Number of People

Chapter 2405: Guizi scrolls do not reward high meritorious service, self-pollution

  Chapter 2405 Guizi scroll merits are not rewarded, self-pollution

   Coco Li naturally did not expect that the dignified and personable Brother Feng still had such nasty thoughts in his heart at this moment.

  She just felt that Brother Feng looked at her with strange eyes, and she felt a little shy, but thinking about giving her innocent body to him, why should she be embarrassed?

Compared to younger sister Li Qi who is shy and introverted, Coco Li herself is more open-minded and generous, and she is full of blessings: "Don't say thank you for your kindness, my younger sister and younger sister are already the man's man, so what words of thanks are actually It seems that my younger sister is out of touch, so don’t be too embarrassing for Brother Feng. It’s good if you can do it, but don’t force it if you can’t. Brother Feng has a bright future. Have the opportunity."

  Coco Li has a bright and generous smile, which is different from Li Wan and her younger sister Li Qi, but somewhat similar to Tanchun, but Tanchun is more imposing and fierce, while Coco Li is softer.

Feng Ziying couldn't help beckoning, Li Wei blushed, quickly looked around, and then walked over lamely, looking at her walking posture, she knew that the wound was not healed, Feng Ziying asked softly: "Where is your sister? "

   "She is still resting on the bed, she bled a lot last night, her body is going to be weaker..." Coco Li blushed, and her voice was like a gnat.

  Feng Ziying also scratched her head in embarrassment. After drinking last night, she hugged left and right again. Naturally, it was unavoidable to be a little wild, leading to such "evil consequences".

   "Is it better now? If it doesn't work, then go find a doctor..."

  Feng Ziying also knew that what she said was nonsense, and her daughter's family was ruined. How could she hire a doctor for such a shameful thing? It's not just that I will raise it slowly.

  Seeing that Coco Lee just shook her head, Feng Ziying also knew that what she said was stupid, so she smiled awkwardly, "My daughter's family will be fine after this, are you okay?"

   Coco Lee was even more ashamed, how could anyone ask such a thing face to face? It is said that Brother Feng is suave and suave, how many wives and concubines in the family, how come he still talks like the first time?

   Only seeing Feng Ziying's burning eyes, Coco Lee suddenly came to his senses, and said in a timid voice: "I'm afraid I can't do it,..."

  Feng Ziying has some regrets.

  You Sanjie couldn't finish Tiangui, so she had to give up.

  It seems that if I want to travel far in the future, I really need to bring one or two maids with me. At worst, I will learn from Third Sister You and change into men's clothes.

  Nowadays, many people in the imperial court bring a handsome child prostitute when they go out on business. They are both right, but they are not good at it, but it is still possible to bring two pretty maids and change into men's clothes.

  Jin Chuan'er is tall and fair-skinned, Yu Chuan'er is obedient and charming, and plays chess plump and uninhibited. They can be brought out in the future.

   But seeing Coco Lee like this, Feng Ziying felt itchy and unbearable, and couldn't help beckoning him to approach. Coco Li hesitated again and again, and then walked over shyly.

  Seeing Coco Li approaching, Feng Ziying couldn't bear it anymore, so she reached out and hooked Coco Li by the waist, picked her up and put her on her lap to sit down.

   Coco Li was shocked, she was also from a family background, she still couldn't adapt to this behavior, and struggled violently.

  Although she sacrificed her life yesterday, it was a last resort, but after letting go of the big stone in her heart, she also hopes to maintain her face and leave an impression of a lady in front of Feng Ziying.

  Feng Ziying also knew that she was a little impatient. After all, the two sisters were not ordinary maids. Although they still took her body, they still had to work hard to subdue her mind.

  It’s just me now, how can I have so much energy to please the business?

There was an anger in my heart that I would still do it, but I still couldn't do such a disastrous thing, Feng Ziying let go of her hand, sighed, and said in a somewhat despondent way: "Forget it, you can do it too." It’s good to have a rest and go to bed early. I’m a little tired today too,..."

   After being stunned for a moment, Coco Li felt a little uneasy, raised her beautiful eyes, and said timidly: "Little sister already belongs to the elder brother, but..."

  Feng Ziying felt at ease, seeing the other party's uneasy appearance, but couldn't bear it: "Okay, Brother Yu has no other intentions, you and your sisters are all good to rest and raise, and the future will be long..."

Coco Li took a careful look at Feng Ziying, fearing that Feng Ziying would be displeased. Seeing Feng Ziying's expression was upright, she put a stone down in her heart, thought for a while and said, "You don't have any maids to serve others, my little sister sees Rui Xiangbao. It seems that the two of Xiang have never done these kinds of housework, so the little girl should wait on you and go to bed first."

  Feng Ziying laughed, "Isn't my sister feeding a tiger with her body? Don't be afraid of me..."

   Li Cowen's cheeks were hot, he hesitated to speak, hesitated for a while, then thought about it, it was all like this, and he still twisted Nini, but he seemed to be entangled.

  What about the days to come?

  The Li family has become like this now. My mother is recuperating at home due to illness, and she will rely on her sisters in the future.

  Seeing that Coco Li just blushed and lowered her head, but didn't speak, Feng Ziying was secretly happy.

