Number of People

Chapter 2378: Guizi scroll pre-ambush pen, follow-up force

  Chapter 2378 Guizi scroll pre-ambush pen, follow-up force

  Feng Ziying couldn't help frowning. Busia Mara has said it several times, but Feng Ziying really can't accept it: "Zhe Zhe is too young, only less than fourteen years old, that's all..."

   "What's that all about?" Busia Mara disagreed, "Don't you women of the Great Zhou Dynasty marry at the age of fourteen? In our grasslands, twelve years old is enough."

   "Uh, wait for a while." Feng Ziying shook her head again and again, "I can't pass that test psychologically,..."

"Zhe Zhe doesn't care, and even looks forward to this moment, you're better off." Busia Mara didn't understand Feng Ziying's strange thoughts, "But if Zhe Zhe is fourteen years old, you can't push it away. I agreed to Zhe Zhe, and to win over the Horqin people and cut off the idea of ​​Jianzhou Jurchen, isn’t that also your Da Zhou’s intention? Why are you not happy when it’s your turn?”

   "Okay." Feng Ziying could only nod, and changed the subject: "How is Sister Feng these days?"

"Fengshengshui, she is really suitable for this job by nature. Every day, she discusses with people and arranges all kinds of affairs. She can be busy from morning to night. She often complains there when her waist is sore and her legs hurt, saying that she shouldn't work so hard. But I think she is enjoying it, and if I really want to let her take some time off, I'm afraid she will get sick after being free."

  Busia Mara's words almost made Feng Ziying laugh out loud. It means that there is a steady stream of money rolling into her pocket, and she is still so interested in changing jobs that don't pay any money?

   "Hehe, then finding this job for her is really the right thing to do." Feng Ziying pursed her lips, "Where's Lin Hongyu?"

"Hongyu is her best assistant, but she still has to help take care of the children. Sometimes I am too busy, so Hongyu has to come to help. Fortunately, there are sister Feng'er and the others who can help." Busia Mara lazily stretched her waist and raised her legs, her bumps and bumps were full of life and fragrance, and she was amazed.

  Feng Ziying never thought that Busia Mara would be so sympathetic with Wang Xifeng, and she was full of flattering words to Wang Xifeng.

  Wang Xifeng treated Busia Mara very kindly, and they became a pair of good sisters, just like taking Pinger's position beside Wang Xifeng in the past, but it was different.

Perhaps it was because Busia Mara and some of them felt sorry for each other, and they didn't pose any threat to them, so this kind of relationship without intertwined interests could be maintained so well. Even the maids around Wang Xifeng also treated Busia Mara Very warm and friendly.

   They can be regarded as old couples and old wives. After a happy night, Feng Ziying lived in Wang Xifeng's mansion, and she didn't shy away from it.

Actually, Captain Long, or even the chief of the garrison in Tianjin Acropolis, more or less knew that this should be Governor Xiao Feng's foreign house, but everyone was a little surprised that Governor Feng took a fancy to it like this A reconciled woman, contacting the origins of the Jia family and the Feng family, I can only say that the people in the city really know how to play, so that's all.

Seeing Feng Ziying walking around the backyard in a big way, Wang Xifeng came over with Hongyu, with a half smile, "Brother Keng, can I be a good concubine? I have arranged for you properly, and I have to help You take good care of the two women, and satisfy all your needs, are you satisfied?"

  Feng Ziying withdrew her fists and kicks, stretched her waist, and smiled happily: "Well, it's a bit of an outsider's demeanor. My Feng Ziying's outsider should have such a bearing!"

   "Get out of here!" Wang Xifeng was amused, and punched Feng Ziying's chest, but in the eyes of Hongyu beside her, it seemed like flirting.

Probe grabbed Wang Xifeng's pink fist, and with just one hand, Wang Xifeng's tender body rolled into his arms, and pinched Wang Xifeng's Gaolong chest twice in a demonstration, before raising Wang Xifeng's pink dimple, "If I would Get out of here, and some people will have red circles again."

  Wang Xifeng blushed, struggled violently, intending to break free, and said in a cold voice: "You can leave as you want, who cares about you?"

"That's what you said. I came here during my busy schedule. You should know that I am too busy, so I will really leave." Feng Ziying hooked Wang Xifeng's waist, half-truth and half-false: "The Ministry of War is here again." Hurry up, I'm really busy."

"How dare you! If you leave like this, don't come to my place in the future!" Wang Xifeng's heart trembled. She was really afraid that Feng Ziying would leave like this, and her eyes were really red. If you are looking for an excuse not to stay here, just say so."

  Smelling the fragrance of makeup and powder between Wang Xifeng's neck, Feng Ziying hugged Wang Xifeng's waist even tighter, and pressed her body under Wang Xifeng's round buttocks, feeling a little distracted for a while.

  Feng Ziying was really annoyed when she saw Wang Xifeng, and she also found it funny in her heart. This woman is not forgiving, but at this time she has to go down the steps.

   "Okay, okay, don't leave, I can't bear you, so stay here for two days, take care of business and private, get to meet some people and do some things."

Hearing that the man was subdued, and the high-spirited part of the man behind her was pressed against her buttocks, Wang Xifeng's body was half brittle, and she was reluctant to give up, but she said stiffly: "If you want to leave, I won't bother with your things." , but Huzi hasn't seen you as a father for a long time, and he almost doesn't know you anymore."

