Number of People

Chapter 2373: Can't wait to sharpen the knives

  Chapter 2373 Kuizi roll sharpening the knife, can't wait

The border with Da Zhou is the territory of Abdu Rain, the governor of Turpan of the Yarkand Khanate. The headquarters of the Yarkand Khanate has no control over this side. Now that Da Zhou has given up Hami, Abdu Rain Controlled, the two sides did not cause too intense conflicts because of the gains and losses in Hami.

Feng Ziying still has some understanding of the situation in the west. After all, his first brilliance in military affairs was in Ningxia's counter-insurgency. After Ningxia's counter-insurgency, it involved the treatment of Liu Dongyang and others, and Emperor Yonglong's intention to regain The former Ming lost land to consolidate the throne, so they first regained Shazhou and then took Hami.

   It's just that the long supply route made the imperial court's control over Hami and Shazhou seem powerless, so that later, the food and wages of the three sides and four towns became increasingly difficult to sustain.

   Now that the imperial court is going to abolish Guyuan and merge the second town of Ningxia, Gansu, the military affairs in the west are obviously the last consideration. What else is worth discussing temporarily?

   After changing his clothes, Feng Ziying had no choice but to give up Xiumu and go to the office of the Ministry of War. He was thinking about the situation in the west along the way.

  To be honest, Gansu Town penetrated like a long spoon into the extensive area of ​​the Western Regions. The strategic location is very important, but the geographical location is not good.

To the north are the Tumed people, to the south are also the Tumed people who nomad to the West Sea, and to the west is the Turpan governor-controlled area of ​​the Yarkand people, which is the territory of Abdullah. Now Hami has been re-controlled by Abdullah. , if there is no accident, with the merger and contraction of the second town of Ningxia, Gansu, Shazhou will also be abandoned.

  As a traveler, Feng Ziying knew very well that the Russians were striding across the Ural Mountains and swooping towards the east. Before the first year of Yonglong, the Russians had conquered the Siberian Khanate.

According to Feng Ziying's information from the Department of Pedestrians, the Russians have stepped on the Ob River at the latest in the 35th year of Yuanxi and established a stronghold on the banks of the Duji River, a tributary of its upper reaches. An invasion base has been established on the banks of the Tom River, a tributary of the upper reaches of the Ob River. If you guessed correctly, it should be the famous Tomsk.

The current Russians are devouring and digesting the land of the Siberian Khanate with an extremely greedy appetite, but they have not yet reached the Yenisei River Basin, but if history does not change, within a few years they will extend their clutches to the Yenisei River. The Nise River, Yeniseysk will also be built.

For the time being, Tsarist Russia has no spare power to get involved in Central Asia, but with the conquest of Siberia, Tsarist Russia will sooner or later extend its clutches to Central Asia. What Feng Ziying has to consider is how to defend the Siberian land that the Han people have enjoyed extensively in the north during her lifetime. At the same time, it is necessary to reproduce the glory of the Han and Tang Dynasties and advance civilization to the western region.

   It's just that the national strength of the Great Zhou now limits the pace of going outside, and it has to solve internal problems first before it can talk about expanding outside. However, this does not mean that it is necessary to completely ignore and ignore the surrounding trends.

It's just that there are too many external areas that Da Zhou needs to pay attention to, the northeast, the north, the northwest, the west is still in the state of Uzang, and the southwest is still about to move. The power is strong, but the Portuguese Philip still occupies Shalian, trying to separate the regime, and the Arakan dynasty is still in its infancy.

  Although the former Ming Dynasty established several Xuanwei Divisions in this area, they failed to establish a stable rule, so they were quickly annihilated in the long river of history.

  Although Zheng He’s voyage to the Western Seas was a great initiative that left footprints in Southeast Asia, South Asia, Arabia, and even East Africa, and is famous in history, in a practical sense, it did not bring much benefit to the Han Dynasty, which is also a great pity.

What Feng Ziying remembers is that the Central Plains Dynasty and Dongwu and Annan in the southwest have always had constant disputes. In the history of the previous life from Ming to Qing, there was no peace, so if there is a chance, he will certainly not hesitate to come back to Liting to sweep the caves. Straight to the Andaman Sea to drink horses.

  Flying with imagination, Feng Ziying arrived at the office of the Ministry of War, but saw that Zhang Huaichang and Sun Chengzong were both there.

"Brother Zhisheng, when did you come back?" Sun Chengzong went to Denglai before, and also took a boat from Denglai to southern Liaoning, that is, to inspect the situation of Denglai Town and the future Dongjiang Town. This trip lasted for nearly a month. , can be described as hard work.

   "I just came back yesterday evening, and I didn't make it to the grand event." Sun Chengzong smiled, hei lost a lot of weight, and it was obvious that the wind and rain had tossed him enough.

   "What kind of grand event, it's not just a step-by-step, everyone just sit there and listen to the results." Feng Ziying curled her lips, "It's not like that, it's more valuable to talk about your situation."

