Number of People

Chapter 2371: Difficulties of the Jia family in the Guizi scroll, Enyi of the Feng family

  Chapter 2371 The Jia family’s difficulties in the Guizi scroll, Feng Jia’s kindness

   It's just that it's getting late, and no matter how anxious Li Wan is, he can't say anything in front of Feng Ziying's wives and concubines.

   Fortunately, although the general principle has come out, everything will not be finalized until Prince Yizhong ascends the throne, and there may be room for many things to be manipulated.

  Feng Ziying also confessed to Jia Baoyu and Jia Huan alone, and she has been careful and safe in the near future. Don’t provoke troubles.

   On Xichun's side, Feng Ziying also comforted her, but it wasn't all lies.

After all, Jia Jing is the best friend of Prince Yizhong. Although he violated the taboo of Long Jinwei, the court also needs to face, but Prince Yizhong died to protect him. In addition, Jia Jing also had letters and songs from the court before, so his life is safe, but if you want to Don't even think about re-entering the official career.

He is not the same as Tang Yao and others. He has a bad reputation among scholars. The imperial court has always hated such people, so if he wants to re-enter the official career, don't count on it. up.

   Rest at Xiuyan at night.

   Now I went to my son's place to see it, and then I went back to the house.

  Xiuyan was already waiting in the house.

  Waiting for Feng Ziying to undress and take her to bed, they are all old couples, and Feng Ziying is also familiar with it.

  Xiuyan's body has become much plumper after giving birth, especially her **** have swelled a lot. She is still breastfeeding now, and her bust is even more impressive.

  Heavy panting and moaning accompanied by the rhythmic sound of the bed, it was rare for Xiuyan to take the initiative to cater to her husband, and it hadn't been such a happy time for a long time.

  She is always indifferent, but it doesn't mean that there is no need for it, it's just that she doesn't like to fight.

What's more, she and Miaoyu both had children and were still breastfeeding, while the doctor Lin Daiyu hadn't moved yet, so usually when it was Feng Ziying's turn to come to the third room, she and Miaoyu would take the initiative to back down and let Feng Ziying come as much as possible. Daiyu rests in her room.

   Today Daiyu is inconvenient, so it was her turn to come to the room.

  Xiuyan has a very good figure, especially long legs, and her body is a little thin, but she should be convex and big, plus she has a calm and indifferent temperament. Feng Ziying likes her style very much.

  Lu Xueguang is still the same as before, simple but not crude. Feng Ziying also told Xiuyan specifically that although he likes this minimalist style, there should be a lot of items that should be complete. It can be simple, but it must also be exquisite.

It was the first time for Feng Ziying to spend the night at Lu Xueguang's place. Xiuyan's dormitory was also very simple. Except for a custom-made Babu bed, other objects were made of pure logs, and no sandalwood or pear wood was chosen, just ordinary. Birch, not even much varnish.

  Accompanied by Xiuyan's soft oops, Feng Ziying got off the horse with a lot of satisfaction.

  After being happy, the two also hugged each other, and the thin silk was draped over the two of them. Feng Ziying still couldn't let go of her body, especially on the pair of bulging meat mounds.

  Xiuyan also enjoys the caress after this kind of joy, cuddling with each other like this, talking about love, and occasionally making some small movements, this is the life she desires most.

   "My aunt came again a few days ago, and she brought my parents along..."

   "Still talking about pardoning Shibo?" Feng Ziying said casually, "Didn't I say it? Take it slowly, the matter of pardoning Shibo can only be left behind."

"No, my aunt didn't talk about my uncle. She only said that the Jia family is in a difficult situation. Even if the second uncle comes back, the situation may not get much better. Now the family is sitting on a mountain, and we can't rely on the help from our family. I guess Knowing that the second elder sister and my concubine gave some money to my aunt after returning home, I want all the families to take out all the money from their private houses and use it uniformly."

Xiuyan's face was pressed against her husband's chin and chest, her face was full of happiness, "Auntie definitely doesn't want to, she thinks Jia's family is still acting like that now, it's only been a while, and all the people in the mansion have left one after another from outside Rongning Street A lot of people came to seek refuge, and more than a hundred people went straight to two hundred people, and if this continues, no amount of money will be able to support them.”

  Feng Ziying was taken aback, "What's going on? Why are there so many people?"

"The concubine was also surprised. I remember that when they first came out, even if some of the original servants and women followed, there were only thirty or fifty people. Why did it take so long? There were only more than one hundred people. The concubine also asked my aunt, and my aunt said that it was still the people from the Jia family. After the Rongning and Ningfu were confiscated, they all dispersed like birds and beasts, but their lives were not settled. Many of them could only live by begging for a living. only..."

  Xiuyan didn't have much to say.

   "Only what?" Feng Ziying has not yet reacted.

   "I can only make a living of flesh and blood." Xiuyan shoved her husband, and said in a low voice, a little embarrassed.

