Number of People

Chapter 2370: Subsequent processing of the Guizi volume to deal with difficult problems

  Chapter 2370 The follow-up processing of the Kuizi volume, to deal with difficult problems

   It was already time for Feng Ziying to go home, but the whole family was still waiting for Feng Ziying, and there was no meal.

  Seeing Feng Ziying's carriage entering the house, Shen Yixiu, Xue Baochai and Lin Daiyu were all waiting at the east corner door in front of the door.

   Everyone knows that today is the first time Feng Ziying has participated in such a large-scale meeting of important officials.

  When Miao Changqi entered the inner city via Zhengyangmen Street, everyone knew that the negotiations between the imperial court and Nanjing might have a result.

  Who is Miao Changqi, the second person under Tang Binyin of the Nanjing Puppet Dynasty, and the leader of famous scholars in the south of the Yangtze River.

  In terms of fame, he is not inferior to Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe, but not inferior to Li Tingji, a cabinet minister who has already retired. Even Gu Bingqian, Gao Panlong, and Huang Ruliang are not inferior.

He has been negotiating with Li Sancai all the time, and the negotiating place is also several changes, from Tongzhou to Tianjinwei, and then from Tianjinwei to Linqing. They didn't completely tear their faces apart, and they still kept in touch.

  Both sides couldn't survive anymore.

The imperial court's expenditure is really too big, there is no income from Jiangnan's land tax, and although the business tax alone is growing rapidly, it is not enough to support the operation of the entire court at this stage. It has to rely on Jiangnan's land tax, and Jiangnan's business tax is also a chunk.

   Borrowing is really unbearable for the imperial court, but in Feng Ziying's view, it is purely psychological. As long as you get used to borrowing, it doesn't matter.

Similarly, even though Huguang has recovered, grain cannot be transported up from the canal, and the Yangtze River route is also controlled by Nanjing, so the transportation cost has skyrocketed several times. The price of grain in Beijing and China is about 70% higher than in previous years. This is still Yuguan. , Dagu is fully transporting grain from the south.

High 70% may not be a problem for wealthy families, but even the so-called "middle class" in Beijing can't bear it, and ordinary people are a little bit stretched. If it continues, the public security in Beijing will definitely be chaotic. Take the opportunity to create chaos.

   On this point, Li Banghua, Yin of Shuntian Prefecture, has repeatedly written to the cabinet, issuing warnings, demanding that the problem of soaring food prices must be resolved, otherwise he cannot guarantee that there will be no civil unrest in the capital city.

Although Yuan Keli had already controlled the situation in Shanxi, he was still short of breath if he wanted to completely defeat Fengzhou Bailian and the Shaanxi rebel army in the south, but it was not at all polite to ask for money and food. I was forced to have nowhere to go, but I didn't dare to refuse.

  If the situation in Shanxi is reversed due to insufficient food and salaries, then no one can afford this responsibility.

  But the Ministry of Households really ran out of money, and even the Da Nei Jie Shen Treasury was embezzled by the Ministry of Households. This is because there is no owner in the palace, so the Ministry of Households dared to do this.

Except for Shanxi, Xuanfu, Liaodong, Jizhen, and Denglai, everywhere is reaching out. Huang Ruliang feels that this minister of household affairs may be the most aggrieved and painful minister in history. He is always urged and asked for by others. Debt, even sleeping and dreaming about how to deal with various expenses.

   It was hard for the imperial court, but so was Nanjing.

  The Northwest Army was eyeing the north of the river, and could cross the river at any time. Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu couldn't stand it anymore. Fortunately, the Northwest Army was short of food and grass, so they were dragged down.

Wang Ziteng can still fight, but he still needs to be distracted to guard the Jiangxi side. Xiong Tingbi's Jingxiang army has basically cleaned up the Sichuan side, and will soon be able to divert to Huguang. Jiangxi is facing the Jingxiang army. The crisis of eastward invasion.

Chen Jixian doesn't even know what role he is in Nanjing. It's hard to judge in one sentence, but one thing is certain. This is enough.

   If it drags on, it will really drag the situation down. Perhaps the imperial court will send the Northwest Army and even the Guyuan Army, which might have been abolished, southward regardless of whether it will destroy Jiangnan.

   This may be the only scruple of the imperial court. At worst, the imperial court will borrow several million taels of silver from Haitong Yinzhuang, but in the end, will this silver debt be counted on Jiangnan?

  Because of this, no one is willing to tear their faces apart, everyone has scruples, and everyone has deeper calculations, so they finally came up with such an ambiguous compromise plan.

The negotiation between the imperial court and Nanjing touched the hearts of thousands of people. At first, Beijing and China were secretive, and many people were mysterious when talking about this matter. But later, the situation became more and more clear, and more and more people knew about it. It's kept secret, so in the tea house and wine shop, anyone can turn their tongues and say a few words.

  Even "Today's News" began to unabashedly open a column dedicated to discussing the negotiation conditions between the imperial court and the Nanjing Puppet Dynasty and the final possible plan.

   Not to mention, the scenarios speculated in the column, although not right, are not far away.

