Number of People

Chapter 2351: Guizijuan team members, whimsical

  Chapter 2351 Guizijuan team, whimsical

   "Sit down, we are all a family, why should you be so polite?" When Feng Ziying came out in a plain robe, Xu Chao, Wang Chengwu and Feng Ziyi should all have sat down in the flower hall.

  The flower hall here is indeed a bit smaller. It is time to consider moving to Sanjue Street (Rongning Street) as soon as possible, and the flower hall over there will be much larger.

The weather is just right, neither cold nor hot, and the weather will get hotter after a while. Now that we move there, we can enjoy the coolness of the cool summer with the gurgling water of the Qinfang River, clear pools and blue pools, and green and red lotuses. time.

Originally, the family could move there years ago, but it was a pity that Feng Ziying went to Liaodong, so it was delayed here. When Feng Ziying came back, he was busy and didn't have much energy to take care of this matter, so he kept procrastinating. .

But now it seems that as my business is getting more and more busy, more and more guests come and go to the house. If it is a single guest, you can still meet in the study, but if it is a few guests, you need to meet in the flower hall guests, and the flower hall on Feng's side is too small, it seems a bit crowded.

  Seeing Feng Ziying coming in, the three people who were sitting got up immediately, but there were still some differences in the movements of the three.

  For example, Wang Chengwu stood still with his body bowed and fearful; Xu Chao stood like a pine and cypress, looked straight at him, and saluted with fists in his hands, but did not make a sound;

  Feng Ziying knew it all at a glance.

Wang Chengwu was single-handedly promoted to Beijing, and he has treated his family and brothers with kindness, of course he is grateful to himself, so he is absolutely loyal, even if he immediately let him die, he would not frown, Because his whole family already has support.

   Xu Chao is different.

He is the general of the father, but he is not as close as Liu Dongyang, Liu Baichuan and others, especially in the past two years Liu Dongyang, Liu Baichuan and Tu Wenxiu have been under the command of the father, and they have been deeply branded by the father , and he has always lived in Ganzhou, but now he suddenly entered Beijing, which can be regarded as a leap into the dragon's gate.

  If it is about gratitude and kindness, Xu Chao is the same, but after all, he is a serious military general in Bianzhen, and he can't make expressions like Wang Chengwu's that are close to tears of gratitude.

  Feng Ziyi was different.

  He was an official of Long Jinwei before, even without Feng Ziying, he could still slowly make his way in Long Jinwei.

  Feng Ziying's intervention helped him make a leap. From the long-term qualifications of the Long Banwei, he suddenly jumped to the command of the Warriors Battalion.

  Although Long Jinwei seems to have lost his place in the Warriors Camp, but he was directly promoted from deputy Qianhu to direct the affairs. How many people can Long Jinwei's deputy Qianhu take care of? As for the commander, you have to manage thousands of people.

  The gap between them is too big, even if he claims to have a future in Long Jinwei, but facing such an opportunity to go straight to the top, he still can't help but feel excited.

A few of them posted posts early on, but Feng Ziying was too busy, and met them separately at the Ministry of War, but those were purely official conversations, and they also had to meet Shang Shu, Zuo Shilang, and Wu. The doctors of the selection department all passed by in a hurry and didn't have time to say a few words.

  Come to Feng's residence to post, that is to ask for an interview at the door, of course Feng Ziying will not refuse.

   Putting the three together was also considered by Feng Ziying.

Xu Chao and Feng Ziyi served as the commander of the banner guard Tongzhi and the commander of the Warrior Battalion respectively. This is the sequence of the upper three pro-armies in charge of the palace ban. Now except for the four guards battalion, Du Keli and Gao Wenxiu are the commanders and commanders of Tongzhi respectively. , Zhang Jin and Xu Chao are the commanders and commanders of the standard guards. This force is the most important right now. Feng Ziyi is in the Warriors Battalion, but he is only in command, and further adjustments will be made in the future.

  Wang Chengwu went directly to the Shenji Battalion, and this force is also indispensable. Feng Ziying must let his own people get in. This firearm force will become more and more important in the future.

The Fifth Army Battalion is the most powerful in the Beijing camp, but Xiao Ruxun is the deputy envoy of the Fifth Army Battalion and Qiu Shiben, the general of the Fifth Army Battalion, is in charge of each other, and Tu Wenxiu is the commander and co-instructor. In addition, Feng Ziying also arranged for He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji to be in charge of the army alone. The commanding matter can be regarded as stabilizing the strongest army in Beijing.

  Ma Jinbao's role as the commander of the Shenshu Battalion is enough to reassure Feng Ziying that the Shenji Battalion will also need to be adjusted in the next step to ensure that the Shenshu Battalion and the Shenji Battalion can restrict the Fifth Army Battalion.

Tu Wenxiu belongs to Dad's basic board, so it is not appropriate to pull them together, and when Xu Chao stayed in Gansu, he was actually not considered Dad's basic board, so it is reasonable to take the initiative to join his own camp meaning.

   Letting the three of them meet face-to-face can be regarded as deepening the impression, and it also allows them to know each other and understand their respective identities.

  He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji didn't come, firstly, the timing was not coincidental, and secondly, Feng Ziying didn't want to make the battle too big, so as not to attract people's attention too much.

