Number of People

Chapter 2397: The foreshadowing of the Guizi scroll is buried, and the foundation is determined

  Chapter 2397 The foreshadowing of the Guizi scroll is buried, and the power of the bottom is determined

  After Niu Jizong received the letter sent by Wang Ziteng, he read it, pondered for a while, and finally burned it.

  Before this, he had received a letter from Feng Tang and Feng Ziying, father and son, to persuade him to surrender, but he ignored it.

  But some hidden meanings in Wang Ziteng's letter made him realize something.

  He needs to make a judgment.

  The Northwest Army did not have much advantage against his Xuanfu Army and Sun Shaozu's Datong Army.

  From Fengyang to Luzhou, the two sides fought for a long time. Although the Northwest Army was advancing steadily, our own side also maintained the spare power to repel the opponent's attack at any time.

   It was Cao Wenzhao and You Shiwei who came from the east and put them in a more difficult situation.

   Either they can only retreat to Luzhou, look for an opportunity to cross the river, and join Wang Ziteng's Denglai army, or they have to put all their eggs in one basket to repel You Shiwei and Cao Wenzhao's troops.

  But now Wang Ziteng has given up, which has pushed himself into a desperate situation.

   It is not difficult to repel You Shiwei and Cao Wenzhao's troops, but will the Northwest Army behind them sit back and watch?

Certainly not.

Of course, he is not the kind of stubborn person. He serves Prince Yizhong because he thinks that the other party can bring more benefits to his own side. But now it seems that Tang Yao and others have obtained what they want, even Zhu Guozhen and Gu Tianjun. Some achievements have been made, but what about the so-called three towns in the south of the Yangtze River?

  He didn't believe that Prince Yizhong, Tang Yao and others would be unaware, or that the interests of his group of people were betrayed by them.

  No one wants to see the three towns in the south of the Yangtze River representing the interests of Wu Xun united and independent, whether it is the emperor or civil servants, there is no exception.

  So it is reasonable to fall to this step, people like myself still think too well.

  However, Wang Ziteng's judgment on Feng Ziying in his words is intriguing. Will it really come to that point in the future?

  Or people like myself can facilitate this step?

   Then you need to stay useful.

   After pondering for a long time, Niu Jizong finally sighed and stood up.

   There is another question, what about Sun Shaozu?

  I and Wang Ziteng may be able to surrender military power in exchange for a job, but Sun Shaozu may not be so lucky.

  When he was in Datong Town, the various courts might not be able to spare him, and his performance in Shandong also aroused the great anger of the Shandong gentry. Even if he is willing to surrender military power, can the court spare him?

   I'm afraid that if you can save your life, it is the court's mercy.

  But Niu Jizong felt that he still had to help Sun Shaozu. At least he was a fellow at the beginning, and he had to write a letter to ask Prince Yizhong to help make peace, although he was not sure how many people listened to the new emperor.

   "Come here."

  The cronies have been waiting outside the door, come in immediately.

   "Go and invite Sun Shaozu."

  Niu Jizong let out a sigh of relief, "Go and contact the Northwest Army on the other side, I want to surrender,..."

   "My lord?!" The confidant was shocked and couldn't believe it.

  Niu Jizong remained expressionless, "I've made up my mind, so I don't need to say much. It's time to discuss the follow-up matters with my counterpart."


  Three newspapers a day, almost shook the entire court, making the golden palace tremble.

  Of course, this is not bad news, but good news, but it came too fast, making people overwhelmed and unbelievable.

  September 14th, Yangzhou urgently reported that the Denglai Navy, together with the Denglai Army and the Liaodong Army, captured Yangzhou and disarmed Huaiyang Town. Chen Jixian was defeated and fled without a trace.

  September 16th, Jinling was restored. On the same day, Sun Chengzong and You Shigong led the Jizhen Army to occupy Suqian, and the Suqian Department of Huaiyang Town surrendered.

The first army announced the time, and the cabinet suppressed it, but the second round of two armies announced the time, and the cabinet could not suppress it, and this day was the day when the new emperor ascended the throne, so after the succession ceremony of Emperor Wantong, the cabinet moved Report the previous cabinet decision to Emperor Wantong.

  Emperor Wantong smashed his most beloved Qiqiao Linglong Zijin incense burner on the spot, and left in a huff.

However, after repeated requests from the cabinet, Emperor Wantong had to return to the court, and the cabinet explained the cause and effect one by one, indicating that the court would not tolerate the appearance of feudal towns similar to those in the late Tang Dynasty that were independent of the court, and the three towns in the south of the Yangtze River already had This tendency must be eliminated.

After the first decree was issued, Tang Binyin and Miao Changqi both entered the cabinet and became cabinet ministers, so the cabinet also started a fierce quarrel on this issue, but in the end they approved the previous cabinet's plan and never opened in the south of the Yangtze River. There is no exception to the precedent of setting up a military town, even the Jingxiang Town in Huguang will be abolished in the future.

  On September 19th, the rest of Huaiyang Township in Suzhou surrendered.

On September 23, Wang Ziteng handed over the command of the Denglai Army in Jiujiang and Luzhou to Feng Keng, the right servant of the Ministry of War, in the name of the commander-in-chief of Denglai Town. He resigned and retired. Feng Keng temporarily appointed the new deputy commander of Denglai Town to congratulate Renlong temporarily acts as an agent to command all the horses in Old Denglai Town, waiting for reorganization.

