Number of People

Chapter 2386: Guizi Juan has no choice but to

  Chapter 2386 Guizi Juan is forced to, can't help it

  A thorn in the flesh? That's what you want to pull out and then hurry up.

  Wu Guxia shivered.

  Prince Yizhong would not look down on a concubine like himself who has no heirs, because there is no threat to his heirs inheriting the throne, but women like Guo Qinyun and Mei Yuexi are different.

  Especially when Prince Gong was young and had eradicated his mother, Guo Qinyun, wouldn’t Prince Gong be at his mercy?

   It's no wonder why Guo Qinyun and Mei Yuexi have been in a panic all day long. This is a real threat to their lives.

  Once Prince Yizhong ascends the throne as emperor, his concubine will be transformed into a queen in charge of the Leng Palace, and will have the power of life and death over the entire harem.

  How do you think she will deal with Prince Gong and Concubine Quan who pose a threat to her own son's throne?

  Concubine Quan and Prince Gong didn't even have a better way to deal with it. The matters inside the palace were originally the queen's responsibility, and even the foreign cabinet could not interfere too much.

   "So you said Concubine Quan was forced to, but why did she want to seduce Feng Ziying?" Wu Guxia said without hesitation.

"If you don't seduce Feng Ziying, who else can she seduce? Who is willing to offend the new emperor for her? Besides, Feng Ziying is the right servant of the Ministry of War. This time, the adjustment of the Beijing camp and the generals of the upper three relatives are all controlled by him. In other words, even if Prince Yizhong becomes the emperor, I am afraid that the generals in the palace may not obey his orders, but Feng Ziying. Based on this alone, Guo Qinyun will not seduce him. Could it be that it is impossible to seduce Prince Yizhong? ? Then she might die faster!"

   Zheng Zhiying's cold tone made Wu Guxia feel chills, "Isn't it? Then Prince Gong is doomed?"

"Hmph, Concubine Quan is not stupid. Didn't she send Prince Gong to Qingtan Academy to study? It's just that Prince Gong went out, but she could only stay in the palace. It is said that Princess Yizhong is also a powerful master." , the prince is her own son, you think she can let Concubine Quan off? Once Concubine Quan dies, Prince Gong may not live long."

   Zheng Zhiying's words made Wu Guxia unbearable anymore, "Enough, Zhiying, I dare not go back to the palace after you say that, what if they want to kill us too? Then it's impossible to guard against."

"Okay, you and I are not in the eyes of others, who made you have no son?" Zheng Zhiying smiled, but the smile became a little lonely and desolate, "It's just that you and I may only find a colder place in the palace in the future. Speechless watching the sunrise and sunset.”

"No wonder Yuan Chun said he wanted Feng Ziying to get her out, and he was full of confidence..." Wu Guxia gritted his teeth, "I don't believe that Feng Ziying is so bold, with such a great ability, that he can kill a living person silently." If it gets out, Yuan Chun will still be a noble concubine anyway."

  Zheng Zhiying was also taken aback, and only then remembered what Jia Yuanchun had inadvertently revealed when she was spying on Jia Yuanchun last time. It seemed that she wanted Feng Ziying to get her out, but the meaning here was a bit rich and complicated.

Noticing the change in Zheng Zhiying's expression, Wu Guxia hesitated and said: "Zhiying, don't tell me that the three relatives in the palace are all arranged by Feng Ziying, and many of them are from the northwest. Feng’s lair, Feng Ziying has the final say on the gate of the palace? What if Jia Yuanchun wants to sneak out of the palace and never come back?”

   "What should I do? Then Captain Long will come to search Jia's house again, and where can Yuan Chun go when he sneaks out of the palace? Isn't this causing trouble for Feng Ziying?" Zheng Zhiying shook her head, "Feng Ziying is not that stupid."

   "Then you mean that Feng Ziying is cheating Jia Yuanchun, just to trick her into trying to have a good time?" Wu Guxia gritted his teeth, this scumbag!

"It is reasonable to say that Feng Ziying would not be like this, but if he is responsible for adjusting the defense of the three relatives, he can regard the palace ban as his own door. I don't understand, Yuan Chun shouldn't be so naive." Zheng Zhiying couldn't tell the truth.

"But no matter what, Feng Ziying is a dirty and dirty person!" Wu Guxia said bitterly: "Guo Qinyun seduced him, and he willingly took the bait? Isn't he trying to save his body? Can he keep Prince Gong?" With Guo Qinyun? You only coaxed Yuan Chun here, and you have an affair with Guo Qinyun on the other side, how can he do this kind of thing because he was born in the Hanlin Academy?"

Seeing her best friend's anger, Zheng Zhiying could only chime in and say a few words: "It's not right, but I think Concubine Quan's place is mainly because of Concubine Quan herself. Concubine Tsuen's trap, after falling into the trap, there is no way to get out, as for Yuan Chun, maybe she is really a childhood sweetheart?"

  Wu Guxia looked suspiciously at his best friend: "Zhiying, why do I feel that you are always defending Feng Ziying now? You always think of him in a good way, and he is so trustworthy? What's the matter with you?"

