, isn't it the same for Wu Guxia?" Zheng Zhiying also dragged others into the water.

   "Oh? Concubine Xianlun is also proficient in martial arts. Could it be that the empress and concubine Xianlun have also competed?" Feng Ziying became more and more curious. The stories in this palace are really colorful, which is really unexpected.

  Zheng Zhiying blushed, turned her head away, and stopped talking about this topic. Obviously, this kind of private topic cannot be known by the person in front of her.

"Okay, since your majesty doesn't want to talk about it now, let's come and listen to your majesty when I meet your majesty, and I will leave now." Seeing the figure of King Zhongshun appearing on the door again, Feng Ziying could only He said goodbye and left with a smile.

Seeing Feng Ziying walking away gracefully, Zheng Zhiying felt a little bit reluctant for no reason. Why did she gossip with this guy here for a long time, and even talk about the misunderstanding between herself and Wu Guxia? Has the match been leaked?

   For a moment, Zheng Zhiying was in a trance, pinching the sweat towel in her hand, looking at the back of the other party, not knowing what to think, until the servant and maid came to the side and whispered, Zheng Zhiying woke up.

  Feng Ziying didn't know that he would bring such great confusion to the other party. King Zhongshun didn't ask him. He took the initiative to talk about the Zheng family. King Zhongshun also thought it was normal.

"Zheng Chongjun is indeed a well-known figure in the army. The champion of martial arts in the thirty-sixth year of Yuanxi's reign, he has a five-tiger soul-breaking spear in his hand. He is quite good at cavalry and foot combat. Even ten or twenty ordinary soldiers may not be able to get close to him. , The family's martial arts skills are quite good, and his father Zheng Xuantong was originally a mighty general in Xuanfu Town, but because of his unruly personality, he was not favored by the successive commanders-in-chief and governor-generals, so he could only retire sadly in the end."

   King Zhongshun was very familiar with generals from Wu Xun background, which even Feng Ziying found difficult.

   "It's a pity that Zheng Chongjun is the commander of the Wucheng Bingma Division. He should go to the border town to fight for it." Feng Ziying was thoughtful.

"How can it be so easy to go to the border town?" King Zhongshun shook his head, "The Wucheng Bingmasi is such a big hall, and a Bingmasi Dingtian has more than 1,000 people, but when he goes to the border town, the commander In the past, people at the same level had to be given the status of a general, or at worst a guerrilla status, so you have to command tens of thousands of people, and the commander-in-chief may not dare to trust you casually."

The nature of Bianzhen and Wucheng Bingmasi is completely different. Bianzhen looks down on the combat effectiveness of Wucheng Bingmasi and even the Beijing Camp and Shangsanqin Army, but envies the affluent life of the troops in Beijing. So it depends on each person's choice.

  Feng Ziying was noncommittal.

For some side generals who have lost their enterprising spirit in the border towns and just want to dawdle, in fact, it would be a good place to transfer back to Beijing, to make room for young people who are willing to make contributions to work hard, and it can also give these man a chance.

   I’m just not sure whether Zheng Chongjun is willing to go or not. As for his father Zheng Xuantong, Feng Ziying still needs to know more.

   It has to be said that the news from the imperial court made the entire army in central Beijing and even the surrounding border towns agitated.

  With the withdrawal of the Northern Army, and the return of Cao Wenzhao and He Renlong to the south, the reorganization of Denglai Town has also been put on the table.

   "Brother Wenzhao, Brother Renlong, come here, please sit down." Feng Ziying walked out of the study with a pleasant smile and greeted the two of them, which flattered Cao Wenzhao and He Renlong.

  As soon as the two of them entered Beijing, they thought about coming to pay a visit to Feng Ziying first, which seemed to be the right thing to do.

  Although both of them are old subordinates of Feng Tang, now Feng Tang's main focus is on the Northwest Army.

  Qi Bingzhong, Ma Kongying, Ma Jinbao, Liu Dongyang, Liu Baichuan, Tu Wenxiu, Xu Chao, these are all military generals from the three sides and four towns in the northwest. Once the court and Nanjing successfully negotiate, the direction of the Northwest Army will be on the table.

Now the northwest is obviously neglected. It is rumored that the imperial court is planning to abolish Guyuan Town and merge Gansu Town and Ningxia Town into Ganning Town. .

The palms of the hands and the backs of the hands are full of meat. Cao Wenzhao and He Renlong also know that Feng Tang must not take care of them now. At least they both have a clear destination. Although Denglai Town is shabby, it is a new town after all. However, the imperial court should give some at any rate, which is much better than the Northwest generals who have nowhere to go.

  (end of this chapter)

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