Number of People

Chapter 2354: Guizi scroll is good at weathering wind, rain and sunshine

  Chapter 2354 Guizi Scroll is good at weathering wind and rain

  Feng Ziying can still stand still, even if the wind and waves come here, even if she is caught on the spot and raped in bed, Feng Ziying feels that she can be as stable as Mount Tai, and just as peaceful as before.

  It's just that Li Wan couldn't be so calm, so he said hello to Qingwen, then left in a hurry.

"This grandma's complexion is not very good. What's wrong with her?" Qingwen looked up and down suspiciously, then shrugged her nose, as if smelling something different. The smell of powder on grandma's body?

"What else can I do? Don't you think that I arranged for Baoyu to enter the Hanlin Academy, and that her brother Lan has been treated badly." Feng Ziying secretly scolded Qingwen's dog nose, and immediately smelled something different Come, quickly change the topic: "I feel that Baoyu can still enter the Hanlin Academy after hanging around all day long, while her brother Lang studies hard but still gets nothing. I think it's too unfair."

  As expected, Qingwen was also attracted by this topic. In fact, no matter how whimsical Qingwen was, she never thought that Li Wan would dare to have **** with Feng Ziying in the back garden in broad daylight.

   You must know that this back garden is not as big as the Grand View Garden, and you can hide anywhere. It is such a large area, and there are no other buildings.

And it's because Li Wan gave Qingwen a good impression before. When he was in Rongguo Mansion, Li Wan kept his chastity for ten years and didn't fight for anything. Two, they also bear it calmly.

  Qingwen would never have thought that the loyal and holy Grandma Zhu in her heart was still wandering wildly with her master on the swing frame half a moment ago. If Qingwen saw that situation, her eyes would probably fall out.

"Grandpa, if you want to say that Grandma is right, Master Bao spends all day hanging out leisurely, but Master wants to send him to the Hanlin Academy. Brother Huan and Brother Lan study hard all day, but still Can't see hope, is that fair?" Qingwen pouted, "If you want to follow a servant's view, Second Master Bao will let him fend for himself, but Brother Huan and Brother Lan, who study hard, should be Please help me."

   "Qingwen, Baoyu is saddened to hear what you said, but you used to stay in Yihong Courtyard." Feng Ziying joked lightly: "Aren't you afraid that people will say you are ungrateful?"

"My lord, I'm always on the bench in Yihong Courtyard. How can I compare with Xiren, Sheyue, and Qishang? Second Master Bao doesn't have any kindness to slaves, otherwise slaves wouldn't be kicked out. .”

  Qingwen's tone was plain, she was never welcomed in Baoyu's room, although Baoyu treated her differently, it was only because of her handsome appearance.

In the face of Xiren's suspicion, Qiuwen Muskyue's exclusion, and Qilu Zixiao's competition for favor, especially the suppression from Mrs. Wang, Baoyu's cowardice and lack of concern have long been seen by her. She never cared about Baoyu at all, that's why she was so decisive when she came out of Rongguo Mansion.

  Feng Ziying was a little surprised, even if Qingwen had come to her mansion long ago, she had stayed with Baoyu anyway, why was she so indifferent?

"The servant girl is just telling the truth. The ancestors and wives doted on the second master Bao too much, so they developed the second master Bao's current mentality of not taking care of him and just wanting to go about his life easily. The situation can barely pass, but in this situation, the second master Bao is still so 'free and easy', I am afraid it is not the blessing of the Jia family. In contrast, the slaves think that the third master Huan and Lang Geer are still somewhat ambitious, and there is no Pin your fate on the Jia family, even though the imperial examination has been delayed, once you take the imperial examination in the next subject, you will definitely gain something, even if you can't save the Jia family, at least they have their own future, right?"

  Qingwen's words made Feng Ziying look at her with admiration. This girl has been by Shen Yixiu's side for a few years now, she has gained a lot of experience, and her attitude is different.

   It turns out that this girl has a bad temper, and she also likes to play petty temper, and speaks harshly. Although the country is easy to change and the nature is hard to change, but now it seems that she has changed a lot.

Thinking about it this way, look at Qingwen's attire, the jacquard hanging silk skirt of Buddha's head, the outer cover of red bijia, embroidered shoes with embroidered edges, a small bun, and a phoenix hairpin with a pearl in it. Without losing her charm, coupled with her beautiful and delicate face, she really has the charm of a delicate young woman.

According to the practice of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the maid usually wears double buns, double snails, and double vertical snails. However, if the master has taken over the house, or a concubine's room, she can use a small bun, but she doesn't need a hairnet, and the housewife That is to say, the first wife usually uses a big bun, tied with a hairnet or tassel ribbon.

  Of course, if you are resting at home, housewives can also comb the Fulong bun, commonly known as the sleeping bun, so that it is convenient for afternoon naps and will not mess up the bun.

