Number of People

Chapter 2396: The dialogue between King Feng of the Guizi scroll is very meaningful

  Chapter 2396 The dialogue between King Feng of the Guizi scroll is meaningful

Prince Teng raised his thick eyebrows slightly, with a look of disdain on his face: "Ziying, don't tell me this, is this the reason why our martial arts were suppressed? Do you think that if we can suppress the Mongols, defeat the Jurchens, or eliminate the Japanese pirates, Civil servants can make us feel proud and sit on an equal footing with them? Hehe, their point of view is that to fight the world, we should come to the warriors, and to rule the world, we should come to the civil servants. It is meaningless to keep so many warriors. "

  Feng Ziying is not easy to answer this question, but fortunately Wang Ziteng doesn't want Feng Ziying to answer.

"Okay, if you don't want to raise them, then you have to give everyone a way out. It is easy to cut down the border town, or downsize, or even simply default on the payment of the officers and soldiers. Have there been fewer mutinies over the years? What happened to the Ningxia rebellion? Is this the benefit brought by civil servants in charge of the army?"

Wang Ziteng sneered again and again, "It is said that using literature to control martial arts is the national policy of the Great Zhou Dynasty, but when this dynasty was founded, why did it say so? It was not because these civil servants later wanted to support the emperor for their own interests, or because they were afraid that the military would support the emperor and threaten their status. They didn't dare to bully the emperor, so they came up with this theory, but it's just that the emperor, who is a little confused, likes to believe in this, abolishing his martial arts, thinking that if he leaves civil servants, the country will have no generals, and the world will be in chaos. Pooh! You Do you think I did a bad job as the right servant of the Ministry of War? Or I can’t do the governor of the water transport? Besides, the military man should do the work of the military man, and the civil servant should do the work of the civil servant. Is this necessarily contradictory? But why did the civil servant But you always want to put us warriors to death?"

Feng Ziying's heart moved slightly. This Prince Teng still had some knowledge. Without the support of the warriors, the status of the warriors was weakened. With the formation of a pattern of Wen Yuwu, the emperor would no longer have a solid backing to rely on, and the game with the cabinet would be at a disadvantage. The disadvantage, especially when the group of civil servants is relatively united and has the same interests, it is obviously difficult for the emperor to fight against such a large group.

   Without the ability to lift the table, the emperor can only rely on patience.

Of course, the emperor also has some means available to win over and divide the civil servants to break up the unity of the civil servants, stir up the factional struggles among the civil servants, and then pull one faction to fight the other. In some cases, this method can also work, but if it does not solve the fundamental problem If there are people with strong abilities or a sense of the overall situation among the civil servants, it will be difficult for the emperor's method to be effective.

It's just that it doesn't make much sense to talk to Wang Ziteng now. He is a civil servant now, and in this situation, Wang Ziteng and the others have lost the confidence to bargain with the court. The advice he gave him should be pertinent. I understand, at least I can hug him and the wealth of his Wang clan and the existence of the old Denglai army.

"Shibo, I understand what you said, but you and I know now that no one can solve the contradictions and ills, at least for now. As for the future, who can make it clear." Feng Ziying was quite playful, "Let's talk about the current affairs now. Shibo handed over the military power. On behalf of the imperial court, I can give you and the Wang family a face. You and the Wang family will not be listed as rebels. You can also get With a reward from the imperial court, the Wang family can also get some assets back, how about it?"

  Wang Ziteng didn't pay attention to what Feng Ziying said later, he seemed to hear the meaning hidden in the first half of Feng Ziying's words: "Ziying, since you know the disadvantages, you are also a martial artist..."

"Okay, Uncle, as I said, now is not the time to discuss those things, let's talk about you and the old Denglaijun first, shall we?" Feng Ziying smiled softly, "Talk about the most realistic things, stay green hills You don’t have to worry about firewood, don’t you? The Wang family is still a big family, why do you have to feel sorry for yourself?”

  Prince Teng exhaled foul breath, stared at Feng Ziying for a long time, and said in a muffled voice: "Ziying, you are only twenty-two?"

  Feng Ziying nodded, but did not speak.

"Okay, I'm only fifty-two this year, and I'm in good health. It's no problem to live another twenty years. I'll wait." Wang Ziteng snorted heavily, "I'll do as you said, you can find someone to help you." Come take over the Denglai Army, I will let them obey orders, it is best to find someone who can obey the crowd."

   "How is He Renlong?" Feng Ziying asked with great interest.

   "Hmph, Yulin was born again? You don't mind?" Wang Ziteng squinted at Feng Ziying, "Very good, I can rest assured that I leave it to him, and you can rest assured."

  Feng Ziying showed a smile, "Then I will thank Shibo for the imperial court for eliminating a military disaster and saving tens of thousands of lives. Then Shibo Niu..."

  Prince Teng raised his head and said after a long while: "I will write to him. As for whether he will listen or not, I won't guarantee it. Everyone has his own ambitions, so we can't force him."

"Shibo writes, I believe Niu Shibo will listen." Feng Ziying smiled very contentedly, "Niu Shibo and Shibo are equally savvy, knowing that there is nothing to do, they are not wise. , leave it for the useful body."