It seems that it is appropriate for me to take a step forward as a retreat, forcing the other party to say nothing. I am a big man who has to wash and take off his clothes before going to sleep. Normally, there are maids who come, but this time is actually me. I did it, but now that I have someone by my side, I seem to feel that it is natural for the other party to take this responsibility.

   At this time, Feng Ziying naturally wouldn't push people too much, so she went into the house on her own.

Coco Li hesitated outside the door for a while, and finally walked in quietly with low eyebrows and eyes, and was inevitably pulled into the brocade quilt amidst the exclamation. humane.


  Sun Chengzong arrived in Nanjing on time, but he heard some news as soon as he arrived in Nanjing.

   "Ziying, you did a poor job this time." Sun Chengzong said in a serious tone, "But Jia Hua made you into a trap?"

  Feng Ziying didn't take it seriously, "It has nothing to do with Brother Yucun, it's all because of my younger brother's **** and insanity..."

Sun Chengzong shook his head, "Ziying, you are not that kind of person. You are sloppy about small things, but you are never confused about big things. Li Shouzhong is the target of everyone's criticism. You must kill him quickly, but you took Li Shouzhong's two nieces as your servants at this time." Concubine, isn't this intentionally provoking the dukes?"

  Feng Ziying signaled to Coco Li to bring tea, Sun Chengzong took a look and knew that it was one of Li Shouzhong's nieces.

   To let a concubine come out to serve tea without avoiding suspicion is to treat himself as his own family, and Sun Chengzong can't just sit back and watch Feng Ziying make such mistakes and affect his official career.

Calculated, Sun Chengzong is more than 20 years older than Feng Ziying, but Feng Ziying and him should belong to colleagues, and they have always been called brothers. Sun Chengzong may be regarded as a nephew, so the relationship is considered close, but Feng Ziying and him entered the military department at the same time. After getting along for half a year, the relationship quickly became closer and closer.

   Waiting until Li Wei went out, Sun Chengzong said again: "If you really intend to accept the second daughter, then you should wait until the dust of Li Shouzhong is settled..."

"Brother Zhisheng, you have said that the princes must be killed and then they will be quick. How can the dust settle? Do you want to wait until the second daughter has fallen into the dust before going to be a good person to save people from fire and water, and take the opportunity to act as a hero?" Feng Ziying Laughing at himself, "Little brother can't do that kind of thing."

  Sun Chengzong was even more annoyed, "Then you have done this now, how can you explain to the masters?"

"Brother Zhisheng, do you think we have solved the three towns in the south of the Yangtze River in one fell swoop this time, and the follow-up tasks assigned by the court, I will not hide from Brother Zhisheng, the younger brother also has a general plan, and there will be a result in a month or two. Under the circumstances, does the little brother have made a great contribution?"

Sun Chengzong was a little surprised by Feng Ziying's words, but he still nodded, "Naturally, you and I have taken such a big risk in going south this time, and almost solved Jiangnan without bloodshed. If this is not a great achievement, then what is it? "

   "The younger brother went to Liaodong to defeat the Jianzhou Jurchen in one fell swoop before returning to Beijing, broke the siege of Tieling, and rescued the Juniper Department. Is it a great achievement?" Feng Ziying asked again.

  Sun Chengzong was dumbfounded, he had already heard the meaning of Feng Ziying's words, what should I do if meritorious service is not rewarded?

"Brother Zhisheng, my little brother went to Shaanxi to quell the rebellion. In more than a year, the Shaanxi rebellion was resolved, and tens of thousands of guards were brought along with him. Now he can go to Shanxi to help Li Qing to quell the rebellion. After returning to Beijing, the imperial court rewarded him." Three thousand silver, in addition, the younger brother's right servant of the Ministry of War was removed, which was regarded as a reward for the younger brother's meritorious service, but the battle of Liaodong, the capital city spread, even the teahouses and restaurants said that the bookstores were full, and the imperial court I haven't given you a reward yet, should I let Brother Zhisheng leave and I will pick up your left servant? But my younger brother has just been promoted."

Feng Ziying said leisurely: "Now we have taken down Jiangnan without bloodshed, and the three towns have given the leadership, and then we have to 'raise funds' for the Ministry of Households, and by the way, clean up the powerful Jiangnan, and return the court to a 'smooth' Jiangnan. After everything has been done, and we go back like this, where should you and I go? Could it be that Duke Huaichang hastened to serve us so that we can take over Duke Huaichang’s Shangshu? Or should we stay with Zhu and Gu after fighting for Duke Dongxian’s left move? Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce? Or persuade Liu Yixiu to go home to recover from his illness since he is sick, and let us go to the Ministry of Punishment to investigate the case?"

  Sun Chengzong really didn't think of it so far-reaching, but the guy in front of him who was more than 20 years younger than him thought of it.

It hasn't been long since I took over as the left servant of the military department, and it hasn't been long since the other party took over as the right servant of the military department. It will definitely attract a lot of doubts, but it is impossible to reward the two of them heavily. This in itself is slapping the face of the current emperor, and Feng Ziying has two credits together. How to reward?

   Isn't this a big problem for the court?

If meritorious service is not rewarded, if it cannot be rewarded, then there must be a reason. It seems to be a very good reason to accept a convict woman as a concubine, and it is even a little lighter, and you have to commit some crimes again. The guy is already ready.

  (end of this chapter)

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