Number of People

Chapter 2344: The core part of the Kui character scroll, the basic disk

  Chapter 2344 The core part of the Kui character volume, the basic disk

  For the two of Cao He, Denglai Town is a promising destination in the short term, but in the long run, the man has to be at the border to make contributions.

  The defense line of Denglai Town is located in Shandong. Although it can obtain a relatively sufficient source of troops, it can only be established with the strong support of the imperial court.

   Food, salaries and supplies are indispensable for a new border town, and even if it is established, it lacks the opportunity to fight and make meritorious deeds. This is unacceptable to Cao He and his wife.

  Reluctance to leave Liaodong at the beginning was due to this factor. If you want to fight, unless the Ministry of War can make unified deployment arrangements.

  The opportunity to fight a civil war with Nanjing like this is even more rare, and as the negotiations between the imperial court and Nanjing come to an end, and the southwest rebellion is also coming to an end, it is estimated that there will be fewer opportunities in the future.

So no matter from which point of view, Cao Wenzhao and He Renlong knew that they had to make good friends with the famous people in the military department and even the cabinet, and it happened that the two of them had the relationship of their father's old subordinates. Naturally, this layer of origin should be used to the extreme.

  So as soon as they arrived in Tianjinwei, they settled down the army they brought back, and the two immediately went to Beijing by boat, and first called on Feng Ziying.

  According to the usual practice, when generals from border towns come to Beijing, they usually meet with the chief official, that is, the minister, while the assistant minister depends on the situation.

For example, Cao He and Cao He are going to form a new Denglai Town. If they want to meet, they should also meet Sun Chengzong, the left servant, because Sun Chengzong is in charge of the Wuxuan Division and the Arsenal Division, but Cao He and Sun Chengzong have no friendship, let alone Zhang Huaichang. , so only Feng Ziying, the right servant, has some connections, so I just came to see Feng Ziying directly.

  The enthusiasm of the other party also made the two of Cao He feel joyful and satisfied, and they had a little expectation. Maybe with this celebrity, the future of Denglai Town is more promising than that of Liaodong Town?

  Feng Ziying was of course happy to see Cao He and his wife.

  Besides, it’s Lao Di’s old department, but Lao Di is already in Datong and not in Liaodong anymore. Don’t say that people just leave, but if you leave, your influence will gradually fade.

  Cao Wenzhao and He Renlong have a deep relationship with their father, and they also have this kind of relationship when they come here, so they should pick it up and continue to strengthen and stabilize it.

  After exchanging pleasantries, Feng Ziying also asked about Cao He's return from the second part.

   "Currently all the ministries have arrived in Dagu and are resting in Dagu. At present, there are more than 8,900 soldiers. Compared with the loss of more than 3,600 before the Liaodong War,..."

  Speaking of his own old soldiers, Cao Wenzhao also felt a little heartbroken. They are all elites, and it may take several years to train and train them if they lose one.

   There is no need to worry about soldiers in Denglai, but it takes training and war experience to become an elite veteran.

"Brother Wen Zhao, sacrifices are inevitable in war. The key is that we won the battle against Jianzhou Jurchen and achieved our strategic goal. I can boast that Nurhachi may not be able to organize such a large-scale war within two or three years. Here, he has to catch his breath and lick his wounds." Feng Ziying comforted: "Go to Denglai, the soldiers are safe, but how to train a strong army depends on you."

"My lord, you can't make an elite team just by training. You have to have experience in battle. Datong, Liaodong, Jizhen, and even the three sides are not short of opportunities. But Denglai, who shall we fight?" He Renlong Rubbing his hands and smiling, he said, "The imperial court must give us a chance in Denglai Town."

"Why, you want to go to war before taking office?" Feng Ziying laughed. The other party has such a temperament, but Feng Ziying is happy to see it succeed. A general who doesn't want to fight is definitely not a good warrior. A warrior depends on fighting To prove yourself?

"Don't hide my lord, Brother Wenzhao and I came out of Liaodong, and I always felt that it was not a good feeling. Zhao Shuangjiao and Juniper are mules or horses. Let's see the results of their own walks, but we are not convinced. Who is not good? Now There is no conclusion yet, we have to prove ourselves, so brother Wen Zhao and I implore the Lord to give us a chance in Denglai Town."

  He Renlong stood up and bowed to salute, Cao Wenzhao did the same, but Feng Ziying got up quickly to help them up.

"Why is this so?" Feng Ziying helped the two of them back to their seats, then returned to their seats, and said in a deep voice, "I understand the feelings of the two elder brothers. The matter of Liaodong is hard to explain in one word, so I will not judge, but I agree with what Brother Renlong said. In other words, warriors still have to rely on fighting to prove themselves. Denglai Town was first built, and there were more than 8,000 old soldiers. A combat-capable military town will soon be formed, and as for fighting, the two elder brothers don’t worry, there will be plenty to fight.”

In my impression, Cao Wenzhao and He Renlong also killed all directions at the end of the Ming Dynasty in the previous life, but they fought more with the peasant uprising army. I don’t know how much trouble the White Lotus Sect can cause in this life, but Feng Ziying has a feeling that the White Lotus Sect caused a lot of trouble. The storm will not be small.

