Number of People

Chapter 2366: Gui character scroll Baoyu awakens, important ministers meeting

  Chapter 2366 Guizi Scroll Baoyu Awakens, Meeting of Important Ministers

  Baoyu is no longer the Baoyu of the past. He has experienced so many ups and downs in the past few years, which has made him realize that the Jia family is no longer in the era when the four kings and eight princes were so glamorous.

Especially after the Nanjing Incident, my father was an official in Nanjing and was declared a traitor. My uncle secretly smuggled and smuggled with foreigners. Uncle Jing of the Ningguo Mansion actually came back from the dead and established Nanjing. He was "a minister in the same hall" as his father. , Uncle directly raised the banner of rebellion.

  The various changes that followed made him overwhelmed, and then a large family was thrown into prison, waiting to be executed.

At that time, the whole family was in panic all day long, and the women in the family shed their faces with tears, fearing that they would be thrown into the Jiaofang Division and become a prostitute who could do everything they could. Fortunately, Brother Feng came to the rescue, and the whole family was released on bail. .

Looking at Sister Yun and Brother Rong's daughter-in-law from Ningguo Mansion being escorted into exile in Shaanxi, you will know how dangerous the current situation is. The daughters of the prostitutes, all of them are nobles in the capital, but they are all sent to the frontiers of Shaanxi.

  If Brother Feng hadn’t happened to go to Shaanxi to serve as the governor, I’m afraid they would either have died in a foreign border area, or they would have been reduced to the crotch playthings of those powerful martial arts sects on the border.

   Baoyu shuddered at the thought of this.

  If my sisters, sisters, mothers, aunts, and maids around me in the mansion are in such a situation, what should I do?

  Watching them die in misery or **** those vulgar and dirty warriors? Then I really might as well be dead.

So no matter what Brother Feng does, it doesn’t matter if he marries his favorite Sister Bao and Sister Lin, takes his second sister and Miaoyu as concubines, or even takes his third sister, fourth sister, and sister Yun as concubines. He had to admit that without Feng Ziying, the fate of all of them would be extremely miserable, but he could do nothing about it. He had to accept this kindness.

   Not to mention that now Brother Feng is busy looking for a way for himself to enter the Imperial Academy.

   It would be fine if it was any other position, but going to the Hanlin Academy really hit Baoyu's weakest heart.

  He can ignore everything, but he still can't get rid of his identity as a scholar who prefers to study in his heart.

  He knew that he would not be able to study hard like Huan Laosan and Lang Geer, who would hang his head on the beam and stab his butt, so he would never have his share in the imperial examination.

  The reputation of donating officials is too bad, and he will never be able to enter such a noble place as the Imperial Academy, so he never counted on it.

  At first, the family hoped to ask Brother Feng to put him in the clan mansion to do some errands, and he was satisfied, but now when he said that he could go to the Imperial Academy, Baoyu, who got the news, felt that he was possessed.

He now thinks day and night what he would do if he went to the Imperial Academy. During this period of time, he even dreamed that he entered the Imperial Academy and joined those well-known scholars in the entire Zhou Dynasty, asking them for advice and learning from them. A historical commentary, what an honor this is, and it can even be counted as a glorious deed in the genealogy.

Now Baoyu is looking forward to that moment with all his heart. He knows that he didn't enter the Imperial Academy properly, but that doesn't matter. After entering the Imperial Academy, he can ask for help from those famous scholars. With this qualification, he can go anywhere in the world, and the Niu family where his wife lives doesn't dare to underestimate him anymore, so he can hold his head high and hold his head high in front of Niu.


   "It's almost there." Chai Ke said lightly, "Miao Changqi has entered the city."

   "Oh? Open to the city?" Feng Ziying raised her eyebrows in surprise, "Is this going to be signed?"

   Chai Ke laughed dumbfounded, and glanced at Feng Ziying, "Where is the signature? It's just a tacit understanding. When it comes to a road, do you really think that Tang Miu, Zhu Gu and others have no tacit understanding with Ye Xiangfang?"

  Feng Ziying's heart moved slightly, "It seems that I am still too naive. I really thought that if I want to talk about every item, it turns out that everyone has a tacit understanding."

"Hehe, how is it possible?" Chai Ke shook his head, "Prince Yizhong may be able to greet Niu Jizong and Wang Ziteng, but Tang Miu and Zhu Gu are the backbone of the Jiangnan side. Without them, how can the Jiangnan gentry Maybe supporting Prince Yizhong to fight against the imperial court, in a sense, I think Ye Xiang and Fang Xiang are still contributing to the flames."

  Feng Ziying really couldn't believe it, could it be that this is a double play?

  The princes of the cabinet and Tang Miu, Zhu Gu and others from the south of the Yangtze River joined hands to act for Prince Yizhong, the sons of Emperor Yonglong, and even the imperial clan?

Seeing the increasingly puzzled look in Feng Ziying's eyes, Chai Ke smiled slightly, "It's not as exaggerated as you imagined. Tang Yao and others must still protect Prince Yizhong. To ensure the power of succession, this point was at a stalemate with the cabinet.

   "The King of Shou and the King of Lu..." This is the key.

