Number of People

Chapter 2393: Guizi Juan Shui Master shows his power, multi-pronged approach

  Chapter 2393 Guizi Juan Navy master shows his power, multi-pronged approach

  While ordering his own soldiers to go to Chen Jindong immediately, Huang Chuansu ran over, calling the officers below to start gathering and leading the soldiers to retreat first.

  Resisting on the pier in this situation is purely courting death. The bombardment power of this long-barreled cannon can be known without looking at it. It almost sweeps everything and is invincible.

  The most sensible thing to do is to break away from the front line, and then organize defense and counterattack outside the range of the range, but Huang Chuansu doesn't know how many people can be organized to resist in this situation.

Accompanied by bursts of shrill copper whistles, followed by the sound of "cracking" firecrackers, Huang Chuansu's heart sank even more. Such dense firecrackers' firings showed that the navy was definitely not just an ordinary Sexual bombardment of the pier was as simple as landing.

"My lord, the Denglai Navy has started to land, and it's all black and a mass of sailors..." A subordinate who ran back from the pier was flustered, his helmet was tilted to one side, and sweat was streaming down his face, "Damn, it's all self-ignited fire I’ve only seen guns in the adult’s personal army, but they are all there, and it’s definitely the Denglai Navy! Only they have so many self-generating flintlocks, brothers can’t stop them at all!”

   Huang Chuansu gritted his teeth, and waved his hand violently, "Greeting brothers to retreat, first retreat five miles away, and meet at the river temple by the canal to avoid the enemy's sharp edge!"

The general hesitated for a moment, and then hesitatingly said: "My lord, there is also shouting, asking everyone to give up resistance. This is an order from the imperial court to dismiss Mr. Chen from his post as the commander-in-chief of Huaiyang Town. It has nothing to do with others, so he resisted stubbornly. It is considered treason!"

Huang Chuansu hesitated for a while, then shook his head: "Is there such a simple thing? Why didn't we get any news before? The imperial court wants to remove Sir from the post of commander-in-chief, so it should be done later? Why did you directly use the navy to do this? Clearly It’s just that some people falsely spread the imperial decree and want to eradicate the foundation of the emperor, we can’t listen to it! As long as they survive, then they are rebellious!”

  The general heard the boss's words, which seemed reasonable, and heaved a sigh of relief, "But the brothers below are a little uncertain, and some of them are already hiding,..."

  Huang Chuansu scolded impatiently, "Don't worry about those people, take all you can take away, hurry up,..."

While talking, I saw several people from the inspection department running towards this side, one of them was the inspector named Zhang who was drinking together at noon, "Master Huang, what happened, why did the navy call me?" ?”

"Fuck it, who knows what happened, most likely the navy has rebelled, and they are here to attack Guazhou at this time, and they are clearly targeting Master Chen. After a while, they will have no stamina." Seeing the other party's anxious face, Huang Chuansu comforted the other party carelessly, "No, you follow us to retreat and meet at the Hebo Temple. I think Mr. Chen in the city will soon You will get the news, and then come and deal with these navy traitors!"

   "Is that so?" A tall and thin man following behind the inspector surnamed Zhang took a step forward, "Then we will follow you, okay?"

"No problem." Huang Chuansu was a little displeased when he saw that this person was too close. This guy didn't understand the rules, but he saw a light flash in the opponent's hand, and a short knife was sharply picked up, piercing his lower abdomen, slamming Stirring with force, Huang Chuansu felt severe pain in his abdomen, his eyes went dark, and he felt that most of the energy in his body was drained immediately, pointing his finger at the other party and slowly getting tired, "You..."

"Tu Yuanzhao, a hundred households in Fusi, North Township, Long Jinwei, was ordered to deal with the stubborn rebels. It has nothing to do with others. Put down your weapons and accept the orders of the navy, regardless of anything!" His eyes suddenly frightened the officers who surrounded him: "Think about your family members, this has nothing to do with you personally. error!"

Lieutenant Long Jin still has a great deterrent effect on the people in the army, especially these officers and soldiers have family members, and everyone knows that the new emperor is about to ascend the throne, the confrontation between the North and the South is over, and the navy suddenly came to the south of the Yangtze River. The entire Huaiyang Army is targeting Mr. Chen, the general of the Huaiyang Army.

Although Huang Chuansu is an old subordinate brought by Chen Jixian from the Beijing camp, his army was recruited in Xuzhou, not the old troops of the Fifth Army Battalion brought from the Beijing camp. Many of these people's relatives are still in Xuzhou .

Huang Chuansu's beheading on the spot shocked everyone present, especially those low-level officers and soldiers who thought that they had a large family at home. In the turmoil of the duel between them, now there is no leader among the dragons, whoever wants to stand out may be regarded as a traitor by Captain Long, and may be held accountable in the future.

   Seeing that the officers and soldiers present were restrained, Tu Yuanzhao secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. If someone jumped out suddenly in this situation and wanted to yell, he would be chopped into minced meat immediately under the chaos of knives.

