Number of People

Chapter 2367: Guizi scroll palace, standing in line

  Chapter 2367 The Palace of Guizi Scrolls

   To be honest, it was the first time for Feng Ziying to see this kind of ministerial meeting, and it was very interesting.

  At first, I thought that they were all high-ranking ministers of the Dazhou Zhou Dynasty. Everyone was a leader of scholars, a dignified and decent person, and they should be polite and smiling when talking and discussing.

  Even if there is a difference in political opinion, it is a verbal exchange between each other, and each can maintain its own demeanor. Who would have thought that this would be the case?

The impassioned Sun Juxiang, the eloquent Huang Ruliang, the leisurely and indifferent Gao Panlong, the heroic Zhang Huaichang, the disdainful Chai Ke, the free and easy Guan Yingzhen, the Shenxiong and experienced Qiao Yingjia, the leisurely Cui Jingrong, the modest and elegant Zhang Jingqiu, the gentle and elegant Gu Bingqian, it can be said that the demeanor of the crowd can be seen at a glance.

Juniors like Feng Ziying, although they are also members of the third rank, can only listen respectfully from the sidelines with a face full of humility. Everyone is their elders and teachers, and anyone can give him advice, so the best way at this time is Smiling all over his face, he said yes when he raised his head, and said yes when he lowered his head.

However, the north-south dispute also exists between the important ministers. The attitude towards the northern border towns, the views on taxation in the south of the Yangtze River, the willingness to trade in the south of the Yangtze River, and the allocation of imperial examination places are all different, so these disputes will inevitably be brought into the regional differences.

   Fortunately, the four cabinet ministers appeared soon, and when the group of people saw the arrival of the four cabinet elders, they all stopped and followed the four into the lobby of Wenyuan Pavilion.

The four cabinet ministers sat in a row, Ye Xianggao was the first on the left, Qi Yongtai was next to him, Fang Congzhe was on the right, Li Sancai was next to him, and then there were four rows of seats from near to far, all the way to the door, Gao Panlong , Zhang Jingqiu, Huang Ruliang, Gu Bingqian, Zhang Huaichang, Cui Jingrong, Guan Yingzhen, there is an empty space in the middle, which belongs to Liu Yixiu, Shangshu of the Ministry of punishment.

  Then it is for the third-rank ministers, which is not so particular. You can choose to sit arbitrarily, according to your closeness, or according to your region, or you can sit alone. In a word, it is eclectic.

  Feng Ziying was the one sitting closest to the door. There was no one else, and his qualifications were the lowest. The person sitting opposite him was also an old acquaintance, Wu Daonan, Minister of Taichang Temple, his former old boss.

  Originally, Wu Daonan was going to be the right servant of the Ministry of Rites, but Gu Bingqian despised this role of talking about it and expressed his opposition. In the end, Wu Daonan could only go to Taichang Temple in despair. Of course, this was much better than his being the governor of Shuntian Mansion.

  The current Shuncheon Governor, Li Banghua, is sitting next to Wu Daonan.

The two former governors of Shuntian were sitting together, and I don't know if they have a common language, but Feng Ziying knows that this Li Banghua and Wu Daonan are both from Jiangxi scholars, they can be regarded as villagers, and they are both direct descendants of Ye Xianggao , but Li Banghua's ability is much stronger than Wu Daonan's, and his reputation in Shuntian Mansion is pretty good.

Next to Feng Ziying is Cao Yubian, Minister of Dali Temple. He was transferred from the right servant of the Ministry of Rites. Feng Ziying is not familiar with him, but Cao Yubian is a scholar from Shanxi, and he is very familiar with Qiao Yingjia, Han Yu, and Sun Juxiang. Zheng Chongjian, Sun Chuanting, and Chen Qiyu all respect him, so Cao Yubian is no stranger to Feng Ziying.

   "Brother Liang, is it going to be finalized today?" Feng Ziying casually glanced at the colleagues above who were still whispering, the four cabinet ministers were still talking about something, and the people below were even more lively.

"It should be." Cao Yubian is a thin man with a thin face. He is a little scary, but he is in a good state of mind: "If not, why call everyone? Didn't Daofu talk to Ye Xiang, Fang Xiang and Cheng Cheng?" Do Feng and the others have a plan? It is estimated that an announcement will be made soon."

   "Isn't this superfluous? Since it is decided to negotiate according to the conditions of the cabinet, it is enough to announce it after the negotiation. Ye Xiang and Qi Ge have no objections, so what else is there to say?"

Feng Ziying's words made Cao Yubian glance at him, probably thinking that although Feng Ziying has gained a good reputation outside, he is a stunned young man who has just entered the court, and said indifferently: "Not necessarily, although the general direction is determined by the cabinet, but It involves many specific details, and it is impossible to report to the cabinet at any time. Daofu also has to have some discretionary power, otherwise there will be no way to talk. As long as it is generally in line with the wishes of the court, Ye Xiang and Qi Ge will not Entangling the details, but after all, it still needs to be reported to let everyone know the details."

   "Details?" Feng Ziying also sensed Cao Yubian's disapproval of her attitude, "Brother Liang, what aspect is involved? The selection of cabinet ministers, the easy storage system, or the three towns in the south of the Yangtze River?"

Although they are all scholars from the north, not everyone is close to him. After all, at his age and being in the third rank, it is difficult for many people to adapt, and even some faint resistance and disgust. Feng Ziying herself knows this very well .

  So in many cases, I am very humble to the internal scholars in the north, but when it comes to the scholars in the south of the Yangtze River, I am more open-minded.