"On hold for now." Chai Ke paused. "The cabinet means to make a decision at that time. It probably means that if there are no other accidents, Prince Yizhong's son will definitely succeed as the crown prince, but the cabinet does not rule out other possibilities." Chai Ke spread his hands, "For example, if the prince died of illness, or if the prince's performance cannot satisfy the cabinet, then..."

   "Then, everything is possible, and the decision-making power is still in the hands of the cabinet." Feng Ziying immediately asked: "So Tang Binyin joins the cabinet?"

"No, both Tang and Yao will join the cabinet, otherwise Prince Yizhong will not agree." Chai Ke sneered, "Ye Fang and you have ignored us Huguang scholars. Dongxian is very angry, but in this situation, we need to Some sacrificed."

If there are seven cabinet ministers, in theory, one Huguang scholar should be considered no matter what, but now Guan Yingzhen is only given a book from the Ministry of Rites as a consolation, and there are as many as five Jiangnan scholars among the seven cabinet ministers (Ye Xianggao, Fang Congzhe, Gu Bingqian, Tang Binyin, Miao Changqi), and two northern scholars (Qi Yongtai, Li Sancai).

  Feng Ziying thought for a while, and then she understood, "Prince Yizhong is worried that there will be accidents if only one of Tang and Miu is in the cabinet, so he wants to let them join the cabinet at the same time, so as to avoid accidents in the future?"

"Well, to change the crown prince, the cabinet needs unanimous support. That's what Prince Yizhong thinks. The relationship between Tang and Yao is not good. He only needs to ensure that one of them is loyal to him, and he can keep the crown prince." Chai Ke nodded.

  Feng Ziying also responded with a sneer, "Prince Yizhong can ensure that Tang and Miu are loyal to him? They are both scholars from the south of the Yangtze River. In the face of the interests of scholars, I am afraid that Prince Yizhong will find out in despair that he has been fooled."

  Chai Ke also sneered slightly, "Who can tell clearly? Maybe Prince Yizhong can bribe another cabinet minister? At least the three towns in the south of the Yangtze River are still there, maybe this is his reliance?"

"Reliance? If the reliance is placed in the south of the Yangtze River, it is not a reliance, but a noose. If Ye Xiangfang can tolerate this, let alone other people, even Tang Yao and others cannot accept it. Look, it will be a year at most." We can see the difference."

  Feng Ziying and Chai Ke both pursed their lips and smiled in satisfaction. If so, let’s read on. They both feel that they are sure to win, so let’s see who has the last laugh.

  As the important ministers arrived one after another, they gathered near Wenyuan Pavilion. Before the cabinet ministers arrived, everyone was used to discussing casually under the big locust tree outside Wenyuan Pavilion.

At present, there are four cabinet ministers, the so-called great scholars, seven ministers plus left and right ministers, twenty-one people, four imperial officials and deputy imperial envoys of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, one envoy of the General Administration Department, and only one of the five temples is Dali. The temple ministers of the two temples, Taichang Temple and Taichang Temple, are Zheng Sanpin, plus Shuntian Prefecture Yin, that is to say, there are currently thirty-three important ministers in Beijing.

The number is not small, but some candidates have not yet been filled. For example, there is a lack of one minister for the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Commerce, and one shortage for the Deputy Metropolitan Envoy of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. The court meeting, or the meeting of important ministers because the emperor was absent, actually had only twenty-six people.

For example, Liu Yixiu, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, is temporarily resting at home due to illness, and Sun Chengzong, the left servant of the Ministry of War, has not yet returned. In addition, a servant of the Ministry of Commerce has also gone to Yuguan, and a right deputy of the Metropolitan Procuratorate has gone to Huguang. They haven't come back yet.

  The content of the meeting is also very simple, that is, to report the progress of the negotiations with Nanjing, and there will be a result.

   "Chen Jixian, this idiot, has been working with Niu Jizong and Wang Ziteng for a long time. There has been a tacit understanding. The court should have cut off his salary,..."

   "There are birds! Yangzhou is prosperous and Shengsu Lake. Those salt merchants have thicker roots and hairs than northern birds. I really want to drive that guy into a hurry. Doesn't he only attack merchants in Yangzhou?"

   Among civil servants, there are still rough and bold people who dare to speak nonsense.

   "He will do it if he wants to. Anyway, it's not the responsibility of the court. Don't they want to resist the people sent by the court all the time. They insist on Chen Jixian. Now they are really going to suffer. Who is to blame?"

   "If you want me to say, the imperial court should have ordered the Northwest Army to go south along Xuzhou and go straight down to Yangzhou. Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu are simply guard dogs. They only dare to guard Fengyang and Luzhou. Do they dare to go north?"

   "Now it's all an afterthought. Who was there before who yelled and said slowly, and whose idea was it that the Northern Front Army retreated to Gyeonggi?"

   "Hey, it's time to turn over the old score? Who said that the grain supply was cut off, and we were in a dilemma between Yanxu and Xuzhou, and the food and grass were not enough. Why don't we go to Tianjin Wei, where we can transport grain supplies from the sea?"

"Ridiculous! At that time, the Jianzhou Jurchens in Liaodong were about to move, and the Chahar people attacked Jizhen. What was more important, who was slow and who was in a hurry, couldn't you see it? If it weren't for the Northern Army Corps going north, would Liaodong be in a hurry? Short-sighted, too Come and talk about military affairs!"

  (end of this chapter)

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