Number of People

Chapter 2350: Peeking through the Guizi scroll, the handle

  Chapter 2350 Peeking through the Kuizi scroll, the handle

  Yuanchun and Baoqin never expected that their group would attract the attention of others when they went out of the city to live in Chongxuanguan.

  Guo Qinyun also came to live in the past, but they always greeted each other first. Whether they came together or separately, they were all friendly and did not affect each other. How could anyone expect to come to listen to the corner.

  Of course, when he was happy with Feng Ziying, Yuan Chun also knew that Feng Ziying had a large group of guards. It was impossible for outsiders to get close to this small courtyard, and there was no need to worry about security and confidentiality.

   Now that Feng Ziying has left, only myself, Baoqin and Cheng En are left. With the current situation, it seems impossible that anyone will pay attention to me.

  Baoqin wiped Yuanchun's body carefully while worrying.

Yuan Chun's body like suet jade has some bruises and marks, and the "battle situation" is amazing. He is lying on the bed, slightly curled up with slender and round legs, his lower abdomen is flat, and his jade navel is like a vortex. The round buttocks are particularly attractive because of the sideways body, and even the piano that wiped for Yuan Chun couldn't help but admire: "Your Majesty's body is so beautiful, no wonder the uncle loves it so much, and can't bear to leave. "

  Yuan Chun twisted her body a little shyly. She was still not used to her personal servant girl complimenting herself with such words, but from the bottom of her heart, she was very happy.

"Let's talk about nostalgia, but he has a big family and he has important affairs to attend to. He has to go to court early tomorrow morning, so he can't stay." Yuan Chun sighed, "I don't know when this kind of day will be In the end, I now hate and fear this kind of life in the palace more and more, and I really hope that he can rescue us earlier, even if I eat chaff and swallow vegetables, I am willing and happy."

"Your Majesty, don't worry. From the perspective of slaves and maidservants, the uncle has put his mind to it. I heard that the guards guarding the gate are from the northwest. Your Majesty should know that the Feng family is the most powerful in the northwest. I have been a governor in Shaanxi for more than a year, and Mr. Feng also served as the chief soldier and governor there. I heard that people there only know Mr. Feng, not the imperial court,..."

The words of Baoqin startled Yuanchun, he sat up quickly, covered the huge fleshy mound on his chest with his hands, and hurriedly asked: "Where did you hear this, so rebellious, isn't it just another disaster for the Feng family? "

Seeing Yuan Chun sitting up, Baoqin quickly put on his clothes for Yuan Chun, and said, "The soldiers guarding the palace ban are all Shaanxi soldiers. They said that they have never left their hometown in Shangougou, and they never expected to come to the capital city." Open your eyes and see the world, you are all blessed by Uncle Feng, and you have never eaten such a good diet. In this life, it is worth dying immediately, and everyone says that this life will be sold to Uncle Feng..."

  Yuan Chun draped his clothes and sat down, a little worried: "Where did you hear this? Was it passed down by people in the palace?"

  Holding the piano and shaking his head, "Cheng En told me that he is quite familiar with the soldiers at the palace gate, and sometimes he goes to make friends with them. From these words, this is probably what he means."

After wiping and cleaning Yuanchun, Baoqin put on the bellyband for Yuanchun and fastened the straps of the bellyband, and then helped Yuanchun put on the small clothes, Yuanchun frowned: "Chengen can't spread it indiscriminately, this is too scary, outsiders heard it If you are not sure, it will cause great trouble for the Feng family."

   "Cheng En's temperament, the lady knows, he won't talk about this outside, that is, just talking to slaves." Baoqin relieved Yuanchun.

She knew that now the empress's thoughts were all on Uncle Feng, including herself. She was looking forward to jumping out of this prison-like palace city and regaining her freedom, but she didn't know how Feng Ziying would use it. Make it all happen.

"Your Majesty, let's rest for a while. I was tired before, and so is the uncle. No matter how hard I am, I am not afraid that my Majesty can bear it." Seeing Yuan Chun lying softly on the pillow, his face was full of brilliance. , flushed and confused, with a look of aftertaste remaining in her eyes, Baoqin couldn't help but remind her: "Young lady, too, the safe days are about to pass, in case..."

Yuan Chun was startled, he really didn't care about it before, and now he's a bit busy, counting the days, it doesn't seem to be the case, he felt a little more at ease, "Damn girl, don't say these unlucky things, if it really happens, I will Only to die."

   "Isn't the empress not paying attention? The same is true for the uncle. He only cares about his own happiness and doesn't care about the empress's troubles." Baoqin hummed authentically.

   "From then on, when I'm not safe, you will come..." Yuan Chun chuckled.

  Holding the zither in embarrassment, she bit her lips and said bitterly: "The servant thinks for the empress, why is the empress making fun of the slave?"

"Hey, what's there to be embarrassed about? If we go out, can you still go to another house? Not to mention that I hate you, even Ziying will never let you go." Yuan Chun was calm, "It's up to you He will also take over the house, so what does it matter if it's earlier or later? It's nothing more than bitterness first, sweetness later, just bear with it, and I'm afraid you'll be reluctant to get up later,..."

   "Your Majesty!" She was ashamed holding the piano, and could only beat Yuan Chun's thigh bitterly.

