Number of People

Chapter 2374: Guizi Juan is bold and outrageous, deceiving the sky and crossing the sea

  Chapter 2374 Guizi Juan is bold and outrageous

Zhang Huaichang shook his head, raised his index finger, and tapped lightly on the armrest of the official hat chair, "How can I tell them? Prince Yizhong may or may not know, but Miao Changqi probably has figured it out." A little bit of taste is coming, but his attitude should be that there is no objection."

   "Is that so?" Feng Ziying pondered, "So it seems that Tang Yao and others also disagree with the existence of the three towns in the south of the Yangtze River?"

   Zhang Huaichang hadn't answered yet, but Sun Chengzong had already asked: "Ziying, do you think that if Tang Miu enters the cabinet, from the perspective of the imperial court, they might agree with the three towns in the south of the Yangtze River?"

Feng Ziying shook her head resolutely: "Of course it is impossible to agree. The three towns in the south of the Yangtze River are redundant, and there is no need for the three towns in the south of the Yangtze River. It is a waste of food and fodder! Internal and external troubles are all in the north, and the south of the Yangtze River is not a good place to raise soldiers. The soldiers raised are all soft and charming. Dark and weak, even if the soldiers of the frontier land have been placed in the south of the Yangtze River for a long time, they will subtly become unusable."

"Since that is the case, then Tom and Miu should agree with us to solve the three towns in the south of the Yangtze River." Sun Chengzong said calmly, "The three towns have a force close to 300,000. The imperial court simply cannot afford to support such a huge army. Now, the border towns in the north must be reduced, even if the Jiangnan tax is handed over smoothly, and the existence of the three towns in the south of the Yangtze River determines that there will definitely be various troubles and obstacles in the payment of the Jiangnan tax."

"I agree with Brother Zhisheng's point of view. If Tang and Yao enter the cabinet, and they can keep the community in mind and take the overall situation into consideration, they will not oppose and obstruct us from solving the three towns in the south of the Yangtze River. The key is to let Tang and Yao get rid of their knots. Hey, this must be done with Ye Fang Erxiang and Tang Miu." Feng Ziying wiped her chin, "The longer the existence of the three towns in the south of the Yangtze River is dragged on, the greater the trouble and the greater the cost of solving it in the future. If I , would rather start earlier."

  The three of them exchanged knowing glances, but they didn't speak. Both Zhang and Sun were wondering what Feng Ziying meant. Could it be that they were going to bypass the cabinet? How can this be? But it has to be said that this is a bold risky move with huge benefits.

If Yangzhou can be raided, this time should be when the three towns in the south of the Yangtze River have not yet completed the handover. Chen Jixian still fantasized about going south to Suzhou and Hangzhou. The first part of Wang Ziteng is still in Fengyang, and the main force is still in Jiujiang. .

  Once this idea popped up, I couldn't suppress it anymore. Feng Ziying's thoughts were spinning, and she had already begun to think about how to act.

   If you want to raid Yangzhou, your father's Northwest Army will definitely not be able to. Niu Jizong, Sun Shaozu and Wang Ziteng's unit is still confronting the father's army on the line from Fengyang to Hongze Lake. If you mobilize the army, you will definitely not be able to hide it.

  Then the only way is to deploy troops from other directions.

  Xiong Tingbi's Jingxiang Town should be free, but it is too far away. Even if he boards the ship from Wuchang, he still faces the interception of Prince Teng in Jiujiang, which is not feasible.

   Then it can only be Denglei Town.

  It can be divided into two parts, one part goes to Dagu first, and then takes a boat from Dagu to Yangzhou, and the other part goes directly to the mouth of the Yangtze River by sea, landing from Nantongzhou or Jiangdu, or even directly from Baoshan Station or Jinling.

  Thinking of this, Feng Ziying's heart couldn't help beating violently. When she raised her eyes, she saw flames beating in the eyes of Zhang Huaichang and Sun Chengzong.

   Obviously, the two of them saw this too.

It's not that I didn't think about landing a surprise attack from the mouth of the Yangtze River before, but firstly, Chen Jixian's army was stationed in Yangzhou, and secondly, Wang Ziteng's army was stationed in Jiujiang. Except for the Northwest Army, the imperial court had no mobile forces at all, but now it's different. Come on, at least 10,000 to 20,000 people can be used. In addition, there are still 20,000 to 30,000 people available in Liaodong. Mao Wenlong’s department also has 20,000 to 30,000 people. If it’s not good enough, take some from Ji Town and go south from Yuguan , 10,000 to 20,000 people can move out. Anyway, it is impossible for Jianzhou Jurchen to move out now, and the Chahar people's Koubian momentum has declined.

  The only thing to worry about is the variable of the White Lotus Sect, but Feng Ziying feels that if he moves quickly and catches Jiangnan by surprise, he can solve the Jiangnan issue before the White Lotus Sect rebellion breaks out.

  There was a strange silence in the office. The three of them knew what the other was thinking, but they didn't reveal their intentions for a while, and they were still thinking wildly, thinking about the biggest possibilities and variables.

  Feng Ziying was the first to pick up the teacup and took a sip, which meant that he finished thinking first.

   Both Zhang and Sun looked over, and it was Zhang Huaichang who said, "Ziying, do you have an idea?"

   "Hey, sitting here, after hearing what you and Brother Zhisheng said, can you have no idea? If you don't have any idea, you don't deserve to sit here." Feng Ziying said frankly: "Not only is there, but it is also very big."

