Number of People

Chapter 2398: Guizi Juan pointed at the edge, the new four masters

  Chapter 2398 Guizi Juan pointed at the edge, the new four masters

"Ziying, to tell you the truth, my brother has been working in the prefect of Jinling for seven years. In addition to dealing with various affairs every day, he also has to face a large group of people from the Sixth Ministry of Nanjing and the Metropolitan Procuratorate. It’s really boring.” Jia Yucun sighed and said, “I don’t know the court’s attitude towards Nanjing this time, most people have gone to Beijing now, in my opinion, the court should consider abolishing the six departments in Nanjing.” and the Metropolitan Procuratorate."

Feng Ziying nodded, "Well, it turns out that it is reasonable to retain the Six Ministries of Nanjing and the Metropolitan Procuratorate following the pre-Ming Dynasty, but now the Six Ministries of Nanjing and the Metropolitan Procuratorate have become the source of Jiangnan gentry's struggle against the imperial court. It’s inappropriate, and I agree with Brother Yucun’s point of view, it’s time to consider abolishing it, but it’s up to the cabinet to make a comprehensive judgment.”

Seeing that Feng Ziying was watertight, Jia Yucun was also feeling emotional in his heart. This son has matured, and it is by no means a fluke to be able to sit on the position of the right servant of the Ministry of War. In addition to being able to fight, he is also able to deal with it with ease. It is really not to be underestimated. other side.

"Ziying is right. The two of Tang and Miu have entered the cabinet this time. The cabinet should enter a stable period. The emperor has just become a great treasure, and he needs to rely on the assistance of the cabinet ministers. The Nanjing incident can actually be done through this When the opportunity comes, we will deal with it together." Jia Yucun tentatively said.

Feng Ziying smiled softly, "Brother Yucun, don't try it out in front of my younger brother. After all, the imperial court will definitely consider your meritorious service. In my opinion, it is very likely that you will move your position and leave Jinling Mansion before the end of the year." Da, there is also a round of adjustments in the middle of the court this time. Liujigong entered the cabinet, and Dongxian Gong was appointed Minister of Rites. It is still unclear who will take over the Shangshu. Didn't brother Yucun think about it?"

   What Jia Yucun said made Jia Yucun's face blush and his heart beat, which was exactly what he was looking forward to in his heart, but Jia Yucun also knew that his connections were still a little thin.

Among the seven members of the cabinet, Tang and Miu probably don't have much right to speak, and the remaining five, except for Ye Xiang, Fang Xiang and Qi Ge's elders have the same right to speak, followed by Li Sancai, and Gu Bingqian again, but None of these people have friendships.

  Gao Panlong, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, has a serious personality, and Jia Yucun also knows that he is not very good in his impression, so after such a calculation, Jia Yucun becomes pessimistic about his future again.

"Brother Yu, you also know Brother Yu's temperament, you can only concentrate on doing things, and Brother Yu is really not familiar with the rest." Jia Yucun pondered and said: "The situation in Jinling Mansion is well known, and it all depends on balance to avoid turmoil. Maintaining stability is success, this is the opinion that Brother Yu came up with, and there have been basically no major incidents in Jinling in the past few years, Brother Yu thinks that he still has some credit for it."

This is showing credit to yourself, but it's a pity that I'm not the servant of the official department, but of course Feng Ziying will not pour cold water on the other party, "Brother Yucun, no one can erase your credit. If the younger brother returns to Beijing, Cunzhigong and Zishugong There, if there is an opportunity, I will definitely talk about it, and of course, with Master Qi, the younger brother will also consider the opportunity and speak at the right time."

  Hearing Feng Ziying finally promised, Jia Yucun finally got a big rock in his heart. With a smile on his face, he stood up and raised his glass with both hands: "My dear brother, please do me a favor. Brother Yu will toast you again..."

Feng Ziying also got up to avoid it, gave a toast, and then sat down again, "However, brother Yucun, Nanjing is initially settled, and there are still many signs of instability in the city. In addition, the imperial court also has some arrangements for Nanjing. Although the emperor has ascended the throne, many Things are no longer fussy, but there are some things that cannot be erased,..."

  Jia Yucun nodded slightly, "Brother Yu has also heard about this, but is it about the Four Kings?"

The four kings, eight lords and twelve lords, this group of Conglong Wuxun, after the confrontation between the north and the south, the eight lords and twelve lords did not make much movement, but these four kings seemed to be riding the momentum, following the wave of flags and shouting, Do your best to cheer and cheer.

Now that the general situation is determined, these few seem to have stepped on a void, and civil servants can accept it. Even Niu Wangsun and other generals who lead troops will also give way as long as they surrender their military power. But these four kings who jumped too much, the court But there has been no attitude. It is only now that the imperial court has issued an order to take him into custody and wait for disposal.

   "Well, of course the Four Kings can't escape, there are also the so-called New Four Great Masters." Feng Ziying said flatly.

  Jia Yucun's scalp tingled for a while. If the New Four were to be moved, it would really set off a huge wave.

   Couldn't help but licked his dry lips, Jia Yucun asked in a low voice: "Ziying, does the imperial court really want to move these four families?"

Feng Ziying sighed, "Brother Yucun, do you think I don't want to wait until the imperial court sends people to take over these affairs? I can't help my younger brother. The imperial court borrowed two million from Haitong Yinzhuang during this battle. Now the imperial court has borrowed more than Twenty million, the interest alone is astonishing. Now that this battle is over, is there no one to take responsibility? The four kings are dead tigers, how much silver can they have? The mansions in Beijing have all been confiscated. How much assets do you have in Jiangnan? Why don’t you stare at the so-called New Four Great Masters?”

