Number of People

Chapter 2364: Kui character scroll Husband's family, mother's family

  Chapter 2364 Guizijuan Husband's family, natal family

It seemed that these last few words of hers had confused Baochai. Under such circumstances, even if it was a sage's time, it seemed inappropriate. Feng Ziying took Baochai into his arms and patted her gently. With round buttocks, she said softly: "Although my husband has the ambition to run the world, but his power is weak and his qualifications are still inexperienced, so many things have to be done slowly. One day, my husband will let the people all over the world praise you. To be famous in history is the goal of a husband."

  Hearing what my husband said, Baochai is proud, sweet and satisfied, and also mixed with a little honor.

   Only such a man is worthy of my affection.

  The husband is not a saint, he also has the common problems of men, but which man in the world is not like this? Except for the eunuchs in the palace.

  For example, Baochai also vaguely knows that her husband is having an affair with Lian’s second sister-in-law, and even Zhu’s sister-in-law seems to be a little ambiguous with her husband, but these details are nothing to Baochai’s heart.

  She is not Daiyu's kind of petty mind, her husband is a person who does great things, twenty-three can be a third-rank official, how many people in the history of the Zhou Dynasty can do it?

  The husband's ambitions were exposed in front of her, which also made Baochai feel more relieved.

The husband is obviously going to be the chief assistant. According to the current momentum of the husband's career, he is expected to join the cabinet before the age of thirty, and it seems to be a matter of course to become the first assistant before the age of forty. But to manage this In the world, can it be done just by being the chief assistant?

  Shen Yiguan in the past, and Ye Xianggao now, have been the chief assistant for many years. Can this world become as beautiful as my husband hoped? Baochai still has some doubts in her heart, unless...

   It's just that Baochai didn't dare to think about it.

Moreover, the Feng family was originally from Wu Xun, and they have huge contacts and influence in the border area. The father-in-law is no longer working in the border area, but the Mongolians outside the border wall send people to bring gifts to the mansion every year during festivals, isn't it? A healthy horse and a good foal are jade, fur and precious medicinal materials, all of which are of great value.

  Now there are no more horses in the stables in Jingzhong Mansion, so they have to be sent to the Zhuangzi in the suburbs of Beijing, or they can only sell some.

  Now the husband seems to be doing the same thing. The Jurchen, Tumot, Neikalka, Horqin, and this year her husband is in Liaodong. These people also sent gifts to the Beijing government.

  Her husband went higher and higher on the road of civil servants, but the Feng family's influence in the army has not weakened at all, and it has been further strengthened because of her husband's status as the right servant of the Ministry of War.

  My husband just said that the Wang family had to give up military power because of their martial arts status and standing in the wrong team, otherwise they would encounter accidents, but the Feng family is also in charge of the military power now, what about in the future?

   Just because the husband is still a civil servant, wouldn't the court be more taboo about this?

Baochai Lan Xinhui said that she would linger in her heart if she didn't want to think about these questions, but it's useless to ask in this situation. Maybe her husband also has such worries or considerations. With her husband's wisdom, she must have already Thinking of this problem, it's just how to countermeasure, but we have to carefully consider it.

  Seeing the beautiful woman leaning in her arms and not speaking, Feng Ziying also put her palm on Baochai's naked buttocks, and her imagination ran wild.

  For so long, it is not uncommon to see that she has worked **** her body. It is reasonable that Baochai's body should be easy to conceive, but there is still no movement. I hope that today, like Baochai's intuition, I can conceive a boy and a half girl.

  The same goes for Shen Yixiu and Daiyu. After I came back from Liaodong, I basically rested in the three women's room as long as I rested, giving as many opportunities as possible, but the three women never moved, which made everyone in the house a little anxious.

  Moving here now, the environment is better, especially Hengwuyuan and Xiaoxiangguan are the former residences of the second daughter, Daoxiang Village is also very suitable for Shen Yixiu's preferences, maybe this will help them conceive a child.

   "Then girl Yun can go back to Beijing?" Suddenly Baochai asked again.

Feng Ziying was a little confused, and was falling asleep, but she came to her senses after Baochai's question, and thought for a while: "Actually, she can come back, and the Sun family's marriage is settled, and her identity will be fine. I’ll go to Heshuntian Mansion to say hello, and I won’t hold on to it. Shi Nai’s son can come back to the Shi family, so there’s no reason why girl Yun can’t come back.

"Then let Yun girl come back earlier. When I look at the Ou Xiangxie over there, I miss Yun girl and miss her." Baochai pressed her face against her husband's neck, "If possible, let Yun girl enter How about our second room?"

   "Aren't you trying to argue with Daiyu?" Feng Ziying laughed, "This is a matter between you, and I don't want to get involved."

   "Hmph, Tan girl has already agreed with her to enter the third room, what's wrong with Yun girl entering the second room?" Baochai curled her lips, "Could it be that the concubine can treat Yun girl badly?"

   "But if Baoqin's temperament meets Yun girl, I'm afraid it will have to be pointed at the point of the needle. It's enough for you to toss." Feng Ziying smiled.

