Number of People

Chapter 2379: Gui Zijuan Affectionate man, both public and private

  Chapter 2379 Guizijuan Affectionate man, both public and private

  Lipstick cheeks are deep red, musk navel is full of fragrance,…

  The shark's silk mist is gradually withdrawn, and the bee's waist is unable to turn delicate and lazy.

  Feng Ziying took the jujube and wolfberry tea from Lin Hongyu, took a sip, and put it down.

  Seeing the beauty beside him like a white sheep, leaning softly and tenderly beside him, I feel a burst of joy in my heart, I draw my sword and look around, it's easy to do.

  A man’s pride in this aspect is the most satisfying. Seeing Sister Feng, who was still "recalcitrant" before, is the most beloved and prostrates under him to beg for forgiveness. This joy is unmatched by other pleasures.

  Seeing Lin Hongyu's cheeks flushed, and her brows full of spring, Feng Ziying couldn't help but slapped her buttocks, "Little Hoof, I'll clean you up tonight!"

  Hong Yufang's heart was trembling, she glanced at Wang Xifeng who was still breathing, and said in a weak voice, "The servant will be waiting."

   "Oh, you really dare to provoke me." Feng Ziying patted the bed next to her, "Come on, talk to me, I may not have talked to you for a long time."

  Happy, Hongyu glanced at Wang Xifeng, who was dozing off. Seeing that the other party didn't say anything, she felt a little relieved, took off her shoes with a low eyebrow, got into bed, and lay down next to Feng Ziying on the other side.

  Feng Ziying really couldn't act like she was asleep but still turned a blind eye to him.

  Lin Hongyu gave her the body of Huang Hua's daughter anyway, and she didn't have any other men. She was sent to follow Wang Xifeng by herself, and now she is loyal to work with Wang Xifeng.

Thinking about it carefully, she has been "ruined" by herself all her life, and her innocent body has been taken by him. Now everyone knows her relationship with him, but she has no name or distinction. There is a tiger, what about her?

  What is she drawing?

  Who wants to be a slave for a lifetime without a future?

  If he hadn't been ruined by himself, with the savings of Lin Zhixiao and his wife, if they were released to find an innocent man to marry, they might not be able to have a good marriage and a good future.

   But now she is almost 20 years old, and her body is broken, where can she find a good family?

   Even being a concubine for others, I'm afraid the big family will even dislike her.

  But following Wang Xifeng, can this be the case for a lifetime?

  Is she willing?

  Maybe she hasn't thought that far yet, but sooner or later she will take this into consideration. If there is no proper arrangement, sooner or later she will feel resentful.

  So, if I only wanted to be happy for a while, I would end up with a headache after all.

Especially now Lin Zhixiao and his wife are Wang Xifeng's right-hand men. Lin Zhixiao helps Wang Xifeng manage the business outside, and Lin Zhixiao's family takes care of Wang Xifeng's sister. It can be said that they are the brawn of this Feng's outer house (Wang's mansion). As a minister, shouldn't someone else's daughter have something to look forward to?

  Taking off the outer thin clothes on her own initiative, Lin Hongyu wore a lake-blue apron with red lotus and white root flounder pattern inside, and a pair of pink thin satin pants with a half-pipe piping underneath.

  The trousers of both men and women in this era are quite interesting. There are crotch-opening pants and crotch-closing pants. The crotch-opening pants are usually worn with a skirt on the outside, while the crotch-closing pants can generally be worn outside without a skirt.

Like the Hongyu trousers, which only reach the ankle. They are brightly colored and embroidered with borders. You can tell that they are worn inside. No need to ask, they are all open crotch pants. If you are in the inner room, you can not wear a skirt, but you must not wear it. Go outside the inner courtyard.

   "How is your father now? Running outside every day, can you handle it?" Feng Ziying asked as she rubbed her hands under Lin Hongyu's belly pocket naturally.

   "My father is still in good health, and it's not so hard when he's matured. Grandma also takes good care of him. He usually has a carriage when he runs around, which is equivalent to being a shopkeeper."

  Lin Hongyu put her face against Feng Ziying charmingly, and her voice was even softer, "My father hopes that the business can continue to do this. Every day, he sees the cement being sold bucket by bucket, and he feels happy."

  Lin Hongyu is telling the truth. Lin Zhixiao, Wang Xin and others are among the minority shareholders, which is equivalent to earning money for themselves. How can they not work hard?

   It's hard work, but it's worth all the hard work when you think about the large sum of money in dividends every year.

  Lin Hongyu also has an elder brother and younger brother. Lin Zhixiao is also earning a share of his son's property, and on Lin Hongyu's side, Feng Ziying also specially donated a share of money for her, and Lin Hongyu also gets a share of the annual bonus.

   "What about you?" Feng Ziying asked softly.

"Me?" Lin Hongyu hesitated for a moment, as if she hadn't figured out how to answer this question, "I don't think too much about it, now I'm helping grandma manage the business well, and worry more about the things in the house. Gradually growing up, grandma is too busy,..., besides, grandma also bought a few shops in the Acropolis,..., we also have a warehouse on the Dagukou Wharf,..."

