Number of People

Chapter 2353: Guizi scroll is also a teacher and a father, and the spring shirt is thin

  Chapter 2353 Guizi scroll is also a master and a father, spring shirt thin

Feng Ziying also introduced the basic work of the Hanlin Academy, and also talked about the differences in quality and responsibilities among the officials of the University Bachelor, the Attendant Reader, the Attendant Lecturer, the Attendant Reader, the Attendant Lecturer, the Compiler, and the Editor. A group of women made a science popularization.

In fact, Feng Ziying is not very familiar with the Hanlin Academy. In the two years he was in the Imperial Academy, he basically did not do the official work that the Imperial Academy should do. I stayed here for two years, and I still understand the general situation.

   Baoyu was also inexplicably excited, and asked Feng Ziying about something, and Feng Ziying patiently explained to him.

Looking at Jia Baoyu's longing and expectant expression, Feng Ziying didn't know whether this guy would be able to survive in the Imperial Academy, but he wanted to remind Jiamu and Wang first, don't have too much hope, now the Imperial Academy Everyone in the courtyard is familiar, stand firm, don't really think that you are a genius, and you can still stand out in the Imperial Academy.

  Everyone was joyful and excited, only Li Wan and Jia Huan felt depressed and lost.

  For Jia Huan, he has been with Brother Feng for so long, and he has always regarded Brother Feng as his teacher, father and brother, and Brother Feng also taught him wholeheartedly, but why did he suddenly favor Second Brother Bao at this moment?

   Is it really because the second brother Bao is a descendant?

   Impossible, Brother Feng is not that kind of person.

  After all the crowd dispersed, Jiamu and Wang, accompanied by Baochai, Daiyu, Yingchun, and Baoyu, went to Longfu Temple to burn incense and pray for blessings.

   Jia Huan, who was not interested, naturally wanted to stay and ask what happened.

   "Brother Huan, do you care so much about the experience of dying in the Imperial Academy?" Feng Ziying knew Jia Huan's inner imbalance, and walked with her hands behind her back with a smile.

   "The students just don't understand..." Jia Huan didn't know how to answer for a moment.

"Okay, I understand your thoughts. We all know why Baoyu entered the Hanlin Academy. He just went to mess around, but you don't need to mention that. It's a good thing that he can mess up. If he doesn't, it's my right." A confession from your Jia family, anyway, I am also related to your Jia family, and your sister will also be my concubine, so can I still treat you badly?"

Feng Ziying didn't seem to care, "You don't have to care about these vain things, of course you have to enter the Imperial Academy, but you should enter the Imperial Academy as a first-class Jinshi or Shujishi after being admitted to the Jinshi in a fair manner. That's what you, Jia Huan, should do! You have this strength, so I'm optimistic about you!"

   The words made Jia Huan, who had been a little downcast, suddenly excited and clenched his fists. Brother Feng is so optimistic about me?

  I didn't understand Brother Feng's expectation, I was too stupid.

  If I failed Brother Feng’s expectations and failed the imperial examination, what should I do?

   For a while, Jia Huan was also worried about gains and losses.

"You are still focusing on studying hard now. I guess this year the imperial court will probably open the Enke in the autumn, and there will be an Enke in the spring next year. You should prepare well and strive for the Chinese style in the autumn this year, and the blockbuster in the spring next year. The rest of the Jia family should take a good look to see who is the hero among those who can carry the Jia family's lintel!"

   "Brother Feng, do you really want to start Enke?" Jia Huan was overjoyed.

"Almost, as long as the imperial court and Nanjing negotiate smoothly, there is a high probability that Enke will be pardoned." Feng Ziying smiled, and patted Jia Huan on the shoulder: "Brother Huan, don't bother about Baoyu's affairs. You are not a person all the way, you have your own way, your future is brighter and more ambitious, why should the swan care about it with the sparrows?"

  Jia Huan finally left excitedly, leaving only Feng Ziying standing alone in the back garden.

  Li Wan quietly appeared behind him.

   "You have arranged Baoyu and Brother Huan so well, but what about Brother Lan?" Li Wan walked behind Feng Ziying and said quietly.

"Aren't you listening all the time? Brother Huan has to walk on his own. Why did I arrange it for him?" Feng Ziying turned her head and said softly: "The same is true for Brother Lan. They are all different from Baoyu. If I arrange it, they can spread their wings and fly high.”

  Li Wan's heart trembled, looking at Feng Ziying's high-spirited, confident and charming face, his heart felt numb for no reason, and his body felt tide.

  Seeing the blushing Li Wan staring at her obsessively, Feng Ziying simply took Li Wan's hand and walked towards the rockery behind.

  He specially greeted people not to come to the back garden, but he didn't want to be noticed that he was holding hands with Li Wan.

   Li Wan didn't know, and was shocked, this was in Feng's residence, if someone saw her, she would never dare to see Baochai and Daiyu again in her whole life.

  Feng Ziying held the hand of the uneasy beauty aggressively, and walked forward boldly. Compared with the Grand View Garden, the back garden of Feng Mansion is not the same, maybe not even one-tenth of it.