"Let's not talk about this first, let's talk about the news from Gansu." Zhang Huaichang shook his head, "Ahema Khan of the Yeerqiang Khanate sent an envoy to our Dazhou, and now the envoy has arrived in Ganzhou and is on his way to the capital. ,..."

  "A Heima Khan?" Feng Ziying frowned, "Why, Ah Heima Khan can't bear it anymore, and is going to fight his uncle?"

"Well, that's probably what it means. Abdul Rain has always refused to accept the status of his nephew Ahimah Khan, and Ahimah Khan also feels that if Abdul Rain's problem is not resolved, he may not be able to convince the public. It will be unstable, but its forces are going to fight against Abdul Rain, and I am afraid that it is powerless, so they want to send envoys to our side, hoping that we can attack left and right to solve the problem of Abdul Rain, for this reason they I am willing to admit that all the east, including Hami, belongs to Dazhou, and I am also willing to maintain the smooth and safe way for our caravan to go to the river." Sun Chengzong introduced.

"This poses a problem for us. Gansu Town is about to merge with Ningxia Town, and we are going to give up on Shazhou for the time being. What's the point of giving Hami to us?" Feng Ziying shook her head. , with regret and unwillingness on his face, "Even if you give us the entire Turpan Governor-General, we can't afford it, but if we just refuse like this, it doesn't make sense. We can't do it now, but it doesn't mean we won't be able to do it in the future."

"Ziying, do you really think that we can restore the homeland of the Han and Tang Dynasties in the future? What's the point of getting it there? I don't think it has brought us much benefit from the caravans. That little business tax is better than nothing. I don’t like it.” Zhang Huaichang didn’t take it seriously, “I’m worried that once Ahimah Khan really wiped out Abdul Rain in the future, the soldiers may point directly at Jiayuguan, and will they turn their anger on us, causing Come to the war between the two countries?"

"There are many internal problems in the Yarkand Khanate. Ahema Khan's ability is limited, and he may not be able to control the situation. On the contrary, Abdullah has served as Selekur successively. After he went to Turpan, he quickly controlled the situation. It is not easy to have wrists, if we compare the two sides, I am more optimistic about Abdul Rain."

  Feng Ziying’s point of view made Zhang Huaichang and Sun Chengzong attach great importance to it, because the Feng family had a deep connection in the northwest, Feng Tang had a deep relationship with the Tumed people, and the north and south sides of Gansu Town were Tumed people.

  Zhang Huaichang looked solemn: "In this case, why not just refuse?"

"That's not necessary. Keeping this lead may be useful in the future. Abdullah's overpowering is not good for us. I really hope that Ahma Khan and Abdullah can be deadlocked, and we will lose both." At that time, if we can free up our hands, intervene in the Western Regions, cross the big and small Hulu, and get the land in the river, it can be regarded as the restoration of the homeland of the Han and Tang Dynasties."

  Feng Ziying's idea was not approved by Zhang Huaichang and Sun Chengzong, who shook their heads repeatedly.

From their point of view, perhaps within ten or twenty years, Dazhou might not have the energy to use troops in the Northwest. It would be very rare to be able to solve the threat of the Jianzhou Jurchen in the northeast and the Chahar people in the north. Moreover, the geographical environment and climate of the Northwest And the road and traffic conditions are too poor. It will cost too much to use troops there, and the gains outweigh the losses.

   What's more, the land in the river is west of the Fergana Basin. Even the Tang Dynasty failed to establish a stable rule in the land in the river.

Even Feng Ziying now knows that it is extremely difficult to control the land in the river, unless the combination of conquest and immigration can be continuously adopted at any cost to expand the power of the Han people westward, but this is too difficult, as long as the implementation process If there is a slight setback, or if the attitude of those in power changes, it will fall short.

   But think about how Tsarist Russia can continue to expand eastward with a small number of troops, swallowing up the entire Siberia, all the way to the Pacific Ocean, so why can't I try it as a traveler?

  At least the environment in Central Asia is much better than that of Siberia. Whether it can be done or not depends more on the strength of the central government.

"Since the two adults feel that it is not feasible for the time being, let's put it aside." Feng Ziying also knew that it was impossible to persuade the two of them now, so she voluntarily gave up: "As for the emissary of Ah Heima Khan, I will treat you with good food and drink." , and also explained our situation clearly to him, we really don’t have that power now, please understand, but we must do a good job in personal relations, and we can keep in touch when he returns in the future, regarding the customs of Turpan and Yarkand, Geographical environment, rich and nobles, common people’s clans, all these information can be collected first, and it will always be useful.”

"Well, this is the only way to go about this matter, Ziying, you are here today, just in time, the three of us can discuss some issues first, such as the three towns in the south of the Yangtze River." Only then did Zhang Huaichang pick out the main topic of today, and The Yarkand people are just a pretext.

"So urgent?" Feng Ziying was also surprised, a little unbelievable, "There hasn't been a decision here yet, we are about to start? We can't hide this from Prince Yizhong and Tang Miu, right? Or do they agree? gone?"

  (end of this chapter)

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