Number of People

Chapter 2363: Who is the imperial court? Whose court?

  Chapter 2363 Guizi Juan Who is the imperial court? Whose court?

  With chaotic hairpins, Feng Ziying seldom sees Baochai, who has always been calm and indifferent, look so charming, even after being happy.

  The whole face showed a faint red color, the brows and eyes brimming with satisfaction and happiness, and the mutton fat jade-like carcass also floated and flowed with amazing luster, just like smoke from a jade disc, making it hard to move away.

This is definitely not something that can be brought about by a good time. In the past, I have also been married to Baochai for two years, and I have had a good time countless times. There has never been such a situation. Performance.

Baochai really felt that her whole body was filled with excitement and joy. The engraving brought to her by her husband kept her in a dizzy floating state. The sense of fullness was pushed to the extreme, so much so that she had a feeling that a little life was already conceived in her body today.

   Seemingly aware that Baochai was different from usual, Feng Ziying lovingly hugged Baochai even tighter.

  In the past, Baochai would call Xiangling or Yinger to come in and wipe her body. She has a slight obsession with cleanliness, but today she doesn't.

   "What's the matter, Baochai?" Feng Ziying asked softly.

   "It's nothing, I just feel so happy, like in a dream." Baochai felt her husband's breath lingering in her ears, and smiled sweetly, "Well, I don't know if it's an intuition, maybe today I will be pregnant..."

   "Oh?" Feng Ziying still believed in this intuition, "Is the day just right?"

   Baochai nodded shyly, "The time difference between my concubine and Baoqin is about ten days, which is about the same as that of Xiangling. It's very punctual. If you calculate it, it should be these few days."

"That's good, so what my husband said before, I should be worthy of me tonight, maybe God will favor us." Feng Ziying smiled, "You and Wanjun and Daiyu gave birth to a son, this Feng family is considered Really stabilized, lest parents talk about it all day long."

   "My wife is too anxious. The second sister, Miaoyu, and Xiuyan all have children, and they are also the same blood of the Feng family. Doesn't your husband often say that as long as they are your children, they are all the same?"

Baochai comforted her husband, but the difference between the concubine and the concubine was too obvious. Even if the husband didn't care, the master, wife, and outsiders couldn't care less. Like three concubines, they couldn't inherit the title unless they were born without a concubine. It is only possible for the son to inherit, or if the descendant of the descendant voluntarily gives up, then only when Feng Ziying enters the official career through the imperial examination and becomes a civil official, will he give up.

  Of course, if the husband's meritorious service is used, it is true that he can ask the court to reward one or two vassal princes for the concubine's son, but this also needs to be paid off by making great contributions.

   "Well, it would be great if everyone thought like you, but mother must still hope that you two can give birth to male heirs earlier."

  Feng Ziying also stopped talking about this topic. It is impossible for people in this era to change their ideas. This involves the reform of the entire ethics system. The relationship between wives, wives and concubines will have to be broken, which is not yet possible.

"Sister Shen may need to be more anxious. Anyway, we already have the second and third bedrooms. You might as well go to Sister Shen's place more often..." Baochai said considerately: "Why don't you hurry up and let the fourth girl pass through the door? She's not too young anymore, or let Tan girl or Yun girl, Tan girl maybe Daiyu wants to go to their third room, so what does Yun girl think about..."

Feng Ziying felt both guilty and comforted. She seemed to have forgotten about Shi Xiangyun and Qin Keqing who were still in Shaanxi, as well as the women from the Shui family. I have gone to cloud nine, but Baochai's carefulness and consideration make him look like a scumbag even more.

"Well, I've been busy since I returned to Beijing, which made me lose sight of one another. The Ministry of Rites at Yun girl's side has long since annulled her marriage with the Sun family. The biggest crime has nothing to do with her, but the historian's side is still there. The Ministry of Punishment is registered, but I heard from Second Brother Liu that Shi Nai's sons have sneaked back to the capital. It seems that the Ministry of Punishment and the Shuntian Mansion have not bothered much. It seems that they are all waiting for Prince Yizhong to ascend the throne before checking the situation. "

  Feng Ziying leaned her head on the pillow at the head of the bed and put her arms around Baochai's body. Such a sage is actually very comfortable to talk in time, with a clear mind and more topics to talk about.

   "If Prince Yizhong really takes the throne, will the charges against the Jia family and the Wang family be revoked?"

This is also what Baochai is most concerned about. After all, the Wang family is her uncle's family, and Wang Ziteng is her biological uncle. The Wang family is listed as the second family of rebels, second only to the Niu family. Although the people related to the Wang family were not involved in the Xue family, it still made them sleep uneasy.

  Feng Ziying is not easy to answer this question. Although in theory Prince Yizhong will amnesty all those who become rebels because of him, the cabinet may not agree.

   Gein's doing so is equivalent to negating everything that the original court has done, and such changes will greatly damage the prestige of the court.

