Number of People

Chapter 2347: Guizi Juan appoints people only for loyalty and bears the brunt

  Chapter 2347 Guizi Juan Let everyone be loyal, bear the brunt

  No way, Feng Ziying can only seek balance like stepping on a tightrope.

He can't ignore the troubles that his father's Northwest Army may bring, and at the same time, he can't just act according to the court's wishes. Qiao Yingjia's reminder is actually a hint. As the right servant of the Ministry of War, you have enough power in your hands, and you can completely Consider it within the scope of your ability, and don't have to pay too much attention to external factors.

  In these days, people don't want to kill the world for themselves. Even if they are the cabinet ministers or officials of the government and the opposition, who dares to say that they don't have any personal feelings in it? It's just that when doing things, you need to grasp a certain degree, or the bottom line.

  Is the Northwest Army an army of the imperial court? Of course, the general and military officer of the Northwest Army, couldn't he be qualified for the position of the army in Beijing? Can't he be transferred to positions in border towns like Xuanfu or Shanxi?

  Similarly, the three sides and four towns that have been abolished also have a large number of loyal military officers and generals who are qualified for the positions of the Gyeonggi armies. Just because they have been guarding the poor and remote areas of the Northwest for a long time, they should not die there all their lives.

Appropriate adjustments and mobilization are also conducive to stimulating the vitality of the army in the central capital. Only when the flow of water does not rot and the hub does not rot, can the army in the central capital have a sense of urgency and crisis. Don't think that you should sit in this position Last life.

  Received by Qiao Yingjia's reminder, Feng Ziying's actions suddenly sped up. On the third day of May, the first batch of adjustments came as scheduled.

Xiao Ruxun, the former general of Ningxia Township, was transferred to be the deputy envoy of the Jingying Camp, and Qiu Shiben, the commander of the Shenshu Battalion, was transferred to be the general of the Fifth Army Battalion. Command things.

At the same time, Gao Wenxiu, the commander of the Shenshu Camp, was transferred to Tongzhi, the commander of the Four Guards Battalion. Ma Kongying, the former deputy commander of Gansu Town, was transferred to the deputy commander of Xuanfu Town. Army Wang Chengwu was transferred to Shenji Battalion to command the affairs.

At this point, the entire Shenshu camp was completely dismantled. Qiu Shiben took half of the main force to the Fifth Army Battalion, and the remaining half was split into two parts. One followed Gao Wenxiu to the Four Guards Camp, and the other followed Ma Jinbao to Guyuan, who entered the capital. The army synthesized a new Shenshu battalion.

  The Shenji Battalion also began to adjust. Wang Chengwu, the leader of the rebel army who had always been the poorest and most remote, jumped into a dragon after being recruited, and went directly to Beijing to become the commander of the Shenji Battalion. It can be said that the entire Shaanxi officialdom and the Shaanxi guard system were shocked.

Even the most unbearable chaotic army, as long as they follow Xiao Feng to edit, no, follow Xiao Feng's supervisor, they can get such an opportunity. Saying this example is enough to make any warrior who has ever worked under Feng Ziying's command crazy about it.

  This means that although the governor has entered Beijing, he has not forgotten everyone!

   Ma Jinbao needless to say, he is an old man of the Guyuan Army, and Ma Kongying needless to say, a veteran general in Gansu Town, but what is Wang Ermazi and Wang Chengwu?

  If Master Feng hadn’t given him the opportunity to support him, the character who died on the side of the road and didn’t even bother to smell it, would now come to Beijing to become the commander of the Shenji Battalion. This is crazy, what else is impossible in this world?

Miao Zhuang, Commander of the Banner Guards, and Liao Junxiong, Commander of the Four Guards Battalion, were dismissed. At the same time, General Xu Chao of Gansu Town was transferred to be the commander of the banner guard Tongzhi, and Feng Ziyi, deputy of Long Jinwei Qianhu, was transferred to be the commander of the Warrior Battalion.

"It's well done." Zhang Huaichang nodded with satisfaction, and smiled as he signaled Feng Ziying to take his seat. "It was a clever move to let Zhang Jinlai take over as the commander of the banner guard. On the Shuying side, the Guyuan Army came to Beijing to take over, Ziying, you have to watch a little bit, this group of talents came to Beijing from the countryside, they are rough and wild, don't know the rules, don't make trouble."

   "Don't worry, my lord, Ma Jinbao listens to you." Feng Ziying was still at ease with Ma Jinbao.

  When he was in Shaanxi, this guy was the most obedient and took the initiative to get closer to himself. Now that he has finally entered Beijing, he is waiting to spend two years in Beijing and China, and when the opportunity is ripe, he will be released.

  As for the Guyuan army under their hands, they even jumped from the chaff pocket to the rice basket, so happy that they didn't know what their last name was. At this time, they couldn't enforce orders and prohibit them, so the only way to do it was to use military law.

"However, Ziying, the transfer of Wang Chengwu to the Shenji Camp is not a small criticism." Zhang Huaichang also wants to remind this kid, he directly transferred a general from the Shaanxi Guards to recruit and bring a group of rebels It's too much for the old department to come to Beijing to become a member of the Shenji Battalion.

