Number of People

Chapter 2404: The layout of the Guizi scroll is serial, and the reception of senior officials

  Chapter 2404 The layout of the decanic scrolls is serialized, and the reception of senior staff

  There are as many as a dozen parties involved in the Zhen family alone, most of them are wealthy and powerful families in the local area.

   This also shows that the Zhen family's criteria for choosing a partner is to have enough strength in the local area, otherwise the business of private salt is not something ordinary people can afford.

  Wang Wenyan had done a lot of work before, in Feng Ziying's view, it was far more detailed and detailed than the information provided by Long Jinwei and the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and it was of great help to his decision-making.

  Of course, this may have a lot to do with the fact that Wang Wenyan, Wu Yaoqing, and Gu Dengfeng themselves were doing this business in the Siyamen of the Huaihe River and Huaidu.

   After all, it is still the rich resources and network team left by her old father-in-law. Feng Ziying felt it before, but the more she felt it, the deeper she felt.

Of course, I also provided Wang Wenyan and the others with a platform for them to display their talents, otherwise, they would not be able to trust them as much as Lin Ruhai and himself did, and their behavior style may not be satisfactory , so in the end it may be a shot and two parts.

Doing this kind of thing is exhausting work, but the rewards will also be extremely generous. Through this layer-by-layer understanding and subsequent handling, I can quickly understand the entire Jiangnan, especially Nanzhili and Liangzhe. The social situation, public opinion and human resources in this core area should be adjusted and arranged in a way that is beneficial to oneself.

   I dare not say that those who follow me will prosper and those who oppose me will perish, but using the authorization of the imperial court, it is inevitable to have some emphasis and bias. A slight adjustment here will produce a huge change in direction.

  Sun Chengzong is going to Nanjing soon, and the opponent is the left servant of the Ministry of War. In theory, I need to respect his meaning, but he is not familiar with the situation in Jiangnan, so this is my opportunity.

  The handling of the New Four Great Masters and their vassals and related families is a great opportunity. Feng Ziying will use the most appropriate method to realize the rearrangement of her wings and resources in Jiangnan to achieve the best state.

   "Master, Weng Gong and Su Gong are here." Ruixiang came in and whispered.

   "Please come in." Feng Ziying nodded, Sun Chengzong will arrive tomorrow, and people from the Ministry of Officials, the Ministry of Households, the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Punishment, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate have also left Beijing together. The leader is Gu Bingqian, a scholar of Dongge University.

To determine Jiangnan, one must have a person who knows Jiangnan and has enough weight. Neither Sun Chengzong nor Feng Ziying is qualified enough. Tang and Miu are definitely not sure. Then Gu Bingqian will lead the way. The left servant, Han Yu, is the most suitable combination.

   Gu Bingqian is from Kunshan, Chai Ke is from Huguang and is the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and Han Yu is from Shanxi and the Minister of the Ministry of Punishments. These three people are enough to suppress any voice.

  Of course, on the dark line, Long Jinwei’s deputy Qianhu Zhao Wenzhao also came from the south.

   To Feng Ziying, they are all acquaintances, but the more they are acquaintances, Feng Ziying thinks that things should be done beautifully.

   It is estimated that the special mission of the imperial court will take half a month to arrive in Nanjing. During this half month, I will come up with the basic handling strategy with Sun Chengzong.

  Long Jinwei has been quietly moving, and the whereabouts of some important people have already been locked. If there is any change, they can be arrested in advance.

  In addition, the garrisons stationed in Nanjing, Yangzhou, Suzhou, Hangzhou and other places have also mobilized some elites, together with the navy battalion, ready to cooperate at any time to deal a devastating blow to the tyrants in these places who dare to take the opportunity to create chaos.

   But it is not difficult to solve these powerful families, but how to quickly provide what the court wants, how to safely and safely resolve the impact of eradicating these wealthy families without making a fuss, this is the most challenging thing for the school.

  The money and silver needed by the imperial court must be sufficient, fast, and settled smoothly, which means that someone must quickly take over the shares of these tycoons in various fields and industries, so that the local area will not be greatly affected.

For example, the Tang family is the largest ship merchant in Songjiang. In addition to smuggling, more than 20 ships in Nanhui have to transport goods in and out of the Yangtze River. He is also the largest shareholder of Wusong Shipyard in Wusongkou, Suzhou. 30% of the freight in Songjiang Prefecture is controlled by the Tang family. , once destroyed, who will quickly make up for it?

   There is also the Tao family, whose family owns more than 10,000 mu of land. Once the Tao family is eradicated, how to sell this 10,000 mu of fertile land at the fastest price and at the best price also requires careful planning and sufficient contacts.

Therefore, Feng Ziying also issued a convening order at the first time. The target of the convening is naturally Jiangnan merchants. At this time, it is not a good idea to choose northern merchants. It will only intensify conflicts and even cause regional disputes. Jiangnan merchants are much easier to handle. .

   "Mr. Weng, Mr. Su, long time no see, don't come here to be safe."

  Feng Ziying came down from the ranks to greet her with a smile, and both Weng Qiming and Su Zhengxian were flattered. This official became more humble and friendly as he became bigger and bigger. This is the real big shot.

   "Master He Lao is like this, Weng and Zheng Xian dare not come to the door."