  Cao Yubian didn't expect Feng Ziying to be so keen, but he had a high opinion of Feng Ziying in his heart.

It seems that this guy is able to sit here today because of his reputation. The Ministry of Criminal Justice and the Metropolitan Procuratorate have more dealings with Cao Yubian. Liu Yixiu doesn't like this guy, but Qiao Yingjia and Han Yu praise him. Needless to say, Qiao Yingjia is his sponsor, but Han Yu is not a person who follows others, it seems that there is still some real material.

  Cao Yubian has been paying close attention to the movement of the White Lotus Sect, but he can find an opportunity to chat with the other party.

   "I'm afraid there are all of them. If you gain, you will lose. If not, why compromise?" Cao Yubian shook his head.

"Brother Liang, don't worry, the initiative is on our side. Some people in Nanjing think too well, and the reality will educate them." Feng Ziying raised her head confidently, "Tang Yao and the others are now in the same heart as Prince Yizhong, but they are in the same heart as Prince Yizhong. What about after joining the cabinet? The second chancellor, Ye Fang, is also a scholar from the south of the Yangtze River, so we can continue to talk, talk within the cabinet, we can always find a point of agreement, isn't everyone happy?"

  Feng Ziying's frivolous but confident posture not only made Cao Yubian raise his eyebrows, but also attracted the sideways head of the person in front, Sun Juxiang.

   "Ziying, you are full of confidence." Sun Juxiang turned his head and glanced at Feng Ziying.

"Brother Bofu, what do you think Tang and Miu have in mind?" Feng Ziying spoke eloquently, "It's not that I hope to enter the cabinet and be able to express my ambitions, but since I entered the cabinet, I should understand that the overall situation is the most important thing, and it is impossible to be like that again." It is easy to say but difficult to do in the mountains, wilds, forests, and springs. Who doesn't know? The big society, the country, the billions of people, have to be in control, and they can understand the difficulty of governing the world, and they can also understand Ye Fang. The suffering of two phases."

   "What you said is reasonable, I hope the two of them know the same thing." Sun Juxiang curled his lips, obviously because he had a bad impression of Tang and Miu.

   "If it's true that the way is different and they don't seek each other, the ministers in the cabinet will naturally have a solution." Feng Ziying added.

  Sun Juxiang and Cao Yubian didn't speak any more, and they both understood that it would take a certain step to trigger it. It's too early to say.

  As Ye Xiangqing cleared his throat, the hall immediately fell silent. Everyone is an important minister with status and self-cultivation, and they are still very particular about discipline.

"Everyone, I invite you to come this time. Maybe everyone knows something. I have discussed with some of our colleagues in the room earlier, and some colleagues are not clear, because it is not appropriate to expand the scope of information before the agreement is made, so as not to bring trouble. Unnecessary turmoil, so when it reaches a certain level, or when it is close to reaching an agreement, I will make an announcement. Please rest assured that Daofu personally came forward during this negotiation, and the terms involved are all about safeguarding the dignity of the court and our scholars. It is a standard respected by people, but we must also admit that the current court is in a difficult situation, with external and internal troubles, and sometimes compromises are necessary to maintain the overall situation,..."

  Ye Xianggao's voice was a little deep, but it was very penetrating in the hall. Almost everyone could clearly hear the specificity of every sentence he said, and they could understand the meaning.

Feng Ziying was also thinking that if she wanted to be the chief assistant, it seemed that the voice had to be tempered. The voices of Fang Congzhe and Li Sancai lacked a bit of heat, but Qi Shi's voice was strong and fierce, like a gold stone. With a little adjustment, it was still a little Ershoufu imposing manner.

   "Daofu, let me introduce the situation you talked with over there." Closer to home, Ye Xianggao handed over the topic to Li Sancai.

Li Sancai is from the north, but he has always been friends with scholars from the south of the Yangtze River. Even Tang Binyin, Miao Changqi, Zhu Guozhen, and Gu Tianjun are familiar with him. Qi Yongtai, Qiao Yingjia, Cui Jingrong and others are a little uncomfortable with him, but I have to say that he is indeed the most suitable candidate for negotiation.

   "... Negotiations are very difficult. The Nanjing side is very demanding. It probably feels that our court is not financially strong and it is difficult to last. The court is indeed worried about this, so it agrees to negotiate..."

Li Sancai didn't make a fool of himself, he said in a few concise words, "There is no need to talk about it. There are some disputes about the specific size. Although the agreement is basically agreed, it must be reported to you. First, The post is the selection system for the cabinet ministers. Tang and Miu will join the cabinet, plus Liu Ji, the cabinet ministers will be seven in the future, but this system will not continue forever, and it needs to be considered. Whether there is a fixed number of five or six, it is also possible. It can also be discussed whether the domicile needs to be clarified, or whether it should be established by convention,..."

The first is the most critical issue. Seven cabinet ministers are too many for many people. Five people should be the most acceptable to everyone. But the current situation is special, and everyone can understand it, but there is no need for it in the future. Retain the regulation of seven ministers?

   Also, is there a statute for the domicile of the cabinet ministers, or is it just a tacit understanding between everyone, is there any possibility of modification under special circumstances?

  Currently, none of the seven cabinet ministers has a scholar outside Jiangnan and Beidi, which is obviously unreasonable. If it is changed to five cabinet ministers, how will the proportion of scholars in Jiangnan, Beidi, Huguang and other places be distributed?

  (end of this chapter)

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