Number of People

Chapter 2394: The Guizi scroll is destroyed and destroyed, and it is completed in one go

  Chapter 2394 The Kui character scroll is destroyed and destroyed in one go

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  The naval warships lined up in a horizontal line fully demonstrated the powerful advantages of long-barreled cannons.

  More than a dozen cannons achieved a good record in the first round of shooting, and the Huaiyang army that surged out from the south gate was hit head-on before they even figured out the situation.

  Dozens of projectiles roared, jumped, and roared, coming straight to the city gate, and immediately rolled up countless blood gourds.

This carefully selected pebble has been carefully polished and ejected from the muzzle with huge kinetic energy. Once it hits the ground, it can be said to be invincible. Whether it is an ordinary shield or a so-called shield car, in the face of this epoch-making When using weapons, they can only become a pile of rotten wood and rotten cars, and it is even more meaningless to use the human body to block such projectiles.

A projectile can easily penetrate and take away dozens of lives while running, and still maintain a huge kinetic energy. If it is not blocked by the city wall, it can run at least dozens of steps, and it can also take away dozens of people. life.

  When more than a dozen projectiles sprayed out at the same time, the huge lethality it brought was simply appalling.

The entire open space outside the south gate has almost turned into a killing field, and the dense formation of the Huaiyang Army has become the biggest weakness. Every stone bullet pulls out a flesh and blood alley in the camp, and more than ten bullets almost smash the front This formation was torn to pieces, and even when the second round of projectiles was fired, the entire camp fell into a state of complete chaos.

The fugitives retreated towards the south gate in a panic, and they were crowded with Jiao Tinghua's army again. The narrow south gate was almost turned into a millstone of flesh and blood. I am afraid that the number of people killed is not much less than the casualties caused by real shells.

Feng Ziying and Shen Yourong actually didn't want to watch it any longer. This kind of battle had lost its suspense, and all the previous worries were gone at this moment. The army began to disembark around Chaoguan, and quickly followed the city wall to both sides. The south gate of the new city in the west was quickly controlled, and the entire army entered the city along the south gate of the new city. The situation was irreversible.

At this time, Feng Ziying has ordered to avoid more killings as much as possible. At this time, the Huaiyang Army has completely collapsed. No matter who it is, it is impossible to turn the tide. Ministry is also under control.

  The moment she stepped into Yangzhou City, Feng Ziying had mixed feelings.

  The Siyamen, the salt envoy of the two Huaihe Rivers, is here, and I have left very good memories here.

Lin Ruhai and Daiyu, together with Lin Ruhai's staff, were almost all taken over by him, forming his most important staff team. It can be said that he was able to quickly create such a big climate, and Lin Ruhai left him a group of people who had a lot to do with him. Great relationship, but now I have re-entered Yangzhou City in such a way.

  Wu Yaoqing's preparations in Yangzhou finally played a huge role at this time. The gentry took the initiative to meet with them, and they also had many familiar officers in the Huaiyang Army.

  For example, Jiao Tinghua has a close relationship with Yangzhou salt merchant He Tingfa. After some contact, Jiao Tinghua took the initiative to vote and express his attitude.

  Chen Jixian didn't know where he was going until dark. Feng Ziying was still a little worried about whether Chen Jixian would secretly incite his relatives to take the opportunity to make trouble, but in fact this could not change the overall situation.

After the arrival of Su Shunxin's troops, he hesitated for a while before accepting the reality, and entered the city by himself, expressing his attitude. This also marked the final collapse of Chen Jixian's power and the loss of his most loyal subordinates. Chen Jixian was actually a toothless tiger. Sorry for the storm.

Feng Ziying immediately asked Jiao Tinghua and Su Shunxin to go to Baoying, Qingjiangpu and Suzhou respectively to recruit and surrender the garrisons on the two front lines to avoid unnecessary casualties. , Huaian Qingjiang Pu and Suzhou.

  After arranging all this, Feng Ziying handed over the overall situation of Yangzhou City to Mao Wenlong, and she and Shen Yourong immediately rushed to Nanjing City. At this time, Hou Chengzu and their naval vanguard had already left for Nanjing City for three hours.


  Jia Yucun deeply regretted that he should not have come out this trip.

  He never thought that this unattractive man in front of him would pose such a big problem to himself.

  The letter in his hand was about to leak out. Jia Yucun's face was calm and unmoving, seemingly thinking deeply, but the fear, fear, remorse, tension and even hesitation inside were like a boiling oil pan, which made him unable to extricate himself.

Wang Wenyan is also observing the tutor who is said to be the third grandma in front of him. He reasoned that there is such a relationship, and Jia Yucun is also a Jinshi, and this person is still sitting in the position of the prefect of Jinling. He reasoned that his Dong Weng should He must have a fairly close connection with this person, but in fact, it seems that Dongweng himself has some indescribable feelings about this person.

  This smell can only be vaguely detected by a confidant like Wang Wenyan.