  New four masters, Zhen, Zhou, Hu, Tao.

The Zhen family ranks first, and its power and strength are self-evident, far stronger than the other three. Although the Taihe Bank managed by it cannot be compared with Haitong Yinzhuang, it can be regarded as the best bank in the south of the Yangtze River. , Salt smuggling has become an open secret.

The Zhou family monopolizes the shipping on the Yangtze River. From below Wuchang to Songjiang Prefecture where it enters the sea, Zhou’s fleet monopolizes 30% of the grain and oil transportation, 40% of the general cargo transportation, and the transportation of bulk cargo from the South Canal to Suzhou and Hangzhou. Zhou's fleet also accounted for more than 30%.

  The Hu family deals in cloth. The largest cloth houses in Nanjing, Zhenjiang, and Changzhou are all owned by the Hu family, and the cloth used by the government offices and guards in Nanjing is basically monopolized by them.

  The Tao family is the largest landowner in Southern Zhili, with nearly ten thousand mu of land in Jinling and Changzhou.

  Jia Yucun pondered for a long time before saying: "Ziying, tell Brother Yu the truth, the imperial court really wants to attack the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River?"

  Jia Yucun had to think so.

   With such a sharp knife, the three towns in the south of the Yangtze River were cut down. There is no longer a pillar in the south of the Yangtze River that can support it. Emperor Wantong has newly ascended the throne and wants to stabilize his throne. In addition, he is not willing to tear himself apart with the cabinet immediately.

  Emperor Wantong still has to consider the issue of his son's succession in the future. He knows how many years he can live, so if the cabinet wants to target the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River, Emperor Wantong may not be able to stop him.

   What's more, the financial difficulties of the imperial court are also in front of everyone, even if Tang and Miu entered the cabinet, they also have to face this problem.

  Even if Jiangnan's land endowment was turned over immediately, it would still be difficult to solve the court's problem.

   What's more, the Jiangnan land tax that should have been handed over in the past two years has long been used up by Nanjing. Now it is absolutely impossible to ask Jiangnan to pay it again, and it will inevitably intensify conflicts and cause disputes.

  In this case, instead of widely inciting conflicts, it is better to act in a targeted manner.

"Brother Yucun, if you don't believe me, you don't know about the situation of the Zhen family. The Zhen family can't lose the name of the largest private salt dealer in the south of the Yangtze River, right? His Taihe Yinzhuang is not as good as Shanghai Tong, but this Taihe Yinzhuang The Zhen family owns the majority of the shares, while Haitong Yinzhuang has hundreds of shareholders, and the largest shareholder holds less than 10% of the shares. As for the Zhou family, who doesn't know that the Yangtze River Bandits are supported by the Zhou family? The North-South Canal to Jinling How many ship merchants and ship owners fell into the hands of these water bandits in this section, the ship was destroyed, people lost their money, and I have the impression that the Nanjing Criminal Department has not cracked a decent case. , Brother Yucun doesn’t know about it, right?”

  Feng Ziying's understatement made Jia Yucun's heart chill. It seems that the imperial court has long been familiar with the details of Nanjing, and has already set its sights on the New Four Great Masters.

   These guys still hope to rely on the protection of Emperor Wantong to escape.

"There is also the Tao family. In the 33rd year of Yuanxi, the Tao family's land was less than 3,000 mu. In 20 years, it has skyrocketed to 12,000 mu, and 9,000 mu of land, which is almost 500 mu of land every year. How many landowners with 500 mu of land are there in the entire south of the Yangtze River? It just flowed into the pockets of the Tao family in such a rush, and there is no plunder here? I remember that the imperial court's criminal department sued the Tao family for no less than ten cases, involving No less than 20 people were killed, and the Ministry of Criminal Justice has repeatedly transferred it to the Ministry of Criminal Justice of Nanjing, but it seems that none of them have been investigated and implemented in the past few years. Is this how the Ministry of Criminal Justice of Nanjing confessed to the court?"

Feng Ziying said with a cold smile: "As for the Hu family, if you look at the clothes of the guards and even the Jiangshui division in the southern Zhili prefectures, you can see how much profit they have made from it. And the official uniforms of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the various prefectures of Nanzhili were also covered by Hu's silk and satin shop, right?"

   These words made cold sweat run down Jia Yucun's back.

  Feng Ziying is well aware of these situations, where is the source of these news? Metropolitan Procuratorate? Forbidden Captain Long? Ministry of punishment?

  You can imagine it with your feet. This time, the imperial court had planned it long ago, and the Ministry of War made a sudden move, it was all a fool.

This is not only to solve the problem of the three towns in the south of the Yangtze River, but also to solve the "disobedient" among the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River, those who "obey the law and violate the law", and those who "obscure and destroy the law". They must all be held accountable, and if no one understands the truth, they must become one of them, whether you are a gentry, a civil servant, or a martial artist.

And this solution is obviously what the imperial court is happy to see. Firstly, it will pull out those who are against the imperial court, and secondly, it will also increase the income of the imperial court, making up for the deficit caused by the various wars in the early stage of the imperial court. It seems that in the capital city before The same scene has already been staged.

  (end of this chapter)

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