Number of People

Chapter 2375: Suspicion of Guizi Juan, Oolong

  Chapter 2375 Suspicion of Guizijuan, Oolong

"It's not suitable for other people to know about this matter for the time being." Zhang Huaichang made a final decision, "For the time being, it's enough for the three of us to know what to do. The cabinet means that Prince Yizhong will consider choosing an auspicious day in September when he enthrones, which means we still have two Prepare carefully within a month, and if we need to expand the scope of information, the three of us must agree to prevent the news from leaking in advance."

   "Where is Ming?" Feng Ziying frowned.

  If you want to move, it will involve the Ministry of Households and Haitong Yinzhuang to borrow money. This cannot be done in a day or two, and it needs to be prepared at least one month in advance.

Salary, food and fodder, military resources, and boatmen all need to be prepared in advance, but if they are arranged in advance, there is a possibility of leaking secrets. Therefore, if you want to keep secrets of this large-scale military operation, you can’t do it at all. Say, cover up as much as possible, or use other reasons to cover up.

"Slow down a little bit." Zhang Huaichang also found it tricky, "But the Ministry of Households must not hide it for too long. How about increasing the allocation on the grounds that the Jurchens in Jianzhou, Liaodong have changed again? In this way, Denglai and Jizhen It makes sense to act.”

"I think it's okay." Sun Chengzong also agreed, "The Ministry of Households cannot be bypassed. Huang Ruliang is trustworthy. How to operate it? He is a veteran of the Ministry of Households. He should know how to deal with it. I'm afraid Lai Shui's side should be notified in advance, otherwise it will be too late."

Zhang Huaichang thought for a while and then nodded, "Ziying went to communicate with Shen Yourong and told him that he was the only one who knew about it for the time being. The Denglai navy was transferred internally. He found his own reasons, whether it was to reinforce Liaodong, he wanted to go south to join the Fujian navy. It doesn't matter whether it's a drill, let him do it, and it can't arouse suspicion from outsiders."

  The three quickly divided up the work. On the cabinet side, Zhang Huaichang was to persuade, and the household department Huang Ruliang and Denglai Navy Shen Yourong were handed over to Feng Ziying to communicate, and the Jizhen and Liaodong Mao Wenlong departments were to be contacted and deployed by Sun Chengzong.

  This also involves Xiong Tingbi's Jingxiang Town to transfer eastward to today's Huguang, creating false appearances and attracting Prince Teng's troops.

   It also involves the collection and lease of a large number of ships. Feng Ziying’s opinion is based on the establishment of Dongjiang Town on the Pidao and Jiulian City lines, the start of preparatory work, and the Japanese pirates’ another change.

   The time limit is limited to one month. If everything goes well within one month, then start the plan. If there are any mistakes or problems, then it can only be temporarily shelved.

   Just considering so many things, Feng Ziying also suggested whether it is possible to consider recruiting a few people to participate. After all, it is impossible to rely on three people alone to contact and travel.

  However, Zhang Huaichang said that he would wait until the progress has been made for a period of time or that it is more likely to be considered. Otherwise, things will not go well, but the city will be full of storms, and that will be a disaster.

   I have to say that Zhang Huaichang's point of view is more secure. There is really nothing to keep secret these days. One more person means more risk of leakage.

  Back home, Feng Ziying's preoccupied appearance was soon noticed by Shen Yixiu.

  Shen Yixiu asked, but Feng Ziying was not good at answering. He only said that Liaodong and Yarkand had abnormal movements, and Japanese Japanese pirates at sea also showed signs of invading the southeast coast, so Shen Yixiu was reluctantly fooled.

   It is the most difficult thing to hide from the person next to you, especially a woman like Shen Yixiu who is also very familiar with current affairs.

   Apart from this major event, the adjustment of the military forces in the central capital still needs to continue and cannot be delayed. This round of adjustment layout needs to be completely completed before Prince Yizhong ascends the throne in September.

This complicated affairs, coupled with such a big matter in mind but unable to speak to others, also put Feng Ziying under unprecedented pressure since she came to this world. It has never happened before, whether it is the governor of Shaanxi who established rules and regulations in order to calm the chaos, or went to the south of the Yangtze River.

   Resting in Shen Yixiu's room that night, Feng Ziying's performance was not satisfactory, which made Shen Yixiu realize the seriousness of the problem.

   This is a situation that has never happened in so many years of marriage. With my husband's temperament, basically nothing can affect his performance in sexual affairs.

   On the second day, it was the second room's turn. Shen Yixiu found out that she was resting in the Yingchun House. She knew that her husband would love women, so she naturally couldn't ask Yingchun, so she asked Qingwen to go to Siqi's place to inquire.

  Qingwen was also very surprised.

   "What's wrong with grandma? Why do you want to inquire about these secrets?" Qingwen's gaze made Shen Yixiu blush.