  Wang Wenyan doesn’t think it’s because Jia Yucun is from Huzhou. Although geographical differences are very important in the court, certain relationships can be transcended, such as common interests and specific connections.

The prefect of Jinling in Jiayu Village was planned by Wang Ziteng for him back then. It should be said that Wang Ziteng was very kind to Jia Yucun, but now the imperial court suddenly made a big move against the other party's so-called "three towns in the south of the Yangtze River". Finding this one is also a risk.

But his own Dong Weng seems to know this person's temperament very well, and even said that this person has handed in the letter of defeat to the court long ago, and prepared the groundwork in advance. Of course, this is the usual method of Jiangnan officials in this era. Note, so as not to go to a dead end, so it is hard to say how high this loyalty is, especially when Prince Yizhong is about to ascend the throne, many Jiangnan officials still feel that following Prince Yizhong's contribution to the dragon will have a bright future Woolen cloth.

   But Feng Ziying asserted that this person can clearly see the future situation between the DPRK and China, and it is worth the trip to take the risk.

Feng Ziying also said that the person in front of him is sometimes very afraid of death, but he may be able to take risks regardless of everything in the face of interests, so he can only say that he still needs to talk to this person to dispel his inner worries .

Jia Yucun can easily recite the words in the letter. In fact, there is not much other content. It is that the imperial court intends to "reduce the vassal" and revoke the three towns in Jiangnan, and does not allow the emergence of military towns in Jiangnan, so it is decided to immediately revoke the original plan. , Jiangbei, and Jinling towns, all military forces were reorganized on the spot, and the reorganization was handled by Sun Chengzong and Feng Keng, the left and right servants of the Ministry of War. Fully cooperate and not violate.

  The first half is in the form of official documents, and the second half is private speech.

It is nothing more than saying that Feng Keng is already in Yangzhou and has solved Chen Jixian's Huaiyang Town, but Wang Ziteng is still hesitating. Now he is about to rush from Yangzhou to Nanjing to sit in the town and ask himself, as the prefect of Jinling, to cooperate with the Deng who arrived earlier. The Laishui Division's job of stabilizing the situation in Nanjing mainly refers to the control of the Nanjing Guards and the Jiangshui Division, so that everyone in Jinling City must obey the arrangement.

   This really created a huge problem for myself.

Feng Ziying's request is very simple, that is, to ask himself to come forward and immediately notify the Seventh Department of Nanjing and the Metropolitan Procuratorate, Nanjing Weijun, Jiangshui Division, and even the two counties of Jiangning and Shangyuan, so that the government will maintain the current situation and wait for the imperial envoy, that is, himself After arriving to take over the overall situation, the core is to keep the Nanjing Guards and Jiang Waterproof Division from being involved in this turmoil.

  The problem is that the Nanjing Guard Army and the Jiangshui Division have always been under the direct control of the Nanjing Ministry of War. How could they listen to themselves? Although most of the money and food are usually transported from Jinling Mansion, Suzhou, and Changzhou to the Nanjing Household Department and then transferred to the Nanjing War Department, they are separated by several floors. Can you listen to yourself?

"Mr. Wang, it's not that Yucun is unwilling to take on such a heavy responsibility, but since you've been in Jinling for some time, I'm afraid you also know that the Nanjing Guards and Jiangshui Division are not under the jurisdiction of Jinling Mansion, and their commanders are all in Nanjing. The Ministry of War is directly under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of War, I am afraid that it will not have much effect if I go, and it may be counterproductive."

  Although wealth and wealth are sought in danger, this must be enjoyed with one's life. Jia Yucun is not sure if he goes to the guards' side this trip, will they turn against each other and kill him on the spot? Although the Nanjing Guards are average in combat effectiveness, they have always regarded themselves as direct descendants of Nanjing. Except for the Nanjing Ministry of War, they do not buy other people's face.

"He who understands the current affairs is a hero. I believe that no matter who understands the current general situation, they will make a wise choice. We did not ask them to kill officials and rebel, nor did we ask them to go to war. We only asked them to keep calm and wait. The important ministers of the imperial court have arrived to deal with the matter of reducing the vassal, and the Nanjing Guards have nothing to do with the three towns in the south of the Yangtze River, so are they going to fight for the three towns in the south of the Yangtze River?"

Wang Wenyan smiled and said lightly, "And as far as I know, Brother Yucun and Master Xu, the Commander of the Guards, have always been close and intend to marry each other. Why doesn't Brother Yucun clarify the pros and cons of this relationship, so that he doesn't go in the wrong direction? "

  Jia Yucun was shocked. Few people knew about Xu Chenggong's intention to marry his niece for his second son. Unexpectedly, this guy found out.

   "Danjiang Waterproof Division,..." Jia Yucun mused.

"It doesn't matter, Brother Yucun from the Jiang Waterproof Division doesn't have to worry about it. Jia Jing and Jia Zijing will be responsible for solving it." Wang Wenyan knew that if he didn't show some tricks, this guy might have to shirk there. He understood that he was not the only one available in this capital city.

  (end of this chapter)

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