Wang Ziteng stared at Feng Ziying desperately, wanting to take out something more from this guy's mouth, but the other party is now a third-rank official, only twenty-two, and in a few years, he will be a top scholar who will enter the cabinet to pay homage to the prime minister. People, is it possible?

   But if it is impossible, he always feels that there is a deep meaning hidden in saying this, otherwise why should he tell himself these things?

Feng Ziying saw the other party's gaze like a vulture, and smiled faintly: "The future will be long, Shibo and Niu Shibo can watch slowly, wait slowly, just as Shibo is in good health, Niu Shibo is also in good health, and it will be like living another twenty years It's nothing to worry about."

   "Okay, I will believe what you said, Ziying, don't let us down." Wang Ziteng said fiercely: "Today's words are only for you and me,..."

  Feng Ziying waved her hand nonchalantly, "It doesn't matter if others know, as long as people believe it."

  Wang Ziteng choked on this sentence, and shook his head after a while, "Ziying, no wonder people say you are a monster, as expected..."

   "Uncle Shi, don't say that, I am an upright scholar, a second-class Jinshi and a scholar, and I was born as an editor at the Imperial Academy. What Shibo said makes me seem to be deviant,..."

"A serious scholar? Really? Is this how scholars behave?" Wang Ziteng chuckled, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, "Ziying, what's the matter with you and Sister Feng? She and Jia Lian and After leaving, why did I get involved with you again? And gave birth to a son for you? You are also a third-rank official. She is my niece, and the woman who divorced. I shouldn’t say that. But with you, even if it’s not suitable for you to be your concubine, why did you give birth to a son? Do you think that Qiao Yingjia can protect you from being impeached by the censors?”

   This hit Feng Ziying's vitals all at once.

  He didn't expect that even Wang Ziteng knew about this matter, and it was nothing more than having an affair with Wang Xifeng, but even Wang Ziteng knew about the birth of a son, which was embarrassing.

But after thinking about it, the current owner of the Wang family is Wang Ziteng, Wang Xin and Laiwang were both brought by Wang Xifeng from the Wang family, and even Ping'er, I am afraid that people like Wang Xin and Laiwang have always been in contact with the Wang family. Well, Wang Xifeng has an affair with him and they can hide it from anyone, but it is really difficult to hide it from Wang Ziteng.

   Seeing Feng Ziying dryly laughing and saying nothing, Wang Ziteng didn't care.

  He knows that his niece is not ordinary, not only has a strong personality, but also has a different appearance.

  A fortune teller has long said that this woman is simply unbearable for an ordinary man, how can such a wimp like Jia Lian be able to bear it?

  If it weren't for the fact that Jia and Wang's family have already shared weal and woe together, he would not have agreed with Wang Xifeng to marry Jia Lian.

   Never thought that Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng would finally reconcile. On the surface, it was said that Wang Xifeng was too hot-tempered and Jia Lian couldn't bear it. Wang Ziteng guessed that Jia Lian's own health could not bear it, so he simply found an excuse and simply reconciled.

   But in this age of women and tigers, Feng Ziying is certainly young. If it was before, Wang Ziteng would not bother to ask, but now Feng Ziying has given Wang Ziteng some thoughts, so I have to ask a few more questions.

   "I didn't expect Shi Bo to know such trivial things, haha,..." Seeing Wang Ziteng looking at him, Feng Ziying couldn't find a suitable language to explain for a while.

   It can't be said that Wang Xifeng seduced her, and then she got pregnant right away? That's too ridiculous, and I often travel between the capital and Tianjin Wei, stay in Wang Xifeng's house, have Wang Xin and Laiwang's eyeliners, this can't be hidden from Wang Ziteng.

"Ziying, women are women, just have a drink, don't get addicted to it, Sister Feng's side, since this is the case, it seems unreasonable for me to interfere, you can do it yourself, don't go too much, so as not to hurt your body "Since the words are open, Wang Ziteng has nothing to hide, "Sister Feng has been seen by a fortune teller since she was a child. She has an unusual body. Don't indulge in it and cannot extricate yourself..."

  Feng Ziying didn't expect that Wang Ziteng even knew about such things, and she was secretly startled. She didn't know that Yuan Chun had a different appearance, but did anyone know?

  But no one tasted it except myself, and I don't know if the Jia family was also sent to the palace because of Yuan Chun, who was also seen by a fortune teller, and had a different appearance?

If this is the case, Wang Xifeng, Jia Yuanchun, and Busia Mara have all been predicted by the fortune teller, and the aura of the protagonist of the time traveler is really worthy of the name, at least in terms of women. That's it.

   "Be more concerned about the uncle." Feng Ziying really didn't want to talk about such things with Wang Ziteng. Although the other party was well-intentioned, how decent is such a private and open discussion?

  Wang Ziteng didn't say much, just reminded him in place, "If I go back to Beijing, I will live in seclusion. I can just take a idle job in the five-army governor's mansion, and I don't need any reward from the court."

  Feng Ziying knew that the other party understood what she said, so she nodded secretly.

  (end of this chapter)

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