   "Ah? Why is this?" Feng Ziying was also shocked. As long as she is willing to work in this capital city, how can anyone not find a job?

"They are all lazy people who feel shameful when they go out to show their faces and work, so they just don't care about it." Xiuyan's face was a little feverish, "Some are unwilling, but her husband and father-in-law force her, and there are children who are hungry So, in desperation, I can only..."

   "The Jia family doesn't care?" As soon as the words came out, Feng Ziying felt a slip of the tongue.

  Now the Jia family is overwhelmed and has to rely on their own support for a living. How can they manage the entire Jia family?

  The Jia family has been in Beijing for a hundred years, and the population is growing day by day. The Rongning and Ning families add up to one or two thousand people, who can manage it?

"I can't control it." Xiuyan sighed, "It turns out that they all lived on the Rongning Second Mansion, and they got used to it. Many members of the Jia family lived on the Jia family. What a joy, the Jia family will give some money at least, and some people will do some work in the mansion to support the family. People don't know how to make a living anymore, and it doesn't look like there is a big tree like Jia's family to rely on outside, no one is spoiling you, so..."

Not all members of the Jia family have the surname Jia. Many of the daughters of the first two generations married but refused to leave, or brought in new relatives. Two thousand people live in the entire Rongning Street, the front, back, left and right side streets and alleys.

In addition, the Jia family has bought a lot of girls and boys in the past few decades, and they all refer to marriages internally, and they have evolved into families and children, so there are many such situations. All in all, this Jia family has become a hodgepodge. Or Mrs. Wang herself can't tell how many of the Rongning Second Mansion are real Jia family members.

At this time, Feng Ziying realized the difficulty of Jia Mu and Wang's side. There are one or two hundred people, and they are still eagerly waiting for you, the loyal Jia family to come out of prison. If you want to take refuge and follow, can you refuse this wish, can you ignore it?

   No matter what other people have in mind, regardless of their deeds, if they come, they are still willing to do things for you, what else can you do? Is it shut out? Or, now that the Jia family has fallen, you are no longer needed, and everyone sweeps the snow in front of their own doors?

Not to mention that the Jia Mu Wang family can't do these things, even if they can wipe off their face, they can't do it. Anyway, Jia's family is still honorable. If they do this, they will really ruin their reputation completely. People will follow you.

  It's normal for this wealthy family to have ups and downs, but your reputation has to be preserved, so it is said that this person has left his name to his death. If his reputation is there, the family will still have cohesion and will not be easily dispersed.

  Like the Jia family, isn’t it still counting on Jia Baoyu, Jia Huan, Jia Lan and Jia Cong’s younger generations to succeed in the imperial examinations, and to glorify the Jia family again in the future?

   It cannot be said that they did something wrong, so now whether these tribesmen, mixed surnames, or servants come to join you, you have to continue, and you can't cool people's hearts.

   But the real difficulties are as obvious. You have to support the people who come, and you have to have a monthly salary after you do the work. Even if it is a little less, you have to have it.

One or two hundred people, even if they are all distributed in the form of monthly money in the original Rongguo Mansion, plus a discount, plus they have to take care of food and clothes, and there are Jiamu, Wang, Xing, Li Feng Ziying made a rough calculation about the expenses of Wan, Tanchun, and Xichun as the masters, and they can't afford three to five hundred taels of silver every month.

   Maybe three to five hundred taels of silver is not worth mentioning to the Rongguo Mansion in the past, but it is not a small sum to the Jia family now.

   Three to five hundred taels of silver per month, four to five thousand taels of silver in a year, and according to the current posture of the Jia family, I am afraid that the number of people will continue to grow, and it is normal to double it in the future.

It costs tens of thousands of taels of silver a year, which is unbearable for a Jia family who has no source of income now. Even if Jia Baoyu can go to the Hanlin Academy, his annual salary is only a hundred taels to support himself It is difficult, let alone others.

  When the Jia family came out to move there, Feng Ziying gave Li Wan five thousand taels of silver and asked her to give it to Jia Mu and Wang for daily use, but that was all before she went to Shaanxi.

Two or three years have passed in a flash, and the five thousand taels of silver may have been spent long ago. Later, Baochai also implicitly mentioned this matter, and he didn't ask much, just said that it would be fine for them to look at it. As for the specifics He didn't ask how much he gave.

These things can be changed, but they cannot last forever. After all, the Jia family is the Jia family, and the Feng family is the Feng family. Even if the daughter of the Jia family marries, it is still the Feng family. It is okay for the daughter’s own family to make up for the wife. , but not in the name of the Feng family to the Jia family.

Now it seems that the situation of the Jia family should be very difficult, otherwise they would not have made their minds on Xing's head, and where did the Xing's money come from? It is probably Jia Lian, Yingchun and Xiuyan. It was given privately by my children and niece.

  (end of this chapter)

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