Look at the fact that the Chahar people are still entangled. Although Ma Chengxun has controlled the situation in Xuanfu Town, he has not been able to completely drive the Chahar people out of the side wall. Kaipingwei (Done Stone Fort) was still occupied by the Chahar people, and the Great and Small Baiyang Fort and Yangfang Fort were not able to recover either, and the front line was very long and chaotic.

  Although Yuan Keli has established an advantage in Shanxi and the situation is gradually improving, the vitality of the entire Shanxi has been seriously injured.

  Because of the military disaster, the people fled everywhere, and the local government couldn't manage it. A large number of refugees flocked to North Zhili and Henan, especially Baoan Prefecture, Baoding Prefecture, and Zhending Prefecture.

  The more chaotic the situation, the more opportunities for some careerists, and it is a great opportunity for the White Lotus Sect, which is used to taking advantage of the chaos.

  Long Jinwei and the Ministry of Justice have been focusing on cleaning up those martial nobles who rebelled against Nanjing in the past two years. Because it is profitable, they are not so interested in the bitterness of the White Lotus Sect.

   This indulged the spread of the White Lotus Sect in a disguised form.

Although the Jianzhou Jurchen suffered heavy losses, Feng Ziying felt that with Nurhachi's character, if there was chaos in the Great Zhou, he would still subconsciously intervene, but the intensity of the interpolation could not be as great as before. The key is still Negotiations should be done on the Nanjing side as much as possible.

   "Oh?" Hearing Feng Ziying's convincing words, both Cao Wenzhao and He Renlong were refreshed. Cao Wenzhao immediately asked, "My lord, is it Shanxi, or Chen Jixian?"

Feng Ziying laughed, "Brother Wenzhao, are you so sensitive? Be safe and don't be impatient, you have to take office first, right? Eight or nine thousand people alone are not enough, at least you have to prepare for you once more people go first. Let's form it, the Ministry of War will definitely not let a strong team like Denglai Town sit idle, you can rest assured about this."

  Seeing that Feng Ziying refused to say more, Cao Wenzhao and He Renlong stopped asking more questions, but after getting such a sentence, they still feel at ease, as long as there is a battle, it will be fine.

  Feng Ziying asked Mao Wenlong about the situation there.

  Cao and He are not very clear, they only know that Mao Wenlong has led his troops to the south after he was appointed as the deputy commander.

  The Jinzhou Fuzhou Second Guard in southern Liaoning was assigned to Mao Wenlong as its defense area, including Zhenjiang Fort (Jiulian City) was assigned to Mao Wenlong.

   Now Zhao Liaojiao and Juniper are focusing on the Shenyang-Tieling line and Guangning.

   Then Feng Ziying talked with the two of them about the direction of forming a new army in Denglai Town in the next step, and the firearms unit is the main direction.

Cao Wenzhao and He Renlong are also more and more aware of the importance of firearms, and the power and convenience of firecrackers are becoming more and more obvious. In the middle, you can transform into a spearman. This change makes the combat effectiveness even more significant.

  The power of artillery is even more incisively and vividly displayed in field battles and siege warfare.

If the technology is further improved, the combination of tiger squatting guns and siege guns will enable firearms to achieve all-round coverage in the entire infantry camp. Whether it is field combat, siege warfare, or defensive warfare, it can greatly expand the field of use. , especially its relatively simple training time is extremely important to the infantry.

Both Cao Wenzhao and He Renlong were not the kind of people who would never forget the past. After realizing this, they also proposed, like Feng Ziying, that in addition to maintaining the necessary number of cavalry, they should adjust the structure of the infantry. Infantry combined with artillery, such as spearmen and sword and shield soldiers, which are professional protection for artillery and artillery, can be greatly reduced, because artillery can basically replace spearmen.

  In addition, there are two special types of firecrackers, the self-generating firecracker and the eagle-beaked firecracker. The two also put forward huge demands, which made Feng Ziying a little moved.

Cao Wenzhao and He Renlong are both brave generals in the world, and their subordinates are much stronger than the infantry converted from the frontier rebels he recruited in Shaanxi, both in terms of military discipline and quality of soldiers. , and then use Denglai soldiers to join in to form the new Denglai Town, its combat effectiveness can be raised to a higher level in a relatively short period of time.

In particular, the two of them have a close relationship with themselves, and they have the relationship between their father and the old department. Moreover, the two of them don't have much heart. With a core basic disk, it can also be reassuring in terms of combat effectiveness.

  With this thought, Feng Ziying began to supplement food and soldiers for the two of Cao He.

As the right servant of the Ministry of War, although the Military Selection Department and the Arsenal Department are not under his control, it is very simple to help beat the side drums and clear the dredging. Moreover, the main source of firearms purchased by the Ministry of War is the Gyeonggi Military-Industrial Complex. The sphere of influence, it is good to operate it, and it is not a problem to give priority to the protection of Denglai Town.

  (end of this chapter)

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