Number of People

Chapter 2380: Hidden Killing of Guizi Scroll, Standby

  Chapter 2380 Hidden Killing of Guizi Scroll, Standby

  The adjustment of the garrison in Beijing is still proceeding in an orderly manner, and has not been affected by the preparations in this area, and the progress of the efforts is even accelerating.

Duan Xirong, a general of East Road in Datong Town, was promoted to Commander Tongzhi of the Shanxi Capital Division, Duan Xitai, a guerrilla at Yunshibao on Weiyuan Road, was transferred to be a general of Gansu Town, He Zhisheng, a general of Gansu Town, was transferred to be the commander of the Warrior Battalion, and Zhao Qianshan, a general of the Shaanxi Guards, was transferred to the Four Guards Battalion Commanding Tongzhi, Zheng Xuantong was transferred to command Tongzhi in the Shenshu Camp.

  As for Zhao Shanxing, that is to say, Feng Ziying met the young general in Datong on the westward Shaanxi Road, Duan Xichang's subordinates, being transferred to Jizhen is not worth mentioning.

  This guy is very knowledgeable. When Feng Ziying went to Liaodong, he would send a special gift to pay a visit during the Chinese New Year.

   In addition, I also learned from Duan Xichang that this guy can fight, but he didn't catch up with any opportunities, so he was depressed all the time, so he simply transferred this guy directly to Ji Town to be promoted to a defense.

  If there is an opportunity to go south this time, let this guy also take the opportunity to lead troops south to see if he can get lucky.

  The negotiations with Nanjing have basically come to an end, and the major issues have been decided, so the remaining procedures and detailed discussions will suddenly speed up.

  Gu Bingqian finally joined the cabinet and realized his dream of being a cabinet minister.

  Guan Yingzhen took over as Minister of the Ministry of Rites, but Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce is temporarily vacant. This should be arranged for those Jiangnan scholars who will go north from Nanjing in the future.

   As for whether it is Gu Tianjun or Zhu Guozhen, it depends on the outcome of their internal struggle.

  Zhang Huaichang's lobbying should be said to have achieved the expected results. The four cabinet ministers did not comment, or were silent about it, but the Ministry of Households borrowed another two million taels of silver from Haitong Yinzhuang, which is enough to illustrate their attitude.

   This loan still caused some controversy.

  Although the reasons put forward by the Ministry of War seem to be sufficient, but before Prince Yizhong ascended the throne, he suddenly preemptively borrowed two million taels of silver.

Miao Changqi, who had arrived in Beijing earlier but was still unidentified as a concubine, even asked Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe to express their objections, and asked to postpone the discussion on whether to continue to borrow money from Haitong Yinzhuang after the new emperor ascended the throne. In his opinion, once the new emperor ascended the throne, , the land tax on the Jiangnan side can be turned over to Beijing, so there is no need to borrow this one-year loan with a high interest rate.

  However, Ye Fang and the two ignored Miao Changqi. Before you entered the cabinet, you were even just a prisoner of the puppet court. How could you have the qualifications to dictate major affairs of the court?

  On August 19th, Prince Yizhong arrived in Beijing, accompanied by Tang Binyin, Zhu Guozhen, Gu Tianjun and others.

And before that, the imperial residence report has been distributed to various places. Emperor Yonglong's internal meditation is temporarily supervised by King Zhongshun, and he will be relieved of the post of supervisor after Prince Yizhong ascends the throne, and King Lu's post of supervisor will naturally be Lifted.

  According to the news from "Internal Reference" and "Today's News", the time for the enthronement of the new emperor—Emperor Wantong was chosen on September 16th, which means there are about 20 more days left, which will be a transitional period.

   "It's almost there." Zhang Huaichang's voice was a little low, and he was even a little out of shape from exhaustion. Even his cheekbones seemed to protrude a lot, but his eyes were sharp and sharp, showing that he was still in a state of excitement.

He has been under great pressure during this period. On the one hand, he has to make overall plans for all parties, and on the other hand, he has to continuously export various military resources to Liaodong, Jizhen, and Denglai. Junzhen, but Liaodong and Jizhen are also replenishing, which is a bit strange.

However, there are always reasons to find. For example, Jianzhou Jurchen is about to move, and Dongjiang Town needs to be planned in advance, and Chahar people are harassing the Eastern Mongolian grasslands, so preparations need to be made in advance. All in all, there are reasons that need to be justified from all aspects. .

"It will take a few more days for Liaodong and Jizhen." Sun Chengzong shook his head, "Because of the need to keep secret in the early stage, we can only use the reason of performing martial arts to mobilize to Yuguan and Dagu one after another. Liaodong is better, but Mao Wenlong It will take some time to replenish the military resources, so it has been delayed, but there should be enough time, there is no problem."

"The Denglai navy has been ready for a long time, and the reason is very good. It will go south to join the drill with the Fujian navy, wipe out pirates in the Penghu area, and also conduct landing training in Dongfan." Feng Ziying also introduced, "In addition I also contacted some merchants in the south of the Yangtze River, and I haven’t told them specific things for the time being, but when it’s useful, I guess I’ll say hello, and it can play a role.”