  However, although the garden is small, it is also considered small and exquisite, and it is comfortable to travel with beauty.

Walking all the way to the secluded place in the back garden, Li Wan felt a little relieved, and then said in a tired voice: "Brother Lan is still a little younger, and he can't compare with Brother Huan. If you think Brother Huan can catch up with Enke this time, then Can Lange do it too?"

"Do you think I don't care about Lan Geer?" Feng Ziying smiled, "Let's see, if there is a chance, Lan Geer may not be able to try a Juren first. Let's see how Lan Geer is doing." Feng Ziying explained: "But sister Wan, don't worry, you are like me, and I can be regarded as Lan Geer's teacher and father? How can you ignore him? "

  A sentence of "Master and Father" made Li Wan emotionally turbulent and mixed with embarrassment and joy. He wished he could throw himself into Feng Ziying's arms and wantonly beg for sex.

Jia Lan lost his father since he was a child, and he longed for his father's love from the bottom of his heart. However, in the Rongguo Mansion, Jia Zheng had always been indifferent to Jia Lan, only valued Baoyu, and even Jia Huan was indifferent, so even Li Wan was also full of resentment towards Jia Zheng.

In addition, Jia's mother and Wang's family also poured all their thoughts on Jia Baoyu. In Li Wan's view, Jia Lan, who was regarded as the eldest grandson of Jia's family, became a small transparent and dispensable character. This made her even more unacceptable.

  Jia Lan has always been withdrawn, gloomy, weak and timid, which made Li Wan angry and hated.

  She also knew that this was also the reason for Jia Lan's lack of paternal love, but who in Rongguo Mansion could take on this responsibility instead of her late husband?

Until Feng Ziying's strong appearance not only rescued Jia Huan from the oppressed role at once, but also firmly pressed Jia Baoyu under him. Even Li Wan himself was surprised to find that Feng Ziying and Jia Baoyu were separated by people in the mansion. Compared with Baoyu, when they all lamented that this is the difference between jade bi and stubborn stone, her heart turned out to be incomparably happy and joyful. Everyone in the Rongguo Mansion thought that Baoyu was a natural genius, but they still refused to admit it. He's just a naughty bastard.

At this time, Li Wan's heart gave birth to something. Maybe Feng Ziying can replace her deceased husband and help take the responsibility of making Jia Lan grow up, so that Jia Lan can grow up normally and happily, and she will no longer be so withdrawn, gloomy, timid and weak. This is why she keeps her virginity. The main reason for giving her innocence and chastity to the other party after many years.

Noticing the changes in Li Wan's mood and state of mind beside him, especially when he saw Li Wan's flushed face and slightly wet eyes, and the fingers holding his arm turned white from exertion. , Feng Ziying immediately understood, and couldn't help moving her index finger.

  Looked around quickly, took a deep breath, hooked Li Wanliu's waist, picked her up, walked a few steps, and went straight to the back of the rockery.

This is a secluded and spacious place. The rockery of Taihu Lake just blocks the entrance of the path that needs to go around a bunch of grape trellises from the front yard. Here, you can see the movement coming from the other end of the path. A swing frame is just right Behind this rockery.

   Li Wan was already drunk when Feng Ziying hugged her around the waist.

  Like a little daughter-in-law who had an affair, curled up in Feng Ziying's arms, shivering and blushing, the spring love flowing between her brows and eyes almost overflowing, and the breath of **** gushing out.

Looking at Li Wan's situation, Feng Ziying was also intoxicated, how could she hold back, she put Li Wan on the swing frame, and before Li Wan could help me, she touched Li Wan's waist The sweat towel was untied, and the silky little coat was taken off.

When Li Wan hooked Feng Ziying's tiger's neck with both hands, Feng Ziying freed his hand and went straight up Li Wan's soft and charming body. land.

  Suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, he hooked Feng Ziying's waist with his legs, and let Feng Ziying get up wildly on the swing.

  Daughter Le, thin spring shirt on the swing, Li Wan's murmur, Feng Ziying suddenly remembered these two sentences in "A Dream of Red Mansions". Who said these? Jia Baoyu, or Xue Pan? Feng Ziying can't remember clearly, but when the spring clothes were thin, it was really her daughter's joy.

I don't know how long it took for Li Wan to wake up from his trance, put on his clothes hastily, and let Feng Ziying take a good look at his whole body to see if there was anything wrong with him. Then he complained that Feng Ziying didn't care about it. , then it is really impossible to meet people.

At this time, Feng Ziying, who got the advantage at this time, naturally let Li Wan complain, but she hugged Li Wan to comfort her. After several times, she also coaxed Li Wan into a dazzled smile. Fan, so that Enke can have the best state to deal with it.

   As soon as the two of them walked out of the back garden, they happened to meet Qingwen who came to look for Feng Ziying, but they saw Li Wan's panicked face and averted eyes, and they were a little surprised.

Usually, this Grandma Zhu is elegant and quiet, and she rarely looks out of her mind. Today, she didn't go to Longfu Temple with a large group of Jia family to burn incense, but she came out of the back garden with the uncle. suspect.

  (end of this chapter)

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