Number of People

Chapter 2346: Kui-shaped volume with fire, thread embedding (seeking monthly ticket for the first u

  Chapter 2346 Kui-character volume volts fire, embedding thread (first ask for a monthly pass!)

"Not necessarily." Qiao Yingjia was so angry with Feng Ziying that he didn't bother to argue with his disciple, and heaved a sigh of relief, "The court is still negotiating with Nanjing. It is no problem for Prince Yizhong to succeed the Datong, but his heirs may not be." , at least the heirs of the emperor are equally eligible to be the heirs, at most they are the first sons of Prince Yizhong."

   "What is number one? Who decides? Who has the right to change the order?" Feng Ziying asked the key question directly.

   "Of course it's the cabinet." Qiao Yingjia didn't hesitate, "Of course, there are conditions for the cabinet to easily change its position, such as the consent of all, or the request of the emperor..."

   "What if the emperor dies or becomes unconscious?" Feng Ziying asked trickyly, isn't this the one in the palace now?

   "That is, the cabinet directly decides, and all agree." Qiao Yingjia replied.

   "I don't need to ask the opinions of important ministers?" Feng Ziying blinked her eyes, "I thought I was qualified to express my attitude."

"The Nanjing side raised this point, but the cabinet does not need to pass all of them, but a certain percentage is enough. The Nanjing side didn't agree, so it was put aside." Qiao Yingjia explained: "In short, the details here are still in the process. Discussion, there is still arguing."

   "Then these people in the palace are not in constant panic, what should the emperor do?" Feng Ziying asked again.

  Qiao Yingjia's complexion changed slightly, she was a little confused, and shook her head: "I haven't talked about it yet, the Supreme Emperor is already seriously ill, maybe it's just a few days ago."

   Didn’t say what the emperor should do, only said that the Supreme Emperor is dying, so the emperor will become the new Supreme Emperor?

   "Where are the princes in the palace? Where are the ladies?" Feng Ziying frowned, "I'm afraid they won't let it go, they're going to make a fuss?"

"What can they make a fuss about? How can a woman in the palace interfere with state affairs?" Qiao Yingjia dismissed it, "Besides, they haven't been let out yet. Why panic? Isn't the court still fighting for them? "

   These words were so domineering that Feng Ziying felt that Master Qiao really hated these people in the palace, so she had such an attitude.

   "Mr. Qiao, what about Jiangnan?" Feng Ziying asked another key question, "Niu Jizong, Wang Ziteng, Sun Shaozu and Chen Jixian, just let them go like this?"

  Qiao Yingjia is not good at answering this question.

   There is also a lot of controversy on this issue within the imperial court, and no agreement has been reached so far.

  Jiangnan will continue to pay taxes as before. This is the bottom line of the court and the most urgent issue.

  Financial pressure from all sides will overwhelm the Ministry of Accounts. The court cannot accept the continuous borrowing from Haitong Yinzhuang or the issuance of national bonds, and the cabinet ministers are psychologically unacceptable.

  In fact, Feng Ziying thinks this is a very normal thing. How can the economy develop without borrowing? But in this era, it is the root of all evil, great rebellion.

The compromise on the handover of Jiangnan's wealth is to keep Jiangnan Town, that is, the troops of Niu, Wang, and Sun, plus Chen Jixian, a guy with two ends of the head, to become the three towns in the south in name. It is hard to say how loyal Chen Jixian is.

After a long time, Qiao Yingjia replied slowly: "That's all for the time being. The court will not allow this to happen for a long time. The three scourges of Niu Jizong, Wang Ziteng and Sun Shaozu, the court will solve them sooner or later, but now it needs to be taken step by step to stabilize the situation in the North. Huguang and Sichuan have also settled down, so the imperial court can spare no effort to deal with them."

  This is the true intention of the court. In fact, Prince Yizhong and the others also understand it, but their ideas may not be the same.

Prince Yizhong only wants to secure the throne, especially to fight for the throne for his descendants. At that point, the civil servants of the court recognized his lineage. Instead, he should support the eradication of the so-called three towns in the south. No one wants to see The emergence of Fanzhen.

For Niu Wangsun Chen and others, they hope that Prince Yizhong and the imperial court will continue to fight with each other, so that they can take advantage of it and form a routine. The former Tang's towns were originally sent by the imperial court, but when the imperial court central After the decline of power, didn't these feudal towns gradually become real feudal towns with their natural independence?

   Maybe not in three to five years, but in ten or twenty years?

  Who knows what will happen during this period? What if the Jurchen offensive in Jianzhou becomes more fierce during this period, and the Chahars and Tumets continue to invade the south? Shanshan and Shanxi are in chaos because of the severe drought? Has the White Lotus Sect started an incident?

  Anything is possible, this is their chance.

  Everyone is waiting, waiting for the situation to develop in their favor, and only then will they act.

   "Master Qiao, what do we need to do now?" Feng Ziying asked after a moment of silence.

"Do what you should do. Didn't Huaichang let you be responsible for rectifying the army in Beijing? This matter is related to the court's control over Beijing after the new emperor ascends the throne. Ziying, you should understand, Jingying, go to the capital Three relatives, you should speed up the progress, and finalize it as soon as you feel sure." Qiao Yingjia also knew Feng Ziying's current mission, and pondered for a while, "If there is no suitable candidate, the Northwest Army under your father's command can also be used."