"Fei Bai has already led Jingxiang Town to Wuchang, and is resting in Wuchang. Wang Ziteng's department should be a little vigilant, but Wuchang is still far away from Jiujiang, and Jingxiang Town has no signs of going east, so Wang Ziteng's attention should not be aroused yet. Doubtful." Zhang Huaichang said in a deep voice, "Besides, the Northwest Army is also very calm now. It is estimated that Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu are also waiting for the new emperor's arrangement for them after he ascends the throne."

   "Ziying, how is the preparation of the fleet?" Sun Chengzong is more concerned about this point, which is related to whether the southward journey will go smoothly.

"Don't worry, everything is basically ready. At present, the ships are scattered in Laizhou, Dengzhou, Niuzhuang, Yuguan, Dagu, and some were in Ningbo a few days ago, but they are probably already heading north." Feng Ziying is very confident about this, "We There is also a margin to prevent accidents on some ships and affect the overall plan.”

   "Does the Denglai Navy need to go south first?" Sun Chengzong asked again.

"I don't need it for the time being. My opinion is that we can go south two or three days before the army goes south. This can cover the army going south. If anyone finds something abnormal, he can cover it up. Let's say that the sailors of the Denglai Navy are preparing to go south. Practice landing,..."

  Feng Ziying’s words did not convince Sun Chengzong, “It’s hard to convince people. It’s different at first glance. The big ships transporting the army are different from the navy ships.”

  Feng Ziying spread out her hands, "That's something that can't be helped, let's count how long you can coax it. When it really comes to that time, so what if you know? It's too late for anyone to report."

   "Then in Beijing?" Feng Ziying glanced at Zhang Huaichang, "Who is going south?"

After thinking for a while, Sun Chengzong said: "I originally thought that Ziying was familiar with the Beijing camp and the upper three relatives, and it would be most suitable to stay in the middle of the capital, but considering that Ziying is also familiar with the Navy, Denglai Town and Liaodong Town. , and the Lord Shangshu of the Beijing Central Army can give orders, so I think it is most suitable for Ziying to go south by sea to lead the landing, so I will lead one to go south along the canal to Yangzhou."

Feng Ziying also nodded, "That's fine, Yangzhou is dominated by Brother Sheng, and I can provide a landing support from the Yangtze River, but I think my primary goal is to win Jinling. Jinling, I reckon Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu will be in chaos."

"But whether you can defend Jinling after taking Jinling is the key." Sun Chengzong pondered: "Wang Ziteng's main force is in Jiujiang. Once he finds that the situation is wrong, he may go east immediately. Ziying, you want to enter Jinling, how many troops do you need to bring?" ?”

  The less fleet can’t hold it, the more it is, it is not difficult to have so many troops, and the second is to transport from Denglai, Dagu and Yuguan, the fleet is too large and the risk is greater.

   "At most 20,000, or even 10,000 is enough." Feng Ziying replied with certainty: "So my point of view is that one part is for you to take Yangzhou as soon as possible, and you can also separate one part to control Zhenjiang and Changzhou."

"But the main force of Wang Ziteng's Denglai army is at least 40,000 to 50,000 in Jiujiang. If you go east, you can't resist this little force in your hands. Wang Ziteng's Denglai army is not weak and can fight..." Sun Chengzong said It's true.

"I'm thinking, if I win Jinling, how much will Wang Ziteng's Denglai Army have?" Feng Ziying asked: "The Northwest Army is still pressing on Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu. Knowing that the rear has fallen, they can still persist." How long will the resistance last? In addition, the Denglai Navy will follow me into the Yangtze River. If Nanjing is captured, they can calmly go above Nanjing, such as Wuhu and Taiping to block the Prince Teng fleet. There is no return, I am still sure of this. If he came over by land, it would be easier, I believe that under the drastic changes in the situation, the morale of his Denglai army will be difficult to persist in going to Nanjing."

   Seeing Feng Ziying's confidence, Sun Chengzong was a little moved, "Ziying, are you so sure? It is difficult to predict the attitude of the Jiangnan region. If it is not good for us,..."

"Brother Zhisheng, according to my understanding, there may still be some support for Prince Yizhong in Jiangnan, but they don't have much affection for Niu Jizong, Wang Ziteng, and Chen Jixian. As for Prince Yizhong and Niu Wang Chen Zhi I think it is difficult to connect the relationship between the localities, especially since the new emperor is about to ascend the throne, and the change of Yuan and title is imminent. Everyone is looking forward to a stable life. Who will care about the movements of your local military leaders? ? The three towns in the south of the Yangtze River are just talking about it within our court, but there is no local newspaper, that is, some well-informed people know about it, but there is no such thing as the three towns in the south of the Yangtze River without an order from the court."

  Feng Ziying's point of view is well-founded, even Zhang Huaichang nodded in agreement, and Sun Chengzong was persuaded, "Ziying, you have analyzed these things quite thoroughly, and we haven't figured this out."

"Brother Zhisheng, you are overrated, it's just that I have more contact with Jiangnan, but everything is still our guesswork, and we have to wait until we go to find out." Feng Ziying waved his hand modestly, "But think about it, In fact, Wang Ziteng had never stayed in the south of the Yangtze River. The old Denglai soldiers under him were all recruited from Shandong. It is already invincible.”

  (end of this chapter)

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