  The two master and servant were laughing and joking again, and they were singing and singing and swallows dancing between the beds, a scene of joy.

  Zheng Zhiying and Wu Guxia entered the small courtyard where Jia Yuanchun lived from the backyard of Chongxuan Temple.

  The small courtyard is the second level, Chengen is in the outer courtyard, while Yuanchun and Baoqin are in the inner courtyard.

  The other servants who accompanied Yuan Chun out of the palace lived in other courtyards in Chongxuan Temple, but it was just a show, helping out.

The wall of the small courtyard is not high, but it is less than one foot, which is nothing to the two daughters Zheng and Wu who have practiced martial arts for many years. With a kick on the wall with the strength of the arms and the toes, you can easily turn over the top of the wall.

  Yuanchun and the others did not take precautions, nor did they think that someone would sneak in at this time, not to mention that the one-foot-high wall is enough to keep ordinary thieves out, and this is a Taoist temple, and ordinary thieves will not come here to seek money.

  So Zheng Zhiying and Wu Guxia easily climbed over the wall of the small courtyard and got into the inner courtyard.

  The house in the inner courtyard is also relatively simple, that is, the main room is used as a bedroom, with the north and south windows facing each other, separated by wooden walls and door curtains, which is somewhat like a room between the inside and outside of a wealthy family.

It was prepared for those rich and powerful people who came to worship incense and pray for blessings, so the layout is roughly the same, which is just right for Yuanchun and the others. .

  Hearing voices in the room, the two daughters crept close to the wall and leaned closer, peeping through the broken paper of the back door and window.

But at a glance, one can tell that this Yuanchun has just had a good time with a man. Lying on his back in the bed, his pink arms and beautiful legs are like a jade screen, and his **** and gullies are embossed. , just waiting so unscrupulously for the servant girl to wipe her body, the usually dignified and virtuous concubine has such a profligate side, only to see the two daughters startled.

  Exchanging glances, the two girls saw the shock and excitement in each other's eyes.

   This Yuan Chun is so bold that he has an affair with a foreign minister, and even used this Chongxuan Temple to have a tryst. I don’t know how long this activity has been going on?

   I am not afraid of pregnancy in case, even if there is a miscarriage medicine in the palace, it is still easy to be noticed by others, and that is the disaster of copying the family and exterminating the family.

  But it was Feng Ziying who had the affair, so that's another story.

This one is now a very popular Minister of the Ministry of War, and the adjustment of the Shang Sanqin Army who is in charge of the palace ban is all arranged by him. Just look at the large-scale exchange of the Banner Guard, the Four Guards Battalion, and the Warriors Battalion. Well, the Shang Sanqin Army is going to be firmly in the hands of the Ministry of War, that is, in his hands. No wonder Yuan Chun dares to be so bold, he has nothing to fear.

  The two girls didn't dare to make a sound, they just quietly hid behind the window and listened to the conversation between Yuanchun and Baoqin.

The words that brought disaster to the Feng family before made them horrified, but the words of tigers and wolves later made the two girls blush and their ears became hot, and they dared not raise their heads, and then the teasing words of the master and servant also made the two girls sigh in their hearts. Yuan Chun's face was full of laziness and contentment, and he didn't know that the **** between men and women was so captivating?

The second daughter didn't dare to stay under the window for too long, not to mention that they had already found out that Yuan Chun was really having an affair with Feng Ziying, but they didn't know what use it would be to know such a situation. At this time, they didn't want to think too much, so they had to Sneak out first.

  The two daughters of Zheng and Wu also left the palace just after reporting in the palace. It was getting late now, and the two daughters hurried back to the carriage, summoning the maids and servants who had left the palace, and then drove back to the palace.

   "I really didn't expect Yuan Chun to be like this. It's just a lonely man. Do you understand that Yuan Chun actually said that Feng Ziying would rescue her from the palace? How is this possible?"

Of course Zheng Zhiying knew what the fate of these people would be like once Prince Yizhong took over the throne. It was not impossible to find an opportunity to sneak out of the palace, but it was impossible for a long time, and they all had families. If people hold the handle, it will be a catastrophe to destroy the family. For them, this side is the biggest shackle.

  But Yuanchun believed that Feng Ziying could safely rescue her from the palace, how could this be done? Could it be that Feng Ziying can let the clan mansion and the palace release people? But now Yuanchun is not the original female history, so it can indeed clear up the relationship and release the palace. Now she is a noble concubine, which is related to the face of the Tian family.

   It is impossible for Feng Ziying not to understand this rule.

"Hmph, I'm afraid that Feng Ziying was coveting Yuan Chun's body, so he would deceive Yuan Chun like this. It's just that poor Yuan Chun would believe that such a disciple was cheated for nothing. This Feng Ziying is simply extremely dirty and unforgivable!" Wu Guxia gritted his teeth and said: "If there is a chance, I must expose the face of this hypocrite."

"Don't be like this. If you want to do this, don't you let Yuanchun die?" Zheng Zhiying shook her head, lost in thought, "And I don't think Feng Ziying is like that kind of person. Although he is romantic, he has a very good reputation. Here I'm afraid it's a little weird."

   The fifth update asks for votes!



  (end of this chapter)

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