Number of People

Chapter 2388: Guizi scroll is ambitious and greedy for the work of heaven

  Chapter 2388 Guizi Juan is ambitious and greedy for the sky

   Facing the generals, she was full of confidence, and each of them became louder than the other. Feng Ziying was not angry but happy.

This expedition is all about confidence. It was originally a surprise attack, and they are all border town troops who are used to fighting. They went south to the south of the Yangtze River. It's kind of embarrassing.

The only thing to worry about is the intelligence system and logistical support. However, sufficient preparations have been made in the early stage. Whether it is the Ministry of War, the Long Jinwei system, or Feng Ziying's own staff system, they have all been laid out in advance. It is based on this , Feng Ziying has this confidence.

"Okay, although I don't dare to pat my chest on this, but I am very happy to have this confidence. There is an old saying that despises the enemy strategically and attaches importance to the enemy tactically. The battle in the south of the Yangtze River is related to the prestige of the court, and at the same time it must be wiped out. Some unnecessary disturbances and obstacles before the new emperor ascended the throne, so the court has also made up its mind,..."

Feng Ziying smiled, "For this reason, the Ministry of Households has specially allocated two million taels of silver as military pay, and all that should be in place have been in place. Please make it clear to all of you and your subordinates that the imperial court will not hesitate to win this battle." Rewards, conferring wives and sons, everything you should have, but military discipline must be strictly enforced, especially for ordinary people, and military discipline must be ensured,..."

   All the generals also heard some meanings, ordinary people cannot be harassed, but...

Comprehended, all the generals smiled, "Don't worry, my lord, we understand that this is a battle for the imperial court to establish its prestige, and Jiangnan is also the Jiangnan of the imperial court, and the people in Jiangnan are also the people of the imperial court. ..."

   Seeing that everyone understood what she said, Feng Ziying felt at ease.

  Cao Wenzhao and Mao Wenlong both came out of the **** battle in Liaodong.

  When you come to Jiangnan Huahua World and take Yangzhou, Jinling, Suzhou, Hangzhou and other places, how can it be possible to ban them and not disturb the place at all?

   This was what the imperial court was most worried about at the time. Jiangnan was taken down, but the result was a mess, and Jiangnan was completely smashed. So what is the value of such a Jiangnan to the imperial court?

   Everyone knows that bandits are like a comb, and soldiers are like a grate. This soldier is more terrifying than a bandit. How can my father's Northwest Army be any better?

  It’s all bitterness from the backcountry, haha, if you have a chance to make a fortune, wouldn’t it be hard to make money?

   It's not like Wang Chengwu's troops who changed defenses and went to Beijing. They are going to work in the capital city for a long time, so they can naturally be obedient.

   This Jiangnan may only come here once in his life, and walk around fighting with his head in his hands. As long as it's not too much, can the boss still chop off his head?

  Soldiers must keep this in mind, I am afraid that the cities of Yangzhou, Jinling, Suzhou and Hangzhou will suffer.

  So Feng Ziying has to draw a line for the generals first. It is impossible to completely cut off the thoughts of the big guys, but you have to listen to the greetings.

  Feng Ziying also knew that it was impossible to let so many people fight a war without giving any benefits.

  Yangzhou and Jinling are rich places, rich merchants and tycoons are all over the streets, and gentry and noble families are everywhere. If you want to keep them from moving, then there must be a place to pour out, right? You have to give people something to think about, right?

   Relying on the rewards from the imperial court alone is not enough, you can only send the soldiers below, but what about the generals?

So Feng Ziying asked Wang Wenyan to sort it out long before going south. Those diehard loyalists of the Nanjing Puppet Dynasty danced too much. Clean it up and clean it up.

   This is also a helpless solution. This is the case in all wars. Civil wars and foreign wars are similar.

"It's good to understand. This battle must not only show momentum, but also achieve the purpose of the court. Of course, I am not such a pedantic person. The soldiers have worked hard for thousands of miles to fight and walk around with their heads in their hands. Only when there is a policy of rewards and punishments can people be convinced." Feng Ziying saw that everyone understood her thoughts, so she said without hesitation: "I think I still have some credibility. If I promise, I must honor it, but my request must also be fulfilled." Obey, everyone, can you do it?"

Seeing Feng Ziying's solemn words, everyone's heart trembled, and they also understood that this person is a civil servant, and he also wants to improve in the future. He must have made a promise to the cabinet. It must be the same for my group of people.

   "Don't worry, my lord, we all understand." Cao Wenzhao took the lead in expressing his opinion, and of course Shen Yourong and Mao Wenlong also agreed.

  Feng Ziying asked about the current situation, and Hou Chengzu, who arrived earlier, also gave a report.

  Haizhou has closed the city. Of course, there are good reasons. A large number of Japanese pirates were found in the sea, and they may attack the front line of Haizhou. Now the Denglai Navy is cleaning up the city, and it will take three to five days to close the city.

The Japanese pirates have not been to Nanzhili for more than ten years, but the evil deeds of the Japanese pirates who attacked and plundered the coastal area decades ago are still deeply remembered in the hearts of the old people, so the navy uses the Japanese pirates as an excuse to seal it off. The city is also for the sake of the people, so naturally they all support it.