"The troops of Denglai Town, Liaodong Town and the Denglai Navy have already landed. The Huaiyang Town Army is waiting to be dealt with on the spot. There is no need to panic. Within three days, the imperial court will send a new general to take over Huaiyang Town. You should obey. The new commander-in-chief orders, then..."

  Tu Yuanzhao's eloquence is good, this is also a specially selected talent, and the patrol inspector next to him is also yelling for help, finally stabilized the situation.

   At this time, Hou Chengzu's navy battalion and Cao Wenzhao's army also poured in, quickly controlling the entire Guazhou Town.

   "Don't stay, advance to Jiangdu immediately." Feng Ziying breathed a sigh of relief when he got the news that Guazhou was under control, but this was not the most important thing.

Now we must control Yangzhou City before Chen Jixian reacts, or before Chen Jixian commands and mobilizes the Huaiyang Army. Otherwise, if this big battle breaks out, the entire Yangzhou City may be destroyed. do not want to see.

"Ziying, don't worry too much. From the perspective of the situation in Guazhou Town, I'm afraid Chen Jixian really got carried away. He really thought he could move the town to Suzhou and Hangzhou, and let Wang Ziteng block it for him in Huai'an, Yangzhou. He can now live a peaceful and stable life, if he has this kind of mentality, I'm afraid the people under him will only be like this."

  Shen Yourong is more determined than Feng Ziying.

Looking at the battle of Guazhou Town alone, Huaiyang Town's performance can be said to be extremely poor. When the guard was captured, he was hungover. No, it's not a hangover, but drunk at noon. Unawakened, of course, this is the credit of the inspector Zhang from the inspection department, and I have to say that this guy has also made great contributions.

   "I hope so, I'm afraid that Chen Jixian's reaction will be timely, and it will really turn into a melee. The loss will be too great, and I will not be able to hand over to the cabinet." Feng Ziying smiled wryly.

  He did not dare to contact the government of Yangzhou easily, because the magistrate and magistrate of Yangzhou tended to Prince Yizhong's side after the confrontation between the North and the South, so he could only observe temporarily, and would rather let Wu Yaoqing use some other connections to help collect intelligence.

Only one battalion of the sailor battalion landed and fought. After cooperating with Cao Wenzhao's army to land and control the situation, they quickly returned to board the ship again. In addition, Mao Wenlong's troops went straight to Jiangdu along the canal, and Yangzhou was caught off guard.

   It should be said that Chen Jixian reacted relatively quickly. When he heard that a large-scale naval fleet appeared on the Guazhou River, he realized something was wrong.

It is impossible for the Jiangshui division to have that kind of Xiyi warship, but it can only be the Denglai navy. If the Denglai navy wants to enter the Yangtze River, it must report to the police, and the approach to Guazhou will endanger the water transportation. Makes people think too much.

Although Chen Jixian didn't quite believe that when Prince Yizhong was about to ascend the throne, it would be unbelievable for Denglai Navy to come to Yangzhou to do something, but as a warrior, at least he had to be vigilant. It is always right to be vigilant and strengthen our vigilance.

It's just that he also knows that there is some chaos in Yangzhou City now. One of his personal soldiers and Ji Dequan's troops have moved to Suzhou, one is still going to Hangzhou, and Su Shunxin from Gaoyou Prefecture is coming to Yangzhou City On the way, it is estimated that we will arrive before dark.

Under such circumstances, it is indeed difficult to organize quickly, and he is not sure why the Denglai Navy came here. The rumors that Japanese pirates have frequently entered and exited the Yangtze River Estuary recently do not know whether it is true or not. If the Denglai Navy came here for this, it seems that there is such a possibility.

This attitude of hesitation has also had some impact on the execution of the people below. No one knows what is going on in Guazhou Town. They only know that the fleet of the Denglai Navy has arrived at the river outside Guazhou. So why it came, no one knows.

When the news came from Guazhou Town, the warship of the Denglai Navy had already appeared outside Jiangdu City, and at this time, Chen Jixian, who had just woken up from a dream, could only hurriedly lead the team that had just assembled The army of his personal soldiers rushed out from the south gate, intending to catch the opponent by surprise.

Fortunately, after all, preparations were made more than an hour in advance, and there were still more than 4,000 personal soldiers in the city and more than 10,000 men from another general, Jiao Tinghua. Chen Jixian knew that this was not the time to preserve his strength. If he was reluctant to join the army, Jiao Tinghua's 10,000 men would be even more unwilling to go to battle in person.

  At this time, without any hesitation, he personally went into battle and led four thousand relatives to let Jiao Tinghua lead the army to follow behind him, rushing towards the south of the city.

However, Chen Jixian obviously underestimated the combat effectiveness of the naval fleet, and he didn't know anything about the battle in Guazhou Town. The cannons washed the ground and completely smashed the Huaiyang army on the pier.

  (end of this chapter)

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