Feeling that Wang Xifeng's body was going weak, Feng Ziying supported him, gave Lin Hongyu a wink, and then said in a low voice: "Of course I want to go see, Hu Zi, but I do have something to do, and I'm still talking to you about it. explain."

   "Tell me?" Wang Xifeng froze, turned his face sideways, and asked in surprise.

   "Well, let's go in and talk." Feng Ziying gestured with her eyes, "I'll talk to you in detail after breakfast."

  There were only two people left in the room, so Feng Ziying told Wang Xifeng the news from herself and the Jia family in detail.

  Whether Mrs. Wang, Aunt Xue, or Wang Xifeng are all in contact with Wang Ziteng, now that Wang Xifeng is on Tianjin Wei's side, the situation is different from Jia's. I'm afraid she has more contact with Wang Ziteng.

Wang Xifeng frowned and said nothing, and hesitated for a long time before saying: "I have contact with my uncle, but it's mostly about business matters. He is now in Jiujiang, and he can communicate once a month or two. What do you think?" If he surrenders his military power, otherwise the court will attack him sooner or later, but if he surrenders his military power, wouldn't it be easy for the court to deal with him?"

"Could it be that you still can't trust me?" Feng Ziying glanced at Wang Xifeng, "Who is the imperial court? Who represents the imperial court? I am one of them. Since I say that, I have the confidence. If he does not hand over power, the imperial court will definitely Seeing him as a feudal town, whether it is him or Niu Jizong, doubts about Chen Jixian, it is the same..."

   "But isn't Jiubian the same border town? Why must uncle and the others..." Wang Xifeng asked dissatisfied.

"Which is the same? In Jiubian Bian Town, the Ministry of War can dismiss the commander-in-chief with a single official document. Who would dare not obey? But what about the three towns in the south of the Yangtze River? Will your uncle agree to the removal of military power in Denglai Town by the imperial court?" Feng Ziying Youyou said: "The imperial court can tolerate Tang and Miu joining the cabinet, because they are civil servants, but they will never allow the existence of military forces independent of the imperial court."

   "Then he handed over the military power, what will he do in the future?" Wang Xifeng asked again, and she actually knew this truth.

"Back to Beijing, the imperial court may give him a title. Whether it's a marquis or an uncle, the Wang's mansion will be returned to him, and he will be able to live his leisurely life just like that. Wouldn't it be nice to feel free? Hurry up, marry a few beautiful concubines, maybe you can play around a bit, and you can get a few old men, and add a few cousins ​​for you." Feng Ziying sneered, "Don't say that the Wang family can't live on, he can be with you. Jia's family is not the same as the strong outside, but your uncle is not simple. There are three caves in the cunning rabbit, in Jinling, in the suburbs of Beijing, in Shandong, and in Huguang. Not a lot!"

Confused by Feng Ziying's words, Wang Xifeng punched Feng Ziying, "My uncle's age, do you want him to die on a woman's belly? You also said that others, don't take it easy yourself. At that age, I'm afraid you won't even I can't even climb into the bed."

"It's a good intention from me. You can just pass it on to your uncle. He is a smart man and should understand whether what I said is good or bad for him. I'm just worried that he will still wishful thinking that there will be any changes after Prince Yizhong succeeds to the throne. I think he can go back to the time of Emperor Yuanxi without looking at the changes in the situation. Can the current cabinet allow that kind of situation to happen? Even if Tang Yao and others enter the court, they can't change the general situation. Wu Xun has long since lost the momentum he had decades ago."

  Feng Ziying can only say this. He doesn't think that Wang Ziteng changed his attitude just because of what he said, but with what he said, he might think a little more at critical times.

   "As for whether I can climb into bed, don't worry, I will climb into your bed now?"

Feng Ziying pulled Wang Xifeng, who was still coy, and pressed her down on the couch. With one hand, she burrowed into her skirt, pulled off the sweat scarf around her waist, took off her red underwear, and unbuttoned her upper body with the other hand. The button tab reveals the red and gold embroidered mandarin duck bust, and when it is torn off, it is trembling and dazzlingly white.

After a long absence, she was newly married. Feng Ziying went to Liaodong and came back to Tianjin Wei, but did not stop and went back to the capital directly. It has been more than half a year, and Wang Xifeng is also in the year of tiger and wolf. , finally looking forward to this moment, naturally it will be three years.

   All in all, Hongyu outside the house could only hear the screams in the house, the bed was also rumbled, and after several ups and downs, it was only when the inside became quiet that she hurriedly called Feng'er and Sister Shan to go in and help tidy up.

Sister Feng'er Shan is Wang Xifeng's close servant girl, and she has gradually grown up in the past two years. Once Ping'er left and Hongyu took over, she couldn't hide many things, so gradually the second daughter also knew about the relationship between Second Mistress and Uncle Feng. On the contrary, I feel that this is the only thing Second Mistress can rely on, and I don't think there is anything wrong with it.

  Wang Xifeng had already told Feng Ziying about the situation, Feng Ziying didn't care, even Captain Long and his family knew about it, so what's there to cover up?

   It's just that they don't make it clear, everyone looks good.

  (end of this chapter)

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