  As a result, the flow of people and materials in this area was temporarily interrupted. Fortunately, it was only three to five days, and everyone still thought it was nothing.

"At present, there should be no movement in Yangzhou. Haizhou is located in the corner of Huai'an Mansion, and it is separated from Huai'an Mansion by the Yellow River, so it is not taken seriously, and the main attention of Huai'an is also Putting it in Suqian and Qingjiangpu, even Pizhou seemed a bit left out, and the relationship between Huai'an and Huaiyang Town was not close. Chen Jixian's main thoughts were on Baoying, Gaoyou and Jiangdu. Master Sun's army should have already It’s right to go through Hejian, if you count the time, when they arrive in Suqian, maybe we can just land in Jiangdu as well.”

  Hou Chengzu was so ambitious that he directly chose Jiangdu for the first battle of the landing.

Feng Ziying glanced at Shen Yourong, and laughed, "Huaiyu, you are trying to steal the credit of Denglai Town and the Liaodong Army. There are tens of thousands of soldiers in Jiangdu. Except for those in Baoying and Gaoyou, Chen Jixian put the main force in Near Jiangdu, there are only 6,000 people in the Nishui barracks, which is seven or eight times the number of your enemies, do you have confidence?"

Hou Chengzu also took a look at Shen Yourong, and said calmly and confidently: "Chen Jixian's Huaiyang Town seems to have a lot of soldiers, but they are from the Beijing camp, let alone the fifth military camp, but they have been lingering in the capital for many years, and they have a strong air of dandyism. , to be honest, maybe the basics are not bad, but after staying in Beijing for a long time, everyone understands that they have to be raised and disabled, so everyone doesn't think much of them, and the idle time in Xuzhou and Yangzhou in the past few years, basically The only fighting spirit they had left was spent, and the general didn't think they had much fighting spirit left,..."

"Perhaps the middle and upper-level military generals may still have a little consideration for their position and family wealth, and they are willing to fight, but what about the ordinary soldiers? They are still somewhat willing to fight for this Jiangnan that has little to do with them The three towns risked their lives to fight this battle? The general thought, as long as the first battle gives them a hard blow, knocks them into a daze, and makes them understand that war is life and death, they will give up and continue to fight. thought,…"

Hou Chengzu's analysis made Cao Wenzhao and Mao Wenlong look at each other with admiration, and Cao Wenzhao couldn't help but praise: "Brother Shihong, Huaiyu is good, it's a pity to be in the navy camp, why don't you come to me and be a cadet?" Will guerrilla, that can also grow faster, how?"

With a smile on his face, Shen Yourong stroked his beard complacently: "Okay, Wen Zhao, don't try to trick my people. Huaiyu was also cultivated by me with great difficulty. The next step is to expand the sailor battalion to the third battalion. He is Guerrilla also brings tens of thousands of people, isn't it better than being a general with you?"

  Cao Wenzhao didn't care, he just had a temporary idea, not to mention that he also has his own confidants, and his qualifications and abilities are no worse than Hou Chengzu's.

"Huaiyu's ambition is commendable, but Jiangdu still has tens of thousands of troops. As long as a few of them dare to fight, the situation will be deadlocked. Therefore, I agree with what Huaiyu said, we must completely defeat them with one blow. Let other ministries lose their will to fight again, this cannot be done by a few thousand sailors alone."

  Mao Wenlong interjected, he led more than 10,000 subordinates to the south, but he didn't come here to fight for soy sauce. Without military achievements, how could he go to the soon-to-be-established Dongjiang Town? How to fight the general soldier of Dongjiang Town?

  There are so many sons, where can we get rewards? You, the Denglai navy, have taken advantage of all the benefits, so it's better not to come this time.

Hou Chengzu respected the deputy general of Liaodong, but he disagreed with the opponent's opinion that it was difficult to defeat him with one blow: "Master Mao, although there are 30,000 or 40,000 troops in Jiangdu, they are not gathered in one place. Since we are making a surprise attack , then pay attention to one being fast, steady, accurate and ruthless, and when one is truly defeated, the rout will be swept away, or that sentence, how many people in Huaiyang Town are willing to fight to the death?"

"Huaiyu, I admit that the thousands of people in the Navy Battalion can defeat the ordinary tens of thousands of Huaiyang troops in one blow, but can you deny that Chen Jixian's personal soldiers can do the same? They are all Chen Jixian's private soldiers, Understand that once they are finished, their fate will also be stepped on the soles of their feet. In this case, they will collapse? Impossible."

Mao Wenlong was very calm, "In the final analysis, Chen Jixian's tens of thousands of relatives must be completely wiped out, so that Yangzhou can be said to be settled in a single battle, and the adults have also said that Yangzhou itself should not be harmed by the court's request. Once it falls into a stalemate, the chaos will rise , it may be difficult to control, so relying on your sailors alone is far from enough!"

  The battle hasn’t started yet, both sides are starting to fight for the forward task, and Hou Chengzu doesn’t even want the Liaodong Army to join, he wants to covet the sky.

  (end of this chapter)

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