Number of People

Chapter 2387: The Kui-character scroll will go out again, and the battle flag will be hunted

  Chapter 2387 Guizi Juan goes out again, and the battle flag is hunting

"Okay, you are a big woman, why bother about these things?" Feng Ziying couldn't help laughing and said: "It doesn't matter who is making noise, but the sarcastic remarks are better, it can only show that they are short of breath and not confident. My sister should have this kind of confidence. yes."

   Seeing that Lin Daiyu was still pouting, Feng Ziying became more and more cheerful.

"Father-in-law is a royal censor who was born as a Jinshi, and Lin's family is also a noble family. The younger sister's dowry as a dowry is considered extravagant. Even the entire capital can't find many families. As for myself, being ashamed as a fish and a wild goose is not enough to describe my sister's appearance. Piano, chess, calligraphy, painting and poetry, everything can be afforded and put down, such a beautiful family member like a flower, the husband has accumulated great virtues in his previous life to meet his sister in Linqing, once met in the golden wind and jade dew, he will win but there are countless in the world, right? ?”

When Feng Ziying said these words, Daiyu tried her best to stabilize her mind, but the excitement between her brows and the slightly raised corners of her mouth revealed the joy and pride in her heart, but on the surface she still shrugged her nose reservedly. , snorted, "Master, don't use these words to fool my little sister, how can my little sister be worthy of it? It's just a vulgar makeup fan, it's nothing more than eye-catching, how can it compare to others' talent and demeanor?"

  Zicuckoo and Snow Goose, who were pressing the quilt for Daiyu and tucking in the quilt, all had smiles on their lips.

  Who said that my uncle can't please girls? These words directly conquered his own girl, that is to say, her mouth is still hard, but her heart has long been soothed.

"Does my sister not know if my husband is a fool?" Feng Ziying also smiled along with her eyebrows downcast, "In this mansion, I have to compare my sister's talent and demeanor with the exception of Wanjun and Baochai. , there will be no one else.”

   Lin Daiyu has no objection to Feng Ziying comparing Shen Yixiu and Xue Baochai with herself.

Shen Yixiu was born in a family of poets and calligraphy, excellent in both poetry and painting, and he is from his hometown, Xue Baochai is graceful, and he is like a sister with himself, and the two daughters are both concubine wives, Feng Ziying's words are both emotional and reasonable, and She didn't mention other people in half a sentence, so Daiyu felt more and more satisfied.

Seeing that Daiyu was in a good mood, Feng Ziying was about to give her a vaccination, "Now my husband is involved in all sorts of affairs in the military department, especially recently my sister also knows that the new emperor is about to ascend the throne, and the many things involved in other places may be for my husband today. I'm going out for a while..."

  Daiyu became vigilant when she heard this, "My husband is going out again? Where? Are you going to go to Liaodong again like the last time, for a few months?"

   "Just go to Denglai. Denglai Town is newly built, and there are naval drills to be conducted. I have to go and see." Feng Ziying looked relaxed and casual.

   "Sir, but is it related to the letter from your father that you showed me last time?" Daiyu was suspicious again, and asked a little nervously.

"Where is this?" Feng Ziying shook her head and laughed, "I know about that matter. Concubine Long used Dai Quan to fight for King Lu, but this matter is neither for me to decide, nor is it something that can be discussed now. , I also replied to him, and they knew it in their hearts, but they just came in advance to make some preparations."

   Daiyu pursed her lips and took a deep look at her husband, and said quietly: "I also know that my husband is hiding some things from me for my own good, so as not to worry me, but if it is a big matter, my husband can't hide it from me..."

   "Hey, I won't hide it from you, I won't hide it from you, you are so smart, who can hide it from you?" Feng Ziying put her arms around Daiyu's delicate body, and then gestured to Zijuan and Xueyan to turn off the lights,...

  It was dark in the room, Zijuan and Xueyan also retreated to the outer room, Feng Ziying also breathed a sigh of relief, clung to Daiyu's soft and warm body, and was about to fall asleep.

But I heard Daiyu suddenly say: "Every time my husband deliberately pleases my younger sister, I must have something to hide from my younger sister, so I don't want my younger sister to worry..., my younger sister knows that my husband is going to do something big." Yes, so the younger sister doesn't ask, but the husband must think about it, there are younger sisters and other sisters in the mansion, the husband is our support, and he must take care of himself for us, don't act boldly, be rude,..."

  Feng Ziying was ashamed, this girl really figured out her own temperament, no wonder everyone said that this girl has a seven-aperture exquisite heart.

Touched by Daiyu's slightly slender figure, Feng Ziying rubbed her delicate and small collarbone and shoulders, and said softly: "Don't worry, my sister, my husband is still counting on my sister to give birth to a few children for me, of course." You must cherish this body, and you will never let your sister be sad or disappointed."

It should be said that some things are really not easy to hide. You have changed your work and living habits and become secretive, and you usually talk about your daily work from time to time, but now it’s hard to talk deeply. Lying in front of others is because I am afraid that if I say too much, I will feel guilty, so I just don't say anything, but this is not in line with my daily performance.

   Fortunately, these days are just a few days, and it will pass by opening and closing eyes.