"Don't think of Baoqin so stingy, Baoqin has a clear personality, that is, she has a sharp mouth and a good heart, um, and she is not so broad-minded..." Baochai stammered: "Yun girl He's careless and careless, so it's easy to get along with Baoqin."

  Feng Ziying shook her head with a smile and said nothing, he would not intervene in such matters, they were left to discuss by themselves, and Shi Xiangyun had to see what he wanted.


   "Brother Keng really said that?" Jiamu, Xingshi, Wangshi, and Aunt Xue all looked at each other, and Baoyu all looked at Baochai.

   "Well, my husband said that the Jia family's escape is not a big problem, but in the future we have to rely on the Jia family themselves."

  Baochai dressed up meticulously, and when she came to Jia's house, she was in a good mood, with harmonious yin and yang, exuding an astonishing beauty.

  Seeing Baoyu couldn't help sighing, and thinking of Sister Lin as well, I felt even more indescribable.

"Relying on the Jia family itself?" Jia's mother pondered, "That is to say, the Jia family's title is deprived. I am afraid that the court will not change it. Now the Jia family has become an ordinary family, relying on Baoyu, Huan Geer and Lang Geer. , Brother Cong and the others went to fight for it by themselves?"

"I think that's what I mean when I think about being a husband. My uncle, after talking with Nanjing, will probably be able to come back, and my uncle's side will be a little more troublesome. Fornication in the grassland, selling forbidden items, and amnesty probably won't happen." Forgiveness, but it's hard to get rid of it, and we have to find another way." Baochai frowned slightly, which was different from Daiyu's frown, and had a special charm.

"But Sun Shaozu was responsible for fornicating grasslands and selling prohibited items. My master was just a partner. How could Sun Shaozu be exonerated and even be appointed an official? Why is my master still exiled in Shaanxi?" Xing was furious, "This imperial court It’s too biased.”

Jia's mother, Wang's family and Li Wan didn't speak, but they all understood in their hearts. In fact, Xing's family also understood that Sun Shaozu had soldiers in his hands, and the court could only tolerate them, just like Wang Ziteng. As the commander-in-chief of Huaiyang Town, let him guard Yangzhou.

   But what does Jia Amnesty have, what does the Jia family have? If you live in a dilapidated house, where will you throw it in, who will think of you?

   "This is the only way to do it now, and we can think of a way when my uncle comes back." The elder said so, and Baochai couldn't help but answer.

   "What about Jia Jing?" Jia Mu asked.

"Master Jing didn't say anything specifically, but said that the court may also consider it, because too many individuals are involved, so they may not all agree. Master Jing is valued by Prince Yizhong. If Prince Yizhong protects it, maybe it will be possible. There is a place to go, if the imperial court is jealous, it may also stay in Nanjing and come back after being unemployed for the time being."

   Baochai hesitated and said: "Xianggong did not participate in these affairs. He is mainly in charge of military affairs. These are handled by the cabinet, the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the Ministry of Officials, the Ministry of Rites, and the Ministry of Punishment."

"The six parts are interlinked, not to mention that brother Keng's teacher is still Ge Lao and Du Yushi. He must know, and there may be some things that are hard to say." Everyone understands the current situation at home, and it will only become more difficult day by day in the future. In fact, I also know that when the mandarin ducks were still there, the mansion was unable to make ends meet. The old things in my house were all You got it out and sold a lot of pawns, there is no other way,..."

Jia's mother is also a sensible person, and she knows the current priorities, "It's still the same sentence, besides the return of the second child, the most urgent thing now is Baoyu, Brother Huan, Brother Lan, and Brother Cong. Lian'er is a white-eyed wolf. . . . "

   Mrs. Xing hurriedly interrupted to help defend: "After Lian's son, he asked someone to send a thousand taels of silver. He is really too busy in Yangzhou,..."

"Hmph, I'm too busy. Is it because I'm too busy taking concubines and having children?" Jia Mu sneered, "Brother Keng gave him a good job, and he is too happy to leave Yangzhou now. I don't think it's as good as Feng girl, Feng." The girl knew that she gave three thousand taels of silver a few years ago, and she came to see the old man, and she asked Ping'er to send many daily necessities. The Hanlin Academy, helping Huan Geer Lan Geer Cong Geer to study and go to scientific examinations, this is a great kindness to our Jia family for a lifetime,..."

Mrs. Xing didn't dare to make a sound, and Jia Lian gave her another three hundred taels of silver. She had to remember it, and she also said that the master had Feng Ziying to take care of him in Shaanxi, and he didn't suffer, but he couldn't come back for a while. have to wait.

Moreover, the second girl and Xiuyan also came here the day before yesterday, and they both brought their children, and each left two hundred taels of silver for themselves. I didn't expect these two girls to be so generous. Ziying gave birth to a son, so the Feng family rewarded them a lot.

   Now Xing feels that life is not bad, not much worse than before in Jia's house.

   With Jia Lian, Yingchun and Xing Xiuyan looking after her, at least the money went directly into her own hands, unlike when the master was around and the master grabbed the money with one hand, and he had nothing to do with it.

  (end of this chapter)

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