   "Big?" Zhang Huaichang and Sun Chengzong looked at each other and smiled, "How big is it?"

   "Solve the Jiangnan issue in one fell swoop, not a certain part." Feng Ziying said firmly, "Solve Chen Jixian and take Jinling City."

   These are two things. Chen Jixian sits in Yangzhou, and Jinling City is under the protection of Niusun Wang's three tribes. Of course, going up the river from the mouth of the Yangtze River is another matter.

  Sun Chengzong hesitated and frowned, "I'm afraid that there will be insufficient troops. If the Northwest Army does not move, the Denglai Army or Mao Wenlong's Department alone will not be enough."

   "Ji Town can transfer one." Zhang Huaichang continued.

"It's still not enough." Feng Ziying silently calculated, "I'm worried that if I transport it into the Yangtze River by boat and go upstream, I won't be able to reach Jinling, and it will be blocked by Wang Ziteng's troops coming down from Jiujiang. Landing in Jiangyin, Dantu and other places, so that even if Wang Ziteng's troops go east to Jinling first, we will not be afraid. In addition, there is another key point, which is logistical support."

"We can think of some solutions in terms of logistics. Jiangnan is not monolithic, and if Tang Yao and others have an ambiguous attitude, that would be even better. In addition, Ziying, you have a lot of connections and influence among Jiangnan merchants. You can also do this. Think about it, but it’s the navy, Ziying, are you sure?” Zhang Huaichang pondered and said: “Denglai Navy, Zhisheng said it’s okay, but it’s definitely not enough, especially if we want to do it in Yangzhou and Jinling. The lines of Fujian, Suzhou, and Huzhou are all going to be launched, and my idea is to use the Fujian Navy as well to deter those who are ready to move to the greatest extent."

   "It should be fine." Feng Ziying nodded decisively.

Shen Yourong has a lot of influence on the Fujian Navy, and has been in contact with him for a long time. He also specifically confessed that he must hold the Fujian Navy to be impartial, and the Fujian Navy has basically done it. Now the situation has become clear, and the Fujian Navy It doesn't matter which side the teacher is on.

   "Okay, basically we've talked about tactical issues, and now it's time to make a strategic decision." Zhang Huaichang smiled wryly, "Can we do it, when will we do it? How can we communicate with the cabinet?"

  This question is not easy to answer.

   Whether it can be done or not, the three people must think that they can do it, or what else is there to discuss?

   When to do it is also particular.

Feng Ziying’s point of view is to start before Prince Yizhong ascended the throne. Since he has explained to Prince Yizhong, if you have not ascended the throne, then the cabinet’s decision-making does not need to report to you, and you do not need to take responsibility. When the town is at its most lethargic.

   How long it will be before the enthronement, you have to discuss it.

  The biggest problem is how to persuade the cabinet.

You can ignore Tang and Yao before they join the cabinet. After the incident, come to discuss with Tang and Yao. It's nothing more than knowing the truth and seducing it for profit. I believe the two can only accept it, and it can even be just Jiangnan's side. Cooperate with the aspects they can influence.

   But how to convince Ye Fangqi and Li four.

Such a battle is definitely risky. We should not only see the fruits of victory, but also the huge impact if we lose, and even this battle needs the financial support of the Ministry of Finance, so the household The department is also a hurdle that cannot be bypassed.

   "Mr. Huaichang, I can persuade Master Qi, but Ye Fang and Li are not easy." Feng Ziying thought about it.

"Ziying, my point of view is different from yours. I think Ye Fang can be persuaded, but Qi and Li are hard to talk about." Zhang Huaichang shook his head, with a pleasant smile on his face, but his words were cold and gloomy, "They can't Take the risk of being informed, or in other words, this is an unauthorized decision made by our Ministry of War to deceive the cabinet. It's possible to cut it off."

Feng Ziying coughed dryly and laughed, "It's possible to go to prison, but it's not possible to be executed. Well, the biggest possibility is that the three of us will be dismissed and never be employed, but Mr. Huaichang, you are all young and sound, so it's okay to go home Brother Zhisheng, you also know your destiny. Going back to the countryside, brewing wine with pine flowers, and brewing tea with spring water, what a happy life? But I am only in my early twenties, and I still have a bright future, so I just go home in such a despondent way, what should I do? I still have a few girls Wives and concubines have to support, without a livelihood, wouldn't this mean that the wives and children will be separated?"

  Both Zhang Huaichang and Sun Chengzong were amused by Feng Ziying's teasing remarks, and the originally tense atmosphere relaxed.

Sun Chengzong thought about it for a while, and then slowly said: "Master Shangshu, Ziying, why don't we report it in private, if Ye Fangqi, Li and others ignore it, don't ask questions, that's especially possible, we will prepare secretly , if they interfere, then the matter will be dropped."

Feng Ziying also raised her head and thought for a while, "I'll go to Hubu Mingqigong to fan the wind. I guess he hates the three towns in the south of the Yangtze River most now. Let's find out the truth and let him complain to the cabinet ministers too. It may help to strengthen the determination of the cabinet members, anyway, in the end, something really happened, and the blame is ours, and it has nothing to do with them."

  Zhang Huaichang and Sun Chengzong exchanged glances and nodded slowly. Huang Ruliang is still credible.

  (end of this chapter)

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