"My lord, since the imperial court recruited us, and they are desperately working for us, why shouldn't we give them some ideas? Wang Chengwu fought countless **** battles in Shaanxi to quell the chaos, and killed the rebellious soldiers. Doesn't this prove that he is right? The loyalty of the imperial court?" Feng Ziying also knew that there were many criticisms from the outside world, but he didn't care.

  As Qiao Yingjia said, how can such a large round of adjustments satisfy everyone? That is a joke.

  Appointing people on merit also needs to be based on cronyism. A warrior who doesn't even listen to his own words can never be placed in a key position. Feng Ziying deeply believes that.

  Wang Chengwu is the most obedient, the most loyal, and he is willing to work hard, so of course he should be used in the most important position, and it is nothing more than a commander of the Shenji Battalion, but what is it to manage three thousand soldiers?

Moreover, the demonstration effect of Wang Chengwu's entry into Beijing is obvious. All the old ministries that he left behind in Shaanxi are in high spirits. With the demonstrations of Ma Kongying, Ma Jinbao, Tu Wenxiu and Xu Chao, it can be said that his father and son are now in the Northwest. Unprecedented influence.

  Especially the works like Qiu Zixiong, Jing Zhizhong, Zhao Qianshan, and Modron, they are like chicken blood, loyalty and faith fly like snowflakes, eager to work for themselves.

  Neither Zhang Huaichang, nor Qiao Yingjia, nor even Sun Chengzong and other civil servants, have ever truly led soldiers in the army.

   Although these people have such ambitions and desires, they are not so extravagant in nature. They are willing to work for whoever treats them well and who can think highly of them.

   It was originally a bad life from poor mountains and rivers, who is it not to sell to?

  Feng Ziying can give them wealth and remember them, then they are willing to die for him.

   "Well, as long as you understand, all the troops in Beijing should pay attention to a loyal listener, whoever obeys the order, he should understand!" Zhang Huaichang nodded, stroked his beard and stopped talking.

"Don't worry, my lord. Although this loyal dog is a bit stupid, he knows who gave him this wealth, and who can think of him and use him? Could it be that he is still Prince Yizhong?" Feng Ziying lowered her voice and covered her mouth with her hands. , with a slight smile.

  Zhang Huaichang glared at Feng Ziying, and said angrily: "Ziying, be careful!"

  It’s good to say something tacitly, how can you say it?


   After two delays, Feng Ziying still had to come to Chongxuan Temple.

   If she doesn't come again, Feng Ziying will really worry that Yuan Chun will become "sick of lovesickness".

   There is no way, Feng Ziying was really worried before the three relatives could not adjust in place.

   Now that Du Keli was transferred to be the commander of the Four Guards Battalion, it was Zhang Huaichang who said hello. Obviously, this person has gone through the cabinet and Zhang Huaichang's connections. Of course, Feng Ziying would not ask.

  The commander of the Warriors Battalion has not yet been finalized. Feng Ziying only put Feng Ziyi in to find a commander. The commander has to wait until the cabinet and Zhang Huaichang finalize the candidate.

  The carriage stopped in the Chongxuan Temple, and Li Guibao and his people patrolled the temple early, and then came out and gestured to Ruixiang.

During this period of time, Feng Ziying made adjustments to the entire army in Beijing, which inevitably hurt the interests of many people, and made people around him a little worried about Feng Ziying's safety. Places like Lai Chongxuan Temple were opposed by Wang Wenyan, Wu Yaoqing and the others. of.

  However, Feng Ziying pretended to need to know the situation in the palace, so Wang and Wu didn't have much to say. They only asked Li Guibao to strengthen the security guards, so as to be safe.

   This also put a lot of pressure on Li Guibao and the others. The growing power of Supervisor Xiao Feng also gave them more hope for people from the Jianghu.

  Li Guibao's two nephews, who were also Feng Ziying's original guards, have been assigned to the North Town Fusi of Long Jinwei.

  Feng Ziying, who was wearing a scarlet official robe, got out of the carriage, looked around, and the surroundings were quiet. It was obvious that Li Guibao and the others had already cleared the place to ensure that there were no danger or idlers.

   Entering the small courtyard, I immediately saw Baoqin and Cheng En waiting aside, seeing Feng Ziying coming in, I hurried to salute.

   Chengen bowed his head knowingly and went out first, then Baoqin came forward and whispered: "The empress is already waiting for the uncle inside."

  Feng Ziying nodded, without saying much, she went straight into the inner courtyard, there was no one in the courtyard, the chai door creaked shut, and the warm sunlight fell on the small courtyard where Duhuai stood, looking so quiet and pleasant.

  The door is half closed, looming.

  Feng Ziying wanted to sigh, but held back, walked to the porch, and before she had time to step in, the door opened suddenly, and a figure leaped out with a strong fragrance and burning heat, and went straight into her arms.

  Furong jade face, reddish eyes, choked sobs, red lips parted, Rao Feng Ziying knew that the risk was extremely high, but at this moment she couldn't help but hug the other party, allowing the other party to offer fiery plump lips, Lilac vomited secretly.

   Once Feng Ziying's plump and enchanting body came into Feng Ziying's hands, Feng Ziying's heart couldn't help but tremble. Two lumps of plump **** pressed against her body, plump and straight, making people subconsciously want to get into the skirt of her clothes for caressing.

   The second is asking for tickets, and there are more!



  (end of this chapter)

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