  The talk was rambling and piecemeal, but it also gave an overview of Wang Xifeng's business in Tianjin Wei in the past two years.

"Grandma has set up shops in Cangzhou and Dezhou, specializing in the sale of our cement. Wang Xin is usually in charge. Linqing and Dongchang Mansions have also been selected. It is estimated that Laiwang will arrange them in Linqing and Dongchang Mansions in the next step. go to the side..."

  Feng Ziying glanced at Wang Xifeng, who was still taking a nap, and smiled, "It seems that your business is big enough. The Shandong market will be occupied by you?"

   "It's not that easy, that is, we can take the lead along the canal line, and we haven't got a hand in Jining yet..." Lin Hongyu panted slightly, twisting her body, "It's all grandma's talent,..."

  One sentence amused Feng Ziying, and she withdrew her hand, "Hongyu, if you want to please Sister Feng, you have to learn how to use words. This kind of talent can be used on women? Do you think she is Lu Zhi or Wu Zhao?"

Wang Xifeng couldn't pretend to be asleep anymore, and cursed with a smile: "What's wrong with women? Women may not be inferior to your big men in doing things! Little hooves don't understand men's hearts. He is asking about your future plans. You said these business matters What are you doing?"

   "Maidservant's plan in the future?" Lin Hongyu was taken aback, but hadn't reacted yet.

"Stupid girl, even if you want to follow me for the rest of your life, that's up to you, but you're old, and he may not be willing to sleep with you anymore. Why don't you hurry up and have a baby while you're still young? "Wang Xifeng finally couldn't help but call Lin Hongyu, "Busia Mara knows that she gave birth to herself, and she didn't rely on a man. A male and a half female, if you were born earlier, you might as well let your mother take care of it for you."

  Lin Hongyu suddenly realized, and looked at Feng Ziying with a completely different gaze. In the lingering affection, she wished that her wish would soon be fulfilled and her cultivation would come true.

"Okay, Sister Feng said that I am a man who is affectionate, I love to hear it." Feng Ziying smiled and sighed: "What do you want to live in this life? If you want to be affectionate and righteous, you both follow me." I, of course, I will not let you all be unemployed for the rest of your life, although I can't give you any status due to various reasons, but if I can do it, I will naturally not be stingy."

   "The red jade side...?" Wang Xifeng glanced at Feng Ziying, who didn't expect Feng Ziying to really dare to boast, and thought that he would be careful. This man is really different.

   "Look, this also has to be about fate, doesn't it?" Feng Ziying said calmly, "I won't go back on what I promised. In this regard, Mr. Feng should still have some credibility."

  Feng Ziying stayed in Tianjin Wei for two days.

   Met with representatives of Jiangnan merchants invited in advance.

   It is impossible to mention the matter of going south, but it is normal to ask about the situation in Jiangnan.

  Representatives like the Weng family, the Xu family, the Tong family, the Du family, and the He family all quietly arrived in Tianjin Wei. This is Feng Ziying's power.

If it is said that the incense and fire relationship was only formed through the strategy of opening the sea in the past, but later on the deepening of communication, the opening of the sea in the north, the connection of the silver village in the sea, plus the reclamation of the east, and the cooperation in the salt industry, these economic affairs, although Feng Ziying has never They have served as officials of the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Industry, but they have always existed in them. These merchants have the most sensitive sense of smell, and they naturally understand Feng Ziying's influence.

  Feng Ziying didn't talk too deeply with these business representatives, but only asked about the current business situation of each company in various places, and also asked about the current relationship between the local government and them.

   This also seems normal, but for Feng Ziying, he needs to evaluate what kind of situation he will encounter once the army enters the hinterland of Jiangnan from the sea via the Yangtze River in the future.

After all, the Jiangnan local government is still under the control and influence of Nanjing. In the past two years, those who refused to accept Nanjing were basically replaced or resigned from office. The relationship between merchants and the local government cannot be severed. You can also use them to understand and test.

The situation obtained from these business representatives is the most intuitive. Combined with the situation learned by Long Jinwei and other sources, it can be basically judged that, for example, if you land in a certain prefecture in the south of the Yangtze River, or if you show your banner, the local government and gentry will take action. What kind of attitude is it, and are you willing to support it in logistics, food, grass and materials.

   Judging from the current situation, it is still quite confusing, and there may be several situations.

  The most likely situation is to keep silent, but they are also unwilling to show their attitude, unless the imperial army shows an extremely strong momentum.

   There is another kind of support and echo. This kind of situation may be the kind that has always supported the court but was unable to express its attitude. This situation will not be rare.

   There is another kind of diehard loyalists in Nanjing or the three towns in the south of the Yangtze River. This kind of situation is relatively rare, and most of them are where the garrisons of the three towns in the south of the Yangtze River are located, or where Jinling itself is located.

With such a foundation, Feng Ziying felt much more at ease. With the premise of Prince Yizhong's succession to the Datong unchanged, the foundation of the local gentry and the people in the three towns in the south of the Yangtze River was actually worse than imagined. Favorable, even if you bring little or no food and grass, you can overcome difficulties.

  (end of this chapter)

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