Number of People

Chapter 2352: Kui-zi scroll wins people's luck, and it pays off

  Chapter 2352 Guizi scroll wins people's luck, and it pays off

  Both Baochai and Daiyu were frightened to stand up suddenly, their faces were green and their lips were pale, obviously they were quite frightened.

  Feng Ziying also understood the feelings of the second daughter, and felt that she valued their attitude so much that she had to "desperate everything" to please the second daughter.

  Baochai and Daiyu were indeed both moved and frightened at the same time.

Although her husband is the right servant of the Ministry of War, the youngest third-rank minister of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and a leader among young scholars, such "reckless behavior" that defies the world's disgrace will definitely become the target of public criticism. The teacher is the censor of the right capital, and he can't suppress the criticism and impeachment of those censors.

   It is definitely willing to help Baoyu, but if the husband is to take such a risk, and even damage his reputation and interests, then Baochai and Daiyu cannot accept it.

   No matter how Baoyu is a cousin, how can she compare with her husband? Moreover, Baoyu's performance is indeed disappointing, and there is no way to help people if they want to help.

   There is no comparison.

"My lord, how can Baoyu go to the Imperial Academy? It is such a glorious and prominent place, and it attracts everyone's attention. Anyone who enters will have to be scrutinized by countless people. Baoyu has not even passed the exam for scholar, so how can he go?" Baochai and Daiyu said at the same time. Shaking his head like a rattle, he repeatedly objected: "Absolutely not, absolutely not!"

"Hehe, the two younger sisters are worried that Baoyu's going to the Imperial Academy will hurt her husband?" Feng Ziying laughed, walked over to caress the second daughter Rou, and comforted her in a warm voice: "I'm not stupid as a husband, can I go, don't I think so?" Not counted? I am also a person who stayed in the Imperial Academy, and I wrote the name for my husband Xiaofeng because of this experience in the Imperial Academy."

   Both Baochai and Daiyu were very suspicious. Her husband deserved to enter the Imperial Academy. How can Baoyu compare with her husband? That's a world of difference.

   "The two younger sisters first say that based on Baoyu's heart and his own wishes, is this residence the most suitable?" Feng Ziying asked again.

   Both women hesitated.

   It's not that Baoyu doesn't like reading, but he likes to read books that are not classics, but those miscellaneous books and prohibited books.

Both of them have lived in the Rongguo Mansion for a long time, so they naturally know Baoyu's disposition. Now, if he is to be asked to do such errands in the clan's mansion that are purely miscellaneous, he must be conflicted in his heart, but he is forced by the current situation and has no choice. That's all.

"We know that Baoyu is actually not suitable for those daily tasks. He is most annoyed by the things that need to be done slowly and calmly. Of course, if you want to say that it is not impossible to let him get a salary under the name of the leader, But Baoyu probably doesn't want it in his heart, so the clan mansion is not suitable for him."

Feng Ziying explained patiently: "The two younger sisters actually don't know much about the Imperial Academy, and the Imperial Academy is not what the younger sisters imagined. Most of them are reserved for talents and candidates, studying a subset of classics and history, compiling books and writing history, and providing advice and assignments. It is used for tours, but there are also many places for reading history, making suggestions and discussing."

  Baochai and Daiyu were still a little puzzled, and the husband said that these things seemed to be out of line with Baoyu.

"Baoyu actually likes to read, but he doesn't like to read ordinary classics and history collections. The Imperial Academy has a rich collection of books, and encourages people in the academy to read, and also encourages eclectic suggestions. Baoyu's deviant words may be criticized by others Criticism and ridicule, but not necessarily in the Imperial Academy, many people in it are actually more willing to put forward some different opinions for everyone to discuss,..."

Feng Ziying confided her own thoughts: "The Imperial Academy is not all important positions such as reading, lectures, editing, editing, etc., there are also relatively low-level positions such as classics, books, waiting edicts, and Kongmu. Officials, their daily work is to study and compile history, and put forward their own opinions for the superiors to judge and discuss, I think this is quite suitable for Baoyu to go."

Although Baochai and Daiyu were attracted by Feng Ziying's words, they still didn't agree with her. Baochai looked at her husband and said softly, "My husband, it's not that I am a concubine and sister Yu doesn't believe in my husband, but this is a big matter. If Baoyu is here In the Hanlin Courtyard, there is an ugly appearance, and the Jia family is now in decline, but everyone knows that Baoyu was arranged by Xianggong, so don’t you want to implicate Xianggong’s name?"

Feng Ziying caressed Baochai's slender hand, and laughed loudly: "My husband's reputation in the Imperial Academy is not obtained by studying or compiling history, but by doing things. To be honest, the Imperial Academy is not just doing things. I didn’t spend a few days in the Hanlin Academy as my husband, and I basically ran around in Jiangnan and Ningxia to do things, so this little Feng Xiuzhuan’s name is a bit ashamed, or My husband likes the name of this little Inspector Feng even more."

   "But Baoyu enters the Imperial Academy, just in case..." Daiyu still shook her head.

"You two sisters don't need to worry. Baoyu will go first, and he must be studying history and revision books. He has read books for so many years, and he has also read ordinary classics and history collections. He just works with his colleagues. The colleagues inside don’t care about it, and maybe they think his views are eclectic and out of the ordinary, which is worth discussing.”