"Wen Chao, Ziyi, you two are also new to the post. What do the Banner Guard and the Warrior Battalion do? I have already explained to you in the office of the Ministry of War last time. They are in charge of the palace ban. What is the palace ban? It is inside and outside the palace. It is necessary to ensure the safety and confidentiality of the palace, and to prohibit leaks of internal and external communications. I am afraid that everyone knows the former in the Ming Dynasty, while many people may not be aware of the latter, or they are ignorant,..."

  Feng Zi's English is gentle, but his words are not easy at all. Xu Chao and Feng Ziyi are listening carefully.

   Especially Xu Chao, when he first entered the capital, he didn't understand many things, and he had to be told to understand. Fortunately, what Feng Ziying used was that he didn't understand, so it was enough to just obey his own orders.

  Xu Chao also brought his old troops to Beijing. Of course, the number is not too many, only a few hundred, but it is enough. These are absolutely obeying his confidantes.

  The Shaanxi soldiers mentioned in Baoqin's words are actually his soldiers.

"No matter who succeeds in the future, the security and secrecy of the palace ban is indispensable, especially in the complex personnel and affairs in the palace, and many people have ulterior motives. After the new emperor ascends the throne, I am afraid that all kinds of conspiracy and malice will continue to expand and spill over. , especially in collusion with some forces outside the palace, plotting wrongdoing, so the next step for the Shang Sanqin Army is very heavy. Once encountering a dangerous challenge, the Shang Sanqin Army will organize defense and counterattack as soon as possible. A special request to the upper three pro-army,..."

Naturally, Feng Ziying would not tell them the specific responsibilities on this occasion today, but he needs to remind a few people that the Shangsanqin Army has different responsibilities from other garrisons, and that defense and security are as important as keeping secrets. Be vigilant all the time.

   On the contrary, Wang Chengwu's Shenji Battalion is relatively simple. There is only one task, training to improve combat effectiveness, quickly form combat effectiveness, and then obey orders, obey commands, and be ready to fight at any time.

   It doesn't matter who you listen to.

  After the group meeting, Feng Ziying had a secret talk with the three of them in the study.

  The time is not long, that is, a cup of tea, but this is different.

All three of them understood that after going through this conversation, they could be regarded as having truly stepped into Feng Ziying's circle, which also meant that they and Feng Ziying were firmly bound together. .

This is not a big deal, just like Xiao Ruxun followed Li Sancai's path, Gao Wenxiu got Zhang Huaichang's attention, Qiu Shiben went to visit Ye Xianggao, and Du Keli also followed Fang Congzhe's path, so this was originally a matter of course. It is a process of game and transaction to find such a balance.

   They are all at the pier, so Feng Ziying is naturally considered a pier.

  There is still a second round, Feng Ziying thought silently, there will be a lot of adjustments, let's see how this round of adjustments will be.

  Feng Ziying was still meditating in the study, but Yuanyang said that Baochai and Daiyu came hand in hand.

  Although anyone can come to the study room, neither Shen Yixiu, Xue Baochai, nor Lin Daiyu will come in directly. They will either let Yuanyang and Jin Chuaner pass on the news, or Baoxiang Ruixiang will come in to make the announcement.

  When Baochai and Daiyu came, Feng Ziying could guess why they came.

   It's Baoyu's business.

   It seems unreasonable to procrastinate any longer. The major adjustments of all the armies in Beijing have been handled by one hand. Could it be said that Baoyu's affairs cannot be arranged?

  Not to mention Baochai and Daiyu, even Yuan Chun did not forget to speak up for her brother-in-law when she was having fun in bed, and asked her lover to arrange a good place for his brother-in-law.

  Feng Ziying also said hello to King Zhongshun, and it's okay to go to the clan's mansion and be a treasure in his own mouth.

  But is Baoyu willing to go to the clan mansion? Feng Ziying wasn't sure.

I'm afraid Feng Ziying thinks that Baoyu's heart is most willing to go to the Hanlin Academy, which is where the top literati of the Great Zhou gather together and admired by thousands of people. To be popular, but also to let family and friends value him, maybe he really can only go to the Hanlin Academy to satisfy Baoyu's superficial disdain, but his heart is infinitely longing for the mentality of both wanting to be and standing.

She slept with her own older sister (Yuanchun), stole her two sisters-in-law (Li Wan, Wang Xifeng), married her two favorite cousins ​​(Baochai, Daiyu), and took her cousin (Yingchun) as her husband. Concubines also take other people's younger sisters (Tanchun) and cousins ​​(Xichun) as concubines, even their childhood playmates (Shi Xiangyun), objects of admiration (Miaoyu), and objects of **** (Qin Keqing). Even her favorite maid (Qingwen) was robbed. Feng Ziying felt that she really robbed Baoyu of everything under the aura of the protagonist and the name of the Chosen Son. Such a sad super supporting role, shouldn’t Give others a life he yearns for?

   "Hanlin Academy, how is this possible?!" Both Baochai and Daiyu were frightened, thinking that their husband seemed to have lost his mind.

   Can people like Baoyu go to the Hanlin Academy? You said that the Guozijian went to study, but the Imperial Academy is the place that all scholars in the world admire, and it is not the place to study, but the place to be an official.

   Continue to ask for tickets for the first update!



  (end of this chapter)

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