  Weng Qiming had seen big scenes after all, after a little humility, he still followed Feng Ziying into the room, Su Zhengxian's heart was agitated, and he followed suit.

"We are all old friends, there is no need to be so rigid. Sit down and taste your Jiangnan purple bamboo shoot tea. It is said that it is very popular with your Jiangnan gentry. But is this the most authentic Yixing purple bamboo shoot, or is Changxing purple bamboo shoot more respected? I have been arguing all the time, and Changzhou and Huzhou are constantly arguing with each other. As a foreigner, I am a little uncertain."

  Feng Ziying did not talk about business at the beginning, but chatted with the two of them.

  Weng Qiming is the leader of the Dongting Merchant Gang, so he naturally occupies the Changzhou side of Southern Zhili, while Su Zhengxian is the owner of the largest shipyard in Ningbo, so he naturally occupies the Huzhou side.

Fortunately, people like Weng Qiming naturally wouldn't compete with these words, and after talking and laughing, they said: "If your lord really likes tea, our Dongting is frightening, and Mr. Zhenze named it Biluochun, which can be called the number one tea in the universe." ,..."

   "Hehe, the number one in the universe, except for Yuqian Longjing with one flag and one shot, which one dares to be the number one?" Su Zhengxian disagreed: "Why don't you wait until next year, and I will bring a few catties for my lord, please appreciate it."

  Feng Ziying laughed, "Okay, okay, one of the teas said, this is it, I will wait for the new tea from you two next year."

   Seeing Feng Ziying clear up the topic, Weng and Su knew they were going to get down to business.


   This conversation lasted for two hours, until it was getting dark, and Weng and Su left with more than enough to say.

Feng Ziying didn't stay with the two of them, it was too conspicuous. I don't know how many people are staring at my residence in Jinling City. The two of Weng Su came in quietly through the back door, but it depends on whether they can hide their identities. The arrangement of the two of them.

  Back to the back house, Feng Ziying was also a little tired.

There are a lot of things to talk about, not only involving many powerful industries, but also considering the tolerance of the receiver you are looking for. They may not be willing to be contaminated with these things. The price is one aspect, and the other is that these are full of official and murderous intent. industry, some people are also taboo.

But generally speaking, the talks went well. The Weng family and the Su family are basically his most important "allies" in Nanzhi and Liangzhe. Feng Ziying is unwilling to use the term chess pieces. In his opinion, his own policy Viewpoints and the capital and industry of Jiangnan merchants can complement each other.

  The Weng family is not just a mere trader now, they are not only the largest silk merchant in Suzhou, but also one of the major tea merchants in the south of the Yangtze River.

  At the same time, Feng Ziying is also planning to hand over the first stop of the cement industry in Jiangnan to the Weng family. Of course, this must be the cooperation between the Weng family and Shanshan businessmen.

  The Su family is relatively simple. The Wusong shipyard is going to be handed over to the Su family, and the scale will be further expanded.

  The large trees in Dongfan are constantly being transported abroad, and Nanyang will also be included in the focus of development. In addition, the next step in the development of Eizo and Kuwu will require more ships to be transported by sea.

   During this period of time, the merchants under the summoning order will come one after another, involving too many processing industries, and it is not enough for one or two families to bear.

   In addition, Gu Bingqian and the others had to leave some options after they went south, lest the other party think that they wanted to complete the whole strategy of going south this time.

  Feng Ziying neither intends to do so, nor can she do so, which is too suspicious.

  Backing back to the back house, Feng Ziying just had time to catch her breath when she saw Coco Lee's slightly uncomfortable movements and came in holding a cup of tea.

Feng Ziying shook her head and looked at Coco Li's dimples that were gradually turning red, "You don't have to do this. I came here this time because I thought it was a battle, so I didn't bring a servant girl with me. Let other people do this rough work. I can't live here for a few days,…”

   Coco Li's heart trembled, "Brother Feng is going back to Beijing?"

"Not yet. The imperial court has sent a team headed by Mr. Gu Ge to deal with Jiangnan affairs. They just came out of Beijing, and it will take half a month to arrive." Feng Ziying waved his hand, took the tea, and sat down. , "They are here, and I have to accompany them to deal with them. I guess we can see if there is a general framework for handling them in a month, and then I can talk about my return to Beijing."

Coco Li hesitated to speak, and Feng Ziying also knew what the other party wanted to ask: "Sister, don't worry too much. Although your uncle's matter is difficult, it is not without countermeasures. Mr. Gu Ge and I have a good relationship. He is also from Nanzhi. At that time, I will communicate with him to see if I can find a compromise, and it is always necessary to save your uncle's life."

   If Li Shouzhong's life could not be saved, he was afraid that he would want to sleep in Li Wan's bed after returning to Beijing in the future. No, Li Wan's fake rocks should not be counted on.

Thinking of this, recalling Li Wan taking off his clothes on the boulder, Li Wan's ascetic, indifferent and aloof appearance disappeared, and Feng Ziying's heart was fascinated by the swaying posture of her plump feet, which were as delicate as mutton fat jade. In contrast, the Coco Lee and Li Qi sisters are much more youthful and immature, but is it different to have a bed with four lovers?

  (end of this chapter)

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