Feng Ziying saw that the two daughters were still worried, and then said: "Well, you go and talk to the old lady and his wife and Baoyu first. I think this is a suitable place for Baoyu. It doesn't matter that Baoyu can do something. Come to think of it, at least being gilded in the Imperial Academy is also a qualification. If you really want to come out in the future, it will be better arranged. As for what you are worried about, there are some acquaintances in the Imperial Academy. Huang Zunsu, a lecturer, is in the same discipline as Weifu, and we have always been friends with Weifu, just saying hello."

   After some words of forgiveness, Baochai and Daiyu felt a little relieved, and then they were very happy when they thought that Baoyu could enter the Imperial Academy.

Feng Ziying actually thinks this is no big deal, like Kongmu in the Imperial Academy, there is no rank Yi, the classics are from the eighth rank, the servants are from the ninth rank, and the imperial edicts are from the ninth rank. It's not a big deal if you mix it up, get a lot of knowledge, and stir it up by the way.

   Still the same sentence, sleeping with other people's sisters, sisters-in-law, and younger sisters, and taking away the halo of the protagonist, I still feel a little guilty in my heart, so I can make up for it a little bit.

Even Feng Ziying didn't expect her suggestion to have such magical power. When the news spread back to Jia's house, not only the whole family was shocked, but also Jia's mother, Mrs. Wang, Li Wan, Tanchun, Xichun, Baoyu, and even Jia Huan. , Jia Lan, and Jia Cong all took the initiative to visit Feng's house and came to ask what happened.

  Before, the Feng family also found a big house for the Jia family who was released from prison, and it was not too far away from the Feng family.

Although the Feng family's purchase of the Rongning Second Mansion has nothing to do with the Jia family, after all, it was sold after the imperial court confiscated it, and even before King Shou bought it first, and later withdrew, the Feng family bought it back, but from the heart, The Jia family must be somewhat uncomfortable, especially people like Jia's mother and Wang's.

  So after being released from prison, although Tanchun and Xichun often came to Feng's house, the older generation didn't have much contact with each other.

   But this time, Jia Mu and Wang didn't even wait for the news, so they took the initiative to come to the door, which is enough to show how much impact and touch Jia Baoyu's admission to the Imperial Academy had on them.

  That is the Hanlin Academy, the number one academy in the world, which is completely different from the Imperial Academy.

  Jia Lian and Jia Rong can get into the Imperial Academy by donating their students, but the Imperial Academy is absolutely impossible, but now Baoyu has the opportunity to go to the Imperial Academy, which is much better than going to the Qingtan Academy.

  Even if you pass the Jinshi exam, you may not be able to enter the Imperial Academy. Basically, you have to be above the second grade to have the opportunity to enter the Imperial Academy as a Shujishi. It is no wonder that Jiamu and Wang are so important.

"Brother Keng, is what you said true? Can Baoyu really enter the Imperial Academy? Don't lie to me. This Baoyu has gone to the Imperial Academy, maybe he can adapt? Don't be returned, then..." Even at that time Looking at Baoyu, Jia's mother was a little speechless, and looked at Feng Ziying expectantly.

"Don't worry, old lady, how can I lie about such things?" Feng Ziying let everyone sit down in the flower hall, and then said in detail: "But maybe we have to wait for a while, maybe everyone knows the reason. Now, after the court resolves the Nanjing issue, Baoyu will be given an amnesty, so that Baoyu’s identity as a criminal can be washed away, and only then will he be eligible, and I will operate it at that time.”

"But brother Keng, didn't the Hanlin Academy say that non-jinshi can't enter? Even the second-class Jinshi may not be able to get in. Although Baoyu has studied for several years, he has not passed the imperial examination. I'm afraid the Metropolitan Procuratorate I would not agree." Wang Shi still had some knowledge, and asked in a deep voice.

"The Imperial Academy does have a rule that non-jinshi cannot enter, but this refers to Shujishi and officials with a doctorate in the Five Classics. There is no strict requirement for books, servants, orders, and Kongmu below a doctorate in the Five Classics. It is impossible for an eighth-rank official to go with a Jinshi background, so it is also possible to raise someone to be a scholar, and there is room for manipulation here,..."

Feng Ziying smiled: "Madam, don't worry, since I said so, I'm sure, I will make arrangements for the Ministry of Rites and the Imperial Academy, let Baoyu go in first, and focus on studying in the early stage. Once you get familiar with it, you can also consider following the teacher and colleagues." We make history and make books, it depends on Baoyu's good fortune in it."

   Hearing that Feng Ziying had to make some arrangements, Wang also had some understanding in her heart, but it didn't matter, as long as Baoyu could get in, it didn't matter what method was used.

  Jia Baoyu did not pay attention to the exquisite rhetoric above, and his mind has long been fascinated by the name of the Imperial Academy.

   As far as the current scholar dares to say that he has no interest in the Imperial Academy, I am afraid that except for Feng Ziying, no one in the whole Zhou Dynasty dares to say this, even Jia Baoyu is very envious in his heart.

  He also regards himself as a member of the Scholars, but he knows that he will never be able to pass the entrance examination, let alone enter the Imperial Academy, so he has never expected it.

  But now there is such an opportunity that I never dreamed of, to study and study history with the top scholars of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

  (end of this chapter)

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