To be honest, to inquire about these situations is undoubtedly a bit embarrassing for a big woman, but when I ask her husband, the husband just said that he is too busy with court affairs, but he didn't say much. Whatever happened, the husband would reveal a little bit to himself, but this time he kept silent, and Shen Yixiu felt that the changes in Yarkand and Japan, and the interference of the Jianzhou Jurchens were all excuses.

   Shen Yixiu didn't think about other aspects, because Feng Ziying left early and returned late, and basically didn't come back at noon. She was a little worried about her husband's health.

Stealing food outside is a trivial matter. These days, there are as many officials in the DPRK and China who raise their wives outside as crucian carp, especially those whose families are not in the capital, and who find it troublesome to take concubines. It's normal.

  The husband has some relationship with Wang Xifeng from Tianjin Wei, and a Jurchen woman. Shen Yixiu knew about it, but she never asked.

   This kind of thing is left to one's own will, and after a long time, I get tired of it, and the novelty is gone, so I naturally let it go.

  Israeli servants are like this. As long as they are not given titles, they will never be able to enter the door.

   What Shen Yixiu was worried about was that her husband would hurt his body when he met those coquettish **** who sucked their bones and sucked their marrow. That was the key.

So she wants Qingwen to go to Yingchun's place to find out the situation and see if her husband is the same as herself at Yingchun's place. If there is no problem, it is because of occasional poor condition. If it is the same as her side, then she really needs to pay attention up.

Of course, there was nothing to hide from Qingwen and Shen Yixiu, Shen Yixiu snorted softly, "Sister-in-law was resting in my room the night before, and you were also on duty at night, and my husband was not interested. I wondered if he was tired, but it didn't look like it. My mind was absent-minded, I was not very energetic afterwards, and my mind was distracted when I spoke,..."

Qingwen's cheeks were slightly red, she was on duty the night before yesterday to help clean up, grandma said so, it seemed that it was true, in the past, the uncle would take advantage of her with all hands and feet, jokingly, but that day it seemed I went to bed early.

   "Grandma suspects that there are people outside?" Qingwen immediately understood, and nodded, "When grandma said that, the servant also felt a little suspicious, but the woman outside was just..."

  Qingwen didn't go on, but Shen Yixiu knew, "My husband didn't go to Tianjinwei, so he probably didn't come to the capital city there either. I asked Ruixiang, Baoxiang, and the third sister. It shouldn't be, but I'm afraid it's something else..."

"So grandma wants your slaves to go to Siqi and ask about how the master is resting in the second girl's room?" Qingwen said immediately: "It's not necessarily the reason. If the master is really tired, the first day the master It was resting at Miss Xing's place in the third room, why don't grandma ask Miss Xing,..."

  Shen Yixiu also felt a headache. If he asks here and there, it will inevitably leak the news and let others know, which is not good. "You can ask Siqi first, let me think about it here."

After Qingwen found Siqi and chattered for a long time, Siqi became impatient, with his hips on his hips and a pair of big breasts: "Qingwen, this little hoof has never come to me before." Here, I have been talking here for a long time today, what exactly do you want to ask?"

  Qingwen was also questioned by Siqi's words, and she stared and asked bitterly: "Well, I will open the skylight and speak honestly. Did you rest in the second girl's room last night?"

  Siqi was suspicious: "Yes, so what?"

  Qingwen babbled for a long while before asking: "How is the master interested? Did you and the second girl..."

The chess player screamed, looked Qingwen up and down, and almost came to tear Qingwen's mouth: "Little hoof, you are crazy, you came here to inquire about the secrets of the masters, and let the wives and grandmas know, so you can't peel it off." Your skin? Why are you asking this? Do you think I will tell you?"

Qingwen is also unafraid: "Stop pretending in front of me, who hasn't slept with my grandfather before, my grandma is worried that my grandfather is unwell during this time, so she came to ask me to inquire about my grandfather's health. Is there anything wrong with the second girl resting in the room,..."

Hearing Qingwen speak with confidence, and also knowing that Qingwen is not such a nasty person who likes to poach people's private affairs, Siqi said thoughtfully: "You really came here for this? Your grandma asked you to come. of?"

"Why did my grandma let me come? It's just that I saw my grandma was worried, and you were by the second girl's side, so you volunteered to come here for the sake of my father. You and I are not young girls, so there is nothing to be ashamed of." .” After talking, Qingwen became more calm.

  Siqi nodded: "It's kind of a little bit when you say it that way. The master was not in a good mood last night, so he went to sit with An Lang for a while, and then fell asleep with his arms around the girl when he came back..."

  Qingwen was surprised, "The master and the second girl fell asleep without having a good time?"

   This is really a big problem, the master is a man who loves women, so which night is he sleeping all night?

"No, I just went to bed first, and after a while, the master came to have a good time with the girl, and I went to clean up. If it was the past, the master would probably have to make a fuss, but last night I just squeezed it." I fell asleep in two seconds, and got up early this morning, and went to the public office."

  Siqi also showed a hint of worry on his face, "Qingwen, do you think my master is really ill, or..."

   "Or is there another woman out there?" Qingwen said coldly, "This is exactly what we want to find out."

  (end of this chapter)

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