Qingwen used to wear double buns all the time, but later changed to double snail buns. It was not until Feng Ziying took over the house for a long time that she shyly changed to this small bun under Feng Ziying's instructions, and this also meant that She is no longer a girl, but a woman, and Feng Ziying specially ordered this hairpin with a pearl and phoenix head for Qingwen.

   I have to say that Qingwen is very good at dressing up, and it’s no wonder that Mrs. Wang can’t see Qingwen in the book "Dream of Red Mansions". Of course they will be severely punished.

   But Feng Ziying likes Qingwen's style very much. What's wrong with young girls who love beauty and dress up? Everyone has a love of beauty, this dress is beautiful and eye-catching, isn't it just for yourself?

Feng Ziying even encouraged Qingwen to dress up for Shen Yixiu as well. It's not that Shen Yixiu doesn't like to dress up, but Shen Yixiu has a light temper and usually likes plain makeup. Compared with Baochai and Daiyu, it looks a little plain, so in Under Qingwen's care, Shen Yixiu's makeup and clothing have changed significantly, and have become more beautiful and graceful.

  Feng Ziying saw this, Qingwen was puzzled, looked back and asked suspiciously: "What's wrong, Lord?"

   "Well, I didn't expect Qingwen to have such insights now. As expected, it is very beneficial to cultivate one's morality by being with the grandmother of the Yi family."

Feng Ziying settled down, if he hadn't been tossing around Li Wan for so long just now, he really wanted to do Qingwen now, but the Qingwen in front of him was really charming, and he couldn't help but hold her back. Qingwen's slender hands.

Qingwen was taken aback. After following Feng Ziying for so long, she still didn't understand her master's thoughts. She was a little scared while being sweet in her heart, and hurriedly whispered: "What's the matter, master? In broad daylight, I'm not afraid of being killed." Did anyone see the joke?"

  Feng Ziying said in a rough voice: "Who are you afraid of seeing? Who in this house dares to laugh at you? You belong to me, so it's only natural that I like you and treat you lightly..."

  Qingwen was angry and funny, her winking eyes were like silk, "What I said is certainly reasonable, but it also deserves the occasion, right? When I go back to the house, I can do whatever I want, but not here."

Feng Ziying also knew that she was a bit crazy, and when she saw Qingwen dressed up like this, she was a little moved, and she had a good time with Li Wanhuan, if she really wanted to take off her clothes and belts with Qingwen at this moment, she might be asked to find out her background The abnormality in appearance will destroy Li Wan's reputation.

  But on the surface, she still glared at Qingwen, Feng Ziying said angrily: "When you go back to the house at night, I will take good care of you."

"Hey, that can't be done. Today I should go to Miss Lin's side, and tomorrow I should go to our long room." Qingwen raised her head proudly and smiled, seeing Feng Ziying's heart fluttering, she couldn't help reaching out She squeezed Qingwen's buttocks through her clothes, "Little hoof, really don't annoy me, I just don't care about it."

Qingwen also knew the seriousness, so she quickly dodged and glared at Feng Ziying coquettishly: "I'm already a third-rank official, why are you still so dissolute? Who in this entire family is not from my master, and whoever I want, who will give me money?" Can it be stopped? The servants are just trying to persuade the master to cherish his body and face, the future will be long, and the master is the backbone of our family, so there must be no loss."

"You're talking like you've always been greedy for women, and you should be the right servant of the military department." Feng Ziying let out a breath, put down Qingwen's catkin, and spoke in a diffuse voice. Said: "This official career is as deep as the sea, and I am so busy all day long that I don't have much time to get close to and play with my own women in the mansion. Baoyu is happy, carefree,..."

"If you really say that, then you haven't seen the current decline of the Jia family?" Qingwen didn't like to hear it, and sneered, "Second Master Bao can still be free now, which is suitable for the blessing of the old man. , see how long he can eat, if the old ancestor and Mrs. Jia are gone in the future, what will he do?"

  Feng Ziying laughed, "They are gone, don't I still have my brother-in-law? I can still watch him beg for food?"

   "But how can a man's family depend on others for the rest of his life, relying on others?" Qingwen frowned, "He also has a large family to support, and he can sit on our house for food all day long?"

  Feng Ziying shook her head.

  It's hard to say, Jia Baoyu is like this, if he doesn't find a good job for him, it's really hard to say in the future.

  Even if he finds an errand, whether he can continue to do it is unknown.

  But so many women around him are more or less related to him. Could it be that Yuanchun, Tanchun, Yingchun, Baochai, and Daiyu can still watch Baoyu beg for food along the street?

  I'm afraid I have to support him for the rest of my life. Whether he can sit still or not is probably the only way to go. If he really wants to go hungry, he probably won't care much.

  (end of this chapter)

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