  On September 25th, Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu announced the transfer of command of the old Xuanfu Army and Datong Army to the Northwest Army.

  Feng Ziying returned to Jinling from Wujiang Town, waiting for Sun Chengzong to come from Yangzhou to discuss how to stabilize the situation in Jiangnan.

  Although the four armies of Xuanfu, Denglai, Datong, and Huaiyang are already under control, Wang Ziteng, Niu Jizong, Sun Shaozu and others have expressed their obedience to the imperial court's arrangements, but this does not mean that everything will be fine.

   This is an army of more than 100,000 to 200,000 troops, distributed in Yangzhou, Suzhou, Jiujiang, Fengyang, Luzhou, Anqing and other prefectures. As long as someone stirs up trouble, there may be a big chaos.

For the imperial court, taking control of the three towns in the south of the Yangtze River is only the first step. The most important thing is to prevent these military towns from taking advantage of the chaos and causing troubles in the south of the Yangtze River. main cause.

   It will take several years for a broken Jiangnan to recover. This is unacceptable to the court, so they would rather make some compromises in some aspects.

However, as it is now, sweeping with a destructive momentum, quickly banning the three towns in the south of the Yangtze River, regaining the initiative, and avoiding the interference of the "three towns in the south of the Yangtze River" in the future, is undoubtedly what the court is most happy to see. The premise is to ensure that the more than 100,000 troops cannot collapse and turn into an accident.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the Northwest Army plus the Jizhen Army, Liaodong Army, and Xindenglai Army going south are only comparable in strength to the "Three Towns in the South of the Yangtze River". The turmoil and losses are also unbearable.

  In addition to appeasing and stabilizing these armies, appeasing the areas of Nanzhili, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, and Fujian is also the top priority.

Especially the so-called core eight prefectures such as Jinling, Jiaxing, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Changzhou, Huzhou, Zhenjiang, and Songjiang, plus Yangzhou, Huai'an, and Ningbo, which are not part of the core eight prefectures, but their status is not inferior to the core eight prefectures. In the past few years, the prefect and the prefect have basically been adjusted by the Nanjing Ministry of Officials.

  Under such circumstances, the imperial court forcibly terminated the "Three Towns in the South of the Yangtze River" in such a way, so now the appointment of prefects and prefects in these prefectures, will the imperial court still recognize it?

  Most of these officials are also scholars from the south of the Yangtze River, and most of them have obtained the qualifications of Jinshi Juren. After being appointed by the Nanjing Ministry of Officials, they have been in office for two or three years.

The imperial court had discussed with Tang Miu, Zhu Gu, and others before, but they did not reach a consensus. They could only discuss it after the new emperor ascended the throne, but they did not expect the Ministry of War to send troops to the south of the Yangtze River in this way, which inevitably caused many people to imagine. up.

Many officials who originally served in these places but abandoned their posts because of the confrontation between the North and the South are now also calling on the Ministry of Officials, demanding that the appointed officials of the puppet dynasty be dismissed and their own officials reinstated. Faced with a lot of pressure.

   This kind of voice and pressure will definitely be transmitted to Jiangnan, and it will naturally make the officials in Jiangnan feel great pressure.

"It depends on the imperial court's attitude towards the Six Ministries of Nanjing and the Metropolitan Procuratorate." Jia Yucun was full of joy, and raised his glass gracefully, "Come on, Ziying, try this authentic Shaoxing daughter red, twenty years old, with a few more It is very rare to be infiltrated with such nourishing medicine, I know you like this kind of warm and mellow wine, have a taste,..."

  Compared to the restlessness of other government officials, Jia Yucun is in high spirits.

  I was originally an official appointed by the imperial court. Although I was recommended and operated by Wang Ziteng at that time, I took this position, but after all, it was before Wang Ziteng showed his opposite.

   Moreover, I also got on the line of the imperial court later, and even stood firm at this last moment.

  Especially for the husband-in-law of his former student, this line is even more secure.

  After experiencing these changes in the south of the Yangtze River, I dare not say that this person will be promoted again after returning. After all, he is too young, but at least the imperial court will give him another credit.

   Solving the biggest hidden danger of the imperial court without bloodshed, this credit, if it were someone else, it would at least be promoted to three levels in a row, but for him, I am afraid that it can only be exchanged for something else.

"Well, of course I will accept Brother Yucun's wishes." Feng Ziying also raised his glass with a smile, "I have already reported to the Ming court for Brother Yucun's great achievements this time, and the court will definitely reward you, please wait patiently. "

  In any case, this person finally expressed his attitude at the last moment. Of course, this speculation was on the right track for him, and he should take the credit for it.

  Feng Ziying would not lose the other party's credit, and this kind of character, as long as you are strong enough, he will definitely stand by your side without hesitation.

   Hearing Feng Ziying's words, Jia Yucun was overjoyed.

Just looking forward to these words, he has been the magistrate in Jinling Mansion for seven years, no matter what, he should be promoted, and now with this credit, Zuo Qian is probably even lower than the third rank, and he should step into the third rank by himself it's time.

  (end of this chapter)

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