  Seeing that the three women were waiting behind the door, Feng Ziying was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that her participation in the meeting today would make them pay so much attention to her, "What's wrong with the three good wives, there is no need to do this, right?"

Shen Yixiu's eyes were bright, he glanced at Baochai and Daiyu, pursed his lips and smiled lightly: "Master, this is the unanimous opinion of my concubine and the two younger sisters. Today is the first time that Mr. Xiang attended the meeting of important ministers, and the content of the meeting is also related to the future of the Great Zhou Dynasty. The situation, and it also involves the fate of several families, so it is reasonable for everyone to care about it."

"It's true, we discussed it for a whole day today, and even had lunch in Wenyuan Pavilion to make do with it, but I think the situation published in the special issue of "Today's News" is actually almost the same as the situation discussed in Wenyuan Pavilion today , It is really too difficult to keep this matter of the imperial court secret."

  Feng Ziying never thought of keeping it secret in front of her wife, because after today's ministerial meeting, it actually means that it will no longer be kept secret.

   Daiyu was still the most anxious: "Then we're done? Nanjing won't cut off water transportation anymore? Can we go to Yangzhou, Jinling, and return to Suzhou?"

   "Well, this shouldn't be a problem." Feng Ziying looked at Daiyu, "Why do you want to go back to Yangzhou and Suzhou?"

   "No, my little sister is just asking, and I always feel that the water transportation is broken, as if the connection with Jiangnan has been cut off, and something is missing." Daiyu shook her head, "Then uncle and the others..."

"Master Liu, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, did not come today. I also asked Master Han, and discussed it with Dali Temple Minister Cao. He said that it is probably a general amnesty. Uncle Zheng Shi should be fine and will be pardoned. It is hard to say if Shi Bo is pardoned. But it can be won. As for Li Shouxin, the father of sister-in-law Zhu, I am afraid it will be more troublesome. The proclamation he wrote is too vicious. It's a bit difficult, because he has been watched by Long Jinwei all the time before, and in the end he played a game of escape from the golden cicada, and went to Jinling to make wind and rain, so Long Jinwei may not let him go."

   As for Ningguo Mansion, Baochai and Daiyu actually don't think much of it, but Shen Yixiu is very concerned, because Xichun is going to enter the long house, if Jia Jing can't get out, then the matter of Xichun may be delayed.

"From what Xianggong said, there may be a little trouble on the Jia family's side except for the uncle. If the uncle is okay, then the ancestors, aunt, and Baoyu can rest assured, and Yun girl will be okay. Sister-in-law Zhu is married. Yes, it may not be involved, but her two younger sisters Coco Li and Li Qi may be in trouble now." Baochai frowned, "The fourth sister is also..."

  Feng Ziying didn't want to discuss this in detail in front of everyone, so she waved her hand: "Let's talk in the room."

   After dinner, all the girls came, even Tanchun, Xichun, Li Wan, Baoyu and Jiahuan.

   After getting the news, they wanted to get a letter from Feng Ziying.

  Only the elders are not good enough to come, so they let people of the same generation as Feng Ziying come to inquire about the news, so that they can send a letter back.

  Feng Ziying really didn’t think that a group of people would pay so much attention to it, but then she thought about it, the fate of the other three families in Jinling, except for the Xue family, who are all connected with each other, was not taken seriously, so what else should be paid attention to?

  The Jia family was the first to bear the brunt, and the Wang family was the chief culprit. There is no complete egg in a nest of historians. Once destroyed, no one can end up with a whole body.

There is also the Li family who is deeply trapped in it. Li Wan is very anxious. She never thought that even the historians of the Jia family can get away now, and even the Wang family can get out of it if they are wise. The culprit? Even more hated by the court than someone like Jia Jing who commits crimes again and again?

  When Feng Ziying explained the whole story, Li Wan really felt like crying.

  This public enmity is easy to resolve, but personal grievances are difficult to resolve.

  You, Li Shouxin, have nothing to scold you. You specifically picked out the sore spots of a few chief assistants to expose the rebellion. Even Qi Yongtai couldn't escape it.

Put all kinds of details about him since he became an official to the public and criticize them one by one. Whoever dares to say that he has no time to be an official, no matter how much he uses nepotism to give and accept things like this, he can't get away with it. It's really dead if you stab it out.

  Feng Ziying can only say that Li Shouxin is not material for being an official, he doesn't know a little bit about the world, and he is purely committing suicide.

  The two countries are fighting each other, and it is reasonable for you to make a statement, just say some grandiose big words, why bother to involve personal morality? Moreover, he even made a fussy play with embellishments, and published it in the newspaper,

   That’s all for Qi and Li. Ye Fang and Ye Fang will both return to their hometowns in the future. You have ruined his reputation. Scholars are all shamed, especially when they pay attention to reputation. Who can bear this?

   I really think that Cao Cao would have achieved a good story in history if he didn’t kill Chen Lin. Ye Fangqi, Li and the others would be able to spare you, Li Shouxin, a lot?

  What kind of person are you, Li Shouxin? Can you compare with Chen Lin's reputation and status?

  (end of this chapter)

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