Zheng Zhiying's face turned hot, and she pretended to be calm, "Stop talking nonsense there, haven't you heard of Xiao Feng's original romantic name in Beijing? It's just that the situation this time is so weird that it makes people a little puzzled, that's all. Having said that, like Yuan Chun, the weak Feng Ziying really promised to take her out. It seems reasonable for Yuan Chun to be deceived. If you and I meet a childhood friend, especially with an identity like Feng Ziying, give you this A promise, will you believe it?"

  Wu Guxia was startled, hesitated to speak, and finally shook his head dejectedly: "I don't know, maybe even Yuanchun is not as good as it."

"So let's not blame or blame anyone. It's not easy for anyone. In this environment, who can really maintain a clear mind when encountering such a thing?" Sex is deception, but deep in my heart I don’t want to believe it, and I long for this promise, what if my dreams come true?”

  Wu Guxia remained silent, while Zheng Zhiying bowed her head sadly.


Feng Ziying didn't know that his unintentional act would cause such a big disturbance in so many people's minds, but now he didn't have the heart to think about it, and all forces were gathering quickly, waiting for the day when Prince Yizhong would ascend the throne .

   But for Feng Ziying and the others, the time is approaching. He is about to go to Dagu and then take a boat to Dengzhou.

  In the remaining few days, Feng Ziying was also elusive, and many unseen actions had to be carried out quietly. In many cases, I had to wait until the last moment to find out that there were still many things that needed to be improved, or that I had to make up for things that had not been considered thoroughly.

  Hold Daiyu's slightly thin body in her arms, feeling the beauty's slowly calming body.

  Daiyu's physical strength is still a little weaker, and it will be a bit difficult to have a good time for a little longer. Fortunately, with the help of Zijuan and Xueyan, Feng Ziying is also working hard, hoping that Daiyu can conceive sooner.

   Baochai Tiangui didn't come on time, so he invited the doctor to take a closer look, the happy pulse was confirmed, and the second room was full of joy.

   I have to say that Baochai's premonition was very accurate, maybe it was that night that Baochai became pregnant successfully.

   Xue Pan even came to the door specially, and gave each of the girls in the second room a few golden beans. In addition, he specially invited a theater troupe to perform for the Feng family for a long time.

  Shen Yixiu's side is better, but Sanfang's side is a little anxious, especially Daiyu herself.

We all know that Daiyu's body is delicate. Although she has been taking tonics and tonics for the past few years, and the gymnastics specially designed by Feng Ziying for Daiyu, Daiyu has never failed. Daiyu's food intake has also increased, but Daiyu's body is still It seemed a little weak and slender, but it happened that the third room belonged to Feng Tang's lineage, which naturally made the big and small Duan family very anxious.

  Although Xiuyan gave birth to a son, he was a concubine after all, and not having a concubine always makes people feel uneasy.

   "Sir, is it useless to be a concubine?" Huddled in Feng Ziying's arms, the corners of Daiyu's eyes were slightly red, and it was obvious that she was not satisfied with her body.

"What do you mean useless? I think maybe my sister can find a boy today." Feng Ziying hugged him lovingly and pulled the brocade quilt, "Lie down, put your legs away, um, Zijuan, put the pillow Take it and put it under your girl's waist, Xueyan will come to help your girl lie down,..."

   "Really?" Zijuan and Xueyan both spoke in unison.

  They are all very superstitious about this kind of premonition now, especially when they heard that Baochai also had a premonition that day, and she was really pregnant. Hearing what Feng Ziying said, Zijuan and Xueyan were inexplicably excited.

   "Well, I really do have this premonition." Feng Ziying saw the surprise on the faces of the two girls, and even Daiyu was refreshed, a blush appeared on her slightly pale cheeks, and her starry eyes were full of love and expectation.

   "The girl needs to lie down." Zijuan hurriedly arranged Daiyu's position, which is said to be the most fertile position, so as not to miss the opportunity.

   "Actually, there is no need for my sister to be so anxious. You are two years younger than Baochai. If you ask me to say that it is most appropriate for you to give birth after you turn 20." Feng Ziying comforted Daiyu.

Both Zijuan and Xueyan disagreed with Feng Ziying's opinion, and Daiyu couldn't accept it even more: "My concubine will soon be twenty, and besides, many people in the family can conceive and give birth at the age of fifteen or sixteen. It’s so dangerous, if you can’t get pregnant, it’s fine, but if you get pregnant, wouldn’t it be great?”

   Seeing Daiyu was a little unhappy, so Feng Ziying could only quickly change her words: "My sister is right, it's better to give birth earlier, and my sister will have to give birth to my husband a few more in the future."

   Daiyu's face turned gloomy, and she pursed her lips, "Master, don't think this concubine is narrow-minded. Even if I don't think about it, there will always be someone making noise there."

Feng Ziying smiled wryly, no need to ask, it’s Baoqin again, these two have almost become a pair of incomprehensible enemies now, on the surface they both smile like flowers when they meet, but inside they can’t explain it, even if I can’t explain it for them Open this knot.

  (end of this chapter)

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