Number of People

Chapter 2372: Guizi Juan Lang loves concubine, sweet talk

  Chapter 2372 Guizi Juan Lang loves concubine, sweet talk

"Then what does your aunt mean by telling you about this?" Feng Ziying asked puzzledly: "The Jia family is like this now, even if the crimes of the Jia family are pardoned, but Uncle Zheng Shi has no official position because of his temper. I'm afraid it's even more difficult to go out, so can you still count on him? It's enough to forgive Shibo as long as he doesn't ruin his family. Jia Lian is full of resentment towards Jia's doting on Baoyu, and it's impossible for him to come back to manage Jia's family. Who else can he count on?"

   "My aunt didn't say it clearly, but I heard from my aunt that I want to move out and live alone." Xiuyan hesitated for a moment before expressing her opinion.

   "Ah? Single? Why does she think so?" Feng Ziying was startled, "Will the old lady agree?"

"My aunt's temperament is more or less familiar. She is somewhat similar to my uncle, and she values ​​money very much." Xiuyan said quietly: "She feels that the eldest house has always been excluded and discriminated against by the Jia family, and it is Lian's second brother. As the eldest son, she didn't fall well, and she herself was not treated well by the ancestors. Now that the Jia family is like this, they still want to make arrangements and extract money from her. I am definitely not willing,..."

Speaking of it, at least the relationship between the Xing family and the Feng family seems to be closer now. After all, Jia Lian is the son of the Xing family, Yingchun is the daughter of the Xing family, and Xiuyan is the niece of the Xing family. The Xing family also has these three relationships , That's why I came out of Jia's house with such confidence.

From Xing's point of view, the Jia family has no hope at all. He has no children in the first place. Jia Lian, Yingchun and Xiuyan are probably the ones who are really reliable. In the future, we have to count on these two for retirement. It has nothing to do with the Jia family.

  The Xing family is not optimistic about Jia Baoyu, even if he enters the Hanlin Academy, he will not be promising.

   Jia Huan may be promising, but Jia Huan is equally hostile to the Jia family. His biological mother, Aunt Zhao, Jia Mu, and the Wang family regard her as a vengeful enemy.

  The indifference between Li Wan and Jia Lan, mother and son, and Jia Mu and Wang's relationship is as clear and visible. It can be said that apart from Baoyu, Jia Mu and Wang's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law did not really pay attention to other people in the house.

Because of this, the Xing family felt that it would be better to live alone as a separate family. If the Jia family wanted Baoyu to be spoiled, let them dote on them, and move out by themselves, with Jia Lian, Yingchun and Xiuyan taking care of them. No matter whether Jia Amnesty can come back or when, it doesn't matter much.

"Then your aunt is really going to break up with the old lady." Feng Ziying hugged Xiuyan's body lovingly, "Don't interrupt this kind of thing, you don't need to listen to her, she is your aunt, yes The second younger sister's aunt, this relationship is there, no matter what she is, you should go around and be filial, don't worry about her relationship with the old lady, if you don't have money, it's not easy to tell Daiyu, just tell me, still As for your parents, I know you are filial and thrifty, but don’t treat yourself too badly, anyway, you are also Wei Lang’s mother,..."

   "My husband, I'm a concubine..." Xiuyan couldn't help but choked up.

  Actually, apart from her aunt coming to complain, Xiuyan was even more troubled by her parents coming.

  Father is still fond of gambling, drinking, and bragging. This seems to be the nature of his father, which will never be changed. Except for not looking for women outside, these points make people speechless.

   It’s just that under the mother’s various restrictions, the gambling is a little restrained, but as long as the mother is a little negligent, she will definitely go out to borrow money to gamble. In the end, the mother cried in front of her, and she had to pay her father’s debt out of her own pocket.

   As for bad wine, it is more common. Fortunately, the price of the wine is not too much, and there are always some people outside who are willing to pay for the wine on behalf of the father. Xiuyan actually knows it, most of them are friends like Ni Er.

   It's just that I am a person who wants face in the mansion anyway, and I never want to lose face in money.

To say that the monthly money given by the mansion is much higher than that of the concubines in the Rongguo Mansion. I used to get five taels of silver monthly money, which is the same as Wang Xifeng's standard in the Rongguo Mansion back then. Moreover, after giving birth to Wei Lang, it rose to ten taels per month, plus the mother-in-law's mother-in-law's 12 taels of maternity allowance, twenty taels a month, and it was two hundred and forty taels a year. Looking around, How many wealthy families and concubines in the capital city can get such a high monthly salary?

  In addition, at the end of the year, the mother-in-law and the big wife Daiyu each gave a red envelope of 100 taels of silver, and the husband also gave him 500 taels of private money in private.

  Even Xiuyan herself was terrified of taking it, fearing that Daiyu or other sisters would find out, which would hurt the harmony of the family.

However, facing her father's frequent debts, Xiuyan was also very troubled. She did a rough calculation. After she came back from Shaanxi, she had already paid nearly 600 taels of various debts for her father. This is quite astonishing. The number, even for myself, is a considerable burden.