At the same time, this is also a blow to the army fighting against the rebels like Niu Wangsun. How to explain the soldiers who died and were disabled in the battle against Niu Wangsun's three tribes? Although they are dead and disabled, their robes in the army are still there , This will undoubtedly lead to instability and dissatisfaction in the military.

  Furthermore, according to Feng Ziying's estimate, the agreement between the imperial court and Nanjing meant that the settlement of Niu Wangsun's three tribes and Chen Jixian's tribe's transition to substantive feudal towns was the price. This is absolutely intolerable.

This can only be a tactic for the imperial court to slow down the troops. Once it catches its breath, the imperial court will definitely find various reasons to remove the military power of the three Niu Wangsun and Chen Jixian. attitude can be seen.

  In the end, Tu Wenxiu was only agreed to be transferred to the army, while Liu Dongyang and Liu Baichuan were still under his father's command, and the theory that the Northwest Army would be abolished was not mentioned.

After a long time, even Prince Yizhong, who is enthroned, may not be able to tolerate the formation of a country within a country in the south of the Yangtze River like Niu Wangsun and Chen Jixian. Of course, now he still has to use these few books as bargaining power and blackmail the court. , but this situation is unlikely to last.

So Feng Ziying also wrote a letter to her father, asking him to stabilize the situation and prepare for war. Feng Ziying estimates that the time for this preparation will be at most one year, and before the end of next year at the latest, the imperial court will definitely use troops against Jiangnan and will never let it go. The land of the most important wealth is in the hands of others.

  But Feng Ziying couldn't tell Baochai about this inside story.

"Baochai, the situation of Jia's family is relatively simple. It's nothing more than standing on the wrong team, but in this game, there are too many people on the wrong team, and they can all be held accountable? Besides, Prince Yizhong is also enthroned as emperor. What? Tang Binyin and Miao Changqi are still coming to fight for the elders, so the court may not pay too much attention to the crimes of Zheng Shishu and Jia Jing. I guess there is a high probability that they will be pardoned, and the Wang family may also temporarily It will be pardoned, but it is hard to say whether it will be rediscovered in the future."

Feng Ziying pondered for a long time before slowly saying: "In the final analysis, it's about Uncle Ni's thoughts and ideas. If I were him, I would take this opportunity to take the initiative to resign, so that the court would definitely give him a face and return to Beijing safely to be a rich man." , Even giving him a title is no problem, but if he still wants to hold the military power, I'm afraid there will be trouble."

  Xue Baochai heard something, but didn't fully understand it, and asked suspiciously: "Why can Tang Binyin and Miao Changqi compete for the eldership, but my uncle has to resign?"

"Baochai, Tang Binyin and the others are civil servants, so what if they enter the cabinet? They were originally from the same line of Jiangnan scholars, nothing more than their own masters. It is normal to merge now, and they will eventually become one of them, but Your uncle and the others are Wu Xun, and they have always been targets of suppression by the imperial court. Didn’t you see my father, do you want to keep a low profile? In addition, your uncle is on the wrong team and still holds military power. How can the imperial court tolerate it? Take the initiative to hand over power , no harm to the imperial court, then everyone will be happy, if not, then it must be the enemy of the imperial court."

   Baochai raised her head and asked leisurely: "Then Mr. Xiang, who is the court? Whose court is it?"

Feng Ziying was stunned for a moment and laughed dumbly. She didn't expect Baochai to understand this truth, "Is the imperial court representing the heaven to govern the country, and share the world with the scholar-bureaucrats? Well, in theory, the emperor and the scholar-bureaucrats govern together, but the emperor has only one person, so it is the same. A sage has no choice but to rule from the bottom of his hand. After all, it must be handed over to the scholar-bureaucrats to govern. That's why there are cabinets, seven ministries and the Metropolitan Procuratorate, five temples, and local government. Whose court asks this question well, of course It is the imperial court for the people of the world, and the emperor and the seven ministers of the cabinet represent them to govern the country and the country through the imperial court."

Baochai glanced at Feng Ziying, her eyes were dark, "Ziying, although what you said is very reasonable, I always feel that there is a sense of ridicule in your tone, um, there is a strong sense of irony in it." Wei'er, you are also a scholar, don't you take this system seriously?"

  Feng Ziying choked for a moment, this Baochai was still quite perceptive, and immediately tasted the teasing flavor in her own words.

"Hehe, it's a little bit, even I don't know whether this system is as I said, whether it can represent the common people in the world, the wine and meat of rich men are stinky, and the roads are frozen to death. I have been to Shaanxi for more than a year, and I have seen too much, no matter how hard I try, it seems that I can’t change much, Baochai, what do you think?” Feng Ziying asked back.

  Baochai was taken aback. It was the first time she heard her husband speak in such pessimistic terms.

  (end of this chapter)

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