  Both Shen Yixiu and Baochai felt the change in their husbands. Fortunately, Baochai was pregnant, so Feng Ziying would naturally no longer stay in her room, but every day she would deliberately go over and caress her to comfort the sensitive mood of the pregnant woman.

  Feng Ziying also thought that she was like this every time, as long as women were pregnant, it seemed that since she had to travel far away, she would not even be able to keep up with the birth of the child.

  But this time Feng Ziying believes that it will not take too long. Baochai is only pregnant, and it will take nine months to give birth.

  I went to Jiangnan this time, and it took me three months to resolve the battle. Even if I wanted to stabilize the situation and appease the people, it would take another three or four months, or a little more than half a year.

   To put it in a short way, the three towns in the south of the Yangtze River will be defeated in one month, and it will take another two or three months to clean up the mess. It will be almost the same in four or five months.

  August 25th, Sun Chengzong quietly left Beijing and went to Tianjin Wei to wait for the Jizhen army coming from Jizhen. This time, as expected, You Shiwei led the Jizhen army to follow Sun Chengzong to the south.

  August 26, Feng Ziying said goodbye to Sun Chengzong at Dagukou, and took a boat to Dengzhou.

Before leaving, Feng Ziying also bid farewell to the three daughters of Shen Xuelin. The three daughters seemed to realize something, but they only knew that Feng Ziying's trip to Denglai seemed very mysterious. They even wondered whether Feng Ziying was going to North Korea or Japan, but no one knew. Unexpectedly, Feng Ziying would lead the army again.

  August 28th, Feng Ziying arrived in Dengzhou to inspect the Denglai Navy and the new Denglai Town on behalf of the imperial court.

   From August 29th to August 30th, the Mao Wenlong Department of Liaodong Township arrived one after another, joining forces with Denglai Township and Denglai Navy in Dengzhou.

  After two days of repairing, the army went south, and arrived at Aoshanwei via Chengshanwei on the third day of September.

  On the sixth day of September, hundreds of fleets headed south and arrived in the East China Sea.

  The Denglai Naval Battalion, which arrived earlier, had already put the East China Sea under martial law, and blocked the entire Haizhou on the grounds that the Japanese pirates were about to attack.

"Huaiyu, how long have you been gone? You're getting stronger and stronger!" Seeing Hou Chengzu come over and salute respectfully, Feng Ziying walked forward with a hearty laugh, and made out with her arms, "It's not yet handsome, so don't be so rigid Let's go, accompany me and Shi Honggong, Wen Zhao and Zhennan for a walk."

   There is still some time before the discussion, Feng Ziying called Cao Wenzhao, Shen Yourong and Mao Wenlong to walk together, first to unify their thinking, and also to make an early judgment based on the feedback information, so as to prepare for the formulation and modification of the battle plan.

   "Mr. Shi Hong, how many people are there in the Denglai navy battalion?" Feng Ziying asked casually.

  The sailor battalion is actually similar to the existence of the Marine Corps. It can land and fight, but it was mainly responsible for gang warfare.

With the popularization of firearms, after the navy's artillery-based bombardment battles became the mainstream, the main task of the sailor battalion became landing operations. Play a certain power, especially the local sailors who can beat the intention to jump.

For this sailor, Feng Ziying devoted all her efforts, especially after Wang Ziteng took away the Denglai Town Mabujun, Denglai Town had only sailors for a long time, and Shen Yourong had already been engraved with the word Feng, who Everyone knows that Feng Ziying attaches great importance to the Denglai Navy, so it is natural to give great support and guarantee in terms of equipment and materials.

"Now the sailor battalion has two full-staffed battalions, more than 6,600 people, all of whom are equipped with flintlock guns and tiger squatting cannons." Shen Yourong held his head high and chested out proudly. Phi Island and Jeju Island have conducted many landing operations, and the Battle of Jiangnan will be the first actual combat tempering for our Denglai Navy, and the same is true for the Navy Battalion, and we will definitely not disappoint the trust of adults."

Feng Ziying smiled all over her face and nodded again and again: "Very good, I believe that with the strict requirements of Shi Honggong and Huaiyu, the navy and the sailor battalion will live up to the expectations of everyone, and prove themselves through this battle in the south of the Yangtze River. Brother Nan, your Denglai Town and Liaodong Army can't weaken your own name, the court will wait and see."

Cao Wenzhao proudly clasped his fists, "It's a mule or a horse, and you have to pull it out to know it. Brother Shihong, drills alone are not enough, and you have to fight with real swords and guns to know what you are capable of. Someone Cao came from Datong. When they hit Liaodong, no matter whether it was the Tumed people, the Chahar people, or the Jianzhou Jurchen, they were never afraid. The brothers under my command were also never afraid. Xindenglai Town will prove it with blood and fire Myself, Zhennan, where is your Liaodong Town? Don’t let Zhao Siaojiao and Jun Song make fun of you.”

  Mao Wenlong also has an arrogant personality. Although he is also considered a Liaodong military general, he is still a layer away from Zhao Shijiao and Juniper, and he is considered a marginal warrior.

He naturally knew the grievances between Cao Wenzhao and Zhao Lijiao, smiled, and said wildly: "Brother Wenzhao, the adults have set us up, so we can be future generations? Then we can only use the swords and guns in our hands To prove that the three towns in the south of the Yangtze River should die before they are established."

  (end of this chapter)

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