  Feng Ziying raised her eyebrows, "Master Qiao, what should the Northwest Army do next?"

  Qiao Yingjia rubbed his temples, "The imperial court has not yet made a conclusion. If the three towns in the south are to be successful, then the Northwest Army must be retained, but the scale may be reduced, such as stationed in Xuzhou,..."

   "Then how can I hand over both Xuzhou and Yangzhou to my father?" Feng Ziying asked, tilting her head.

  Qiao Yingjia smiled slightly, "Don't worry, if your father leads his troops to Xuzhou, which is adjacent to Yangzhou, if there are some disputes, it's normal,..."

  Feng Ziying's heart is clear, this is probably the next step of the court's intention.

   Let the Northwest Army go to Xuzhou, but can the territory of Xuzhou accommodate such a large Northwest Army? Relying on the food and salaries allocated by the imperial court alone, I am afraid that I will be half dead. It is inevitable to extend my hand to Huai'an and Yangzhou. How to fight against Wang Ziteng and even take back Yangzhou, the imperial court seems to be happy to see it. As long as it does not affect Jiangnan Water transportation and tax payment.

   This has already laid the groundwork for the conflict, just waiting for the right time.

  Qiao Yingjia asked about Feng Ziying's family situation.

  It is rare that there is not a single heir in the third house, which makes Qiao Yingjia worry on Feng Ziying's behalf, and by the way, also tells Feng Ziying not to go too far outside.

   It is estimated that Qiao Yingjia has also heard about Wang Xifeng and Busia Mara, and it is difficult to hide these things from the Youdu Yushi of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

   Fortunately, Qiao Yingjia didn't make it clear, and it still gave Feng Ziying some face, and made Feng Ziying feel at ease. If Yu Shi really wanted to impeach him, Qiao Yingjia could also help him stop it.


  Feng Tang took action immediately after receiving Feng Ziying's letter.

  Since you can't continue the fight, you have to consider the next step.

  Northwest is too bitter. Even the imperial court wants to abolish the three towns and four towns into two towns. Who wants to go to the northwest?

  Yulin Township remains, Guyuan Township disappears, Gansu Ningxia Township merges into Ganning Township, who will be the commander-in-chief of these two townships?

  He Shixian, Xiao Ruxun, Qi Bingzhong, and Ma Jinbao, the four chief soldiers, two of them will immediately become unemployed.

  Xiao Ruxun should have a new destination. Feng Tang knows that this person has an unusual relationship with Li Sancai, so he will definitely get a good arrangement. He is probably going to Beijing.

   Ma Jinbao is a little less experienced. Although I heard that he is very trusted by Ziying, it may not be his turn to take the position of chief soldier. He Shixian and Qi Bingzhong should be the chief soldiers of Yulin Town and Ganning Town in the future.

  But how Ma Jinbao arranges depends on how Ziying thinks.

   Before he knew it, Feng Tang realized that his son was in charge of many things, and even he had to rely on him a lot of the time.

  The Northwest Army is an embarrassing place now. Once the war ceases, Niu Jizong, Wang Ziteng, Sun Shaozu, and even Chen Jixian will have a place to go, but the Northwest Army, which has worked so hard for the court, has become a stinky **** that no one cares about.

Seeing that Feng Tang's face was changing, Liu Dongyang, Liu Baichuan, and Tu Wenxiu who were standing in the hall all looked at the boss, and it was Liu Dongyang who broke the silence: "My lord, is the imperial court going to dismiss us again? Disband on the spot What? What about brothers?"

  The Northwest Army is full of distrust of the imperial court, which even Feng Tang can't say anything about.

  Being neglected for a long time, dismissed like a beggar, lifted when needed, kicked away when not in use, really like a toilet, and Feng Tang is the one who lifts the toilet.

  Feng Tang shook his head, "No, it's just that we have so many sons and daughters. The court feels that it is redundant and wants to abolish some, but is worried about accidents. It feels tricky."

  Hearing this, the generals under his command felt a little more at ease, and Liu Baichuan couldn't help asking: "Then where are we going, isn't it going back to the northwest?"

   "The three sides will be abolished, only the second town will be kept, Ganning will be merged, and Guyuan will be withdrawn. There is no place to go back." Feng Tang cheered up, "Go to Xuzhou."

   "Xuzhou?!" All the generals couldn't understand, "Why go to Xuzhou?"

"Prince Teng moved to Yangzhou, we have to accompany him." Feng Tang sneered self-deprecatingly, "It's just that the rebels can go to Yangzhou, where they can go to Yangzhou with a lot of money, and we go to Xuzhou after risking our lives, it's a bit ridiculous. "

  All the generals were clamoring, but only Liu Dongyang was sober: "My lord, is the court deliberately creating conflicts? Let us live next to Prince Teng, which is interesting. You may not be able to bear this tone."

Feng Tang spread his hands, expressionless, and said leisurely: "Then what should we do? We may not be able to suppress the anger of the sons and daughters. If we suppress it by force, what if there is a mutiny? Why don't we find a place to pour it out?" .Let’s see how the imperial court distributes it, Yanxu Town, hehe, it’s really a good place.”

   First update, and more!



  (end of this chapter)

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