It seems that my income is not low every year, but all kinds of worldly expenses in the mansion, clothes and makeup, and occasionally buying some snacks that I like alone, as well as rewards for the servants during the festivals and birthdays, are all the same. Little, even if you don’t pay much attention to it, people will give it in the room, and if you don’t give it, it will be inappropriate, and you will appear to be a maverick.

  Like the second sister and I went to see my aunt, the second sister gave two hundred taels of silver, can I not give it, can I give less?

   With such a big expense, I will inevitably be a little stretched, but my husband is always considerate and caring, and even specially subsidizes himself.

  The troubles brought by her own family also make Xiuyan feel sad sometimes, and sometimes make her feel a little inferior. In fact, these things can't be hidden from the husband, but the husband never mentioned it, and he still loves herself as before.

Moreover, Xianggong is more considerate and caring for himself, like his own life. In addition to customizing a crested jasper carved Ruyi hairpin for him, Xianggong also specially engraved the word Xiuyan in seal script on the jade, and there is even a Xiuyun belt. The pattern of the smoke can be said to be deeply thoughtful, which made me realize that my husband and I are in love and happy with each other in my dreams for a few days.

Also, after I gave birth, the maids and servants all pooled up money and asked the kitchen to make a special table to show their congratulations. Of course, I want to appreciate it, but my husband has already distributed a share of money to each of the servants for me. Thank you for your kindness. How many men can do this kind of caring?

It is precisely because of Xianggong's attitude that Xiuyan feels that she is the happiest woman in the world. No matter how many women Xianggong has outside, she doesn't care at all, because Xianggong always has his own part in his heart, and he is alone. There is one.

  From the bottom of her heart, Feng Ziying has always retained the egalitarian mentality she brought from her previous life. Although being a man is hard to avoid, especially in this world, Feng Ziying never regards these women around her as playthings or accessories.

They are all real people, they all have emotions and feelings, they all have relatives and friends, they all have emotions and upsets, and they are all disturbed by the people and things around them. They dedicate their best emotions and bodies to If you don’t like yourself, then you should respond as a matter of course, not only materially, but more importantly, emotionally.

On this point, Feng Ziying also knows that she can't concentrate, but at least she can do everything. There are more women, and there are more needs to care about, such as their birthdays, the situation of their family members, and some special days. You have to remember that when the time comes to send your own gifts and care, then this will touch them more than anything else, and make them feel happy and satisfied.

   Especially Feng Ziying's mentality of treating everyone equally is what makes women most happy. Whether it is a maid or a concubine, one can feel Feng Ziying's attitude from the heart, which is exactly what they desire and value most.

Seeing Xiuyan moved and choked up, Feng Ziying tried to comfort her, "Okay, you and I should be husband and wife, so naturally we should support each other and show compassion. What's the meaning? I've always insisted on a word, silver is called silver only when it is used, otherwise it is a pile of dead things, what's the use of keeping it? If it can be exchanged for sweetness, happiness, gratitude, and concubine love, In exchange for a virtuous wife and a filial son, why don’t you go out and keep it?”

Feng Ziying's words made Xiuyan couldn't help laughing through tears again, she reached out and hugged her husband's collar with affection in her eyes, "Isn't my husband's words forgiving my concubine? If I have the heart of my husband, even death is worth it." gone."

"Xiuyan, you are only twenty years old. It's too unlucky to say that you can't die. What's more, you only gave birth to Wei Lang for your husband. Don't you plan to have another sister for Wei Lang, and have a son and daughter?" Feng Ziying Kneading the Xiuyan cherry a little bit, he asked in a tired voice.

  At this time, Xiuyan was already in a rage, twisting her body, panting and posting, "Then please take pity on my concubine."

  Feng Ziying has always liked Xiuyan's indifference and elegance. When this usually quiet and elegant woman bursts out with astonishing passion, the temptation to herself is beyond anyone else.

   Inevitably, the plum blossomed a few times, and until the morning, Feng Ziying still had a lot of aftertaste.

   Fortunately, the next day is Xiumu, so he can lie in bed and let Xiuyan, who has already dressed and woke up, hug Wei Lang to the bed to tease him.

  It's a pity that the happy days of rest and mu are doomed to be forgotten. Before I get up for breakfast, the guards from the Ministry of War have already come to the door to inform.

   "What's the situation?" Feng Ziying never thought that there would be any major military affairs at this time.

   "I heard that it's the news from the Yaerqiang side, Master Shangshu, please go and discuss it." The guard didn't know, only knew that it was an urgent news from the northwest.

  Yarqiang? Feng Ziying was quite surprised.

He had the impression that the Yarkand side should be very stable. Abdulayin is now the Governor of Turpan in the Yarkand Khanate, and his ruling position is very stable. That is to say, Ah Heima, who has not been in Khan's position for a long time, has been unstable internally because his father Ma Heima violated the tradition and passed on to him.

  (end of this chapter)

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